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gaming Stereotypes on certain gamers?


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What are your thoughts on the judgement some people recieve for the games they play?

For example:


"You play Minecraft? What are you, like 12 or something?"


I've gotten that before.

It's quite annoying to be honest.

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They can get annoying at times. Mainly with Call Of Duty.  :angry:


Never really enjoyed the Modern Warfare series, but liked the rest of it  :)  It angers me that everyone thinks I'm 9 or something for playing CoD, or that I quickscope  ^_^ It's rather ridiculous

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Girl gamers are bad gamers

or girl gamers are not real gamers


i hate thoose both its disrepectful towards people of the female gender !

Hell, one of my friends is a girl and she's beaten Dark Souls.
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Here's one I hate: "You play Nintendo games? They're for kids and they just rehash the same series over again."


That's really annoying because I like playing those games, that's what makes me happy. :(

"You're a Sonic fan? You must be a furry."


That's one I hear a lot.

Why does that stereotype exist when Sonic used to be called cool?

Edited by TheJLeeTeam
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I got a lot of crap for playing Warcraft and COD because of the fandom it has. It really is annoying I'm going to play a game if it's fun to me, Why do people have to stereotype everything freaking thing!! :okiedokielokie:

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Why does that stereotype exist when Sonic used to be called cool?

Because with the expansion of the internet from that time to now, there is rule 34... and plenty of it when it comes to Sonic. Not to mention furries gained more popularity.

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Here's one I hate: "You play Nintendo games? They're for kids and they just rehash the same series over again."


That's really annoying because I like playing those games, that's what makes me happy. :(


Why does that stereotype exist when Sonic used to be called cool?

Try looking up pictures of Sonic characters without running into... weird things.

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I got a lot of crap for playing Warcraft and COD because of the fandom it has. It really is annoying I'm going to play a game if it's fun to me, Why do people have to stereotype everything freaking thing!! :okiedokielokie:


Seriously, Why can't people just play games because its fun? Who cares if its "Unoriginal" or whatever. If its fun thats what matters. Sure they could make a game where everytime you lose, a machine shoots you with a real gun. Sure its original, but is it fun? Not to me at least.

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Meh. I've been called a great many things for the games I've played or the fact that my life is pretty much dedicated to playing video games.


I don't let it bother me. I have a rule:


If it's true, there's no reason to be offended since someone is merely stating facts regardless of connotation. If it's not, there's still no reason to be offended because it's completely baseless.


Basically there's literally no reason to be bothered by anything anyone ever uses as an insult. Especially stereotypes.

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"You played CoD over 800 hours? You're just a filthy casual that likes stupid crappy shooters!"


"You played Civ V over 200 hours and got the Deity achievement? Ugh no-life basement dwelling neckbeard!"


"You play Dungeons of the Endless? What's that? Must be some stupid hipster crap you indie-lovers like"


"I'm going to play Dota 2 like REAL gamers do unlike you nyeh!"


I get plenty of stupid stereotypes and insults thrown at my head. Whenever I'm at the top of the list in CoD I get called a kid with too much time. I play Civ on Deity difficulty I'm suddenly an old neckbeard. It usually varies between those two insults, either you're a kid with no gaming knowledge and history playing "mainstream" games or you're a fat old neckbeard who spends too much time on the internet. I guess people are just mad because I crush them at most videogames and know about more about them than they do.


I don't really care about them. I'm the one who's mostly on top of the scoreboard while juggling a part-time job, university and a relationship at the same time, not them.

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"You play Minecraft Mario? What are you, like 12 or something?"


Ad fucking nauseum.


I don't know what it is about this relatively recent, tunnel visioned approach to gaming wherein only excessively grim games are considered good, but I wish people would knock it the hell off. Maturity isn't determined by which games you choose to play, it's determined by how you conduct yourself as an individual.


Spend five minutes in an online match for a gritty shooter game, and you'll see how "mature" some of the people who like that style of gameplay can really be. Proof that grit does not necessarily breed wit.

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Me? i dislike hardcore gamers who try to make you the villain in your own videos on Youtube. I mean come on, its their video, they can do what they like in it.I agree, i don't know how many times i've been called a casual, but i'm pretty competitive when it comes to online play. I'm civil when it comes down to it, I never swear out loud and make an ass of myself.


Ad fucking nauseum.


don't know what it is about this relatively recent, tunnel visioned approach to gaming wherein only excessively grim games are considered good, but I wish people would knock it the hell off. Maturity isn't determined by which games you choose to play, it's determined by how you conduct yourself as an individual.


Spend five minutes in an online match for a gritty shooter game, and you'll see how "mature" some of the people who like that style of gameplay can really be. Proof that grit does not necessarily breed wit.


I hate it when people call me a bucking casual, i may play lighter games, but i'm a beast online. Had to show that to a guy who kept bragging to me how good he was, and even worse, insulted me over and over. So i challenged him and beat him, my only words for him? "Want to know what's funny? A brony just kicked your ass!"

Edited by Candy Star
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I can't stand this strange hate towards linear games. Since when did linearity become a negative point? Not every game needs to be an open-world Skyrim clone. Both have their own pros and cons.


And on the topic of strange stigmas, why are so many adamantly against games with good graphics. Again, there's no reason as to why a game wanting to visually appeal, has to be some kind of negative aspect. Graphics may not be everything, but there isn't a single game element that is more important than the other.


You can't have an awesome and thrilling shooter, if your targets look like cardboard cut-outs that you stole from last week's convention. Just as you can have a beautiful and stunning environment, if everybody has 2D personalities, and the best parts of the game is seeing how many memes and references the develops can stuff into it.

There needs to be a balance between all aspects, and all need to be of a high-quality in order for a game to be considered good.

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I hate it when people call me a bucking casual, i may play lighter games, but i'm a beast online. Had to show that to a guy who kept bragging to me how good he was, and even worse, insulted me over and over. So i challenged him and beat him, my only words for him? "Want to know what's funny? A brony just kicked your ass!"


I believe the definition of "casual" has been warped significantly. Originally it only applied towards people who played...well, casual games like Bejeweled, FarmVille and other such "browser games" that offer only the most minimal of stimulation. Now it seems to encompass everything that isn't an FPS with online play.


Of course, if you were to ask me who I'd consider more "hardcore" - someone who could get through the first Mega Man game without losing a single guy, or some no-scoper boasting about his kill streak - I'd have to go with the former. Then again, maybe that's just my age showing through...


And on the topic of strange stigmas, why are so many adamantly against games with good graphics. Again, there's no reason as to why a game wanting to visually appeal, has to be some kind of negative aspect. Graphics may not be everything, but there isn't a single game element that is more important than the other.


I'll be honest, I've never once heard anyone complain that graphics are "too good". In fact, I do believe a majority of the arguments having to do with graphics center on graphics not being good enough. And most especially, modern gamers' disdain for retro games; "Eww, it's so blocky looking! What terrible graphics, nyah!" That, IMO, is horrendously stupid.

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I believe the definition of "casual" has been warped significantly. Originally it only applied towards people who played...well, casual games like Bejeweled, FarmVille and other such "browser games" that offer only the most minimal of stimulation. Now it seems to encompass everything that isn't an FPS with online play.


Of course, if you were to ask me who I'd consider more "hardcore" - someone who could get through the first Mega Man game without losing a single guy, or some no-scoper boasting about his kill streak - I'd have to go with the former. Then again, maybe that's just my age showing through...



I'll be honest, I've never once heard anyone complain that graphics are "too good". In fact, I do believe a majority of the arguments having to do with graphics center on graphics not being good enough. And most especially, modern gamers' disdain for retro games; "Eww, it's so blocky looking! What terrible graphics, nyah!" That, IMO, is horrendously stupid.

Then there's the ones who say ps2 sucks, for what? being a good console for its day? It had a huge library of great games, you don't need excellent graphics enjoy yourself. Now remasters, while good, lack what the originals had.


For example, look at the PS4 version of FFX, in ps2 the facial expressions are apparent, but in the remake, just doll faced. 

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Meh, the neckbeard stereotype i guess.

I don't get the whole "gamer" label or identity anyway, i play video games, so what? i don't feel the need to label myself.

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"You like shooters? You must be a pleb who doesn't play REAL games"

My response to those types of wonks: "Punk, I was playing DOOM before I was in Primary and back when you had to execute line after line of code in a text-only command interface just to install the drivers to get a mouse working. I was a more hardcore gamer when I was learning how to read and write than you have EVER been."


Yes, I was playing DOOM whilst it was brand-new back in the days of MS-DOS 5 & Windows 3.11, when I was 5/6. LOOOONG before Halo popularised shooters on consoles.

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My response to those types of wonks: "Punk, I was playing DOOM before I was in Primary and back when you had to execute line after line of code in a text-only command interface just to install the drivers to get a mouse working. I was a more hardcore gamer when I was learning how to read and write than you have EVER been."


Yes, I was playing DOOM whilst it was brand-new back in the days of MS-DOS 5 & Windows 3.11, when I was 5/6. LOOOONG before Halo popularised shooters on consoles.

Your post about being more hardcore than people that started playing shooters later reminds me of this:


Edited by Panne
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