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S05:E03 - Castle Sweet Castle


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I really liked this episode. It had a lot of good humor. BULK BICEPS returns! laugh.png


The way he Coolaid manned his way into the room and grabbed spike and lifted him up in his biceps and walked off with him was hilarious! tongue.png


I really thought they were going to just turn her castle into a giant liberary, but what they ended up doing in the end was really endearing and beautiful.

For the past year, I been loathing this stupid castle because the design doesn't reflect Twilight at all. This hatred...ended after watching "Castle Sweet Castle".



yeah, same here. I have also been loathing it as well for quite some time. I thought it was the gawdyest place I have ever seen. Now, its not so bad.

  • Brohoof 2
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Let's see if I was right,and the castle ends like this at the end:

img-3657422-1-howlscastle.jpgKudos if you get the reference.

I absolutely loved "Howl's Moving Castle"! It's my second favorite Studio Ghibli film after "Kiki's Delivery Service".


Now, back on topic. I will put my thoughts on "Castle Sweet Castle" in spoilers.



I didn't know what it was going to be, but when I realized that the girls were making some form of furnishing for the castle from the remaining wood of the Golden Oaks tree, I lost it and had to pause for a few minutes. In my opinion, that was absolutely the perfect thing to do to help Twilight feel more at home. I was getting misty eyed when Applejack and Fluttershy stayed at the library site with shovels and started to dig (Fluttershy directing burrowing animals), and then I full out started to cry when I saw this.


Oh, and on a lighter note, I didn't know that Quills and Sofas also sold beds!



  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Wow...just WOW...I LOVED this episode...it had literally close to EVERYTHING I loved about the show in the first place. Great writing, down-to-earth story, great humour, a catchy song, with an awesome moral at the end! i give this episode 4 Brohoofs out of 5!

Edited by BrilliantVenture
  • Brohoof 6


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I thought it was awesome! Very creative and pretty by having the roots be in the castle. The song was also super catchy!


Not much else I can really say honestly. xD While the episode was awesome there really wasn't much to it. (Unless you go deep into it, but I'm too lazy to try. xD)

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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watching it now..


Did fluttershy front door get renovated..huh yeah i think it did looks different. though conteinuity of the houses is nothing new.

OH angel getting kicked into the mud..sweet justice oh. yeees


Seen a few handful of fics with Twilight and her new castle yeah pretty much sums up what I thought, it too empty...i mean the breakfast scene you can hear echo's. yeah I get chill from a house with a lot of echo chambers too. Hey pinke not be obivous for once it a mircle.,




Yeah, song not exactly that hummable and does kind of feel a bit forced. you gals do know what collaberationg means right...oh now you notice shesh


yeah..aj ..fluttershy..you two really really need to think about yur thughts twice.


Well ..t be fair guys you are kind of a box set, i mean elements of harmony, you think you wuld all own that darn castle. 


Ending was cute, although dang it pinkie you broke the mood good going....


Overall eh okay the ending was the cute part, though read a lot of fic that had the same cutesy kind of memmories thing ging for it . shrug i'm poor at judging i'm sorry.

  • Brohoof 2
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Enjoyed the episode quite a bit. Glad that all of the the Mane 6 were focused on rather than just a few characters. I also like the plot of this one, it addresses an important topic of Twilight's new home.
Twilight was great in this episode, she felt like herself before turning into a princess. Loved her anime hairstyle too!
Spike also played a great role too. Loved his Rarity plushie. That was genius.
I also made my first ever Review/Commentary video! This is my first time trying, so forgive me if I cut off sentences or don't finish thoughts. But it was fun to talk about something I love. Check it out if you'd like!

Edited by takai
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Let's put it this way. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact Golden Oaks is gone.


Overall, I think the episode was pretty awesome, I liked the whole idea keeping Twilight away from the castle for the day while the girls decorated the house.

The scene where Twilight and Spike revisited the burnt down library was pretty touching.

Can't say I enjoyed the song(s) in this episode much though. Honestly, if we're gonna have a song in every other episode.. I'm gonna cry. :(

The ending was very sweet and touching, it was a wonderful moment. But I honestly wish they would have made it felt MORE like the Golden Oaks. From what I've read, that was supposed to be the goal in this episode "Make Twilight feel more at home" That chandelier was awesome, but in the end, it still felt like a Crystal Empire home.


all in all I thought this episode was pretty good, and I'm very excited for the next. (BLOOM AND GLOOM!!!)

Edited by Silver Staff
  • Brohoof 2


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A great episode. The resolution was very heartwarming, and I think it's one of the most heartwarming moments in the whole series. I also loved the song and character focus. One of my new favorites.

  • Brohoof 3
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It was a nice episode ranging from the silly such as Twilight's attempts to avoid going home, and I'm  pancake to the touching such as in the final scene or when the friends started to realize they were decorating for themselves and not so much for Twilight, and we got to see more of the castle in the process. It had close to the perfect balance of comedy and seriousness as I was bit worried the episode was going to be more heavy handed about the library, and the reprise of the song was a nice touch. Pretty solid episode and it was nicely handled by the new staff.

  • Brohoof 1
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Best Parts:

  • Angel getting kicked into the mud
  • Spikes walk after massage
  • The feels at the memory root things
  • Seeing inside RD's house

But wait, did Twilight and Fluttershy really acknowledge themselves to be animals?!

  • Brohoof 5


Art by DoeKitty

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so tell me how does the pony with the photographic memory forget were she placed her confetti canons?

It's Pinkie Pie.


Also they were "hidden" part cannons.

  • Brohoof 2


Art by DoeKitty

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Wow, that episode was wonderful, especially the ending! I cried ;w;


A few things I noticed:

- Pinkie Pie put her hoof on one of the chandelier gems to show Twilight the memory in it... but how did Pinkie get all the way up to the ceiling? O_O Pinkie logic, lol.


- The gems match the colors of the Mane Six (yellow, orange, pink, blue, and purple) except for Rarity... I guess white gems would be boring? XD


- Owlowliscious didn't appear... since he flew away when Tirek blew up the library, does that mean he's gone for good? ;n;

  • Brohoof 2


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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You know, one thing I'm really getting tired of is the notion that Twilight and Spike are pretty much just strangers living in the same house. When I saw the scene of their hugging in the trailer, I honestly thought it was because they were going to be reflecting on more than just the loss of the library. Perhaps Twilight would have told him how thankful she was that he wasn't inside the library when it was blown up, and perhaps Spike would have realized the extent of how dangerous Tirek was and how close he could have come to losing Twilight during their fight. 


Instead, their hug was simply a result Twilight not realizing that the library was actually an important place for Spike as well. Seriously? >_> How would she honestly not know that? How would they have not told each other their feelings on losing the library before then? 


I'm just saying that for two characters who are supposed to be "best friends" and even family, they just don't acknowledge each other affectionately enough. It's high time they got another episode focusing on their relationship. 

  • Brohoof 5
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First impression: They dropped the ball. It wasn’t a terrible episode, and there were moments when it was enjoyable, but for the most part it was flawed and driven by exceedingly poor logic. Watching it again now to give a more complete review.

Second impression:
Twilight’s method of avoiding the castle makes a lot of sense for her, and I’m glad they addressed it in this way. Her eyes in the “Oh, no! Angel got dirty!” line reminded me of “Lesson Zero”.
Twilight flew out the door! Yay!! She’s learning to fly!!!!!!!!1111!!!!111one!! This was a nice touch. She’s actually comfortable now with flying short distances, and looks to be doing it well.
Angel locking Fluttershy out was pretty funny.
Pinkie jumping from underneath the table to get the pancake looks a lot like a certain movie poster.
Callback to Pinkie’s Santa-whipped cream-beard in “Swarm of the Century” was nice. Pinkie_Pie_licks_cream_beard_S1E10.gif
Tara Strong constructs her lines beautifully, as always. She’s probably one of the reasons why I like Twilight.
The song was okay. I’m really not a fan of RD’s singing voice--honestly, I thought it was a bit atrocious at the beginning, but it was fine after that.. I loved seeing the inside of her house, and seeing Pinkie slide down the stair bannister. The repetition in the song was interesting. I can’t say I liked it, but I was intrigued.
Is it bad that I really really like Twilight’s perm? I’d hate to see it permanently, but my gosh I thought it was just adorable.
Aloe had some lines, that was neat.
Why the fuck was Rainbow Dash so eager to remove the portrait of all of them? WHY?! I think that as maybe one of the one few things that would really make it feel at home! Ha… I guess that was probably the point, but.. wow, even I thought Rainbow Dash was a bit less thick-skulled.
I’m liking the facial expressions in this season. Season 4 was very expressive, but there were some cases where they were too exaggerated. S5 has been able to convey emotions just as well, but still preserves the basic facial structure of the ponies.

Humor: The humor in this episode was great! Lots of wonderful one-liners. Good comic relief is really necessary in an episode like this, and it was frequent and quality, not only in dialogue but in lots of little visual gems hidden throughout the episode.
Music: A different style for MLP. It wasn’t one I liked, but the visuals throughout the song were thoroughly enjoyable. I could do without the actual music. It wasn’t bad, but I didn’t like it.
Characterization: I love Rarity, but I’m pretty tired of her taking advantage of Spike. Twilight was really nice in this episode. Everything felt in-character for her. I loved Twi here, everyone else was pretty good, Rarity was a little irritating with the leading on Spike thing but I liked her other than that.
Plot: The storyline had so much potential! The execution itself wasn’t bad, but there were several (mostly one) things that made it almost unenjoyable for me. The B-story was awful. Spike really, really should’ve just told Twilight that her friends were working so hard that they wouldn’t be finished with the castle by the initial deadline! I… I’m sorry, this was just my biggest problem with the episode. Ugh. The A-story was nice, well-done, but the B-story was so bad that it really detracted from my enjoyment.

Actually… if you completely get rid of the B-story, this was a good episode! Very good. With the B-story, though, it was average at best.

I haven’t put a lot of thought into this post, almost no revisions were made, I just typed what I thought so it’s not really well articulated or reasoned or whatever, so yeah don’t tear this apart of anything. Call it my $0.01. :)

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I still don't think it's a great episode but after watching a couple reactions to it I'll admit it does get better with multiple viewings.


This is a good one.



On a side note. Rainbow's house is huge! I'd be curious to know how she came to live in such a mansion. Maybe we'll get to see more of it down the road. 

  • Brohoof 1


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For me the episode was good but not that great, that's why voted for 'I liked it'. But that is okay, we can't expect every episode to be epic. Now if new writers made it, like some said:


So what's exactly the Chandelier of Memory is?


This has to be elaborated on, in the next episodes.


Notice how the castle gets 'upgraded' with the episodes, first was the Cutie Map that's now always present, and now the tree roots from the ceiling. Also I knew it - the Cutie Map will serve them as some Quests Map, like it will be showing smth in a location, every time there is trouble and they need to go there. I like that.


And yes good to see the followup of Twilight's Kingdom episodes with a display of the destroyed library.

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