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Okay, so I've decided. My... almost... completed team is gonna be this:


Floatzel (Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Brick Break, Bulk Up)

Braviary (haven't decided yet, but it'll have Fly)

Vaporeon (Surf, Scald, Acid Armor, Ice Beam)

Flygon (Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Steel Wing, Crunch)

Manectric (haven't decided yet too)

Gallade (haven't decided this one yet either)


If anyone could help me come up with a moveset for Braviary, Manectric and Gallade, that'd be appreciated.

For Braviary I always had it hold a Life Orb and had it with the Sheer Force ability.


Here's the moveset I had it learn:

  • Brave Bird (Very powerful STAB move)
  • Crush Claw (boosted from Sheer Force and damage from Life Orb is canceled)
  • Rock Slide (type coverage and it gets boosted from Sheer Force and damage from Life Orb is canceled)
  • Roost (just to heal when your health gets low and removes your electric, ice, and rock weakness temporarily)

For Gallade I always go balls to the wall with physical aggressiveness with a mega stone as its held item.



  • Close Combat (very powerful STAB move)
  • Zen Headbutt (STAB move that hits Fairy types with neutral damage)
  • Ice Punch (type coverage)
  • Protect (allows for safe mega evolution)

I'll think of one for Manectric in a bit.  The Braviary moveset is NOT a tournament moveset (at least I think it's not).

  • Brohoof 1



The Magic of Honesty

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 That move is reserved for Smogonbird, Talonflame.

OMG, it's just STAB, Gale Wings, Life Orb, Priority, Brave Bird, god...








I've seen tons of these things during online play with OP movesets and I'm getting really sick of them.



The Magic of Honesty

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I've been thinking about making a doubles team. It seems like that area is far less broken than singles and its a way to regain my interest in building competitive teams.


I'll be going to sleep soon, but ill probably be back asking for feedback later. The only doubles experience I really have is from the gamecube games and my singles team forced into doubles at the battle maison

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I'm gonna use a team of six Zubats.



Watch me win anyway.

Alright, I think that this is a good moveset for Manectric.



  • Thunderbolt (powerful STAB move that has 100% accuracy, unlike Thunder)
  • Overheat (powerful type coverage move)
  • Volt Switch (used to switch out after Overheat lowers your Sp. Atk)
  • Electric Terrain (powers up Electric type moves by 50% for five turns.  Good for destroying the story-line trainers, bad in competitive play.)  Basically, RIP Wallace.

I'd switch out electric terrain for something else once the tournament starts, but otherwise I hope this helps.



The Magic of Honesty

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So I've been playing a randomizer nuzlocke* of Platinum recently, and it is quite a bit of fun, if completely bullshit at times (hence the asterisk):


I've lost Smack, my Moltres that I received as my starter, twice to things that knew Rock Wrecker. See my status for how I brought her back.


I lost Lil Jon the Dusknoir to a Sheer Cold. WHAT


And, just a half hour ago, I undid me losing Beryl...my Latios. He died to a boosted Payback from a Zangoose from full health. I ran the damage calculator, and I do not know how this came to be, as there was no possible way for him to die, unless his Defense IV is garbage. So I reset back to Solaceon town after curing the Psyduck and tried again.


This happened last night:




Little did I know he was in grave danger. Latias knows Roar of Time!


These two are OP in this randomizer. They have Dialga and Palkia's signature moves, something very ironic considering what game it is I'm playing!

  • Brohoof 1


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This keeps happening whenever I put Sawsbuckdoe in the front in White.




The game really wants to see a battle between the evolutions I guess.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, no Pokémon stuff at the Nintendo's E3...thing?




Guess I'll keep trying to decide whether to let fate decide my starter for PSMD or to just be like "fuck you" and pick Cyndaquil.


Or Oshawott? I really like Dewott.


Then again, I like all of the Cyndaquil line.


Then again, Torchic gets a Mega at the end of things.


...but then there's Treecko....




It doesn't help that EoS decided I was Torchic half of the time and Shinx the other half of the time, and that people are like "you are definitely a Fire type" whenever we play the "what type are we?" game.

Edited by Lateon


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Whenever I'm playing Pokemon (or studying), these songs are a must for my background ambience   :sneer:

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Yeah, the anime has had its fair share of kick-ass music, just like the games. Some of it has been re-used over the years, but that's totally alright.


They do tend to go overboard on the electric guitar sometimes. The Advance saga stuff still has the TRUMPETS FOR DAYS, though.


I will still never watch this movie (I refuse to be heartbroken), but I don't feel bad at all listening to its music. The second track I actually used one morning when I woke up ungodly early...that being 7:30 AM...on a Saturday to write a decent chunk of my senior project materials. The first one was used in a lot of stuff after the movie, even in the DP saga, but most notably during Forest's (Brock's brother) battle with Inspector Nurse Joy in that one special that never came over to the US, only known as SS025.


She had a Latias. Forest's Rhyperior didn't stand a chance. It even landed Megahorn three times.





Edited by Lateon


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These past couple of days, I was playing a white randomizer soullocke.
A SoulLocke is basically a nuzlocke, except you play with another person. If their pokemon dies, your pokemon dies. It's pretty intense.
It was going great, but I lost in the end to N's Archeops. I was really bummed out by it.


My team was:
Cipher the Leafeon, Frank the Mr. Mime, Ultron the Zekrom, Emma the Walrein, and Steve the Braviary.


Currently doing a sequel to that and playing White 2, though. :P


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  • When did you become a fan?: Oh God, I think the better question would be when wasn't I a fan?! It got to me very early in life, I think only Disney and Power Rangers beat it out.


  • What do you like most about the series?: The world it exists in. It's not something you consciously think about but you know what? the world of Pokemon is actually a combination of fantasy and science fiction. Think about it, what does Pokemon have? Dragons, matter to energy conversion technology, ethereal spirits of the dead, advanced cloning research, beings (not too unjustifiably) worshipped as deities, alien viruses taking on strange properties when exposed to Earth's biosphere. All co-existing without a change in tone or intent.


  • Who is your favourite Pokémon?: I'm sort of cheating here, but I'd have to say Zekrom. More than once I've been called "naive" or otherwise insulted for being ignorant to "the truth" or "how the world really is." So here is Zekrom, who, according to his legend, has heard that song and dance for eons in the past against his twin Reshiram. Zekrom stands with those who hold their ideals as their driving force, and I say that puts me well in his camp.


  • Who is your favourite human character?: Lance and Clay. The former because he was one of the single biggest badasses of my early gaming career. He was a dragon type specialist, had a cape, actually took some damn initiative in saving the world like my PC did, and was very much the cool/nice guy, hero image that I admired. Clay because he seems to be the most American in spirit gym leader there is. An immigrant who worked his way up from nothing to becoming a successful man, but is aware of where he started from and doesn't seem himself as any better than the sum of his work? I'd gladly share a beer with the man . . . and I don't even drink! (Looking at it that way, it almost seems like both Lance and Clay are the kind of men I admired for the phases of my life. Lance was the hero I saw as a child and Clay is the hero I see as a young adult.)


  • What is your favourite game?: Pokemon Coliseum, or as I like to call it Pokemon: MAD MAX EDITION!  B) It's dark, it has a fully explorable world with 3D character models we wouldn't see till the more recent games, has an interesting story in a harsh desert region. It's just all kinds of great.


  • Do you like anything outside the games? (i.e., anime, manga, TCG, etc.): I watched the show religiously growing up and Ash Ketchum is one of my early childhood heroes. Were it not for the show, I wouldn't have played the games. Plus the show often explores things we don't see in the games. (Although vice versa happens so it balances out.)

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So over the course of the last week, between being sick and my family pushing me around I've had a lot of reason to play Pokemon Alpha Sapphire over any other game and my Pokemon addiction is getting worse :(

Embrace the pocket monster.


Why does this sound like something out of Vietnamese Crystal?

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Vietnamese Crystal? Am I missing something here, cause that doesn't sound familiar to me

You mean... you don't know about the best worst translation of Pokémon Crystal ever existed (aside from the Bing Translator Edition)? What rock have you been living under?

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You mean... you don't know about the best worst translation of Pokémon Crystal ever existed (aside from the Bing Translator Edition)? What rock have you been living under?

Hey! Don't judge me just cause I don't know your fancy new translation thingies!  :okiedokielokie:


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