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"At least I don't have to bring any pets with me this time around," Applejack heard Spike mutter. Now why would Spike say that...? Applejack couldn't remember a time when anypony asked him to do that...


"You'd better hope the visitors like partying as much as Pinkie Pie does."


"Ah hope so too, Spike..." Applejack replied. "for their sake more than our own. Otherwise, Pinkie'll wear 'em out!"


@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@RubyW32, @@EquestrianScholar,

@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony,



Applejack made her way down the street alongside her friends, waving every now and again to anypony who waved to her first; she felt that she'd never truly get used to the fact that she and her friends were so well-known, despite saving Equestria time and again. Looking around, Applejack took in the sights, finding herself being unable to help but be reminded of when she went to Manehattan all those years ago; the ponies and buildings exuded sort of "fanciness" that left a bit of a bad taste in her mouth... Rarity must be having the time of her life, though!




"Finally!" Applejack breathed as the posse made their way through the massive doors of Canterlot Castle. "Come on, everypony! Let's find Cadance and get ready!"

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@@GeneralDirection@@Windbreaker@@@Derplight Sperkle@@bronislav84@@Taialin@@Yoshi89@@AspenSwift@@RubyW32, @@Hypn0ticD@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony@,


Princess Celestia

“Onto your question from before Twilight,” Celestia would say to her student Twilight, there being a calm as they made their way to Canterlot, “you will be staying in the castle with my sister and myself.” To the timid yellow mare the princess would say, farther shaking the thought distracting her mind, “We went back home dear and returned today, we did not stay in Ponyville.”

Everypony had gotten onto the train just fine, and Celestia suspected as did a certain young filly that she suspected Applejack did not know was on the train. If she got the chance, the princess promised herself that she would find a moment to speak with Applebloom alone and out of sight of the others to learn why she was going to Canterlot without permission.
On Luna, she would worry somewhat but the older sister trusted the youngest not to do anything that would later be regretted. Celestia know her sister felt this was all one big mistake, but believed the lunar princess would merely watch and wait for trouble, not act without cause or reason.
The ride to Canterlot was quiet, leaving Celestia feeling guilty in not having conversation with others except for small greetings and smiles. Though she would whisper to Luna with a nuzzle, “Your worries and others are understandable, please trust me when I say I have considered them and prepared in my own way any trouble that might come.”
When exiting the car, the princess would look back to see if she could catch sight of the stealthily filly she expected to leave the train herself. On seeing her, Celestia would smile and look away before being noticed by Applebloom.
Looking to Applejack, the older sister, as she spoke Celestia would agree,  “Getting to the castle is important, though I need to step away for a moment. Go on ahead, I will catch up in a moment.” With such words, she would begin heading in the general direction she had seen Applebloom but making sure to wait until the others left without her before getting too close to the filly’s hiding place.
Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Pinkie giggled and rattled off several of her party plans, ranging from a welcome party on the level of the Grand Galloping Gala to a smaller one like Twilight's birthday that one time, not really paying attention to what the others were saying just yet. By the time they got to Canterlot, she had too many plans, but she felt there was a piece missing. A piece to give it a more personal charm to make the humans feel welcomed.


Upon arrival, she burst out of the train car, full of energy and vigour. "Let's meet the humans! When are they arriving? Where are they arriving? Do we know what they're gonna be like? Do they like ponies? Oooh, wait, I bet they like balloons, right?" She asked, her usual excitable nature masking the simple act of asking for information on their inbound guests.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@RubyW32, @@Yoshi89, @@EquestrianScholar,

@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony,



*~*~*~*Early that morning*~*~*~*


Spell Caster, a brown middle aged Unicorn stallion looked back to his hooded bipedal charge once more, frowning. "This way." He said, "And don't dwaddle! We still want to surprise the others!"


The creature snapped back to attention and picked up its pace. "Yeah. Right behind ya!" The creature adjusted the grip of the strangely shaped cases in each strange appendage; should anypony catch sight of them, they would see that one was silver gray and read"Epiphone" and other black and read "Musicman". Spell Caster looked back once more. "Must you keep those with you??"


"Yes." the creature replied flatly. "They're my most valuable treasures, and I don't want to even think of letting them out of my sight." Spell Caster sighed but kept moving forward, cursing his luck that the portal had to be in the castle, instead of at the university. 'She'll be spotted for sure!'


The guest looked around as she continued to follow the scholar down corridor after corridor, gasping every now and again this and that, awe overtaking her. "As much as I hate to interrupt this moment of discovery, I have to remind you that they'll be here any minute now! We need to get to the carriage!"


"I know!" The creature protested, but picked up the pace once more, doing its best to keep pace with the stallion.


The duo rounded another corner, and Spell Caster froze, breathing out a discouraged "oh, no." They had reached the kitchen area, and despite the early hour, the cooks were already busying themselves with the meals for the day, making their way in and out.


"We wait for a break in the traffic, then make a mad dash." The guest suggested.


"That won't be enough... unless..." Spell Caster gasped as a lightbulb went off in his head. "Wait here a moment. Wait for several ponies to pass, then make your way to the door." he said. The complied without hesitation as she pressed her back to the wall, and the Unicorn trotted into the kitchen.




"Good morning everypony!" He began, his voice unusually chipper. "Is the head chef in? I hear that large orders of crystal berries and crystal corn were just delivered, and the mailpony needs the order to signed off right away!".


The head chef, an older but excitable mare raced forward, eyes wide. "Whaaat?! I was never made aware of this! Crème Brûlée, Panna Cotta, come with me! The rest of you! Double time it! The humans will be here soon! I'd better see that Tiramisu done by the time I get back!" The three ponies then raced out of the kitchen, racing past the cloaked guest and failing to spot her.


Spell Caster then spotted Princess Cadance and bowed deeply and uttered a quick "Pardon me, your majesty!" before departing the kitchen as the cooks set about their tasks with redoubled resolve. Spell Caster galloped past the door only a moment later, accompanied by a very tall hooded figure; its face was completely obscured by the cloak it wore, but from what could be seen were a pair of long denim clad legs, strangely shaped black boots, and a complete lack of a tail...




The duo made it outside, where a rather stocky Taxi pony stood waiting by his taxi cart. He looked up and stared slackjawed at the tall hooded figure, who only nodded back. "Get in." Spell Caster instructed the guest, who obliged without a word. The Unicorn then turned to the taxi driver, levitating a few bits in front of his face. "To the outskirts." He instructed. "Remember our arrangement. Tell nopony that you saw her!"


The guest sat back and sighed as Spell Caster climbed in beside her.


"How far is this place? I'm dying in this thing!" She said, only loud enough for the Unicorn to hear.


"It's not far. Just keep it on until we get there!"


"You couldn't get one a' those covered wagons?"


"No. The carriages were all reserved by the elites once news got that you two were arriving."


"Fantastic. Speaking a' him, where is he?"


"We don't know. My colleague's waiting for him by his portal. I hope he didn't back out!"


the guest groaned, but didn't argue against it. She sat in silence for a moment, before something dark blue and down the road caught her eye. "Woah!" Withdrawing a strange device from her cloak and holding up in front of her face, she exclaimed, "Ho-lee shit, that's the biggest pony I've seen!"


The device was enveloped in a white aura before being wrenched from the guest's grasp. "No! Somepony will see!" Spell Caster hissed. "Not until you're summoned!"




The rest of the ride went by without further incident. Spell Caster held onto the device, alternating his focus between inspecting it and looking for their destination. "Stop here." Spell Caster paid the driver handsomely as the guest hopped out, grabbing the cases and following the scholar once he sent the driver off.


"The rest of your belongings are inside," he explained as he opened the door. "Your rooms is upstairs, and the bed is already made." Spell Caster was leading the guest further into the home now, going up said stairs. "Here we are! Try to get some sleep for now, because you're in for a busy night! I'll be back by tonight to pick you up. Hopefully, the other human will be here!" Spell Caster frowned before shaking his head. "I've got to return to the university. This is your home now, so feel free to have a look around and unpack later." With that, Spell Caster stopped at a door, opened it, then turned to leave.


"Make sure you wear your finest dress tonight. You'll be meeting that large pony, along with the other princesses."

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Fluttershy enjoyed trips to Canterlot, the train rolling down the tracks with the scenery passing by always calmed her. As the train arrived in Canterlot, she got her bags prepared and walked to the castle with the others. Some ponies seemed to recognize the Element of Kindness and stared a bit, but Fluttershy shied away from their gazes and stuck in the middle of the group.


Oh I hope my animal friends are doing okay, she thought as the castle doors opened to allow everypony in. The interior of the castle never lost its majesty and Fluttershy was amazed at the preparations that have commenced already. With Pinkie involved, this party will be very big, hopefully not too big.




"I think we should get Princess Cadence before we meet the humans, there should be time, I think..." Fluttershy commented. 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Luna would look to her sister as she spoke. An uneasy smile on her face as she tried to show that she was glad Celestia had taken the time to comfort her, though the feelings in side her on this matter where very clear. "I hope that you are right dear sister," returning the nuzzle. "...I too have a plan as well....." as she tail trail off, hoping that her plan would never be forced to see the light of day or dark night. Throwing on a fake smile, she would look to Celestia. "I shall see you at the castle. I am sure you would like to rest as well during the journey."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle,

Exiting the train, she would fallow Celestia's steps. "Do not worry sister. I shall accompany AppleJack and the rest of Twilight's friends to the castle. I would much like to get a gimps of the preparations for myself, and secure the cake." She would grin as her jest at least brought some joy to an otherwise stressful and worrisome day. A day which had yet to fully begin. Looking to AppleJack, Luna though of how best to word her question for the mare. After a few seconds of Awkward silence, the princess would finally ask her question. "Tell me AppleJack, how can one be so calm in such a situation? I know that my thoughts on this matter may be grim at times, but after our strings of recent events, how can one not expect the worst?" Luna would look to Fluttershy as well. "The same question goes for you as well Fluttershy."


Looking around the castle, She was taken a bit by the way the castle looked.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Alex stared at the note and the key, reading it over and taking in all the information it held about Equestria. During this time, he felt conflicted and unsure. On the one hand, he really didn't want to go and only ever promised to enter the contest. He never promised to actually go. But on the other hand, he wouldn't really be holding to the spirit of his word. He was broken out of his deep thought by a knock on his door. "Ah! Uh, come in?"


His dad walked in. "Hey, kiddo. Y'all okay in here? Ya look down about somethin'"


"Just...You remember that contest a while ago?" Alex asked.


"Eeyup. Ah remember ya made a fuss about it. Complained that ya had ta watch...What was it again?"


"Transformers: Dark of the Moon... Well, I won the contest. I get to go to some crazy made-up place called Equestria, and...well, if I start saying this, everyone's gonna think I'm crazy. Plus, I don't really want to go anyway. It's not the kind of thing I'm interested in. But if I don't...well, I'll never live it down if I refuse..."


Noticing how Alex felt conflicted and torn over this decision, his father pulled him into a comforting embrace. "Ah'd say to give it a chance. Y'all can always ask to come home if it's too much, rahght? Just be sure of your decision and make sure it's what you want."


Alex nodded, returning the hug. "Thanks, Dad...I'll miss you..."




3 days later, Alex was preparing to leave for Equestria. As the note had warned him, he'd packed for summer and winter climates, familiarized himself with the customs, and taken in as much of the extra notes and information as he could. The part about no meat was...regrettable, as Alex loved his meat and wasn't looking forward to a vegetarian diet for the next several months, but it was understandable. Ponies were, after all, plant-eaters. He'd even put in for time off and set his affairs in order. With him, he brought just a few things relating to his job as a YouTuber, namely his laptop and some recording gear. And finally, he'd informed his viewers that his gaming content would be sparse for the next few months and limited to whatever he had on his PC. Naturally, the top requests were the Five Nights at Freddy's series. He sighed and waited for the portal to open. He had to admit...he didn't feel joy or excitement at this. If anything, he only felt sad that he had to leave his home.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@EquestrianScholar, @@bronislav84, @, @@Yoshi89, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Taialin,


Applejack looked back to Princess Luna every now and again as the train made its way to the capital, frowning in thought each time. Was there any way to get the Lunar Princess to see their side, if even just a little? She smiled as Celestia nuzzled her sister, then turned back to Rarity.




"Oh yes, Cadence's letter. Should we get her before we meet the humans? Do you think there's time AJ?"


"There'd better be. If not, we'd better make time!" Applejack replied. "The humans arrive today!"


"Let's meet the humans! When are they arriving? Where are they arriving? Do we know what they're gonna be like? Do they like ponies? Oooh, wait, I bet they like balloons, right?" Pinkie said as she erupted from the train. "They should be arriving sometime tonight," AJ answered again with a bit of a sigh. "No clue on how they look or what they like, though. We'll just hafta go in blind." AJ gulped a little at that. If they were anything like the Yaks, they were gonna have a time finding out what entertained them...


"I think we should get Princess Cadence before we meet the humans, there should be time, I think..." Fluttershy commented, more than likely concurring with the farm pony.


“Getting to the castle is important, though I need to step away for a moment." Celestia added. "Go on ahead, I will catch up in a moment.”


Applejack turned back to the Solar Princess to ask what she was about to do, only for her Lunar sister to make an inquiry.


"Tell me AppleJack, how can one be so calm in such a situation? I know that my thoughts on this matter may be grim at times, but after our strings of recent events, how can one not expect the worst? The same question goes for you as well Fluttershy."


"Well, Ah can't really speak speak for Fluttershy, but Ah can remain calm 'cause like we said last night - we need ta give the humans a chance and show 'em friendship like we would anypony else. If that don't work, then we show them the Magic of Friendship ain't ta be messed with!" Applejack responded, smirking.


The party had reached the castle at this time, and Applejack couldn't help but gasp. The already resplendent castle was already being decorated to the nines in preparation for the humans' arrival. Pillars were bedecked in ribbons and streamers, and tables were being set up in the ballroom and dressed in fine cloths, and the castle staff were cleaning, polishing, and scrubbing everything that could be cleaned. "Looks like the castle staff got a head start on ya, Pinkie!" AJ teased.


Upon reaching the kitchen, Applejack immediately spotted the pink princess and waved to her. "Ca-!" she was now trying to make her way to the princess, only to be cut off by a chef. "Sorry 'bout that. Pardon me!" Applejack weaved and dodged this pony and that pony before finally reaching Cadence at her table. "Found yer note at the station Princess Cadance," she began, bowing. "We're all here and Pinkie's just rarin' ta set that party up! You ready ta go?"

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Princess Celestia

@, @@Hypn0ticD

Those works of her sister bothered her a bit, that Luna had a plan of her own, yet Celestia would smile before saying, “Yes, you will see me at the castle soon enough. I will trust that you will take care of things for me until I arrive.” The eldest sister continued on her way but call as the youngest mentioned cake, “Save a few slices for me!

Celestia waited until her sister, Twilight, and the other had all moved out of sight. She would consider for a moment how this would all work out, especially with Luna's concerns and doubts. This could play out in many different ways, but in her heart the princess knew things would work out. She trusted her little ponies, particularly that of her student and those she called her dearest friends.
Having given enough time, the princess would draw her attention to a certain hidden filly by saying, “I must ask young one, does anyone know you are here? I wonder perhaps what brings you here, is it the anticipated arrival of the humans?” Celestia would walk into sight of Applebloom, smiling softly in amusement yet with the same warmth she offers all her subjects.
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Ruby couldn't sleep that night. She was just in front of two princesses and almost all of the Elements of Harmony! Also, she had a little conversation with two of them! And if that wasn't enought, a new species was coming to Equestria. A lot of things were gonna change soon. "Some rubies are gonna change soon" She thought. She was exited and she knew the hu-manes were coming that same day, but she was already tired with all the stuff that happened in Sugar Cube Corner and the Diamond Dogs thing. She just wanted to sleep (or at least try to sleep) and wait for the next day to come.





(( OOC: Ok, I'm gonna leave this for now, so I can have more time to catch up with the story ))

Edited by RubyW32
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Pinkie Pie is best pony

Don't you ever forget


Wanna see my dumb art?

My Deviant Art: http://rubywave32.deviantart.com/

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Spike's eyes bounced up and down as they followed the bundle of endless energy that was Pinkie Pie, then stopped when Applejack told her exactly when the humans would arrive. "I wonder if humans like the color pink," he deadpanned to himself.


He then heard Princess Luna asking how Applejack and Fluttershy could be so calm, pumping his little heard with excitement. "I agree, Luna," Spike said. "I can hardly contain my excitement meeting these humans. I can't take the suspense anymore!"


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Applejack cantering to meet Princess Cadence. He bounded after the farmpony and tried to divert her attention away from Applejack when he came close enough. "Hi Cadence!" he greeted her with a wave. "How are things at the Crystal Kingdom?"

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˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Finally! Thought they'd never leave!" Apple Bloom said as she put the menu down; she since moved from the cart to walking closely behind a Unicorn couple for a bit before managing to slink over to an unoccupied table at a cafe moments after.


She divided her attention as best she could between any approaching waiters and her sister's quickly vanishing posse for a few moments before getting up from her seat and trotting over to a parked chariot-- or rather, she would've had a large white mare not appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “I must ask young one, does anypone know you are here? I wonder perhaps what brings you here, is it the anticipated arrival of the humans?”


"Princess Celestia!" Apple Bloom squeaked, nearly jumping out of her skin. She recomposed herself and bowed to the solar princess, then rose to her full height. "No and yes, ma'am," Apple Bloom began. "No, Applejack doesn't know. And yes, Ah snuck onto the train to see the humans. Ah told Applejack that Ah could help, and Ah won't get in the way, but she said no, but Ah really, REALLY wanna see 'em, princess!" Apple Bloom bowed again, this time not rising back up. "Please, Princess Celestia! Don't tell mah big sis! Ah wanna see the humans just like everypony else!"

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"Oh. I just trust what Princess Celestia said. I believe that whatever humans Princess Celestia chooses will be good," Fluttershy responded to Princess Luna. After she finished, she retreated a bit into her mane and followed Applejack downstairs to the kitchen.




The kitchen was busy preparing for the party that night. Fluttershy struggled to get through the cooks, since her voice was barely heard over the clatter. She eventually made it through the crowd, finding that Spike had beat her. "I'm so sorry it took me so long, but how are you Princess Cadence?"

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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle, @, @, @@Yoshi89
Rarity was relieved to have her friends help her with her bags, as usual. Lugging all of them around wasn't easy, but Applejack handled them like she seemed to handle just about every load she carried—without breaking a sweat. After her bags—and everypony else's—were loaded, she boarded the train and found a cushioned seat to sit on. A bump, a jostle, and a few hours later, they were all in Canterlot.
Rarity stayed silent along this trip, as well as when they went to get Princess Cadance. With no ponies to busy herself with, her mind turned inwards. Dear, I do hope these humans will be reasonable. I mean, I always welcome the opportunity to learn about new creatures and such, but to meet some so intelligent and potentially dangerous and helpful at the same time? Best put on my diplomat visage, I think.
So Rarity straightened up a little and raised her chin, looking the part of any other Canterlotian. If her childish enthusiasm or betrayal of nerve were to affect the humans, best to appear as inoffensive as possible, she thought.
She looked around, observing her friends and the various degrees of not-inoffensive they were portraying. Rarity sighed silently. There's just no molding them into shape for the encounter, though. I mean, I love them all, but getting Applejack to behave not-cowgirl and getting Pinkie to behave, well, reasonably, is like trying to move a mountain. It just can't be done.
Rarity let go of her façade and dropped to a more neutral expression. She let out an actual sigh then and lagged behind a little in a deliberate move. If her friends were going to overwhelm and potentially offend the humans, best to stay silent and let her friends make varying degrees of fools of themselves, rather than exacerbate the problem by trying to make excuses for them. No use martyring oneself when nothing would be accomplished.
Rarity sighed again. This was why ambassadors and diplomats were so well trained to handle situations like this. She and her friends were not ambassadors or diplomats in any sense of the word.

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@RubyW32, @@Yoshi89, @@EquestrianScholar,

@@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony, @,


((Worked with Windbreaker on this post. Sorry it took so long!))


Inkwell paced back and forth for what seemed to be the umpteenth time before checking his watch yet again. In the waiting game that he was forced to play, he had managed to study the room in a bit more detail: lovely pastel and jewel toned walls almost completely obscured by bookshelves as high as the ceiling, each filled to capacity with various books. In the corner were two large, rather antiquated statues of Princesses Celestia and Luna rearing up and facing one another. To the left of them was a coat rack, a single large cloak upon one hook.


He had been in this room far too long. Inkwell Where was that human? Was he even coming? The Unicorn sighed. He better not have backed out!


It seemed as if he did. Inkwell removed his spectacles with his magic and polished them. "I'll give him a few more minutes, then--" *whoosh.*


The human stepped out of the portal, looking around and seeming somewhat confused and forlorn. Inkwell noticed this and frowned. "Alexander Nathaniel Jones, I take it?"


The human nodded. "Yes, that's me. Uh, nice to meet you, Mr..." He paused, as if to ask the small talking stallion his name. There were a few signs of this being a conscious decision, rather than just Alex being away from his YouTube job.


"Inkwell," the Unicorn stated. "I wish we could break the ice more, but we have to leave, and now. The Heroes of Equestria are already here, not to mention our princesses. We can't let them know you're here just yet. It'll ruin the surprise!" Inkwell then levitated the cloak over to Alex. "Now put this on. I don't want you to be seen!"


"Wait, wait, what?" Alex asked in surprise, hesitantly taking the cloak. "Hang on a second. I just got here, and this is a lot to take in all at once. Could I at least ask where I am and what I'm doing here?" He asked, his confusion growing with every word the Unicorn said.


Damn, that's right. Unlike many of the other contestants, he didn't know. "It's a long story, but the most important ponies in all our land are about to throw you a welcome party which is being coordinated by one of those ponies, and she happens to be VERY energetic!" Inkwell then took a step forward to press his point. "If she finds you now, you'll never make it to your house before nightfall!"


Alex cringed a little. From the look on his face, it'd be easy to tell that he'd rather get to his new house and adjust a little before trying to interact with anypony. "I gotta be honest...I haven't actually been looking forward to this trip. It's been more stressful than exciting, really." He confessed as he put on the cloak.


Inkwell sighed. He figured as much. "I know. We watched your video when you entered the contest. But still, you didn't have to come, you know. It was an invitation, and nopony'll force you to stay."


"I don't think my fans would see it that way..." Alex said, making sure the cloak was fastened securely. "So, just a few quick questions. Is my luggage taken care of? And can we make time for the Q and A later?" He asked, confusion remaining, but he seemed to understand that they were short on time right now.


"You shouldn't always follow your fans." Inkwell said, already making his way to the door. "Too late for that now, I suppose." With that, the Unicorn opened the door just wide enough to peer out into the corridor beyond. Once he determined the path was clear, he slipped his head back into the room. "Your luggage was delivered last night, and yes, my colleague and I will go back to your house to speak to you both. Now, we have to head out immediately if we're to make it to that Q&A."


Alex nodded, accepting that he had to go along with things for now and that he'd get his answers later. He pulled up the hood and waited for the pony to lead. This would be tricky, but he figured he could avoid detection. After all, it was a matter of patience and timing, wasn't it?


Inkwell turned to face Alex. "Alright, this is it. Stay close to me, and stay quiet. I want to get us out to the taxi before he decides to take off!" With that, the Unicorn opened the door fully with his magic, and stepped out into the hall, which began the arduous task of keeping Alex hidden...

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@@Yoshi89, @,@@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle,@@bronislav84, @@Taialin,

Applejack overheard Spike’s remark, and rolled her eyes. If Pinkie Pie was anything to go by, the humans were in for quite the overdose of pink!

"I can hardly contain my excitement meeting these humans. I can't take the suspense anymore!"

”We can't wait ta see the humans neither, Spike. In fact, none of us can...”

Applejack then looked back to Rarity, then to Rainbow Dash and frowned in thought. Both of them were uncharacteristically taciturn, and in Rarity's Case, pensive... “You two okay? Cats, or rather, humans got your tongues?”She asked with a wink.

In no time at all, the posse had made it to the castle’s kitchen and reached the Love Princess. "We're all here and Pinkie's just rarin' ta set that party up! You ready ta go?"

Applejack was overtaken by the baby dragon however, who seemed to really want the princess’ attention. "Hi Cadence! How are things at the Crystal Kingdom?"


Applejack cleared her throat but smiled. “Maybe we can visit sometime? Just ta hang out? But in the meantime, why don’t we all get somethin’ ta eat before we get everything ready?”

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Princess Celestia


Celestia would look down at the bowing filly, a warm smile on her face though she did wish Applebloom would look up at her. She had especially hoped that the young folly might try to use her big adorable eyes to get her not to tell. Yet such though were not of the task at hoof, and with a soft chuckle the princess would offer her reply.
We understand, though trying to sneak your way into seeing the humans will only cause some undo stress and worry.” The princess would take her hoof and place it under Applebloom's chin before lifting it so the filly could look into her eyes. Offering a warm and inviting smile, Celestia would add, “I will not reveal your activities... yet I hope you might consider coming with me and be with everyone else.
Looking to where everyone would disappear, she would offer the consideration, “Since you are already here, Applejack may consider letting you stay. She may not wish for you to return home alone and with myself by your side she might listen to letting you be a part of this.
Considering her sister, Celestia would add, “Luna may not displeased, along with your sister. Mine may feel it isn't safe and argue against you staying.
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We understand, though trying to sneak your way into seeing the humans will only cause some undue stress and worry.


Apple bloom gulped. She was gonna get in trouble, after all… “Ah know, princess Celestia, but Ah just wanna see ‘em, but AJ won’t…“ Apple Bloom’s words trailed off as the Solar Princess lifted her chin to meet her gaze. “I will not reveal your activities... yet I hope you might consider coming with me and be with everyone else.” she added with a warm smile.


REALLY?!” Apple Bloom squeaked, her eyes widening with excitement. “You mean it, Princess Celestia??


Looking to where everyone would disappear, she would offer the consideration, “Since you are already here, Applejack may consider letting you stay. She may not wish for you to return home alone and with myself by your side she might listen to letting you be a part of this.


It was all she could do to keep from exploding with excitement as Celestia looked over her high shoulder to check on the posse up ahead, who had just went out of sight. In their place however, not too far off in the distance was a taxi crossing a street; the taxi itself was nothing she hadn’t seen, rather, it was one of the passengers that had caught her eye…


Since you are already here,” Celestia continued, regaining Apple Bloom’s attention, “Applejack may consider letting you stay. She may not wish for you to return home alone and with myself by your side she might listen to letting you be a part of this.” Celestia paused a moment in thought, then went on, “Luna may not displeased, along with your sister. Mine may feel it isn't safe and argue against you staying.


Well, Applejack’s sure ta raise a fuss with me, but maybe she won’t send me home right away…” Apple bloom said, lowering her head as she was now in thought herself. “But with you by my side Princess, Ah’m sure she won’t send me home right away… But Princess Luna…” Apple Bloom looked up to Celestia once more, beaming brightly. “Maybe we can convince Luna, too! Ah can show both her and my big sis that Ah can really be a big help in welcomin’ the humans!

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@@Derplight Sperkle@@Yoshi89, @@Hypn0ticD@@Taialin,

"Goodness, you're here early!" Cadance said in surprise when she noticed Fluttershy and Spike. The glancing outside to see where the sun was, she chided herself. "Or I'm running late! I'm so sorry, I meant to meet you all at the train station. Spike, lovely to see you, the Crystal Empire fairs quite well. Getting ready for our new arrivals," she said with a wink. "I think we should get out of the kitchen staff's way though. Can you lead me to the rest of the group?" Cadance shooed everyone from the kitchen, asking for a large service to follow, so that everyone could be well fed before the humans arrived. "I'd love you all to come whenever you like! I'm always happy to host!"  


Cadance tried to catch Rarity's eye, but it seemed the fashionista was stewing, probably over the humans. Cadance, the ever optimist was trying to stay positive, but she certainly understood Rarity's apprehension. Not for the first time, Cadance wished her husband was here. Banishing her dark thoughts with a shake of her head, she plastered a smile on her face, ready to take on whatever Equestria threw at her.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Pripyat Pony @@Hypn0ticD

"Well, I have been a little here and a little there, wandering around playing my tune... Seen a few places, especially in the west. I even came upon a desert, which partially halted me travels... But there are always a way to go, and news of strange beings soon to appear here had reached even there." he said, with a lightly displeased expression as he mentioned the desert.


Almost as soon as he had finished, he noticed a taxi carriage rushing past them.

"Well, they seemed short on time..." he mumbled partially to himself before continuing; "There was a strange figure sitting in it too...", as he scratched the back of his head with a hoof.

Edited by Zhooves

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Ooc: I'm so hacked off. I typed up a huge post, then the bucking internet went off. :angry:


@@Zhooves,  Clover too had seen the weird creature in the back of the cab. "I wonder what the creatures can be?" she asked. "I just caught a glimpse, but it didn't look like a pony or even a griffon. You're so lucky, being able to travel. I've mostly stayed in Trottingham, giving magic lessons and writing my magic books."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin, @@Derplight Sperkle,

"I see," is all the princess would say in response to Apple Jack and Fluttershy. She would fallow quietly behind them, only pausing when she heard the white mare's sigh. Turning to Rarity, a look of concern would fill the princess's face. "Rarity, I take it that you are having second thoughts about our...visitors as well?" Perhaps Rarity shared the same feelings on the matter. "I too have my doubts and worries on this meeting. Though I trust my sister, I can not help but thinking that one small misunderstanding could...derail this whole process." Forcing a smile, she would continue. "Celestia, as do I, have complete faith in you and all your friends. It is the outside factors that worry me."



As they entered the kitchen, Luna would nod to her niece. "It appears that you have all under control here. That is one less item I have to worry about."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@@Pripyat Pony

"Aye, being free to travel and move around as one wish is great, though to be settled has its pros too. Would you not be able to take a break every now and then, have a trip by yeself or with friends? I suppose coming with me once sometime could be fun." he said to Clover.


"I guess one interesting bit when travelling is how you will not always know where you will end up, or how time passes..." he continued, before slowly turning his head to where the cab had gone to.

"You do not suppose those creatures could have arrived already?"

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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“You two okay? Cats, or rather, humans got your tongues?” She asked with a wink.


"Huh? The pegasus blinked a few times. "Oh...I'm just tired, that's all."


Rainbow's stomach started rumbling.


"Heh...and I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of food right about now." She said with a grin. A few minutes later, they arrived at the castle kitchen and found Princess Cadence.


Once they had greeted the princess, AJ then asked if everyone wanted to get something to eat. 


"Getting something to eat sounds fine by me!" She replied enthusiastically.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@bronislav84, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @, @@GeneralDirection, @@bronislav84,


"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said, seemingly returning from a reverie. "Oh...I'm just tired, that's all." Applejack nodded in response; she didn't get as much sleep as she would've liked either. The thought of welcoming new visitors from another world was just too exciting to her!


"Goodness, you're here early!" Cadance said as Applejack entered the kitchen, accompanied by Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike. Looking out the window, she then said, "Or I'm running late! I'm so sorry, I meant to meet you all at the train station. Spike, lovely to see you, the Crystal Empire fares quite well. Getting ready for our new arrivals." Applejack shook her head but smiled as the princess responded to the baby dragon’s inquiry. Far be it for him to let anypony forget his heroic deeds in the Crystal Empire.


"I think we should get out of the kitchen staff's way though. Can you lead me to the rest of the group?" Cadance asked, getting everypony out of the kitchen, a retinue of chefs in tow. "I'd love you all to come whenever you like! I'm always happy to host!"


Ah’m lookin’ forward ta it, Princess Cadance! It'd be good ta see you and Shining Armor again!” Applejack said as she and her friends led her to the rest of the group, helping herself to an apple fritter from a platter. “Mmmph. These're good, but they're not Apple Family fritters!" Applejack mused aloud.


Applejack and her crew continued to lead Cadance back to the others when Princess Luna seemed to address Rarity. "Rarity, I take it that you are having second thoughts about our...visitors as well?" Applejack looked over to the ivory Unicorn, who still seemed lost in thought. "I too have my doubts and worries on this meeting. Though I trust my sister, I can not help but thinking that one small misunderstanding could...derail this whole process."


"Ah still think we should give 'em a chance, Princess Luna. Who knows? They could be just as anxious as we are!" the farmpony then polished off her fritter before taking another and offering it to the Lunar deity. "In the meantime, why don't we just sit down an' get somethin' ta eat!"

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