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What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

Sugar Pea

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Frog legs, and trust me, they do NOT taste like chicken, even though everyone says they do.

I also ate an entire small squid, head and all.


Also, when I was younger I liked to eat paper. ._.

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When I was  a baby I apparently tried eating coal from the fireplace.


But as for what I REMEMBER eating...probably dried seaweed or Squid in batter and black beans.


Possibly Crubeens, but they're not considered weird in Ireland. It's pig's feet, if you're wondering.

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Scrapple.  It is a ground-up hunk of meat you do not want to know what is in it.  It tastes great when you slice it and throw it on the griddle.  Make it a sandwich even.

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Balut. Basically it's a boiled eggs... with a dead offspring bird in the inside. Darn. That's just disgusting! I'm still wondering why South East Asian can eat such food?

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WTF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



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Hmm... the weirdest I can think of is this one time I had pig's ear... it tasted alright but I really didn't like the texture ^^;

I had dried squid jerky when I was in Japan.

Wait, that counts as weird? xD

It's one of my favorite snacks ^^

Edited by Drasamo
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Soap. :lol:  Ooh or that time my "Friends" had me drink a buffalo wing, ice cream, Dr. Pepper, Marinara, Popcorn and probably other hotel foods shake. :eww:  I quit first sip, and took my purple nurple with honor. :okiedokielokie:


What they didn't know is that i have nipples of STEEL


Dog and horse.


It tasted deli.  :D

I find it hilarious that you, being a brony, would eat horse, why many others would be like - "NO :( :angry: ".




I would totally eat it though

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When I was a kid I used to eat chicken livers, but I stopped because my Grandmother switched them with chicken hearts. So I was eating the hearts, and I found out she was giving me those, it almost made me sick. 

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Balut is actually quite good. It's basically split up into four parts inside the eggshell. First there's the "soup" which you sip out of the shell and tastes rather eggy but also a little like chicken stock. Then there's the yolk which is much the same as a regular egg yolk. Third is the foetus itself which looks disgusting but tastes kinda like duck liver. Finally there's the egg white which is very solid and rubbery so it's usually missed out when eating.

Wait, that counts as weird? xD

It's one of my favorite snacks ^^

Me too! I love it.


I'm also partial to seaweed wrapped rice crackers. They are soooo gorgeous.

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I don't remember this at all, but my parents said that one Christmas when I was really small, I dropped what I was playing with and I grabbed a really old piece of bread from under the couch and ate it. XD Does that count?

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