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Good, Evil or Neutral?

Tom Snyder


39 users have voted

  1. 1. What alignment is your OC?

    • Good.
    • Neutral.
    • Evil.

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Hmm... I'm not really sure what to say...


I'm so used to using the nine-alignment system rather than only three.

You D&D ponies know what I'm talking about...


For anypony else, many RPGs separate moral alignment into 9 categories based on two aspects, Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic and Good/Neutral/Evil, Many RPGs believe that alignment is more than just polarized to a basic Good, Neutral, and Evil.


I guess technically I should choose Neutral, since I tend to lean towards Lawful Neutral. but I don't feel saying I'm just neutral that tells the whole story.


I'm loyal to my friends unless they start doing things I disagree with on a strong personal and moral level, however, their alignment in my staying loyal to them is irrelevant (I've got a friend or two that could easily be considered Lawful Evil)

Edited by Hocus Pocus
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I'd imagine being neutral. I've always been the mellow, chilled 'live and let live' type of person my entire life. And my OC/ponysona's personality is pretty much a replica of mine.

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Rhode: Good

Shes sassy but a good pony


Rune: neutral

Shes a merc so sometimes a job calls for some evil....


Smokey Gold

Neutral, hes a hunter so he kills.

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I'd have to say good. My OC might often seem distant and unwilling to interact with others, he prefers solitude, but overall he has a good heart and wouldn't readily compromise his values for the sake of personal gain.

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Heheh, well I myself can't be evil, because hugs and kindness to my girlfriend aren't signs of good D: , and my OC is dating someone :wub:.... Unless they were both evil :P.

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My OC would definitely be good for many reasons, the least of which is because I wouldn't want to be part of innocent people getting hurt or killed just because some evil OC wants to take over and rule Equestria for their own selfish reasons.


Another reason is because evil characters tend to be very selfish and downright cold blooded when it comes to ruling or running anything. Really, now, would you want to live under the rule of someone who didn't care if you got enough food or even if you lived or died and they didn't care how you died whether it be a quick-and-painless getting blown to bits or by a slow, tortuous death by starvation? I sure wouldn't nor would I want anyone else to.


Yeah, yeah, I know... It's all cool and edgy to be on the evil side but, seriously... Who actually really truly supports evil other than edgy hipsters who will hate it as soon as it's not cool, anymore? Really!

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Considering that I intended for Silhouette to be more or less a ponysona, I'd call him neutral good, same as me. However, as of late, I myself have been moving more towards chaotic neutral regarding my outlook on life and approach to it, but I think Silly can stay the way he is.

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I'd be the coolest good guy you ever met. I'll protect and keep everyone safe from harm in ponyville. (Seriously Ponyville is more dangerous than you think, they could use somepony like me).

Frome things like: 



Hostile Ponies 

and more.

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