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Bronies worship Satan?


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Connecting Satanism to a kids show?





Okay, there is no way that a community that enjoys watching a show about colored ponies can be related to satanism or anything that ties into Christianity or religion in general. Here's why, if one community was solely made to worship Satan we would be doing things that are out of character in which they would come off of as heinous actions that no person would ever commit.

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Obviously, she should blame the people who did this, not the whole brony community. What did they ever do to him? He watched the show, he enjoys it.

  • Brohoof 2



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Hatred for religion increased!

Seriously I already despise super religious people (Not all religious people, just the ones who take it overboard) and this is clearly making it even worse


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Yes, because the fact that I watch a show about ponies, and enjoys it totally makes me a satan-worshipper. Satan never even crossed my mind once in the past year or so of myself being a brony. Why do people have to put religious/hate bullshit on everything. Why can't I enjoy ponies? Why can't people just accept the fact that I like something different then them?


Some lyrics from a song that seem fitting enough to this topic.

"Almost every major issue I see that faces opposition in the world today, is a product of religious bigotry or criminal intent in the name of god. Dear ignorance, I'll see you in hell."

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I wasn't aware that was something you could steal, that's like accusing someone of stealing your manhood(in the metaphorical sense, not the literal sense that would involve assault and grievous injury)


If she considers someone a devil worshiper just for watching MLP, she'd have a coronary from seeing some of my tastes because I love to study the paranormal and even some occult-y stuff just for the creep factor and mystery, and I'm actually a Christian. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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This is the kind of stuff that would utterly piss me off if it happened to me.


Ponies bent his nephew (made him not straight lol); well ok, but I'm sure he was probably already somewhat homosexual  since I doubt a show can completely convert you immediately into another sexuality all of a sudden, so hence, it magnified his feminine side.


I would have shrugged off the glare and whatnot, but getting scolded at for my interest... well I'd probably only say "sorry, not my fault or problem, so fuck off" or something, throwing in a middle finger. I doubt she would have gotten physical afterwards. I wouldn't either. Otherwise I'm taking some plate #s if that's any useful to me.


I am the element of rage, lol.

Edited by Wingin'Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Foolish old lady. That is not who Bronies worship....post-20017-0-63084200-1382257838_thumb.jpg


In the totally awesome future where folks don't use crap like sex, race and religion, their are only ponies and one pony rules them all...


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Every time I learn about a new difficult experience for bronies involving haters around here, I swear, it physically hurts me. This lady is narrow-minded, maybe she deserves to burn in hell, blah blah blah...


I'm running out of creative ways to respond to this stuff. It's so repetitive, I tells ya.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

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 I laughed out loud reading this XD people can be so stupid, and honestly people are so overly dramatic. The satan/hell speil is so overused and rediculous these days. In a way it makes me prouder to be anti-all-of-that-bologna. XD

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I've said this before and it bears repeating.


for years i thought listening to death metal,

watch combat sports,

and studding history cause i enjoy human suffering made me a terrible person,



but the true road to hell was watching techno colored ponies.


what cha gonna do?

  • Brohoof 2


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I'm just waiting until someone catches something like this on a hatcam. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. Then again, we are talking about the kind of people who called Team Fortress 2 gay and satanic because of stuff like the sentence "Get behind me, doc." (The Heavy protecting the vulnerable Medic.) It feels like these people are deliberately searching for reasons to call something satanic.


Meanwhile, I'm busy.


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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What? Worship Satan? Come on, it's not like we're a weird and creepy cult!




I freaking love this picture, and I've been waiting for an occasion to post it.

But seriously, there are always nutjobs who think the newest fad or fandom is satanic, it really isn't surprising that MLP is being accused of that. Remember Dungeons&Dragons? Remember Harry Potter?

Edited by Fluttermena
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Something similar happened to me. I was walking to school with my brand new Derpy bag (it's got little wings that come off the back) and I was stopped by this huge dude. (He looked about 35 or so) He started pushing me around and yelling at me for "Brony's corrupting the world".


After about five minutes of this, a cop car pulls around the street corner and stops beside us. The man in his hate filled rage didn't notice the police officer until he was being handcuffed. Once the police officer had sustained the man, he came over to me smiling and said, " I hate it when others think stuff like that about us. Don't worry about him again.". It was only then did I notice that the officer (who I know as officer Macarthy) had an iron on patch of Pinkie Pie's cuitemark.


I am now very good friends with officer Macarthy and write stories with him on a regular basis.

  • Brohoof 3
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How to get out of awkward situations like this? POCKET SAND but I really don't see the connection between learning about the magic of friendship and worshipping some evil guypost-18293-0-24929400-1382753023.jpg

"If you feel the need to treat me like garbage, I'll feel the need to throw you into the back of a compressing garbage truck."

"I'd rather "go to hell" for hugging a guy I like then makeout in heaven with a girl I don't."

"If someone has the intention of changing who you are, or stopping you from doing what you like, bite out your tongue before they can change you"


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I guess that somewhere,there might be a Brony who worships satan,but we may never know...





Okay,bye then,just remember all that you missed out on... :l

Edited by MOSFETv2
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Sorry it took me so long to post here, I was cleaning up blood from the last goat I sacrificed to Celestia. killing innocent children is less messy, but the police always question the guy wearing a black robe and holding a bloody knife for some reason. Anyway, these people are so ignorant, thinking bronies worship Satan. They should be dismembered and we shall feast on cupcakes made with their flesh.


This why I love christians, they are simple. Don't like someone? They're a witch. Don't like what someone else likes or believes? Satanism. Anything that they don't like or are offended by is either cause by Satan or Satanism, and only the people who believe what they believe are not evil sinners who shall burn in hell for all eternity for their evil ways, and so on.There are a few videos on YouTube about occult symbols and satanic messages hidden in the show, they're hilarious. I usually just smile or laugh when people go off on such rants, after all, amusement is more enjoyable than being offended.

  • Brohoof 1

Keep flyin'


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Gotta admit, I'd have opened the bag of chips and began munching as i laughed.


Call me whatever ya want. But I don't see how Bronies would've had anything to do with her nephew or whatever being homosexual. I still enjoy how people deny its a GENETIC thing, not commonly a choice.

To boot, are they actually homosexual, or is this another insulting case of "OMG he likes ponies, he MUST be gay!"?


So yeah, I'd just laugh my arse off and enjoy the show personally.

As she walked away I'd have probably shouted after her "YOU'RE NEXT! Just thought you should know!"


I just get a kick out of such things tbh, to entertaining. Close minded people are hilarious smile.png especially the delirious ones smile.png



But seriously, there are always nutjobs who think the newest fad or fandom is satanic, it really isn't surprising that MLP is being accused of that. Remember Dungeons&Dragons? Remember Harry Potter?

Pokemon, Transformers (living robots! noooooo!), Hello kitty (to the point they've spread a rumor the creator was satanic), Wicca or anything spiritual based (heaven forbid other religions exist!), star wars, star trek,  comic books in general, Halo.....
that list is endless.
ANYTHING that is popular is automatically a front to god because it "distracts his children from his divinity" or some crock of crap.
The only reason that people aren't falling into the same old trap isn't because of other popular items, its because the church has lost its way. They aren't preaching the bible or its lessons, they're preaching greed, self loathing, and hatred.
Kind of the opposite of what was intended last I checked..
I won't dare claim all are this way, but so many have become this way its driven the majority of people away from what they once had no problems accepting by having been caught in far to many lies (all of which perpetrated by man, not the book mind you).
Edited by GrimCW
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Well, I've never been accused of satan worship, but I once had this interesting exchange:


Some random guy in my class: Do you believe in God?

Me: No.

Guy: So, you don't believe in God, but you believe in ponies.

Me: Um. Well, first off, ponies are actual things that you can see and touch and smell. Especially smell. They smell pretty bad.


So yeah. Apparently ponies are a religion now.

  • Brohoof 1



Thank Naminé.

Ask me things dammit.

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What the hell? 


I literally laughed out loud as I was reading this. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous and ludicrous brony to non-brony encounters I have ever heard of. What the hell does religion got to do with this. Seriously? Just because we like a show that's known to be commonly watched by little girls, does not mean it's inherently evil or satanic. Stuff like this just makes her and any rational level-headed christian look bad.


I really don't like overly religious people, especially when they do bullcrap like this. I used to be a Christian myself, and I've even taken some classes on theology/apologetics at the private school I go to. One should not judge the spec of dust in one's eye without removing the plank in their own. Basically it's one thing to respectfully tell a person something they do is wrong if it is really not good for their well-being. That's how Christians should judge according to their religion. But it's bullcrap when you just condemn someone by throwing hateful and really rude comments, that aren't even necessarily true. No Christian should ever tell anyone they're going to hell. 


Sigh... I just don't like hypocrites. "Love thy love neighbor.." is also an important command Christians should live by. They should show tolerance and love for all, no matter what. That crazy old whackjob obviously didn't show that at all. She was seriously overreacting and her actions were just unjust. 


I'm sorry that you had to go through that horrible encounter OP. :/


All I can say now, is that...



Edited by Dsanders
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No no no no, they have it all wrong, bronies don't worship Satan they worship Stan. You get one guy making a lousy stinking typo on 4chan and all of sudden everyone jumps to conclusions. Okay I couldn't resist making that joke, what else can I say other than haters are going to hate and trolls will be trolls?

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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People will say whatever they want when their family is involved. She was upset because her nephew admitted to being the way he was, instead of hiding it. She blames the brony fandom and MLP for this when it was his own choice. She just doesn't understand. Misunderstandings happen a lot and with all types of groups and people. She just took it out on the brony community.

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This...this is disgusting. I realize that we are a...tolerant and loving group, but had that happened to me, ESPECIALLY if it had been my custom-made Blackjack shirt, I'd have pulled my knife on her and asked her if the Queen of Whiskey was going to have to stab a bitch. A show doesn't make you turn gay, and she should have been old enough AND wise enough to see that. Clearly she isn't, and now we're once again reminded how adults can be fucking stupid nowadays.


Also, I worship Tzeentch, her argument is invalid.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


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That just doesn't make any sense. Why would she think that all bronies were to blame? blink.png And there's absolutely no reason to believe we worship Satan just because of what happened to her nephew happy.png It was his choice, we didn't push him towards it. No need to blame people who had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!


But yeah, so we worship Satan, wanna know what I say to that idea.


F*&%$ you lady!!!!! tongue.png :P :P :P :P :P :P

Edited by Pink Mist
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I'm making a comic gif for this brb



You should put that in the original post, if its ok with you smile.png




This is like the most hilarious post I have ever seen! Perfectly describes the scene. That was beautiful mate. Just beautiful. ^_^


Let us sacrifice this old whackjob to our lord and saviour, Satan.

  • Brohoof 2
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