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open Forgotten legend

Fallen Valkyrie

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"Aye!" Tyra yelled, dashing toward the two guards left for her. They looked to be no match for her, and she smirked with that in mind.


She leapt up and socked one in the face, causing him to twist and fall to the ground, out cold.

The next one was not so lucky, getting a fierce buck square in the jaw and sending him flying back a few feet.


He'd be lucky if that mouth still worked.


She grinned innocently to the others. "I am finished!"

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Blizzard stepped forward to the next corner, looked around to see what was there, turned back to his team and whispered, "Ok guys it's a small team of four up there. But one of them looks like he's a higher rank than the others. They also seem to be guarding some kind of stair passage way thingy. We move in and take them out quickly ok?"

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caliber grinned. "done deal!" he said, as he threw a rock, distracting the enemy. he moved in, and attacked the one closest, which happened to be a small fry. "who will get the big guy, i wonder?' he thought to himself. he had already gone into the shadows, and the guards were scrambling about, trying to find him.

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Ticktock smirked and nodded "Ok so who will take which guy I think this may be important if we want to be fast and all" Ticktock then starts making incomprehensible hoof actions which only a soldier would understand and even then it would be a soldier who was an expert of stealth opps  

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Tyra looked ahead and smirked at the huge guard nearby. She wore a wide, and quite frankly frightening smirk as she heard the group wondering who would take on which guard.


"I want the leader," she snickered, turning her glare back to the others quickly before looking to the imposing pony, "He will prove to be a good challenge."

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Blizzard gave quick orders, "Tictock, Caliber, pick a target, if you're done early, then help me and Tyra with the big one ok! Let's go! Take them out!" Blizzard dash forward and slid under the lower level guards and behind the big one, "Over here bub! Tyra now! I got him distracted!"

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Tyra began a dash after Blizzard toward the large guard, smirk unwavering. She either hopped over the smaller guards, or shoved them out of her way.


With their leader distracted, she leapt up and grabbed him into an armlock, yanking him into the air and powerslamming him to the ground with a yell of exertion.


If he wasn't defeated by that manoeuvre, then he was certainly weakened.

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Ticktock nodded at Blizzard and then leaped into action even though he had tried to be sneaky the pirate had seen him coming  and took him sword out and got ready to strike but unfortunately for him Ticktock quickly bought out his sword and the two started having a might brawl and both their swords clashed together  

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The big guard had gotten up after Tyra's move and Blizzard jumped up, "Hmmm he's down, but not out! Gotta think of something...I got it! Freezing charge!" Blizzard charged quickly into the big guard, slammed him into the wall, and tried to hold him there with help from his ice shield but it started to crack, "Tyra hit him again! I can't hold him here for much longer, my shields starting to break!"

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Tyra smirked as the large guard got himself up.

She was going to enjoy this.


Blizzard charged into the guard and kept him pinned to the wall with ice.

With his warning, she began another charge.


She leapt up onto Blizzard's head, standing on her hindhooves to meet the towering opponent, and began pummelling him with her forehooves.

She finished with a powerful headbutt, the sheer force knocking her off onto her back but quickly rolling herself back upright.

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caliber had been watching the whole thing, eating a zap-apple he had produced from no-where. "we done? can we proceed?" he asked obnoxiously. "i kinda wanna fight other stuff. things that can keep up with me, preferably." he got up, and looked at the door. "we ready?" he asked, as he started opening it.

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As Tyra jumped onto his head, Blizzard said, "Hey careful! Watch the mane!" When she jumped off, Blizzard had let go of the guard that was jammed into the wall seemingly out cold, "Hmm, *pokes guard's neck* yep he's done. Nice job Tyra." He turns to Caliber, "Ok, yep I think we're good. Ok let's go!" Blizzard then walks through the next door.

Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49
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Ticktock pushed his hardest against the enemy blade pushing as hard as he could with his magic knowing that if he kept this up he would become exhausted so he took a trick out of the ole play book and teleported behind the pirate, kicking his legs and therefore knocking him over. Once that happened all Ticktock did was hit him round the head knocking the pirate out.

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Tyra raised her head with pride at Blizzard's praise, putting a hoof to her chest.

"It was a good team effort," she grinned, looking up to him as she followed him to the next room, "Do you think the others will be fine?"


She glanced back, noticing Ticktock taking care of the pirate rather well, along with Icarus using his crossbow to great effect against his own opponents. Caliber was being as obnoxious as ever.


"Forget that question," she muttered.

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Icarus watched as one of the Pirates strayed from the group. Slowing his breath, he fited at his leg, hitting him dead on. The Pirate hit the ground, and started to twitch before finally succumbing the the Tranquilizers inside of the bolt. He looked to the rest of the group as they seemed to be moping up. He continued to fire his crossbow at stragglers.


"why are there so many guards in a sewer system ? " Icarus asked.

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Blizzard looks into the next room and sees the first puzzle, "Yep we work awesomely toge--woah....Hmmm what is this supposed to be a game now -_-'? How are we gonna get across this?" Blizzard thinks for a second and says, "Ok, Caliber, axe girl, you're the fastest of us, I suggest you try your hooves at it first, and show the rest of us how it's done ok?"

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As heroes got closer to electric pad coridor.Dark as night shadow that stock our heroes as they fighted the pirates just momennts ago.Started to take shape,and just for couple of moments looked as a pony before disapeared in biger shadow on other side of coridor.

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"hey! stop!!" caiber said as the shadow walked away. he stepped on one of the pads, and got a nasty shock in return. caliber looked at it. "well, crud. how're we supposed to get past this?" he started looking at them. analyzing. calculating. eating zap-apples. then, he stepped on the blue tile. it turned yellow, and he got a shock. "oh, okay!" he said, as he hopped on the blue tiles, slowly but surly getting across.

Edited by PeytonJay
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Blizzard was intrigued by the pads and touched them himself, "Sss ah ow. Hmm, electroshock pads, not bad. Ok, like I said guys, since Tyra and Caliber are the fastest, so you two try it first, me and the others will watch for the pattern as you two do it, so we'll be ready. Is eveypony ok with that?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49
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Ticktock was fascinated with the electrical trap he was inspecting it trying to find how it worked because if he did it might prove a useful weapon in their fight through the dungeon. He then looked at Caliber "Well our enemy is a psychopathic mare so I would say some sort of magical object maybe."  

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"there has to be electricity flowing into it from somewhere, to form a complete  circuit. " ICarus said, inspecting the trap, and looking at the others. IT looked like if you stepped on it for a prolonged period, it would probably fry you, wich meant they needed to deactivate it in some way.


" Anyone have Ideas ? Items we can use as an insulator to cross ?" He asked

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caliber danced across the floor. "nope, figured it out!!" he said joyfully. "tyra, you coming?" he was almost mocking it, standing on the blue tile till the last second. "ya know, this is actually fun!" he was half-way there, now. "im coming for ya, ya freaking witch!!" he said.

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Tyra cocked her head and raised an eyebrow as she inspected the electrical pads.

There was only one way she could think of to get through it. Process of elimination.


She began lowering her hoof on each pad, getting a small tingling shock from each one.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."


Finally, one tile did not give her a shock, and she stepped onto it.

The process continued until she eventually made it to the end. Hopefully the others were watching her.

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Ticktock looked a bit worried "Um Tyra I'm not sure whether it is healthy for you to be doing that who knows what might happen because of it. All im saying is don't say I didn't warn you." Tyra then gets to the other side "Ok Tyra I need you to look around and see if there's some kind of button or something to turn off the electric." 

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Icarus watched the pattern she took. Emulating the pattern she did, hoof by hoof, Icarus got over to the other side. He looked back at the others, and then to the floor. " You all saw how I did that right ? Just follow that"  he said, then looking over to Tyra, " Nice job finding the way over" he said, " Unlike you, I dont think most of us can take a good shock like that."

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