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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Lorec, sent reeling backward from the punch, let go of the axe, and nearly toppled over from his loss of balance. As he was reeling, he planted his sword in the ground quickly to stop the motion, eventually forcing himself to stop. Breathing heavy, he snarled again, and spoke in an ominously bloodthirsty tone...


" it's still not enough.... I need more..."


It was then that Lorec would initiate a sequence no one would expect; quickly sheathing his sword on his back, he would lean forward, and plant both hands on the ground, in what seemed to be the stance of a quadriped. Afterwards, instead of charging at Tyra, he quickly spun around in the opposite direction, and with a mighty push off from the ground, hopped out of the impact crater made from earlier, and had begun running in the direction of the fort! With a head start and on all fours, Lorec would more than easily put a great distance between he and Tyra in a short amount of time.


As he did so, Lorec heard a voice in his head. The voice of his companion soul, mighty, baritone, and loud. It was the Ursa King, Viruden.


' Lorec.... It is time to ascend..."


Tyra quickly grabbed her axe in midair, and landed on all fours in the crater with Lorec. She watched as he got on all fours himself, then leapt out of the crater.

She raised an eyebrow. Was he running away? It wouldn't be like him to surrender, not in such an important fight.


No, he was planning something.


She turned and faced the nearest crater side, and lowered down to push herself up it. Climbing the last few inches, She raced around the side and dashed after Lorec, toward the fort.


What could possibly be there that he'd want...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra quickly grabbed her axe in midair, and landed on all fours in the crater with Lorec. She watched as he got on all fours himself, then leapt out of the crater.

She raised an eyebrow. Was he running away? It wouldn't be like him to surrender, not in such an important fight.


No, he was planning something.


She turned and faced the nearest crater side, and lowered down to push herself up it. Climbing the last few inches, She raced around the side and dashed after Lorec, toward the fort.


What could possibly be there that he'd want...?

Eventually stopping about two hundred feet before reaching the fort, he had managed to put quite a large amount of space between him and Tyra. He turned around to face Tyra, and got back up into bipedal position. Instead of taking an offensive posture, he simply stomped his left hoof into the ground ferociously. Aura triggering violently around him again, cracks in the earth appeared to travel behind him, and spread out in a horizontal line once they had traveled 5 feet from him, in the shape of a T. Once this had started, the cracks began to rapidly travel faster in opposite directions, and ended at about 50 ft away from the starting point of the earth shift in either direction. It was then.... That this large, wide line of earth began to cave in on itself, producing a violent earthquake, and opening what seemed to be a deep, fathomless crevice, right behind where Lorec was standing with arms crossed! So deep it was, that it was pitch black, and Lorec stood there, on the edge of this newly formed pit to the underground, his hooves on the edge. He was waiting for her to get there... What was he planning?


In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Don't get me started about falcons!" Rainbow dash said a little bit more loudly than she should have. Her miniature rant was stopped, however, when Lightning Strike did something that should have been, by all rights, impossible. Rainbow Dash stopped backstroking and looked up in astonishment. 


"Wait, wha-? How did you do that?" she asked, confused. Pegasi were supposed to able to alter weather, but Lightning Strike had just created her own out of nothing. And it was amazing.




"We should," she replied with a grin of her own. She tilted her head to the side, and it faded a little.


"But not like this. They have a dress code, and they won't let us in like this. Meet me by the front in 30 minutes, Caliber." she said, walking off.


"I'll be waiting."




Rarity was impressed; in 20 seconds, Ice Blizzard had already done better than that horrid beast Blueblood. They were off to a wonderful start.


"Thank you, Ice Blizzard it's so nice to see a gentlepony nowadays." She sat down in her chair, pulling it up, before reaching for a menu. She leafed through it, before arriving at a suitable selection.


"I think... i'll have the apple steaks," she said finally as she placed the menu down. "What will you have?"

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Eventually stopping about two hundred feet before reaching the fort, he had managed to put quite a large amount of space between him and Tyra. He turned around to face Tyra, and got back up into bipedal position. Instead of taking an offensive posture, he simply stomped his left hoof into the ground ferociously. Aura triggering violently around him again, cracks in the earth appeared to travel behind him, and spread out in a horizontal line once they had traveled 5 feet from him, in the shape of a T. Once this had started, the cracks began to rapidly travel faster in opposite directions, and ended at about 50 ft away from the starting point of the earth shift in either direction. It was then.... That this large, wide line of earth began to cave in on itself, producing a violent earthquake, and opening what seemed to be a deep, fathomless crevice, right behind where Lorec was standing with arms crossed! So deep it was, that it was pitch black, and Lorec stood there, on the edge of this newly formed pit to the underground, his hooves on the edge. He was waiting for her to get there... What was he planning?



The powerful tremors in the earth caused Tyra to trip up slightly in her sprint, but she just about kept her balance. She looked ahead as Lorec stood, rather nonchalantly, waiting for her. As he did, the ground caved in from behind him, cracking and crumbling. She couldn't see exactly what was happening from where she was.


Upon getting closer, however, she discovered that it was a crevice, with nothing but black as far as she could see.

What was he planning to do with that?


Upon getting a good ten meters away from Lorec, she skidded to a halt. And waited.

"What are you planning with this large hole?" She called to him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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caliber grinned. "roger that!" he said, going off to leave. 


and once sleight was out of sight, he began to panic. he had no money, and he certainly couldn't get to ponyville and back in thirty minutes.


and its been a while since he stole something...he doubted that he could pull off a thievery like how he used to. skills dull, and such.


and he certainly didnt wanna get the suit via pulling a robbery. AKA pulling a 'crazed lunatic with a sword demanding stuff'


...what to do, what to do...


he started running. maybe he had some bits in his apartment?


hey. who's that? he looked familia-


naga. holy crap, its naga!


"yooooooooooooooo, buddy!" he said, bounding up to him. "haven't seen ya in like, months, bro!!"

Edited by PeytonJay


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Blizzard lightly blushed as he sat down, and looked over his menu. He flipped through the pages, and finally said, "Aha. The spaghetti. Too perfect. Now we just gotta wait for...waiter!"


A waiter came to their table and asked what they wanted. Blizzard stated, "Spaghetti for me, and apple steaks for the lady." The waiter nodded, and left to give their orders to the chef.


Ice turned to Rarity, and tried to make light talk, "So...Rarity..uh...you look absolutely amazing tonight. I mean, I've always wondered: 'What are the secrets to looking so amazing?' until I read your magazines. I mean, I've read a TON of magazines with your articles, and I kinda enjoy what I've read about how to stay looking pretty."


He blushed a little bit more, "I mean, I know it sounds weird for a stallion to read magazine articles about beauty and whatnot. But I don't really care, because my mom always taught me to have an open mind...and I like what I've read. I mean, even I took some of the fashion tips I've read in there to keep my hair looking good."


Ice felt embarrassed having said so much at once and sheepisly said, "Uh..sorry if I said a lot at once Rarity...uh, you want some wine?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The powerful tremors in the earth caused Tyra to trip up slightly in her sprint, but she just about kept her balance. She looked ahead as Lorec stood, rather nonchalantly, waiting for her. As he did, the ground caved in from behind him, cracking and crumbling. She couldn't see exactly what was happening from where she was.


Upon getting closer, however, she discovered that it was a crevice, with nothing but black as far as she could see.

What was he planning to do with that?


Upon getting a good ten meters away from Lorec, she skidded to a halt. And waited.

"What are you planning with this large hole?" She called to him.

Lorec, arms crossed and now profusely bleeding from the mouth as both his internals were being strained and from Tyra's blows. Chuckling to himself, he spoke.


" I'm not so sure, myself. All I know is, is that Viruden has spoken to me. He says that it is time for me to ' ascend '... You see, I've never taken the power of the Ursa King beyond the second stage, which is the soul infusion that you have seen putting great strain on my body in exchange for greater rending of earth, and a massive increase in strength. Of course, against you, it is not enough..."


He said, grinning. He looked over his shoulder, and towards the newly formed crevice.


" This pit, Tyra... It is a representation of my hunger. And that hunger is nearly insatiable. My hunger for fighting, and my thirst for raw power... I'm not afraid to admit that those are apart of me anymore. I've spent so much time fighting myself, trying to say ' no, I'm better than this.' But alas, I am not..."


He then turned his head back to Tyra, and spoke.


" I have... No inkling as to what happens next, Tyra. The only thing I know to do now... Is completely immerse myself in my greed."


It was then that the primordial soul slowly ejected itself from his chest. Lorec, reaching for it, grabbed on to it as only he could, and held it in front of him, looking down at it, mesmerizied in thought. Then, looking back at Tyra, he... Took a small step backward... Toward the crevice. What was he doing... Was he planning to throw himself off of the ledge?!?





Kazas sat there, watching on as his companion was about to seemingly toss himself into the abyss. His heart was throbbing, not knowing what Lorec was about to do.


Sifana, sitting next to Syuren, was crying profusely, whimpering and shaking.


" Papa!!!!! Why are you doing this...? Don't leave me here alone...!"


Sifana, rising from her seat, attempted to run down the steps and toward the arena, but Syuren stopped her before she could, barely holding her.


" ayyyy, easy, Sifana! C'mon, ya can't just waltz on down there! Lorec's in the middle of a fight!"


Struggling to try and get to her father, she tried to pull away from Syuren.


" But he's about to... He's about to die! Brother Ren, he's in pain!"


Syuren, instinctively, pulled Sifana in close... And wrapped a hoof around her, hugging her.


" Siffy, look. Now I'm ya older sworn bro, right? I know ya dad. And he's the toughest sonova' bitch I've ever seen. He's been in way worse scraps than this. I promise ya. He'll be 'aight, okay? Medical bill is gonna suck, but he ain't gonna leave ya here alone. He loves you way too much to pull that crap. If he falls into that hole, then he's got plans for it!"


Sifana, comforted by Syuren's words, began to calm down a tad.



It was then that Alrahm felt something... Strange from the battle. As if a change were about to occur, drastic and great.


caliber grinned. "roger that!" he said, going off to leave.


and once sleight was out of sight, he began to panic. he had no money, and he certainly couldn't get to ponyville and back in thirty minutes.


and its been a while since he stole something...he doubted that he could pull off a thievery like how he used to. skills dull, and such.


and he certainly didnt wanna get the suit via pulling a robbery. AKA pulling a 'crazed lunatic with a sword demanding stuff'


...what to do, what to do...


he started running. maybe he had some bits in his apartment?


hey. who's that? he looked familia-


naga. holy crap, its naga!


"yooooooooooooooo, buddy!" he said, bounding up to him. "haven't seen ya in like, months, bro!!"

Almost blindsided by this pony, it didn't take long for him to recognize Caliber, and he smiled widely.


" Oi! And there be the first thing to cross off the ol' list! How've you been, my friend? It's good ta finally see the keeper of this ol' monk's secret well an' in a good bit of health!"


He said, ignoring personal space and hugging Caliber.


" I missed the living Naraka outta you! Bein' back in the land of the livin' is truly a great experience! So, whaddya been doing fer the past few months? Fightin' as well as the monkey king, me hopes!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber wondered what this list of naga's was, but apparently, he as at the top.


"ah, you know it!" he said, hugging back. "but one things for sure, the monkey king aint got nothing on me! hell, iv actually gotten stronger since we've last fought."


he grinned, "but...i cant stay and catch up, sadly. im on...a date!" his eyes sparkled. "and i dont have any money for a suit...you wouldn't happen to be able to spare some bits, would ya? i could pay ya back in the morning, with interest. i just need about twenty, and i should be good."


the last bit of his money he had right now was going towards the suit. although he was counting on paying for dinner, it quickly changed. he had about 80 bits, which was about enough for the average dinner (average, at least, to him) and needed a bit more.


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The CMC stopped tussling to go and look at what Flash had found in the brochure. They were five golden tickets to Octavia's and Vinyl's hall for tonight. They each picked up a card and handled it, closely evaluating it. It was a golden dinner ticket that read in bold black print, "You're invited." With some smaller italicized subtext under it.


"A fancy party? Bleh. It doesn't sound all that cool if you catch my drift?"


"Yeah, it doesn't really sound like our sort of style. Too fancy shmancy. We're more or action pact adventurers on the quest to get our--"


"CUTIE MARKS!" They shouted in unison


Scootaloo and Applebloom weren't really into the whole, upper class stuff and such but Sweetie Belle was fairly interested in it. She would of loved going and seeing the performers entertain. She even dreamed to be one... minus having to perform in front of any pony else. She was particularly shy about letting anyone else hear her sing.


Anyways, she still wanted to stick with the girls but deep inside she wanted to go, so instead of either agreeing with them or opposing to her friends she remained quiet as they dismissed the idea.


"We'd be fine with walking with you two if you'd want, won't we girls." The other two nodded in agreement and smiled. As they began walking Speed and Flash to the Dinner Party, even though it wouldn't start for a while.

The twins were sad that the Crusaders weren't going to the party, especially Flash about Sweetie Belle, but they wouldn't be deterred from trying to find their sister. It had been a long ride to the city, as well as a fun adventure around town, but they had to find her even to just say hi. Though they wanted to stick around to watch her fights.


The five walked to the Hall together, with Flash hanging his head. Really, what would he do for a date now? There was no way she would agree to go with him without her pals. He would have to go to the party with his sister as his date........again.


And in what seemed like no time they were there. He mustered up the courage to say something, even though it was most likely pointless and she wouldn't understand. That or she would get mad. "I-I-I r-really w-wish w-we c-could h-have g-gone t-together S-sweetie B-belle." It was not very audible, and he honestly hoped she wouldn't hear him. Though a part of him hoped she would. Soon the two would get on line to enter.

Rain Shadow floated through the hall in elegantly styled dress as she searched for someone to talk to. If she wanted to achieve her future goal of changeling ambassador, she would need to make connections, and this would be the prefect place to do it. 


It also wouldn't help to have some fun, she thought as she continued to move. She looked around, searching for somepony who was alone...


and bumped into somepony who happened to be right in front of her.


"Ow, okay," she muttered, falling back a little before re-gaining her height in the air. She looked ahead of her to see a yellow mare with the oddest dress and the oddest machine she had ever seen. She tried her best to sound eloquent as she regarded them.


"Hey." she said nonchalantly, smiling at the pair.

I'd been floating near the ceiling regarding the open bar with a lot of desire. Everypony seemed to be either ignoring it or preferring smaller portions and ordering food, but I liked to eat a lot and this was just what I was looking for. The suit registered a light hit on the shields, not even enough to actually damage them but enough that it was noticeable. I whooshed around. Of course Pegasi would be able to reach me here.


"Hi. Are you here without a date too?" I pointed to Sparky on my back. "Don't mind him, he's not my date." I looked over the open bar again, preferring to talk while eating, whooshing down to float at ground level. I then started to chow down on some corn cobs, motioning the mare to come down here. Half the bar was mine. Definitely. Either way they'd probably refill it anyway.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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caliber wondered what this list of naga's was, but apparently, he as at the top.


"ah, you know it!" he said, hugging back. "but one things for sure, the monkey king aint got nothing on me! hell, iv actually gotten stronger since we've last fought."


he grinned, "but...i cant stay and catch up, sadly. im on...a date!" his eyes sparkled. "and i dont have any money for a suit...you wouldn't happen to be able to spare some bits, would ya? i could pay ya back in the morning, with interest. i just need about twenty, and i should be good."


the last bit of his money he had right now was going towards the suit. although he was counting on paying for dinner, it quickly changed. he had about 80 bits, which was about enough for the average dinner (average, at least, to him) and needed a bit more.

" spare a few bits?"


Naga said, in a small laugh and pulling away from Caliber.


" Cal, ya really went n' forgot who yer pal really is?"


He said, winking. He reached into the fold of his Eiquetan garments, and pulled out an ornate, red coin bag from about where his breastbone would be. He lightly tugged at the string with his teeth, and the bag was opened.


" Best thing about Havin' friends in really, really, realllllyyyyy high places is that ya always know they can help you out with yer problems! And the icing on the hotdog is, because I'm a monk, others tend to think I'm a sorta drifter without a bit to his name, an' I don't get mugged, heh!"


Holding the bag open from his mouth, he reached in, and pulled out several, solid gold bits. Worth a pretty penny. Just one was probably enough to buy 10 dinners with royalty alone. He counted seven in all, and tucked away the coin purse back into the fold of his grabs, keeping the seven that he had taken out in his other hoof. He extended it to Caliber, offering it as a token of friendship.


" Heh! Mi'lord always sends me off with more than I can spend! Hope this is enough. When yer done, tell me what a ' date ' is! Here's some coinage to get ya through yer... Well.. I dunno, month? Months? Year? Ahhhh, it just depends on how ya spend it!"


In addition to not knowing what a date was, he had also spoken of icing. On a hotdog. If one had clearly not noticed that Naga was from out of town, they would have, now.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@Corona de Adamas


Night Tracer surveyed the crowd looking for his date, he anxiously waited for Celestia but he also wouldn't mind Luna walking through the doors. That'd make him pretty happy to see Luna coming; with her dressed up. He'd be one enthusiastic stallion to enjoy dinner with his mare, especially after their first date went.


He continued to scan the crowd for Celestia, until a peculiar mare caught his eye. He rolled his eyes at her then walked down to her and pulled her away from mingling with other party guests and into private. He frowned at her, "I want to know why." He said blandly, "I want to know, why you came like this, why aren't you, well, you?" He inquired while tapping his hoof to the ground


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Electron Wave Storm was still at his overwatch position, until a sudden sight caught his eye. A cloud, randomly zigzaging low to the ground. He knew something was wrong, and spoke over his wrist-com, "I got a rogue cloud here. Somepony talk to me, over."


A pegasus responded, "Sorry EWS, everypony else is done for the night. You'll have to handle it on your own."


EWS was startled, "What?! So, you mean I gotta handle this on my own?!"


"Well, you haven't been working that hard recently, and HQ said we could all get off early, and that you had to pick it up, or they'll cut your pay in half. Goodnight."


EWS sighed. He knew he had to do better, and handle this. All of his recent pranks have been goof-off tim that he needed to make up for, or else his ass would get yelled at by the superiors, "Looks like I'm on my own. Fine, then...."


@everyone at the party

He flew down, and tried to contain the cloud, but it was out of control. EWS grabbed it, but it wouldn't stop, and eventually came through the doors of the Hall.


The cloud came to a stop inside around everypony, and EWS was flying there, and said, "Don't mind me, just bucking around with a cloud...." 


He pushed the cloud back outside, and threw it into a wall, "Damn cloud..." he then flew back into the air, for a one-pony weather overwatch.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Night Tracer, you know very well why I look like this." Celestia sighed, and her Stalliongrad accent evaporated mid-sentence. Her glasses magically vanished and disappeared into thin air as well. All that was left was the plain, pretty pegasus, and she regarded him sadly.


"As Sunny Days, ponies want to get to know me. They want to know me, Night Tracer; they don't care about crowns, or titles, or the fact that i'm an alicorn. They can have fun, talk to me, act normally. They can be themselves."


She turned her head and spared a glance back towards the crowd, before she turned back to Night Tracer. Her voice dropped to a whisper.


"What do I get out there, as Princess Celestia? Everypony crowding me simply because of my title? Forced bows and smiles? Ponies faking polite conversation with me because they're afraid i'll stick them in a dungeon somewhere if they so much as disagree with me? Is that what you want for me? Is that what you think makes me happy?"


She shook her head, as if she had already made up her mind.


"No. My ponies need Princess Celestia, and they'll have her until I pass from this world into the next. But they don't need her now. Not tonight."

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caliber grinned, and took it. "thanks, brah!" he said cheerfully, pocketing it. "ill be sure to pay ya back! and tell ya how it goes!"


he ran off in the direction of the shop, and simply demanded 'the most expensive, striking, regal suit you got' and paid with a golden bit. 


of course, he had to carry a fair amount of gems, and three giant bags of bits back to his house, and even then, he was told 'they'd get the rest of the money tomorrow.'


...makes you wonder how rich naga's friend is.


but he got home, dumped the outrageous pile of money on his bed, got into the suit, and ran back out.


of course, this time, he took it slow. didnt wanna trip or something, and mess it up.


he neared the ball with a with a striking attire. 


all within the time sleight had put. which was roughly a half-hour.


he grinned. this was probably the fanciest he'll ever get.


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"Night Tracer, you know very well why I look like this." Celestia sighed, and her Stalliongrad accent evaporated mid-sentence. Her glasses magically vanished and disappeared into thin air as well. All that was left was the plain, pretty pegasus, and she regarded him sadly.


"As Sunny Days, ponies want to get to know me. They want to know me, Night Tracer; they don't care about crowns, or titles, or the fact that i'm an alicorn. They can have fun, talk to me, act normally. They can be themselves."


She turned her head and spared a glance back towards the crowd, before she turned back to Night Tracer. Her voice dropped to a whisper.


"What do I get out there, as Princess Celestia? Everypony crowding me simply because of my title? Forced bows and smiles? Ponies faking polite conversation with me because they're afraid i'll stick them in a dungeon somewhere if they so much as disagree with me? Is that what you want for me? Is that what you think makes me happy?"


She shook her head, as if she had already made up her mind.


"No. My ponies need Princess Celestia, and they'll have her until I pass from this world into the next. But they don't need her now. Not tonight."



Night Tracer looked at her, without understanding but trying his best to empathize. He spoke softly, "Celestia, I'm... I'm sorry but, I'm going to ask for a lot. But before I do I just want to tell you what I think." He started off.


"I can't imagine how it feels, until I am in the same position you are... Which is still an option... Whenever you get around to it?" He grinned but quickly retorted it; "Sorry, not the time for jokes."


He thought for a moment before speaking again, he walked towards her and put his hooves upon her shoulders, and looked her in the eye. Just a few inches away from her. "I know it must be hard but never showing these ponies who you really are, means they'll never know. If you go out and "act" like the amazing mare that you are then... They'll soon forget "princess" and start thinking about "Celestia" but right now they aren't thinking of either." He explained, showing empathy.


"I'm not going to make you do anything, Celly, but I'm going to tell you this. I can enjoy my dinner with my friend or whoever you may be. Just know I don't think any less of you, even if it'd mean a lit for you to trust me. And believe me, when I say trust me, I mean it. And you better bet I'll give it my all to follow through. Ok?" He asked now backing away from her, "I'll be sitting at our table, waiting. I'll order you a glass of wine, but I pour a bit more for friends then I do strangers," he winked and walked away.


He sat down at their table and pulled out a menu, "This, will be interesting..."


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After the incident with the cloud, and several others, Electron Wave Storm was tired and bored. He didn't feel sleepy yet, so that wasn't an option. He also didn't get a ticket to the party, so he just started to walk around the town, "I can't believe how much of an unnecessary asshole I've been to everyone. And for what? All because I stopped being friends with Ice? That's not cool at all. But because of that stupid cloud, I don't even care about others. But my conscienceis still here. I guess I should probably say sorry to everyone, but not now, I don't think I'd be accepted after what I did."


"Jackie seemed like a good example of what they call 'friends'. But that's not who I am. I am a naturallly born tough-guy-turned-into-a-jerk. I'm gonna need some work on my social skills if I plan to make things right. I just wish I could take back what I did before, and try to fit in around here."


He continued to sadly walk, and eventually fly around the arena, contemplating what decisions to make with his life.


"Can I change who I was....?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Violet she smirked. apparently, she was gonna win. her martial arts were just in a different league. when she kicked, and the griffon tried to slash at her legs, and simply jumped straight up, letting her wings take her a little high, doing a quick front-flip, and brought down her other hind leg down on the griffon's neck. unless she was fast, or more durable then normal, then... violet grinned. victory was certain.
Ruby "oh! the partys starting!! c'mon, red!" ruby exclaimed, as she dashed in the direction that apparently everyone else were going. "we must not be late, for we are the guests of honor!!" they arrived at the entrance soon, and got in without no problem thanks to ruby's quick hooves. "we're in!!" she squealed, then said the same thing in a deeper voice.


Bjorg looked up as Violet suddenly became airborne and began flying towards her. Damn. She is fast. Bjorg flipped on her back, lying on the ground, and let the kick hit her face again. She didn't mind kicks hitting her face, but her neck fur wasn't very thick and couldn't provide defense against blows. Not that her face fur could, either.


She felt pain as something definitely broke. Oh, well. She snapped at Violet's hoof with her beak, hoping to grab it.


"Good job," Red said, grinning. Ruby definitely had good instincts when it came to breaking the law. She looked around in awe. "Celestia, this is a big event."

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Rain Shadow floated down next to the mare. She waited by her while she ate, though she wasn't interested in the cobs in the slightest.


"Actually, yeah, i'm here without a date. Apparently, i'm just not pretty enough for some lucky stallion. Or mare, I don't judge," she said off-handedly, mostly talking to herself at that point. She decided to turn the conversation back to Lektra, before she ended up losing a potential friend. It wouldn't be the first time.


"Anyway, i'm Rain Shadow, the pegasus. It's nice to meet you," she finished as held out what she hoped was a confident hoof.




Sleight Mist was there exactly where she said she would be, at the front of the entrance to the hall. She wore a drop-dead dark blue ensemble, and she grinned from ear to ear as she saw him approach.


"You're here, and you look fantastic," she remarked as she checked him out. "So... you ready to go in?"




"Actually, yes, I would like a drink. Just a small glass, though. Sherry Amontillado."


She smiled openly at him.


it's okay by the way, Ice Blizzard. It's actually nice to see a stallion with a sense of style. It's incredibly rare nowadays," she replied as she reflected rather unfondly on how that was all too true.




Sunny Days stopped, thinking hard about what Night Tracer had said to her. All the while, that little word kept floating around in her mind, teasing her.




She had promised to trust Night Tracer, had given her word. So why couldn't she do it now? She looked out towards the crowd of ponies, hesitation pulling at her like the weight of the sun itself...


Moments later, a bright flash of light lit up the dark corner of the room, though it was only visible to those who happened to be paying attention. Moments later, Princess Celestia strode out, pulling up a seat across from Night Tracer


"I guess i'll have that drink then," she said, pulling up the menu. She wasn't smiling; she was anxious.

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@@Little Red@


Violet POV


violet frowned. she wasn't expecting her to survive the hit. and she didnt recover fast enough to dodge the beak that had just clamped on her leg.




violet started thrashing, "lemme go!"


Ruby POV


she grinned. "i know!" she said, heading in. "isnt it amazing?"


Caliber POV


he smirked. "i know i look good." he said, walking with her. "not as good as you, but still."


he headed in, with her.

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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Bjorg only clamped harder and began pulling, dragging Violet down. She tugged hard suddenly to the side, trying to swing Violet to the ground. The bridge of her muzzle really hurt...


Red suddenly noticed-- "Celestia," she said softly, in awe. She'd never seen the princess before. The princess came to parties like this..? She shook herself out of her awe-struck thoughts. "Let's find a place to sit," she said, now serious. "Do you think all these tables are reserved?" she added, suddenly nervous. "How do we find out which table's ours..?" Breaking in was so stressful...

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@@Little Red


violet growled, and brought her hoof down on the beak that was clamped on her leg. "let go!!"




ruby looked at celestia. knowing full well everything thats gonna happen in the next twenty years or so, and wondering if she should give her a heads-up.


"...so regal..." she murmurs. 


she registers the fact that red asked which table. "we just...pick one, i guess." she said, sitting down at a random one.

  • Brohoof 1


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Bjorg got kicked once more, straight in the beak. She automatically let go. "Ow!" She grumbled, rubbing her beak. She opened her wings and charged up at Violet, one talon ready to catch and kicks, the other clenched into a fist to punch Violet in the gut.


Red hastily sat down beside her, looking around. They seemed to be one of the first inside. She recognized some of the ponies coming in, but couldn't place names on any of them. She couldn't get over how big this place was...

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Lorec, arms crossed and now profusely bleeding from the mouth as both his internals were being strained and from Tyra's blows. Chuckling to himself, he spoke.


" I'm not so sure, myself. All I know is, is that Viruden has spoken to me. He says that it is time for me to ' ascend '... You see, I've never taken the power of the Ursa King beyond the second stage, which is the soul infusion that you have seen putting great strain on my body in exchange for greater rending of earth, and a massive increase in strength. Of course, against you, it is not enough..."


He said, grinning. He looked over his shoulder, and towards the newly formed crevice.


" This pit, Tyra... It is a representation of my hunger. And that hunger is nearly insatiable. My hunger for fighting, and my thirst for raw power... I'm not afraid to admit that those are apart of me anymore. I've spent so much time fighting myself, trying to say ' no, I'm better than this.' But alas, I am not..."


He then turned his head back to Tyra, and spoke.


" I have... No inkling as to what happens next, Tyra. The only thing I know to do now... Is completely immerse myself in my greed."


It was then that the primordial soul slowly ejected itself from his chest. Lorec, reaching for it, grabbed on to it as only he could, and held it in front of him, looking down at it, mesmerizied in thought. Then, looking back at Tyra, he... Took a small step backward... Toward the crevice. What was he doing... Was he planning to throw himself off of the ledge?!?


Tyra's eyes widened at Lorec's explanation. What was he doing to himself? Was he really willing to put his body-- no, his life on the line for this fight?!


No, she refused to have such a warrior go through so much suffering in her name. He had already proven himself as a worthy opponent to her many times over, this was just not necessary.


"My friend, stop!" She yelled, advancing toward him as he held the soul before him, "There is no need to go this far! You are tearing your body apart, I can see it from here!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Don't get me started about falcons!" Rainbow dash said a little bit more loudly than she should have. Her miniature rant was stopped, however, when Lightning Strike did something that should have been, by all rights, impossible. Rainbow Dash stopped backstroking and looked up in astonishment.


"Wait, wha-? How did you do that?" she asked, confused. Pegasi were supposed to able to alter weather, but Lightning Strike had just created her own out of nothing. And it was amazing.




"We should," she replied with a grin of her own. She tilted her head to the side, and it faded a little.


"But not like this. They have a dress code, and they won't let us in like this. Meet me by the front in 30 minutes, Caliber." she said, walking off.


"I'll be waiting."




Rarity was impressed; in 20 seconds, Ice Blizzard had already done better than that horrid beast Blueblood. They were off to a wonderful start.


"Thank you, Ice Blizzard it's so nice to see a gentlepony nowadays." She sat down in her chair, pulling it up, before reaching for a menu. She leafed through it, before arriving at a suitable selection.


"I think... i'll have the apple steaks," she said finally as she placed the menu down. "What will you have?"

She was still grinning. then she responded "it's kinda like a power that I have, it's almost like I'm the Pegasus of lightning" she said, the laughed at her little 'Pegasus of lightning' joke. Then she flew up on top of the cloud she had just formed, still smiling
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Tyra's eyes widened at Lorec's explanation. What was he doing to himself? Was he really willing to put his body-- no, his life on the line for this fight?!


No, she refused to have such a warrior go through so much suffering in her name. He had already proven himself as a worthy opponent to her many times over, this was just not necessary.


"My friend, stop!" She yelled, advancing toward him as he held the soul before him, "There is no need to go this far! You are tearing your body apart, I can see it from here!"

Taking another step backwards towards the crevice, he slowly spread his arms out, as if he were about to give a great hug to another. With the soul in one hand, and his other free, The familiar aura once again returned to Lorec. He simply smiled at her, not returning any words. And it was then, that he voluntarily fell backwards into the newly formed crevice, and plummeted into the dark below. Just what was he planning?....




The griffon, rising from his seat, was greatly shocked in what he had seen! Had Lorec gone mad? What was he planning? He had faith that Lorec was very much alive, and had a plan. However, whatever it was, seemed drastic.


Sifana, watching the fight as Syuren held her with his hug, watched silently in terror. Why had he jumped...


A collective gasp came from near the keepers of the D.R.O. It was Lorec's branch of the acolytes. They had been cheering him on as they watched the two in brutal battle. But now, of course, they could not comprehend what they had just seen...

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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