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Classes on shooters.

Snow Shadow

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I took a bit of time to read a few replies... I was impressed on how much ye like automatic weapons... I guess I am quite outdated with my firearm pick...


Posted Image


What ye're seeing here is a Short Land Pattern "Brown Bess" Flintlock Musket, issued to British troops 1769,

I use this weapon as my standard issue in BattleGrounds II and Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars, and I am in love with it.


Specially if fixed bayonet.

Edited by Kochi



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What is your general weapon preference on shooter video games? Do you like to run and gun or are you a stealthy sniper? Describe your play style and give an exact setup as example.


I am a high damage, high fire power, destroy everything, monster. I like to be a walking Juggernaut.


EX:MW3 class setup

M60 red dot and rapid fire.

Desert Eagle tactical knife.


Emp Grenade

Scavenger Pro

Hardline Pro/Quickdraw Pro

Steady Aim Pro

Assault point streaks.

Predator Missile

Attack Helicopter

Reaper Drone


Dead man's hand.


MW3 sucks, don't play that game. But I am usually a soldier or a medic if we're talking about tf2.


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I usually like to use a rather precise assault rifle. (Or a shotgun, if it doesn't suck, in the game in question) That's also the reason why I don't play TF2 that much, there's no good assault rifle.

One thing though, I absolutely despise snipers and sneaky stealth killers like spy. I think it's absurdly unbalanced that some get to one-shot, without any chance for others to avoid. (you can avoid rocket launchers, for instance)


Thanks to Proenix on deviantart for the vector in my avatar and signature.

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I usually like to use a rather precise assault rifle. (Or a shotgun, if it doesn't suck, in the game in question) That's also the reason why I don't play TF2 that much, there's no good assault rifle.

One thing though, I absolutely despise snipers and sneaky stealth killers like spy. I think it's absurdly unbalanced that some get to one-shot, without any chance for others to avoid. (you can avoid rocket launchers, for instance)


Watch your back and spy check. Honestly it is much more difficult to play a spy against intelligent players who know how to keep an eye out for spies.


However, when you are playing against good spies, GG.

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I should also mention mah classes on Black Ops. I'm still leveling up, since I prestiged a while back in order to get a prestige token in MW3 (It didn't work, though :P. Only worked when I prestiged in MW2, I think, or vice versa), so many of the guns haven't been unlocked, and I have a good amount of perks to get Pro back on.


MP5K w/Extended Mags - Siberian Camo

M1911 w/Extended Mags (I prefer the ASP for the lower visual recoil, but the M1911 is a classic :))

Semtex/Concussion Grenade/Claymore

Flak Jacket

Steady Aim



Enfield w/Extended Mags & Silencer - Tiger Camo

M1911 w/Extended Mags

Semtex/Concussion Grenade/Claymore





Galil w/Silencer - Tiger Camo

Python w/Speed Reloader

Semtex/Nova Gas (I keep forgetting to change it -_-)/Claymore

Flak Jacket

Sleight of Hand



M60 w/Grip - Siberian Camo

Python w/Speed Reloader

Semtex/Concussion Grenade/Claymore

Lightwight Pro




SPAS-12 w/Silencer

Python w/Speed Reloader

Semtex/Concussion Grenade/Claymore

Lightweight Pro

Steady Aim



Killstreaks: Spy Plane, SR-71, Attack Dogs


The next guns I plan to use is the AK47, Commando, maybe AUG, either MPL (I like to call it the MLP though ^_^) or Spectre, and/or HK21/Stoner 63. Just depends what performs better than the other.

Edited by brokimbo deaglePower



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I don't play games like Counter Strike, TF2, Call of Duty, etc (le gasp!). They never appealed to me. Give me any machine gun in BF3 and I'm good.

Edited by Mint Petal

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

Retired fan-fiction author.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been playing BF3 much more often now, thanks to the Close Quarters DLC (Best video game purchase I have ever made), and now I really like BF3. It's not boring anymore for me. I now feel like I'm playing CoD, but without the bullshit! Unfortunately, the guns are obviously much weaker, and I have no killstreaks/pointstreaks to help me or do mah bidding. I'm still gonna be mainly a CoD player, but since I feel like I've played the CoD games too much, I'll play BF3 much more during the summer. Of course, when BOII comes around, it's gonna be mainly BOII over BF3.


Anyways, I've discovered 3 guns that I REALLY like in BF3. I call them the Titanic Trio :). These guns are the AEK-971, A-91, and F2000. One reason why I like these guns so much is their rate of fire. AEK fires at 900 RPM, A-91 at 800 RPM, and F2000 at 850 RPM. I always loved those fast-firing weapons (With the exception of many high-fire rate weapons in Black Ops :mellow:). Since I play TDM Close Quarters primarily (With the occasional Gun Master ;)), I tend to have the same setups each time. They go......



F2000 w/Foregrip & Laser Sight

MP-443 Tactical

Medic Kit


Squad Ammo Specialization (I call them perks :P)



AEK-971 w/Heavy Barrel

MP-443 Tactical

Medic Kit


Squad Ammo Specialization



A-91 w/ Foregrip and Tactical Light

M9 Tactical


Repair Tool (To burn enemies :P)

Squad Ammo Specialization


I'm also trying out the AUG A3. That weapon is better for medium/long range maps since it only fires at 700 RPM, but it has really low recoil, so that makes it a really good weapon :).



AUG A3 (I have yet to unlock the Reflex RDS)

MP-443 Tactical

Medic Kit


Squad Ammo Specialization (I don't need it as much due to the medium fire-rate, but it's always nice to help the team)

Edited by deadMansFINALstandingHand



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In CoD I like to go against the current. Whatever everyone else is using I like to use something different and unique from that. With god guns like the FAMAS and AK-74u I was dual wielding a Kiparas with extended mags. I'm sort of trying to prove that all of the guns are equal if you use them properly. I would usually come out in the top three on my team.


On Battlefield I like to roleplay. Depending on what team I'm on I'll choose the gun that that country would use on the map were on in whatever class I'm feeling like.


In Halo I just keep moving around and picking up a gun I find if it's better that my current weapon or I'm out of ammo. I prefer a needler rifle over the DMR any day. And the armor ability depends on what map I'm on. If I'm on a map that is centered around vehicles I'll choose armor lock, if the map has mulitiple levels I'll choose jetpack, if it's pretty flat I'll choose evade over sprint any day, and if it's a normal slayer game or multi team I'll go with active camo.

avatar and sig by your's truly
ask me anything


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In CoD I like to go against the current. Whatever everyone else is using I like to use something different and unique from that. With god guns like the FAMAS and AK-74u I was dual wielding a Kiparas with extended mags. I'm sort of trying to prove that all of the guns are equal if you use them properly. I would usually come out in the top three on my team.


That's exactly what xcalizorz does, lol. His top killing weapon(s) are the Akimbo Skorpions. Plus, he a 4.00+ K/D. I mean, he just oozes beast mode :wub:



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I'm the sneaky person :ph34r:


-sniper rifle, shotgun, explosives.


and the one who likes to just blow things away ^_^


-more explosives and LMGs (preferably 2) and RPGs


then I go in with my game face on in that mode :angry:


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My play style is pretty much dictated by my mood and the current situation in game.


For the most part I usually run an all-round class as such:

  • M4A1- suppressor & extended mags (to stay off the map and hose groups down)
  • Javelin- (Obviously for taking down air support)
  • Semtex & Concussion grenades
  • Sleight of Hoof Pro (I reload after every kill, unless theres somepony else nearby)
  • Assassin Pro (Kill-streaks are easier to get if they don't know where you are, imo)
  • Stalker Pro (Makes getting around easier without dying from a random implaced explosive, faster movement while aiming is just icing on the cake)
  • Kill-streaks- Predator Missile, Attack Helicopter, Reaper


~The other mane 6, because you can never have enough ponies!~


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The only online shooter I play with any sort of consistency is Team Fortress 2.


My favorite classes to play are Soldier (Liberty Launcher, Buff Banner, Escape Plan), Spy (Enforcer, Dead Ringer, Spy-cicle), and Medic (Crusader's Crossbow, Medigun, Amputator).

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I don't play many online shooter games, mostly just Team Fortress 2.


Most of the time I play as Demo, Soldier or Pyro.


For the Demo I just use the vanilla set with the Ullapool Caber or sometimes when playing as a Demoknight I wield the Bootlegger, Chargin' Targe and Eyelander. (Occasionally the Scotsman's Skullcutter)


Soldier I use the Liberty Launcher and Buff Banner.


As the pyro I sometimes use the Phlogistinator, either the Flare Gun or Manmelter and the Axtinguisher.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Counter-Strike Source: AWP Sniper, Desert Eagle. Everyone rages.


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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I've been tinkering with the FAMAS in BF3 lately, since I barely see anyone with it after the patch, and I gotta say, I like it :o. The irons are TERRIBLE, the magazine size is short by 5 bullets compared to most other AR's, the recoil is tremendous, but it's fire rate is fast as hell (1000 RPM to be exact), and it's damage is good enough that it kills faster than most AR's. This weapon heavily reminds me of the MW2 F2000 (High fire rate at 925 RPM, but really high recoil), which is mah favorite gun in any shooter, period :wub:, so I obviously like the FAMAS quite some. It's only really useful for the small maps though, and medium maps if you can burst-fire, but the small maps unfortunately seem to suffer from shitty spawns from time to time, though it's quite common for that not to happen too (The biggest pet peeve I have in ANY shooter is not weapon balance mistakes, campers, or OP perks, but bad spawns and bad map design. They make me rage sooooo much easier than anything else :angry:). I remember when soooo many people used this gun before the nerf to the FAMAS (I thought I'd never see the day that a gun that had to be nerfed in a Call of Duty game would be nerfed in Battlefield also :wacko:. It must be one mean weapon IRL :huh:). Anyways, here's the loadout



FAMAS w/Reflex RDS, Foregrip, & Laser Sight


Medic Kit


Squad Ammo Specialization



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I like to noobtube. I'll get an assault rifle with a grenade launcher, and then for my secondary, I'll get a rocket launcher or something.

And then I have 2 frag grenades. I like explosions.


It's a good thing I don't have xbox live!

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Right now, I'm level 52 in MW2, which means I'm 8 more levels 'till I unlock the F2000 (Why is it unlocked so late when almost no one use it?). I wasn't gonna try so hard to unlock it again, but I ended up picking it up from the ground in one match yesterday, and I loved it as much as I did when I still had it :wub:. While I continue the painfully long trek to unlock this weapon, I have 6 classes to help me out on the way.



M4A1 w/Red Dot Sight


Stun Grenade/Semtex

Sleight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro



My Little MP5K:



Stun Grenade/Semtex

Marathon Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro



Can't Outsmart Bullet (Either this or Vector will be replaced by AK-47):

M240 w/Grip

.44 Magnum w/ FMJ

Stun Grenade/Semtex

Sleight of Hand Pro

Lightweight Pro

Steady Aim Pro



#4 (Soon to be replaced by F2000)

Barrett .50cal

M93 Raffica w/Red Dot Sight

Stun Grenade/Semtex

Sleight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro



Isreali Might:


USP.45 w/FMJ

Stun Grenade/Semtex

Scavenger Pro

Hardline Pro

Steady Aim Pro



KRISS (Either this or M240 will be replaced by AK-47):

Vector w/Red Dot Sight

.44 Magnum w/FMJ

Stun Grenade/Semtex

Scavenger Pro

Lightweight Pro

Steady Aim Pro

Edited by TARmighty21



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I tend to favour the spy in TF2, and on my old steam account (before it locked me out DX) I used to go with Revolver, Conniver's Kunai and Cloak and Dagger, as it allows for an easier escape once you've killed and an easy way to heal plus the Revolver has good damage and the C+D allows me to hide for long enough to be forgotten.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow, haven't been here in a while :P. With BOII coming out in less than a week, I have to prepare for what guns I may use and whatnot.


One things for sure, with the Wildcards, I'll be putting Flak Jacket on all mah classes :P. I think I'll be rocking these guns.


M8A1 - 4-round burst weapon? Something about that makes it sound cool :P. It also shoots pretty fast in the burst (I'd say at or over 1000 RPM in the burst)


MTAR-21 - There was a reason why I called myself TARmighty21 at some point. This weapon was awesome from MW2, and I'm excited to see it in this game ;).


SMR - At first, I thought this gun was the F2000, then I realized it wasn't :(. This gun looks very sexy, though, and is a semi-auto by default, so that means normally it has very high damage. Even when full-auto with the Select Fire attachment, it's fire rate is, like, only around 500 RPM or something like that, so it balances out.


Chicom CQB - The first 3-burst SMG in CoD history. Quite an interesting one, too. It's a 3-round burst weapon by default, yet the burst shoots extremely fast from what I've seen (Probably over 1200 RPM within the burst) and has a very short pause, meaning you can pull off many bursts consecutively. It's damage falls off very fast, though. I've seen this gun get 4 hitmarkers at medium range, so even though it's got a super-high fire rate within the burst and has a super short delay, it's weaker than a typical burst-fire weapon.


Type 25 - Something about this gun unfortunately reminds me of the FAMAS, but, I heard it's damage drops off quick at longer ranges. It shoots very fast at probably a little over 900 RPM and has moderate recoil. Damage-wise, I'd say it's at a 3-hit kill close range yet I heard it falls off quite badly at longer ranges. The recoil is also moderate enough that it can throw you off at longer ranges.



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Well depending on what I play I guess it kinda differs, But Normally I like to play a sneaky class. I'm not normally a in the action kinda person.


If it decides anything even if I don't have much time on TF2. My most played classes are medic and sniper :P


I honestly suck at Shooters. I use to be good at some, but I stopped playing any of them so now I suck. I haven't even played TF2 in a while(Not that I've played it much overall anyways :P)

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I agree that it does depend on what game it is, but i like to be mostly 2 classes on TF2:


-The engineer

-The Soldier


These are some of the more popular classes in the game, but it doesnt matter if im sneaky or not, just as long as i can get a good eye on the enemy and be able to FIRE! Mostly classes in which i can run fairly easy with but still have a strong source of firepower ex: The TF2 Soldier



Reading this forum makes ME want to play TF2, anypony want to play?

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Team Fortress 2: Engineer for defense, Engineer/Soldier for offense. Spray and pray, yo.


Star Wars Battlefront II: Regular trooper or sniper. In basically every FPS I play I prefer to be either support or the sniper.


Fallout: Ultra-sneaky sniper. I basically play that game crouched. My character has amazing thigh muscles.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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