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Fallen Valkyrie

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Tyra took a look around the room, not expecting to see such a place inside a cave. "It is like a bandit's hideout," she commented.

Blizzard had sat herself down by the room entrance, giving herself a little scratch.


The mare came across the papers on the desk, with the heroes' names written on them.

"Oh, come look at these!" She alerted the others, then came across hers. A red-cheeked scowl came over her face. "History, nothing interesting? Blackmail?! WEAKLING?!"

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Radiant walked into the room as well and began inspecting the area, his light spell helping keep the room lit for everypony to see.


He came to the monitor curious why it would be in this place. Radiant pressed the button and it turned on only to show it required a password to access.

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Ice shook his head. This was positively ridiculous, "Boost my confidence? I don't even get what that's supposed to mean. The only thing that matters is the mission, and my friends. Not my confidence, safety, or whether I enjoy it. My friends come first."


He looked over to Radiant, talking with a surprisingly serious tone, "Radiant. Whaddya got? Can you get in?"

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Radiant took his eyes from the monitor and used his light spell to begin viewing the sides of the monitor along with the wall in search of any clues or hints as to what the password could be.


As he was searching Radiant heard ice Blizzard approach him from behind. He turned to look at the stallion. "Maybe, I need to find some source of a hint or the password itself, I'm sure a mare like her would have to leave a reminder somewhere." He said when he caught the sight of one of the group members examining what looked to be a journal.


Using his magic Radiant took the journal from its holder. "Sorry, I just need it for a minute." He apologized as he opened the book in front of him with his light spell directed at the pages.


Radiant read through the pages taking in whatever was on the pages in search of anything that could hint the password. "Hmmm..." He hummed to himself as he rose a forehoof to his chin. "Her entries seem well organized and properly written, exempt for a handful of words. Only one word fits the four letter limit."


Radiant went up to the monitor and entered in 'Eyes' only to be met with a message saying "incorrect password". "Hmm... maybe... oh wait I see what it could be." Radiant said realizing that there were only four words containing the capital letters.


Radiant then entered in 'CELE' and was met with a gentle chime along with a message indicating it was the proper password.

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Ticktock looked at the pappers that Tyra and Ice had shown intrest in "NERD! How dare she even say that while I'm pretty sure it's true for Ice I'm no nerd. And... THREAT LEVEL 57! I'm way more dangerous than that I'm one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria plus that... thing in my head you guys know about."


Ticktock then nodded at Radiant as he took the journal and saw him figure out the password "By Celestia I'm blind! Nice going there Radiant I'm impressed!" Ticktock followed that by giving Radiant a pat on the back. "So then, lets see what's on here then shall we?" 

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And as the correct password was entered the monitor change into the blue screen with lot of letters and numbers,and then on a white screen with two images thet could be selected.One,left image,was called Omadd lab and image thet was undee this text was big letter A with circle around it.Second,right image,was called probing the Equestria and image thet was under this text was one smaller version of energy prob they seen not so long ago.

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Tyra was still fuming over the papers, and being called a weakling. "How dare that witch?! I am the thirdborn of the Jarl Ralof Shatterhoof! I am NO weakling!"

She stamped a hoof on the ground for emphasis, making a hoof-sized indent in the stone.


However, upon looking again, she saw that her threat level was the highest of the others. Did that mean she considered Tyra the biggest threat?

That realisation seemed to calm her down, if by a fraction.


She noticed Radiant at the computer, and trotted over to investigate with him. "What have you found?"

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Ice was focused on Radiant, so much so, that he gave a serious remark to Tyra and Ticktock, "Hey. Focus. We know you guys are of decent prowess. Quit whining about what some pitiful excuse of a mare thinks of you. You're great in the eyes of your friends. That's all that should matter, dammit."


He then looked back at the screen, more serious than he ever had been, "Keep goin Radiant. This is interesting."

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As Radiant looked to the monitor he used his magic to return the journal to the bed in the center of the room. As the journal set on the bed a hoof made contact with Radiant's back along with Tick Tock following it with praise. In response the captain arched his back slightly not being use to physical contact. Before he could respond the others joined them followed by ice Blizzard ordering the others around. "I would have to agree with Ice, she could of written all that with the intent of us eventually seeing them to get a response out of us." He said unaware of what was written about him.


He returned his attention to the monitor and pressed the button to bring up information on the probes, if they were what he thought and we're gathering data he hoped from here he'd be able to delete all the information before it could be implemented.

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Screen turned blue and after could of moment map of Equestria was appered on the scree.This map of Equestria had lot of litle white circles on it,thet probably represented energy probs around the Equestria.One circle was black,and it was right were our heroes falled mission,and energy prob got.destroyed.But there was another colored circle - green circle.This circle was standing right in the midle of Canterlot. Could this be,thet what ever scarlet was looking for was found and was in midle of Canterlot,or thus greed circle could stend for something els?

In the bottom right corner was an arrow thet was probably there to return back to selection screen.

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Radiant examined the map in the monitor and wasn't sure what to make of the red circle compared to all the black circles and one green. The green circle however concerned him being that it was on top of Canterlot. "Do you all know if the red circle correlates to any of your exploits? Also what were you all doing in Canterlot, did it involve searching for that probe?" He questioned looking back to the group.

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Ice shook his head and answered, "No...the probe was afterwards. We only went to Canterlot for awhile when we had a bit of a celebration ya know? We were also there on mission, but that's pretty much it."


He looked at the board, "A lot of different things happened here, Raid. This has stemmed far from a few mind games. This is practically a war waiting to happen."

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"Aye, we were invited to a celebration in Canterlot," Tyra explained, remembering the ordeal well, "and we were attacked by mechanical soldier ponies. I do not know where they came from though."


She tilted her head at the map, trying to make sense of the circles. "What do you suppose this green one means...?"

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Radiant pressed the green arrow on the monitor with is hoof, as the monitor returned to the initial screen radiant spoke up. " I cannot say for certain what that green circle is at what it signifies, but most likely it's good for scarlet which means it's bad for Equestria."


" we may have to pay another visit to Canterlot soon, and when I say soon I mean probably when we're done here. If this really is scarlet's home or even a base, and she isn't here and she may already be in Canterlot." He said as he hit the button labeled Omadd lab.

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Screen onces again turned blue,and couple of moments later on screen appered white page qith text on it.On this page was written: -Day 29, We had found lay line.It is as expected full of magic energy and so unicorns were moved from dig site,back to the mineing town. Day 31, Today we got components needed to harvest this magical energy. Day 35, It is finaly finished.Lay line energy is been harvested at 30% Day 37, We are rising harvesting might from 30% to 70%. Day 39, Evrything is still fine,we are planing to rise harvesting might up to 100% tomorow. Day 40, Machine is doing great job,and by look of it,it can not break. Day 48, Something have startes to happen to the forest next to us.It looks like it started to bloom.It is midle of winter.We are suspecting it have to do something with our machine. Day 51 We have cut the forest,so we dont get found. Day 67, Noting more has happened sins lest entery,and because of thet we need one lab rat.We are planing to infuse magic in some one/some thing and see what happens. Day 69, We have found perfect 'rat' for our litle test.They are brining her tomorow for the test. Day 70, She is entering the machine,and we are ready to start,tomorow I will give out resolts -. But there was no more enterys,and so this 'resolts' could not be found anny were.

On bottom right side was onces again an arrow thet if pressed would return screen to selection part.

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"Damn..." Radiant sighed as he rubbed his head with a hoof. "If these probes were looking for ley lines then they are long done with the one under Canterlot if that's what that green circle meant it found."


He took his hoof from his head and pressed the green arrow and after that hit a logout button. Radiant then turned from the monitor and begun thinking what their next move should be. "Perhaps we should return to Canterlot just as a precautionary movement just in case she is there. Otherwise this computer has no information on any other bases or lab locations." He said

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Tyra read the diary entries with Radiant, but couldn't make much sense of them. She blinked confusedly, and cursed the fact that her home had no technology like this.


However, she did understand that Radiant was worried, and that they should return to Canterlot. She figured if the captain of the Royal Guard found it important, it was worth trying.

"Aye," She nodded, "A good idea. We must stop this witch, when she leasts expects it!"

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Ice nodded in agreement. Radiant was always the sensible leader of the group, so his direction was the best to follow for the time being, "I'm with ya. We'll get her before this is over. I say we all go back to Canterlot as quickly as possible. That way we can handle this at the source."

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Ticktock put a hoof to his chin "While i see where your coming from we have to remember, Scarlett has been one step ahead of us since we started out, so what if she's left this here for us to see on perpouse in order to destract us from something else?... Although i do agree that Canterlot is our main priority as of now."

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                                                                                                  Chapter III


The beautiful city of Canterlot . It have survived onslaught of the Tirek,an changeling armada.Queen Chrysalis sabotage.And even cataclysmic rise of a Spirite of Chaos.

Despite it all Canterlot have always endured.It is always stud as a beacon of hope and resilience.But noting.....lasts for ever...



                                                                Escapte to Canterlot



At this moment,our heroes could here galloping from hallway they comed in.And moments later they seen who was galloping,it was Rarity and Twilight.If our heroes are to look closer,they could see two diferent emotions on there faces.Rarity was afraid and Twilight was angry because of something."W-We just got this message!" Twilight said,almost yelling,as she given the message to our heroes.


In letter thet was now in our heroes hoove's was written


Emergency — Canterlot have been invaded


To all available agents,

This is a general emergency warning. A few hours ago, a massive flying platform has entered boundaries of Canterlot city, bringing destruction and spreading a lethal miasma over the city.Furthermore, Aetherblade airships, Molten portals, and Toxic forces are overwhelming the Royal Guard response.

Some of the citizenry is still trapped inside the city limits. We are calling on available heroes and agents to assist in the evacuation efforts.

Canterlot need you,f you can, please report to the forward camps.Thet are located north,east and south from Canterlot.


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Radiant eyes widened as he read the letter, his calm composure turning to a mixture of anger and concern. "Damn it! I tried to tell the royal sisters I would of been more strategically placed if I were to of stayed within Canterlot!"  He barked before galloping toward the mouth of the cave. "All of you, let's get moving before it's too late!" He called back.

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Ice watched in shock as Radiant ran, but quickly became serious when the time called. And that time, was now, "Alriiiight. Let's freakin go!" He then got up, and began speed ice skating after Radiant, "Let's get going guys! We got a town to defend, lives to save, and the game ain't over until it's over!"

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Ticktock took a deep breath "Ok lets go and once again risk life and limb to save Equestria!" Ticktock then began to gallop after Radiant and eventurally catching up to him "Radiant you cant blame your self chances are if you were in Canterlot you would have been beaten same as the rest of the royal guard."

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"Whether I would of fallen in the line of duty or not is irrelevant, I could of kept order and situated the guard properly to make sure all the citizens of Canterlot were evacuated safely." Radiant said as he continued running forward with the other following. "Now how did you all get here, by train?"

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"We got here by walking." Twilight said,thet was now almost behaind Radiant "But Glory of Equestria is waiting on us couple of miles down south-west.". This Glory of Equestria thet Twilight was talking about was one huge airship,thet order did had.It was much larger then one Radiant seen in Vanhoover.

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