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"Well first of My name is Ticktock starblast and second while all unicorns can use magic it is only really limited to the special skill where as I am skilled at magic so am good at all sorts of magic see?" He then stops and stares at the curious mare in front of him. He then asked "Out of curiosity where do you come from because you do not look like anypony from central Equestria ?" 

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Blizzard rolls his eyes and says, "Hehe, yeah I'm sure you do. Anyway TS, meet Tyra, she's a strong one! You don't wanna mess with her.  :blink: You should come with us back to camp, we could show you around and introduce you to our other team members. Whaddya say? Wanna follow me?" He said while motioning with his hoof for TS to follow.

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"Sure why not"he said with a cheery tone in his voice "its best to meet my new colleagues before battle rather than in the midst of it now that would be rather hard to explain wouldn't it" *chuckles to self then bounds away* He then shouts back "Frist one there is totally awesome!!"  

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Tyra nodded and puffed out her chest with a proud smirk.

"Aye, I am Tyra Shatterhoof," she announced, with a hoof to her chest, "of the great Shatterhoof clan in the Frozen North!"


She held out the same hoof, smirk turning into a grin. "It is a pleasure to meet you!"

Perhaps making a good impression will curb this apparent ego of his, she thought.

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After a while the nurse had finished treating Radiant, wrapping his ribcage in bandages. "Now your bones are mended, but still fragile. Give them twenty four hours to finish healing before you go exerting yourself." She said as her expression became suddenly saddened. "Unfortunately I don't know if your magic will return, usually we can detect it regenerating even if it has been blocked. But so far we can't find any hint of magic in you. I'm sorry."
"I understand, if you mind I'd like sometime to myself." Radiant said as he laid back down in his bed turning on his side looking at the wall.
As he laid there he decided to test the paper he had gotten from 'Z'. he took some of the paper he got from his parcel and pulled a quill along with an inkwell setting it on the table next to him. He begun Writing on the paper.


"Dear Z, as you can imagine this is Radiant sentinel. Excuse my skepticism and mistrust of who you really are, just too much is going on out here and it's hard to decide who to trust. Anyways I'm writing this to ask you for a favor that will prove who you are. I ask that you find my mentor Umber Aegis, he once gifted to me magically enchanted sword hilts. Due to some complications the enchantment has been broken on one of them, I was wondering if you could see if he could get me another sword like the others. I just don't feel right missing one, if you can do this for me I will be indebted to you as well as it will help me trust who you claim to be. Yours truly, Radiant Sentinel."


Radiant rose the page to a lantern catching it ablaze, the page quickly burned up and the smoke seem to float out of the medical tent. After that was done Radiant went back to lying down staring at the wall.

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"Well then Tyra Shatterhoof it is a pleasure to meet you anyway must hop along"He then bolts of saying" Must be first, Must be awesome, Must be First, Must be awesome" And Tyra had thought correct having people being nice to him did take away his ego a little he only ever really seems to have one because he is worried people wont like him for who he is. 

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caliber was at the tavern. the bartender's worst nightmare. he was again consuming un-real amounts of food, and paying with rather big gems. "why do you eat so much?!" the bartender asked. caliber looked at him. "well, in battle, i move really, really fast. i also try to hit hard. and lets not forget my aura seeing technique to second guess my opponents move," he kept eating, "all that burns up calories like you wouldn't believe. so, i gotta eat whenever possible. thirds, please!"

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Blizzard shook his head and said to Tyra, "Wow...he's worse than me. I thought I was all talk, but this guy, sheesh. He acts like he's the toast of the town. But uh, what do you think of him axe girl? Is he fit for our team? You did see us fight right? So you must have some kind of opinion on him already eh?"

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Tyra looked up to Blizzard, and nodded.


"Aye, he certainly has the air of a braggart," she agreed, glancing back the way to the outpost, "but, if he can deliver on his claims, and control his ego, I would happily welcome him!"


She then furrowed her eyebrows. "And why the...strange clothing?"

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Not much time pass before wind starts to blow outside,and with it letter comed close to Radiant with his initials.

And would you like crown and cake with that?I'm not here to fetch your stuff i'm more of your intelligence support.But il inform princes about this and if she want to get it you'll get it.
Just remember Brain, not brawn, will change the world.


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Blizzard was perplexed, "I have no idea but he's sure weird. And that's coming from somepony who's reaaaally weird, me! But anyway, I'm bored again, wanna go to the tavern? I hear they got some kinda new fish special today, you may wanna try it? Wanna come with?"

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Suddenly Ticktock teleports behind tyra and blizz then says " Well I hope you don't think that I am all ego do you? After all the reason I travel and kick evil flank is because I feel that evil shouldn't go un punished" he sighs and continues "Ok dudes would you still like me if I wasn't all ego?" 

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Radiant felt something brush him as he laid there, as he looked over he found another letter with his initials on it. "Gah, what is with every pony writing me today." he said to himself as he opened the letter with his hooves.


He quickly read it and didn't appreciate the attitude of the letter "Glad i've never met this pony if they really are who they say they are. I still don't trust them, if they really were working for Celestia then they wouldn't talk to a captain of the royal guard. It probably is that mare from earlier, wanting information on on progress." He said burning this letter as well and laid in bed on his side again.

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Tyra suddenly perked right up at Blizzard's proposal. A good drink, and fish?!

"Aye!" She grinned, nodding, "I would love to-"


She halted as Ticktock suddenly appeared behind them and asked if they'd like him if he was less egotistical.

"It would be preferred, honestly," she nodded, her grin softening into a stern look of certainty, "letting your ego get the best of you causes danger to yourself and your allies."


She put a hoof over her heart. "Armon Ennen Kunniaa."

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Blizzard said to TS, "Yeah....no offense, but I act like that a little and it gets on my teammates nerves, so uh, yeah it'd be best not to be egotistical." He then turns to Tyra, "As I was saying, TO THE TAVERN!! Race ya there!" Blizzard then skates off to the tavern and looks through the window and sees his best friend stuffing his face, "Really Caliber? Ugh. That's gross, cool, but gross." He then goes in and sits next to Caliber, "Really? I couldn't eat that much I I tried! Hay and Iceberg Lettuce Sandwich for me please! Iceberg lettuce is best lettuce. :3"

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"Hey wait up these is something I need to tell yousomething " Ticktocks usually confident look turned to one of gloom he then sighs" Guys the truth is that I don't have a big ego at all given I have a biggish ego but the reason I act the way I do is because im scared that if I don't seem cool and intresting people wont like me so I create a fake ego for myself to get some friends *he suddenly peaks up* the reason I wear what I do I because they look awesome"

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As our heroes done there own business black pigeon fly to each of evry one except Radiant and dropped a letter
The letter stated

Meet me at Radiant tent,I have some great news for you..


And as the letter was dropped this black pigeons just disappeared in shadows

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caliber stopped for a moment, ignoring the new pony. "oh, hey ice blizzard! ive been working on a new attack! check it out!" caliber stood up, and conjured a drill on the top of his head. "pretty cool, right?! i came up with the idea when i was waiting at the outpost!" he grinned, pleased with himself. "go ahead, throw a snowball at me!" he reads the letter. "hm...? i guess we gotta go"

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"Ponies will not respect you for masking who you are," Tyra said with certainly, looking up at Ticktock, "those who do not accept who you are are not worth your time or effort."


She began trotting off toward the outpost, when one of those black birds appeared again, dropping a letter for her.

She ripped it open and read it, her eyes widening.


"Radiant's tent?" She repeated, and then considered his serious condition in the medical tent. "Oh, by the gods...!"


Wasting no time, she began a sprint back toward the outpost, making a beeline for the medical tent and dashing inside.


Tybalt was standing there, with Radiant still resting. "Radiant, are you well my friend?!"

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Blizzard saw the black pigeon trick again, "Again with this? *reads the letter* Ok yeah let's go Caliber, you can show me your new move on the way but first, *gets his sandwich and gives the bartender bits* thank you! All right bro, let's get walking." When they get outside Blizzard says, "Ok, what's that new move again with a drill?"

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As the pigeon dropped the letter on his head Ticktocks eyes brightened he had decided that tyra was right if anypony didn't like him for who he was then they weren't worth his time and with that he galloped towards the medical tent with a new perspective on life and he had every intention to live it so with excitement he dashed into the tent.   

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"okay...it takes some dark magic, but its totally cool!" caliber gestured for ice blizzard to throw the snowball. when he did throw the snowball at caliber, caliber jumped up, spun, and tunneled into the ground. he popped out of the ground behind ice blizzard. "pretty cool, huh?" he remembered radiant. "oh, we gotta go to radiant."

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Blizzard jumped in surprise when Caliber appeared behind him, "Aah! Oh, you scared me a little, good move it's a counter, but you look silly with a drill on your head. Haha. I wonder what's going on with Radiant. I hope there's nothing wrong with him. What do you think?"

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"hm? oh, lemme just fix that..." caliber made it invisible. "thats better! now lets go to radiant!" he ran after ice blizzard, the drill gone. "i hope he's okay...i haven't had the chance to fight him yet!! i wanna take a crack at his four-sword style!!" he grinned. then stopped. "wait...whos that?" he pointed at ticktock.

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"Well um hi my name is Ticktock Starblast I am the new member of your team" He said seeming slightly nervous "The order sent me I know this must be a shock to you but if you just talk to Blizz or Tyra they will explain everything and by that I mean probably what they know of me because they were the first of you I met" 

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