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Proof a 7th Element of Harmony exists.


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The possibility of there being a 7th element of Harmony has been tossed around and speculated for some time now. Even moreso since Equestria Girls- Rainbow Rocks, where Sunset Shimmer transformed, adding her color, red, to the friendshippy rainbow, along with her power, added to the Mane 6's, summoning a giant cosmic alicorn- the most powerful result from use of the magic of friendship, thus far. But what if I told you that a 7th element really does exist?


Look here,- when we first see the EoH in the castle of the two sisters, there are 6 of them. But isn't the 6th element supposed to be revealed by the spark?



This is NOT an animation error. My thoughts are that Spike somehow found a way to take this extra element. Why, you ask? Take a look at “Secret of My Excess”. Amongst Spike's stash is an element of harmony, still encased in stone, mind you.



It's no stretch of the imagination to say that since Spike has possession of this unactivated element, he'd undoubtedly represent selflessness, or sacrifice. Though he IS a dragon- which we've been shown as a species that matures with greed- Spike is prevented from that by his friends- or more specifically, Rarity, the Element of Generosity. Rarity no doubt represents her element well, more often than not, but when she is shown being generous, it's often not to the point where she's having to actually sacrifice something in the process of that generosity. Spike, on the other hoof, is the epitome of sacrifice- likely from having rubbed off on him from Celestia (who's also had to sacrifice plenty, during her reign- her sister over her subjects, her boyfriend over the fate of two worlds, and maybe much more) but also from Rarity.



"But Muffin! What about Sunset Shimmer?!" "But Muffin! What about the 7th element we saw being added to the rainbow in Rainbow Rocks?!" "But Muffin! Spike isn't a pony, therefore he can't be the 7th element!"


I hear ya, I hear ya. And to explain Sunset Shimmer- while many (myself included) want her in the show as a 7th element, I'd like to think that she is, essentially, Twilight's polar opposite who shares the same element- magic. She was Celestia's first student, that we know of, is capable of performing spells that other unicorns haven't seen doing (such as teleportation, which is only seen done by Celestia, herself, and Twilight). And her story basically is the opposite of Twilight's. One thing I noticed, though, was Spike was seen with her, either standing near her, or being held by Sunset, most of the time, during that movie, so maybe Sunset was inadvertently drawing the power of the unactivated element that Spike kept and represents, through him, the entire time? Being the alternate element of magic, it's not any stretch of the imagination to assume that that's what may have happened. And with 7 (technically 8, if you count the possibility of Sunset also channeling Spike's element, or Spike just being there, himself), both elements of magic activating, then that power would explain the giant cosmic alicorn summonning......

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
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Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Props for being observant, but if they really had planned something like this, I'd have expected it to pay off by the end of Season 3, since they certainly didn't expect to go beyond it in the beginning.


Plus, the flashback in episode 2 of season 4 kinda contradicts this.

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The thing is.......if there is a 7th Element of Harmony wouldn't that render the purpose the fact that they all need to be together in-order to work? I don't specifically remember the episode but I do without a doubt know you need all the Elements of Harmony together to work, so how did our current 6 Elements of Harmony defeat all the bad guy's if there is a 7th?


Personally I would love to see Sunset Shimmer as a 7th Element but I think it's a bit too late to introduce a 7th Element of Harmony unless the writers just said ''F*ck it'. I also believe they want to keep both EQG and MLP seperate from each other hence the reason why Sunset Shimmer hasn't gone into the pony world, she's essentially the Twilight for EQG.

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Sorry but I think it's an animation error. Unless something happened to the 7th element between them finding them and having picked all of them up, which was right after. Also, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were the only ones grabbing them while the others watched so what ever "happened" would be in plain sight and for none of them to notice... I guess it's possible but it doesn't seem likely.


[Edit] Sorry forgot about what you said about Spike. So you're saying that Spike followed the Mane 6, stole the 7th element of harmony [potentially endangering the fate of Equestria] without anyone noticing, stashed it without becoming greedy enough to start stealing more and start growing, and hugging Twilight at the celebration? Makes Spike seem like a huge jerk [had to refrain from saying something else]. "Twilight! *hugs* I'm so glad the element that I stole wasn't crucial in saving Equestria from eternal darkness! Wait, whut?" Sorry but I don't buy it. The 6th pedestal could be an animation error and the element in Spike's posession could just have been lazy animators wanting to add more random junk thinking that nobody would notice.



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This is NOT an animation error. My thoughts are that Spike somehow found a way to take this extra element. Why, you ask? Take a look at “Secret of My Excess”. Amongst Spike's stash is an element of harmony, still encased in stone, mind you.


:blink: Wow I've never heard/read about that stone before.

Maybe someone in the staff saw the animation error in the season 1 premiere (if it's one), and thought about that to "fix" the error.

In any case, I don't think we should take it too seriously because it has never appeared again.

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The thing is.......if there is a 7th Element of Harmony wouldn't that render the purpose the fact that they all need to be together in-order to work? I don't specifically remember the episode but I do without a doubt know you need all the Elements of Harmony together to work, so how did our current 6 Elements of Harmony defeat all the bad guy's if there is a 7th?


Personally I would love to see Sunset Shimmer as a 7th Element but I think it's a bit too late to introduce a 7th Element of Harmony unless the writers just said ''F*ck it'. I also believe they want to keep both EQG and MLP seperate from each other hence the reason why Sunset Shimmer hasn't gone into the pony world, she's essentially the Twilight for EQG.

No, because essentially, Spike's element was never activated and brought out of its petrified form, at that point in time, and still isn't. In "The Return of Harmony", they needed to all be present and have harmony amongst themselves (which is why the elements didn't work when the ponies were "Discorded") for the ACTIVE elements to work against Discord.

That tree has many secrets, apparently. Like the locked chest, for instance. I think it could very well have more than 6 elements if need be, and there's no denying that Spike actually is in possession of one of them, activated or not.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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No, because essentially, Spike's element was never activated and brought out of its petrified form, at that point in time, and still isn't. In "The Return of Harmony", they needed to all be present and have harmony amongst themselves (which is why the elements didn't work when the ponies were "Discorded") for the ACTIVE elements to work against Discord.

That tree has many secrets, apparently. Like the locked chest, for instance. I think it could very well have more than 6 elements if need be, and there's no denying that Spike actually is in possession of one of them, activated or not.

The tree has many secrets yes but I hardly doubt the writers would introduce a 7th Element of Harmony, that is like a last resort/plot idea. But the thing is when Celestia locked away Nightmare Moon she used 6 Elements of Harmony, I'm not disagreeing that there could be a potential 7th Element but it would rather much be someone else other than Spike. Spike is literally there for entertainment purposes and has only had a maximum of 2 backstories to his name within the 4 seasons, I'd hardly doubt they would want to give Spike a title of a 7th Element when Sunset Shimmer has already had more screentime and story than him.


I believe it's either an animation error like this - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mqQolzo8l1o/UvBAYzcVu3I/AAAAAAAAASA/6PGJV-ABqDc/s1600/1391444439241.png

Or it's just a possible souvenir Spike has to rememeber that specific time.

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If this is anything more than an animation error, I'd say it's a joke by the writers about how underrated/undervalued Spike is by both the Mane Six and the fans.  So far the writers have demonstrated all the subtlety of a rampaging dragon, so it would be incredible for them to have an entire Seventh Element hidden away (especially one that doesn't have the potential for a brand-new, sparkle-tastic pony toy). 


Moreover, neither Celestia, Luna, or Discord have shown any surprise at the missing element.  I could believe Celestia pretending ignorance to see how things play out, and Luna have been roped in too (maybe), but I just can't see Discord keeping mum.  He would have DELIGHTED in ruining the Princesses' game, or at least throwing a very obvious wrench into it.  Even if, for some reason, none of these characters thought to mention the seventh element, Twilight would have been certain to turn up something in her research.


Maybe the 7th element could be the Element of Justice.


As for what a theoretical 7th element would be, I would pick Sacrifice, Forgiveness, or Mercy over Justice.  "Justice" is much too cold and much too close to vengeance for this show, which definitely favors mercy and subsequent reform.


I actually quite like the idea of "Sacrifice", since this is a relatively untouched yet fairly important part of friendship/love.  Generosity implies sharing your excess with your friends, but Sacrifice would entail giving something up for your friends.  So a generous friend would share her gems with you, but a self-sacrificing friend would give you their last gem.

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Even if it's far from being really "proved", I still thank you, that was interesting :) .

Until you started talking about Sunset, but that's another thing -_- .


Unfortunately, we could find good reasons to explain your 2 pictures.

But honestly, it was interesting and I think if there were more clues in the show, this could have ended being true. And very cool, considering  all that it means : Dragon greed//element of sacrifice ; Twilight-princess thing put aside and spyke becoming really important ; the fact that he's already a hero in the crystal land (don't remember the name) ; the fact that he will start to realise he's growing up and becoming more than Twilight's baby dragon ; and so on... :)

Edited by ConcorDisparate
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  • 8 months later...

this doesn't explain however why celestia only used 6 in total and not 7 - celestia is supposed to represent them all, and bestow her knowledge onto sunset shimmer.. 


also there are only 6 branches on the tree of harmony - and that tree is pretty much responsible for the aversion of every disaster in equestria and rainbow rocks.


also how funny would it be if spike accidently ate one of the elements of harmony - they are gems after all :)

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It really couldn't work out if you think Sunset Shimmer would be the 7th element. Remember that Sunset Shimmer just wouldn't ever really get to be a part of the FiM Mane "7" because she wouldn't have that special bond that the rest of them have. She would basically be an add-on accessory. And that goes for just about any other suggested pony to be the "7th element". So it really seems that there was just an animation error. :fluttershy:

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Kind of sad Cadence got that as it would have been perfect for spike XD



Spike's Element is Greed. Which is funny as his favourite mare represents Generosity, its opposite. :)


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This is a long shot so don't be too judgmental but I believe there is about 15 elements and every element has an opposite (but not necessarily Bad) except magic.


hear's my possible thought's

generosity - greed
love - hatred,
honesty - deception
loyalty - narcissism
kindness - ignorance
laughter - sorrow
inspiration - apathy


some of these sound bad but can be good under the right circumstance, for instance hatred let's you do thing's you wouldn't usually do and make's you fight harder against your enemy's.


The reason I think this is harmony means the perfect balance and balance isn't all good or all bad but a combination of both... (also it helps my other headcannon's)

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This would never be a 7th element for example the Developers of the show make A LOT of references and easter eggs (secret messages or things that can be found if you look hard enough) and that might just be something that was secretly put in there for spoofs.


If there were a 7th element it would not be Spike I will put it to you that way and that when they were going to defeat Nightmare Moon it wouldn't 100% work because you would need all of the elements to do so.

Edited by Zach
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7th element is the Element of Surprise held by Pinkie's doppleganger Surprise and Pinkie will have a different voice every time Surprise shows up until 10 years later where she has her normal voice because retcon, then Twilight and Pinkie Pie have a hooffight on top of a ship and then Pinkie reveals that she tricked herself into thinking she's Surprise and then surprise there is no element of Surprise




Seriously I doubt there's a 7th Element of Harmony, it'd be really pointless to introduce one now when the rest of the mane 6 have gotten rid of them, not to mention how incredibly awkward it'd be if they introduced a new Element of Harmony out of nowhere and no one knew about it 



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