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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Hours later Fluttershy finally woke up. She flaccidly tried to stand; she stumbled and staggered before falling chest first, back to the ground, "Umph," she went. She sniffled as the smoke around her constricted her breathing. The smoke made it hard for her to see as well as it caused her eyes to tear up. She wiped her eyes and tried to look in front of her. Her jaw fell agape and eyes begun to water again. Unlike before, she cried, but not because of the smoke--. 



Rainbow snarled at Rarity but held her tongue. She wasn't in the mood for talking, or her friends attitude. Ironic much? She begun to turn from Rarity and started walking towards Applejack's: sluggishly. 


Twilight, on the other hoof hand, stayed back to talk to Rarity, "As your probably noticed-- The other three aren't here right now. We're on our way to get Applejack, but Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are occupied elsewhere so it'll just be the four of us tonight." She smiled, "We'll still eat and have fun like we always do, sound good?" 


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He dashed after her quickly reciting the first set of words "Ego...Sum...Fortissimus..." the serge of energy and strength that jolted his body was almost enough to make him jump. Using his new found zeal he scooped Trixie up, carrying her much like he had Erroria moments earlier  "Hold on tight,  there's no time to waste..." taking a deep breath he tested the limits of his new speed. His legs pumping like pistons, and his eyes dancing as he strained to make out his way. It was a miricele that Rhetoric didn't wipe out, tripping over himself, but now was not the time for mistakes. The sun was scorching the earth. They made it to the hospital in double time, in fact as they whizzed past the main entrance Rhetoric wondered if he was flying, I don't think I even  want to try the second stage of this.


Finding the Princesses room was a cinch, it wasn't exactly hidden. Stopping his break neck gait was a problem however, seeing the door coming up he whispered the final set of words and nearly instantly felt himself return to normally, sending him in a forward skid. Like a runner sliding into home-plate, Rhetoric, with hopefully Trixie still on board skidded right into the middle of the action.


Panting, his heart and lungs trying to compensate for the insane running he had just did, he looked around. The sight that meet his eyes, was all terrifying, confusing, and strangely exciting. The Princess looked like she was in bad shape, her close ,was it former pupil?, looked only slightly better, there was a unicorn in battle armor, and the cherry on this surreal Sunday was another unknown unicorn who had a regal presence to say the least


"We came as soon as we saw..." pant pant "Pleasure to finally meet you your highness, if you are indeed *pant* *pant* a royal" he tried to bow to the unknown pony but couldn't get up and just panted some more "...truly an awkward time though... *pant* *pant*... wheres Luna?... Oh Trixie you ok?" there was so much to take in it didn't seem real, and maybe it was the lack of oxygen but the out of placed earth pony didn't feel worried now he was in the situation

@The Down Trotten@J.R.@Star Saber


"I'm fine, I think," Rain Shadow muttered to the changeling next to her. She was actually completely shellshocked, however, just as much as Trixie, who had been pulled into the room suddenly and with ridiculous speeds. She slipped roughly off to the floor after Rhetoric pulled her in, landing on her feet and struggling to stay there, as well actively resisting the urge to hurl all over the floor in front of her like a child.


"Please, let's not do that again, thanks..." she called out wearily, not having quite caught up to what was what going on. When she did however, she looked around in astonishment; the room looked like it had been chewed through, and the ponies that had were gathered here looked bedraggled and weary like they had just been in a fight. But, when she finally caught sight of Celestia, the state of the princess shocked her at her core. She let out an involuntary gasp.


Celestia had been placed in front of the open window. Sunlight drifted lazily around her, moving in a way that almost made the scene look angelic. Little beams of light played softly on her body, until they were pulled in suddenly, sucked into Celestia's body and disappearing as they went. She drank in the light in around her heavily, in a process that went on for well over a minute, before suddenly, she started to shift, then glow.


It was a dim, feeble light at first. But then, her body pulsed, and it quickly grew brighter, until she burned like a miniature sun beneath the windowsill. Light began to wash over her body in bright waves, wrapping itself around her almost curiously, and where it touched her wounds, it attacked, sinking in and erasing them. Injuries disappeared, and bones re-knitted themselves with astonishing efficiency. Celestia jerked slightly as her leg was reset, but in seconds, it looked like she had never been injured at all.


The light played over her body briefly for a few more seconds, before it seemed to realize it was no longer needed, and changed back to normal, continuing its way around her instead of through her. Celestia begin to dim again, slowly, before, with a gasp and final burst of radiant, blinding light, she opened her eyes and woke up.


"Where..." she muttered, struggling to stand up. She stood up on shaky legs; she was still disoriented, despite having had her magic restored to her in full.  She wasn't too far gone, however, to remember who and what she had left behind


"Luna..." she groaned, before her senses came back to her. She stopped and looked around, taking in the general condition of the room, Lektra, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, whom she looked towards with concern, then, finally, the two new ponies that stood in front of her, neither of which she had ever seen before. She kept her gaze on them, while she she softly trotted over to Sunset Shimmer. Leaning down, she touched her horn to Sunset Shimmer's flank, and a golden glow spun from the tip, wrapping Sunset Shimmer in healing light.


"Tell me, what happened here?" she asked them calmly, her eyes closed slightly in concentration.

Chrissy simply nodded to the pony that ran in at breakneck speed. She didn't say anything. He would probably be able to guess after her explanation. She opened her mouth to speak but I interrupted her.


"Let's start at the beginning of what I think is pertinent." Chrissy nodded and waved a hoof for me to proceed. "Sunset and I were waiting for you after you left Princess. When you came back you passed out. Sunset got the possibly stupid idea to pull out whatever crud was keeping you from healing naturally. She turned into a monster. I felt it was best to kill her before she went out of control. Then she shows up out of nowhere and ruined what I thought was a perfectly good plan." I motioned to Chrissy, also signifying it was her turn.


"Let's go even further than that." I looked at her, wondering why it was all that important. She was mostly speaking to Celestia. "I used to be what many would consider evil. I wanted to rule, but all I really wanted was a better life for my people, who at the time weren't as spread out as they are now. They were loyal and they adored me. I didn't care who I hurt in the process. Eventually I felt we were powerful enough and we took over two cities. But you wouldn't have it and not only did you give us injuries that refused to heal, but you sealed us inside a volcano in the Badlands. It was so bad in there. We eventually tricked a dragon into letting us out, and after regrouping I hatched an elaborate plan to invade Canterlot." She sighed at this point. Celestia could probably guess who she was already, but she continued.


"The then barely known Princess Mi Amore "Cadence" Cadenza and Twilight Sparkle's brother Shining "Shiny" Armor were to have a wedding. I was able to replace Cadence and fool everypony in the castle. The plan was simple, really. Get him to let his guard and the shield down so my army could invade. We spent a couple of nights together before the wedding was to happen. I felt the love and devotion he had for his fiance. At first I fed on it, but then I felt it too and reciprocated. It was weird and new to me. We were two crazy kids in love, sleeping in the same bed. It was wonderful, really. Intoxicating even." Chrissy had a thoughtful expression on her face, remembering this time fondly. She had actually cared for him.


"But eventually I slipped. Shiny asked me if I was excited to see his sister in so long. I said I had no idea who he was talking about at first, but then I said yes. But he was still suspicious. I had to use my magic to mind control him for the remainder of the plan to succeed. Then I slipped again when Twilight and her friends came to the castle and made her suspicious, because she knew Cadence so well and I couldn't mimic memories. We had almost triumphed but the power those two displayed overpowered us at our greatest moment." Chrissy was sure that anypony who had heard this part of her life story could guess by now who she was.


"We were banished to the Badlands again, and I was severely weakened. I passed out crying, and your sister came to me in my dreams. She showed me what my life could have been like if I was a pony. It was wonderful. It made me question everything I stood for. Everything I believed in. Perhaps changelings could live together in harmony with the other races. Perhaps. But my people still needed a home and I had another plan. After enslaving a town far to the south, we invaded Ponyville. The plan had nearly succeeded again but we were outsmarted by Twilight again, trapped in a castle of all things." Tears started to stream down from her face as she sat down.


"Luna came to me in my dreams again and showed me more wonderful dreams. I begged her to let me out but she refused, saying she was too far away and couldn't take time to visit. She did however teach me much of her magic and how to teleport, as well as helped me purge the darkness from my heart. I woke up on that last night feeling like a weight had been lifted. I wanted to make amends for everything. I was hoping there really was a way for changelings to live in harmony with the other races. I created this disguise based on the dreams I had been shown, and teleported my people out of the castle we were trapped in. Many were confused and I lost their loyalty. I was saddened but I wouldn't be deterred." At this point she was making a small puddle around herself.


"I sent Incognito to the wedding in Ponyville as an advance scout, thinking maybe we might invade again after. But I called it off at the last second. All I really wanted at that point was to apologize and beg the Alicorn sisters for help with having a better life for my people, and one other thing I'll get to later. I heard tell they were in Bangcolt and came here, and felt a darkness here in this hospital." She couldn't hold the desire in any longer. The tears were too much and she was just really sad. She dashed at Celestia crying her eyes out.


When she got over to the Princess she put her forehooves around the lower part of her body and just couldn't stop crying. "I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I've been going about things all wrong this whole time. Please forgive me and help us. I don't know who else to turn to with this matter." She just buried her face in Celestias forehooves and started making another puddle on the floor. She couldn't stop crying.


I actually felt sorry for Chrissy. All she ever wanted was a better life for her people.


Incognito dislodged himself from the rubble and headed over. He had heard everything and hoped the other changeling did too. "Oh, Highness." He shed a tear as well.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Mars stood up. "Ok. I think if I find Skitz we could figure this out." He moved slowly towards the door, which was now covered by his bed, and slipped past the bed and climbed onto his roof. "If I was crazy...where would I be?" He thought for a moment. "I'd be right behind me!" He turned around quickly and saw Skitz's head duck behind a vent. "I hate it when I'm right about him." He sighed. "There any particular reason you're stalking me?" "A couple, but he'd be mad if I told you!" Mars raised an eyebrow. "Who?" No response. He moved towards the vent. "Just tell me, Sk-" Skitz wasn't there. "Great. The only one who could help me is working against me." He flew off the roof and landed on the floor in front of his apartment. "I guess I'll have to figure this out on my own." He said as he started walking.

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Incognito dislodged himself from the rubble and headed over. He had heard everything and hoped the other changeling did too. "Oh, Highness." He shed a tear as well.



  Rhetoric listened and listened and listened, oh he also caught his breath. As he listened and looked around, he had questions, he had comments, he had concerns, heck his mind was racing so fast that he nearly blurted out, but the important ponies were talking and he didn't fit into the equation any where in here. That didn't change the fact the queen of the Changelings had returned, while it wasn't any of his doing, he couldn't help feel proud that he was perhaps one of the few ponies who would be happy about it. True he felt a few things in her story didn't add up but there would be time for that later... Would there? He doubted it, he highly doubted he would be let near the situation with a ten foot pole. He was just a random civilian, all hoofs on work with establishing Changelings was most likely going to be handle by those with power. Besides there was a bigger fish to fry, and he felt all he could do was watch those around him handle it.


While I'm over joyed to hear this for changelings, there's still the problem with Luna... Whatever that problem is... he kept his mouth shut though, it wasn't his place to speak. He just quietly moved to a corner of the room, wondering what exactly he had hope to help out with in the first place? At the very least he had brought Trixie here right? He wasn't exactly feeling self pity, but still he couldn't help but wonder.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Silver Spoon sighed openly in the face of the hopeless situation.


"There's nothing you can do. I know Diamond Tiara well enough to know that once she gets an idea, she won't change her mind for anypony. And, I can't go back in there and try again, or i'll just end up making the situation worse than it already is. So, i'm stuck."


She sighed once again, then looked up at the stranger pointedly.


"You know, the worst part is, this is my fault. I pushed her into printing that article, because I thought it would make her feel better. And, I didn't realize too late how wrong I was, and I messed things up even worse by retracting it."


She chuckled bitterly at the irony, looking down at the ground venomously.


"I'm so stupid."





Anette crunched hard into a blueberry muffin, letting the virtual menagerie of tastes fill her mouth and overwhelm her senses. Coming to this muffin shop had been one of her better ideas today, although secretly, she had been planning on coming here anyway, regardless of the situation. Truth be told, it had become a little bit of an addiction, one that Glory had advised her wasn't exactly healthy, but one that she had ignored regardless. She couldn't help herself.


She ate slowly, absorbed in her own world. It had become an adaptation, of sorts, one that left her more well equipped to ignore the spectators that tended to show up whenever she went out. Even now, they were staring at her. Or, more specifically, her dolls, who were nonchalantly floating in place above her as she ate, also ignoring the curious stares and whispers. She could feel them over the mental link; Hero and Glory were playing an exciting game of mental chess (and reaching a stalemate for the 1,212th consecutive time). Heartthrob was silent, guarding her thoughts, which meant that she was probably entertaining some secret fantasy she didn't want Anette seeing. And Nightmare...wanted to torch the place. Typical.


Her concentration was broken by the opening of the door, and by a familiar face. The spectators turned back nervously in their seats as she smiled and waved Ice Blizzard over.


"Hey! over here!" she waved frantically with a hoof. In her mind, she heard Glory curse silently; another match tied. She could feel Hero actually smirking, before they began again.





"That sounds delightful," Rarity replied, smiling happily. It had been a while since her and the girls had gone out and done anything, and, given the constant set of dramatic events that had befallen her, it was probably best that she get out and do something, l'est she lose her mind. Possibly literally. This was Bangcolt, and as she had come to learn, anything was possible.


She took a step towards the door ahead of Twilight, then stopped and frowned. Something was bothering her about this situation, and it had just left in a multi-chromed huff.


"Twilight, could you tell me exactly what's going on with Rainbow Dash? She seems a bit..." she paused, then laid it out straight. "Off."




Nightingale remained in her corner, poised, relaxed, and waiting. But, the name Twilight caused her to grit her teeth in frustration. This pony was a friend of royalty, and that royalty was here. If she got caught, she'd be fighting an alicorn, which practically ensured that her career was over. On the other hoof...


Stuck deep in her corner, she smiled. If she got caught, she'd be fighting an alicorn. The idea set off little sparks in her heart, and set her blood rushing; something that she lived for. But, for now, the gem edged out slightly in appeal for her, so she stayed where she was at, watching and waiting...




@The Down Trotten


Celestia gasped lightly in surprise as Queen Chrysalis (as she had come to discover it) hugged her tightly. For the moment, however, she didn't respond; she was too busy healing Sunset Shimmer, focusing that same golden glow into her with extreme intensity. Finally, she finished. Sunset Shimmer sat up slowly, rubbing her aching head.


"Ow. Where..." She looked up, and the first pony she caught eyes with was Celestia. She didn't waste any time; she wrapped her hooves around her, holding her tightly.


"You're back. Again."


"I am," Celestia nodded, encouraging her former student. Sunset Shimmer let her go after a moment, and she finally turned around, looking down at Queen Chrysalis with unreadable eyes.




"She saved you," Sunset Shimmer spoke up suddenly. Celestia paused, then looked at her former student curiously,


"The dark magic. I tried to get rid of it with a spell, but I couldn't handle it all. I felt like I was going to go crazy and snap, until Chrysalis showed up. She absorbed all of the dark magic, from you and from me," she added, looking away demurely once she had finished.


Celestia paused again in consideration, then turned back around to Chrysalis. She knelt down on her front knees in front of the leader of the changelings.


"Queen Chrysalis, our war has gone on too long, as has the conflict between ponies and changelings. Personally, I have been waiting an eternity for this moment. This moment to finally stand in front of you and say..."


Without pause, she wrapped two soft wings around the leader of the changelings.


.I forgive you, and I would be proud to help you."


Trixie's jaw nearly touched the floor in shock, while Rain Shadow simply stared forward in silent disbelief.

Edited by Fractured
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He blushed and twirled his hoof on the ground before looking up at Ditzy and saying, "Of course--," He stated. He knew that, or liked to belive he did, but now he didn't feel very confident. His heart gushed and eyes softened. A meek grin came across his muzzle as he stood there with her. She nuzzled his chin and he stroked her mane. He wanted to say, "I love you." But he choked before he even tried.



The dust in her mane made her cough, "Sure, I could use some help; I need to spruce up before my next interview, unfortunately I'm lacking what it takes to do so--." She trailed off and batted glance side to side before looking off in the distance and sub conciously mentioning, "I could use a bite to eat as well--."  

Edited by Tacoma


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Silver Spoon sighed openly in the face of the hopeless situation.


"There's nothing you can do. I know Diamond Tiara well enough to know that once she gets an idea, she won't change her mind for anypony. And, I can't go back in there and try again, or i'll just end up making the situation worse than it already is. So, i'm stuck."


She sighed once again, then looked up at the stranger pointedly.


"You know, the worst part is, this is my fault. I pushed her into printing that article, because I thought it would make her feel better. And, I didn't realize too late how wrong I was, and I messed things up even worse by retracting it."


She chuckled bitterly at the irony, looking down at the ground venomously.


"I'm so stupid."


Jade simply listened on to the filly's ranting, allowing her to get it out of her system. Though, seeing such a young pony act this way was truly disheartening.


"From the sound of it," She began her reply, straight-voices, "You were trying to do what you thought was best for your friend, and either she did not see it this way, or she refused to."


She put a hoof onto the filly's shoulder, hoping to provide some closure.

"And nopony can fault for such a thing. You had your friend's best interests at heart, yes? If you give her some time, she may come around." She added, with a warm smile.




He blushed and twirled his hoof on the ground before looking up at Ditzy and saying, "Of course--," He stated. He knew that, or liked to belive he did, but now he didn't feel very confident. His heart gushed and eyes softened. A meek grin came across his mane as he stood there with her. She nuzzled his chin and he stroked her mane. He wanted to say, "I love you." But he choked before he even tried.


Ditzy cooed softly from the Doctor's hoof stroking her mane, causing her to nuzzle him a bit more. She always enjoyed his petting her.

"I love you, Doc," She sighed contently, as if she had read his mind and said the words for him.


The dust in her mane made her cough, "Sure, I could use some help; I need to spruce up before my next interview, unfortunately I'm lacking what it takes to do so--." She trailed off and batted glance side to side before looking off in the distance and sub conciously mentioning, "I could use a bite to eat as well--."  


Cloud Chaser smiled at the mangy unicorn, who she hoped to offer some help to. Making a name for herself could wait a while longer; this pony needed some help more than she needed fame.


"Well, what is it you need?" She asked, trying to provide some assistance, "I'm sure I can help you out! I'm Cloud Chaser, by the way."

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice was trying to find a table, when he heard a familiar voce, and looked over. It was Anette. He hadn't seen her in a while, and was delighted to see her face once more. He looked over, and smiled, waving his hoof, fantically. He then found spance in between all the rifraff, and ran through, "It's more crowded in here than my mother's trashcan during that time of the month. And I should know, I had to clean that thing...eugh...."


He slid under a table, and jumped over a space divider like an agile gymnast doing a vault, "'Xcuse me, ladies...." he said to a table he was going over, and successfully laded on the other side, and greeted his friend, "What up, Annie? And, Glory, Heartthrob, Hero, and Nightmare. Hope you haven't caused trouble Nightmare, we don't want you causing a hot mess." He laughed at his own bad joke, "Hahaha. Get it? 'Hot mess'? Cuz the fire and the breath...." he trailed off, realizing how bad it was, "I'm kidding. Just a joke." He pulled out a chair, "This seat taken? Haha," he said while sitting down. "So, how've ya been, Annie? I haven't seen you in a while. In fact, the last time I saw you was when your coltfriend hit me in the face," he took a moment to laugh and then take a sip from the glass of water he had gotten on his way to the table, "Oh jeez. Anyway, I came down here looking for something to eat. This place seems to have great smells. That normally equates to great food. Didn't expect to see you all here. Is the food good?" he asked, looking over a cafe menu.


Looking over the menu, his stomach seemed to start to rumble even louder. So loud that Anette could probably hear it. He looked up from the menu, blushing from embarrassment, "Um...hehe...sorry. That's just my stomach. Um..." Once he stopped blushing, he regained focus, "Anyway. Annie, guys? How have you all been?"


Hungry? Bad Jokes? Foolishness? This was surely classic Ice Blizzard. He was very happy to be acting himself again. If there was one thing he disliked, it was being sad or angry. So....he stopped. And being with a friend...or friends in this case, has helped him be his old springy self. Sounds like something he should do when he sees Rarity again? Of course.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@J.R. @@Fractured


Jade's ear perked up at the familiar voice, and he turned to see a blue stallion approaching them with quite a swagger. The voice was familiar...it had to be that covered stallion from before. Though, he seemed much happier than he used to be.


Well, good for him. She snarked internally, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at the stallion, before turning her attention back to the filly.


"Would you like to tell me what happened?" She asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible, "I will try to help in any way I can."


She took mental note of the rather cold tone in the filly's voice as she addressed the stallion. Obviously, these two had a history.


Strix scowled, not feeling much appreciation in Dran's condescending shake of the head. He felt it was a legitimate query.


Nevertheless, he tutted and rolled his eyes as the peculiar unicorn took his attention to Fluttershy. The griffon merely crossed his forelegs and watched with faint curiosity.




Tyra pouted, cheeks puffed out, at her being reprimanded by this other minotaur. Was she not allowed a moment of amusement after essentially being pummelled to death?


However, the appearance of this newcomer struck quite an impression on her. His armour, black as the darkest of Luna's nights, the impressive weapons on his sides, and the cloth tied around his leg caught her eye. She'd seen that symbol before...an ancestor of Lorec's, perhaps?

It wasn't impossible to her that the Hero's Realm was not exclusively open to members of the Shatterhoof Clan, for sure.


His compliment to her, as flattering as it was, rose a bit of confusion within her. While the Frozen North was indeed inside the borders of Equestria, and indeed the Princesses were the law, she never really saw them as her leaders, or deities as some might say about them. Of course, her village and Canterlot became allies centuries ago, but their laws were never a big concern to her. Nor was their military which, her pride would let her agree, were not up to the standards of the militia of warriors that was her fellow villagers.


Nonetheless, she puffed out her chest with pride at the minotaur's words. "My thanks, fellow warrior."


The back and forth between the minotaurs raised curiosity in the little viking, but from what they were saying, she managed to piece together that this 'Nuulvak' was some kind of deity, or at least a warrior of legend from Lorec's homeland.


What she did know, though, was that any warrior worthy of Lorec's bowing before them was one to be either feared, respected, or both. She decided to take 'respect', and bowed her head to this 'Stormbringer'.


However, there was something she had to address. She raised her head to look up to this new minotaur.

"You keep saying that Lorec is my 'sworn'...what is a sworn, and why is he mine?"

Arms still crossed, the Stormbringer shook his head from left to right, and sighed as if he were not amused. 


" Hmph. No matter how much I see that, I will forever loathe being bowed down to as if I deserve some kind of royal treatment. You two should have some damn pride, not groveling! Get off the ground! I wouldn't even be speaking with you two if I didn't find you worth my time! And to answer your question, Tyra Shatterhoof..."


He began slowly walking down the hill, unfolding his arms as he began his proud strut forth. As this minotuar, Galtos, eventually reached the pair, he extended his hand toward Lorec, who was just getting off of the ground as he was commanded to do so. Looking up as if he had just met the most esteemed celebrity to ever grace the world with their presence, Lorec eagerly accepted, and clasped his hand around Galtos's in a show of camaraderie and admiration. Galtos helped him back onto his hooves, still clasping his hands. It was funny, almost. Even though Galtos was clearly half a head taller than many Minotaurs, Lorec still dwarfed him by a full head, and even though Lorec had to look down at the stormbringer, it was clear that he looked up to him in every way.   

After disengaging from the clasp, Galtos then slowly strolled over to Tyra, and bent down, arms resting on his knees, and looking her dead in the eyes with his own. He then spoke to answer her inquiry.


" In Tauric culture, one's sworn is a most trusted compatriot, In battle, and in day to day life. Your sworn is someone you fight until every last bone in your body is shattered to protect, as they would do the same for you. If someone dishonors your name and your sworn hears it, then your sworn has the obligation of forcing them to make necklaces out of the teeth that they would lose for insulting you. If someone strikes you with a bottle of the good ol' blod av aptgangr, then your sworn breaks a chair over theirs and throws them through the window, only to climb through that same window in order to beat them with a leg from that broken chair. If someone tries to stab you in the back, your sworn will gladly rip them in half for trying. In short, being sworn to one another means much in our lands. Best of comrades, brethren in conflict. It is an honorable title, where each considers the other his or her equal. It is awarded on the merits of respect for one another. And I believe you two know each other more deeply from the clashing of blades than you ever could from just speaking... Am I right?"






Kazas was still quite knocked out from the healing processes that he had provided for Vera and Lorec. still in his chair near Vera's bedside, Kazas's head was resting partially on the bed, with one claw dangling almost nearly to the ground, and the other being used as a pillow to prop his head up in lieu of a pillow. As he slept, he had a very peaceful expression exuding from him, as if a great burden had been lifted and he was now allowed to rest.


Interestingly enough, Kazas was... purring? like a kitten? Probably how Leovians snored, as many had figured before. Most likely, a result of the lion's half within the griffon species. His face turned toward Vera, he was even smiling in his sleep as he purred.



In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas was still quite knocked out from the healing processes that he had provided for Vera and Lorec. still in his chair near Vera's bedside, Kazas's head was resting partially on the bed, with one claw dangling almost nearly to the ground, and the other being used as a pillow to prop his head up in lieu of a pillow. As he slept, he had a very peaceful expression exuding from him, as if a great burden had been lifted and he was now allowed to rest. Interestingly enough, Kazas was... purring? like a kitten? Probably how Leovians snored, as many had figured before. Most likely, a result of the lion's half within the griffon species. His face turned toward Vera, he was even smiling in his sleep as he purred. " zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......Ve-.....ra...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........."

Vera looked to her right. She saw Kazas. Her heart went a few conflicting levels of relief, and excitement. Counteractive? Maybe. But at least she was ok, "Aw. Poor boy. He must've used his healing abilities and fell alseep. He's so cute when he's purring like a kitty." She kissed Kazas on his forehead, and looked to her left. She saw her sword, and looked out the window.


"They're coming....I know they are. But I can't dare endanger Kazas. I swear on my own life, that I'd put my life before his. He's already been through enough, so I can't risk him being involved. If anything dare happens to him....I don't know what I'd do." Suddenly, a few birds landed on a tree branch outside, and began to sing sweetly, "Ooh. I used to love hearing the birds sing when I travel."


She gently rubbed Kazas' head, "Kazas. Kazas. Wake up, and listen to the song of the birds," she said excitably.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Calibur swore mentally as his rifle butt missed it’s mark and then verbally swore when Electron grabbed him by the neck and another jolt of electricity surged through his body. The first punch caused Calibur to reel back; however Electron would find it surprising when his second punch would hit against the side of Calibur’s rifle. Winding up his punch allowed Calibur to recover and react narrowly in time.


“Today I’ve been verbally grilled, literally grilled, had my ribs broken and nearly died.” Calibur grit his teeth and glared at Electron with glowing yellow eyes. Even though his body was still twitching his horn sparked then ignited in a white fire. “I’m not going to add to that list by letting myself get beat by a cocky little shit like you!”


The revolvers on the ground shook and turned upwards as they were sheathed in the same kind of light now emanating from Calibur’s horn. They turned themselves towards Electron and opened fire on his wings once again; but instead of bullets the guns now shot searing beams of light.

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Arms still crossed, the Stormbringer shook his head from left to right, and sighed as if he were not amused. 


" Hmph. No matter how much I see that, I will forever loathe being bowed down to as if I deserve some kind of royal treatment. You two should have some damn pride, not groveling! Get off the ground! I wouldn't even be speaking with you two if I didn't find you worth my time! And to answer your question, Tyra Shatterhoof..."


He began slowly walking down the hill, unfolding his arms as he began his proud strut forth. As this minotuar, Galtos, eventually reached the pair, he extended his hand toward Lorec, who was just getting off of the ground as he was commanded to do so. Looking up as if he had just met the most esteemed celebrity to ever grace the world with their presence, Lorec eagerly accepted, and clasped his hand around Galtos's in a show of camaraderie and admiration. Galtos helped him back onto his hooves, still clasping his hands. It was funny, almost. Even though Galtos was clearly half a head taller than many Minotaurs, Lorec still dwarfed him by a full head, and even though Lorec had to look down at the stormbringer, it was clear that he looked up to him in every way.   

After disengaging from the clasp, Galtos then slowly strolled over to Tyra, and bent down, arms resting on his knees, and looking her dead in the eyes with his own. He then spoke to answer her inquiry.


" In Tauric culture, one's sworn is a most trusted compatriot, In battle, and in day to day life. Your sworn is someone you fight until every last bone in your body is shattered to protect, as they would do the same for you. If someone dishonors your name and your sworn hears it, then your sworn has the obligation of forcing them to make necklaces out of the teeth that they would lose for insulting you. If someone strikes you with a bottle of the good ol' blod av aptgangr, then your sworn breaks a chair over theirs and throws them through the window, only to climb through that same window in order to beat them with a leg from that broken chair. If someone tries to stab you in the back, your sworn will gladly rip them in half for trying. In short, being sworn to one another means much in our lands. Best of comrades, brethren in conflict. It is an honorable title, where each considers the other his or her equal. It is awarded on the merits of respect for one another. And I believe you two know each other more deeply from the clashing of blades than you ever could from just speaking... Am I right?"


Tyra quickly raised her head, not expecting this 'Stormbringer' to hate being bowed to. Usually it was a form of respect in her homeland for warriors to bow to one another, especially before and after a fight, but he seemed to dislike it vehemently.


She watched as Galtos kneeled before her, and explained to her what she and Lorec apparently were; sworns.


She nodded once. "Aye, that we do. So what you are those you are sworn to fight with and protect...forever...?"


A sudden shock came over her. "But, what about Lorec's duties to his people? And mine to my own? What would Juniper say?!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Star Saber,


She bounced up and down before pulling out a desk and chair to sit at right in front of her. She plopped herself in the chair, short and crimson with wheels on the bottom. She pulled out a book and set it on the table, then, she pulled out a monocule and put it to her eye and began reading the words on the page. As she began to read the environment around her began to change; it started at midday and went to night, then back day to before shifting to rainy. Then the rained stopped and birds began to sing as she focused more and more on the pages in front of her. She licked her hoof a turned another page; immediately after a flurry of snow buried her before melting in the sweltering heat that was there to begin with.


She closed the book, took off the monocule and with the clap of her hooves both the chair and desk vanished. She walked over to Ash who was only a few paces in front of her. She stopped him and looked him in the eye, "I am about to ask you a very, very, very important question. One that has been battled over for years upon years. Blood has been spilled-- Tears have fallen and hearts, hearts have been broken.. What I am about to ask you is the king of questions, the cat's pajamas--" She stopped for a moment and inhaled before exhaling, then inhaling again. Suddenly a smile broke out and her serious expression vanished, "Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa? Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa?Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa?Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa?Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa?Chimmey Cherry? Cherry Changa?"


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@@Star Saber,

Electron was stuck in the heat of the moment, and it was too late. By the time he had looked up, one of his wings were burned and he was immediately grounded. Unable to fly properly, he grew angry. He tried to think of another move, but eventuall realized something very important.

He laughed cockily, as if he wasn't hurt at all, and had just won. He walked over to Calibur, and said right to his face, "You know what? I'm wasting my time with you. Why am I sitting around here wasting my time with you, when I could be celebrating? I have already proven myself to be better than that stupid snowall, so I could care less about you. And you say I'm cocky? Hah! Bull! You say that because you're inferior."


He got even closer, "Deep down inside, you're nothing but a cowardly filly in the shell of a stallion, and you know it. Otherwise, if you had any level of maturity, you'd walk away. But no, you had to stay and add fuel to the fire just like that dumb snowball. You're as bad as him. And when I say that. I mean...YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU ARE DIRT. YOU ARE BENEATH ME. I HAVE THE SUPERIORITY, while you're nothing but a glorified parole officer."


Thunder and clouds started to roll in, turning the sky to a blanket of gray overcast above the city, "Would you look at that? My team needs me to help move the evening clouds. Why don't you get off your stupid ass and do something with your life? Grow up. Because if you don't, you'll stay nothing forever."


he then ran off, "SEE YA SUCKER!!!!!!!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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  Rhetoric listened and listened and listened, oh he also caught his breath. As he listened and looked around, he had questions, he had comments, he had concerns, heck his mind was racing so fast that he nearly blurted out, but the important ponies were talking and he didn't fit into the equation any where in here. That didn't change the fact the queen of the Changelings had returned, while it wasn't any of his doing, he couldn't help feel proud that he was perhaps one of the few ponies who would be happy about it. True he felt a few things in her story didn't add up but there would be time for that later... Would there? He doubted it, he highly doubted he would be let near the situation with a ten foot pole. He was just a random civilian, all hoofs on work with establishing Changelings was most likely going to be handle by those with power. Besides there was a bigger fish to fry, and he felt all he could do was watch those around him handle it.


While I'm over joyed to hear this for changelings, there's still the problem with Luna... Whatever that problem is... he kept his mouth shut though, it wasn't his place to speak. He just quietly moved to a corner of the room, wondering what exactly he had hope to help out with in the first place? At the very least he had brought Trixie here right? He wasn't exactly feeling self pity, but still he couldn't help but wonder.

@The Down Trotten


Celestia gasped lightly in surprise as Queen Chrysalis (as she had come to discover it) hugged her tightly. For the moment, however, she didn't respond; she was too busy healing Sunset Shimmer, focusing that same golden glow into her with extreme intensity. Finally, she finished. Sunset Shimmer sat up slowly, rubbing her aching head.


"Ow. Where..." She looked up, and the first pony she caught eyes with was Celestia. She didn't waste any time; she wrapped her hooves around her, holding her tightly.


"You're back. Again."


"I am," Celestia nodded, encouraging her former student. Sunset Shimmer let her go after a moment, and she finally turned around, looking down at Queen Chrysalis with unreadable eyes.




"She saved you," Sunset Shimmer spoke up suddenly. Celestia paused, then looked at her former student curiously,


"The dark magic. I tried to get rid of it with a spell, but I couldn't handle it all. I felt like I was going to go crazy and snap, until Chrysalis showed up. She absorbed all of the dark magic, from you and from me," she added, looking away demurely once she had finished.


Celestia paused again in consideration, then turned back around to Chrysalis. She knelt down on her front knees in front of the leader of the changelings.


"Queen Chrysalis, our war has gone on too long, as has the conflict between ponies and changelings. Personally, I have been waiting an eternity for this moment. This moment to finally stand in front of you and say..."


Without pause, she wrapped two soft wings around the leader of the changelings.


.I forgive you, and I would be proud to help you."


Trixie's jaw nearly touched the floor in shock, while Rain Shadow simply stared forward in silent disbelief.

"T-thank you Celestia. This means a lot to me." She said between sniffles, attempting to dry her face on a part of the princess' wing. She sniffled more after that and sneezed into the wing as well. "Sorry. You're really soft, and I prefer Chrissy nowadays. I've lost dominion of about a third of my people, so I'm not sure if I qualify to be a queen anymore. My name is something I resent from when I was hungry for power and trying to help my people in the wrong ways, so I prefer just Chrissy."


Incognito nodded. "This was our mission in Bangcolt. To find the sisters and plead for forgiveness." He explained this to Rain Shadow, who by this point might need smelling salts.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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@Little Red


ruby looked about, just now noticing that every pony had cleared out of the room, except the ones who worked there. 


hell, they were even preparing for whatever it is this room is supposed to be used for.




"hey, red, we should split. i think they're starting to notice we're mooching off the buffet." 




rune smiled, and turned to leave. "im sorry, im just not feeling the magic anymore. take care." he said, as he left. he started wandering around the building, on the lookout for octavia. surely she would've stuck around, to make sure that as long as ponies were still there (red and ruby) she would be ready for a performance. 


@Fractured (i guess)


caliber and violet had been talking for a good while, and the pasta had helped with caliber's hangover. 


so much so that he even felt like getting up, and going outside, to the training arena. because...he cant deny the fact that he had indeed been losing all his fights. sure, he had a victory over electron...but...


"is it really a victory when your opponents that pathetic?" he asked violet, as they were walking in the streets.


"i dunno. how easy was it?"


"the fight barely lasted five minutes."


"wait what?"


"yeah...i mean, the guy even had an advantage over me. electricity, hello?" caliber took his sword out, and brandished it a little. "im weak vs magic to begin with, and electricity is a particular kind i hate. i mean, im a walking lightning rod, for goodness sake!"


he sheathed it again, as violet replied. 


"yeah...but then again, electron didnt really know what to do. you did rush him pretty fast, from what iv heard."


"but even then...only means that that victory was...it just doesnt count. iv done nothing but lose since i got here."


"have you talked with the local trainers here?"


caliber scoffed. "yeah, sure, like they could teach me anything. what i need right now is ronin, or maybe ruk. preferably both."


"ronin...isnt he the guy who trained you in swordplay?"


"thats the one"


"...this guy?" violet reached into her saddle-pack, and brought out a crumpled piece of paper. it was ronin's flyer, which stated his desire to see this generation's skill, and in other words, calling out everyone here.


"...yeah..." caliber took the page, reading intently. "holy...i need to find him! this is great!"


the two read ronin's current address at the flyer, and set off to meet him there. which happened the be across the town.




a small light blue filly stepped off the train, holding a compass and flyer. she had a toothy grin plastered on her face, a purple mane and tail, along with a sort of loose cloak that hung off her in folds.


what was surprising was that this particular cloak bore the swordspony tournament embalm, and was made out of golden silk. meaning she had a high rank in status.


at least 5th.


and what sealed the deal was her sword, hanging at her side. no doubt she had a permit. and even then, the fact that zenru, the holder of the title 'strongest' was waiting for her. 


zenru smiled at her. "ready, blueberry?"


yrel smiled, and nodded. "isnt cali here?"


zenru paused, before continuing. "yes..."


"i wanna spar with him. he's like...the only pony who can see me coming! well, besides you and uncle cubus."


"cubus isnt your uncle...and there are other ponies who can surely beat you...sparren could win, im sure."


"ya...your right. but everyone else at the tournament...it only took a few moves, before i had them in checkmate!"


"understandable. in fact, its expected, yrel. a filly your age, already at stage 2...faster then most pegasi."


"yeah, but cali saw me coming. he's fun!"


"...yeah...right." zenru bit his lip.


"so where is he?"


"...around. you'll have to find him yourself, im afraid. and even then, not now. we have matters to attend to."


yrel looked a little disappointed. "oh...right...checking the safety measurements..."


zenru nodded almost cheerfully. "correct. now, lets get going blueberry. race ya."


the two flew off at a higher speed that should be normal for a filly. but still slow enough that if someone were to call, they would hear, and likely stop.




rebilac was stalking around, keeping to his usual cloak and hood, almost hiding from the general public. 


he had raked in an unsettling amount of money, well over 10,000 bits already. this town was just oozing with ponies that had upset higher-ups.


and that was good for him. it wasnt hard at all. hell, he hasnt even had to kill an 'innocent' yet. the doors are easily opened by a quick stab with his sword, and the sleeping bounties are his for the taking.


come to think about it...he didnt really need to kill anymore ponies. but at this point...it was a game to him.


he looked at his hit-book again, flipping through the pages. that one griffon, strix, was supposed to help him pinpoint and kill caliber...tch, shows how trust worthy he is.


but then again, these ponies were certainly dangerous...he couldnt afford another 'brawl' like he tried with electron and strix. not to mention how he lost against green...


it slowly dawned on him that his best bet to 'win' against these ponies would be assassination, as he's been sticking to. trying to fight someone one-on-one could very well result in his death. but then again, he did want a challenge...


oh, what to do, what to do...


he paused for a moment, as a duo of pegasi flew by at an alarming speed. and his eye caught the all-too-familiar embalm of the swordspony tournament on the back of one's cloak. 


perfect. they're here. maybe he's found a challenge after all. 


his greatest target yet...the top swordspony in equestria.





Caliber and Violet are now heading towards Ronin's place. 

Zenru and Yrel are now flying about the streets, checking to make sure no one was dead on the streets...Again.

Rebilac decided to assassinate Zenru...Because reasons.

Ruby and Red are presumingly outside the theater, walking away.

Rune is walking out in the streets.



Edited by P-Jay


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There were no words, none at all; describe how utterly pathetic this pegasus was. He claimed he was superior to Ice, yet it was so obvious that Electron was utterly dependant on Ice to justify himself. His belittling of Calibur only proved how insecure he was at his core. It was almost enough to make Calibur pity the pathetic creature that was Electron Wave Storm, almost.


However instead, Calibur laughed, he just laughed. Hysterically as if somepony had just told him the funniest joke in the universe. When in reality it was kinda true; he was witnessing the ‘funniest joke’ he had encountered in a long time.


Running away was also a really bad idea; Electron undoubtedly though this was just a heated scuffle that he could walk away from. He was wrong; you don’t run from the law, at least not for long. Still laughing; Calibur holstered his pistols, then turned his telekinetic grip to aim his rifle at the fleeing Electron’s head.


It was all too easy..


However to Electron’s benefit; one of the papers from Calibur’s case fluttered down in front of him; showing Electron’s face with the word ‘ALIVE’ written at the top, and only Alive.


“Oh… you are so lucky punk.” Calibur muttered to himself between laughs as he swiftly switched targets from Electron’s head to his leg instead and pulled the trigger.

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@@Star Saber,

Electron was running away, laughing. That is, until he was shot directly in his leg, messing up his run. He immediately fell, and the momentum from his run actually made it worse as he collapsed, and started to continuously flip and roll over, and along the ground continously bashing his head and entire bodt along the ground. He eventually stopped when he his his head into a nearby wall. It was so hard, that he was out cold, instantly. Almost nothing could wake him up, as he sat there, motionless, and bleeding. He would need medical attention immediately before he bled out.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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bronislav84, on 14 Sept 2015 - 10:43 PM, said: Incognito nodded to the egg. "This was our mission in Bangcolt. To find the sisters and plead for help." He explained this to Rain Shadow, who by this point might need smelling salts.




He took a deep breath and couldn't hold himself back any longer. He stepped out from his quiet waiting, cleared his voice and spoke. "Pardon me your highness's, but we have little time to handle the problem at hoof. The sun should have set a long time ago and its only a matter of time before panic sets in. I shudder to think what the general populace will do if they find out that their princess was conversing with a former enemy of the state while she should have been handling the sun. I don't mean to sound harsh but action needs to be taken, and if I may continue to be bold, "Chrissy" must remain a secret, for now. Trust me when I tell you the pony populace is just not ready for this," He stated a hard fact, one that he hated about his kind, how utterly fickle they could be


"I should know I've been trying to get them ready for quite a while...." he added quickly " But as I said, time is racing ahead of us here." he was sure that he had said half of what the Princess had thought but he'd be damned if he didn't speak for a more common pony in this time of crisis


"So whats actually happening and what can be done to fix it?"

Edited by The Down Trotten
  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Silver Spoon shook her head once more, and smiled.


"No. I'm not actually worried about myself. I have a place to stay. Actually, we live together here in Bangcolt, so she can't avoid me forever. We'll have to meet up again."


She sighed, rubbing her head. Her face dropped as she looked back toward the Chatty Cathy, where Diamond Tiara was undoubtedly inside, working. Or, at least, she hoped.


"It's just, i've always been there to stop her from going too far. I'm not a good pony I know, but I try to keep Di from becoming a worse one. And, now that i'm gone, i'm not sure if there's going to be anyone to stop her from falling over the edge. That's what scares me," she admitted, looking back at the stranger with an open expression.




Diamond Tiara had been shuffling papers ever since Silver Spoon had left, trying hard to ignore the shaking that seemed to be spreading through every part. But, nothing seemed to be working. Disconcerted, and nursing a major headache, she stepped off of the desk's chair...and promptly passed out on the floor.




Moondancer still sat perched on the foot of the bed, staring at the necklace of the two sisters as if she had been hypnotized by it. Finally, a rough, gravely voice reached her ears, startling her out of it.


"Should we do something?"


Moondancer looked over at Talon, nestled on her left shoulder. The little wyvern only regarded her with a patient stare, waiting for an answer.


"I think you should stay here," she surmised, looking back at him softly. "This place needs someone to protect it, and i'm not exactly the strongest myself." She gave a small laugh at that to lighten the mood, then turned over to her right shoulder, where Philomena still sat, perched and waiting patiently.


"But you...I think she needs you. Go to her," she said, smiling gently. Philomena gave a soft caw in response, then, without warning, vanished in a burst of heatless light, searching for her owner...





Anette paused, considering the question, while Glory and Hero silently began a new game; mental checkers. Heartthrob gave a nice, one-hoofed salute toward Ice Blizzard, while Nightmare merely rolled his eyes at the blue ponies display, before uttering some words over the mental link that Anette wouldn't possibly repeat.


"Actually..." She put her hoof below her bottom mouth in thought. "I've had the weirdest week. The dance party at Octavia and Vinyl's Hall was interrupted by..."


She tilted her head, thinking intently.


"Something," she concluded, shrugging lightly. "It got really dark and cold all of the sudden, but by the time I got through the crowd, it was already gone. I have no idea what it was," she repeated. She heard Heartthrob utter something over the mental link, and both Anette and the doll silently hoofpalmed; any of the dolls could have flown over and see what was going on. Of course.


She paused, looking at a spot somewhere over Ice Blizzard's shoulder; she was forgetting something.


"...Oh!" she uttered loudly, the thought finally coming back to her with a surge. "As I was going home earlier today, I saw a strange pony outside my door, looking into my window. He was a little strange, but he was so tired, I let him in. And then Wilhelm walked in, and then..."


Her face momentarily fell.


"I still need to talk to him," she sighed openly. "You're probably taking this out on yourself, aren't you?" she thought sadly, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the dolls. Glory paused her game with Hero, flying over to drape two comforting wings over the back of Anette's head in her version of a hug.




@The Down Trotten




Celestia turned back to Chrysalis, a look of narrow concentration etched on her face as she eyed Queen Chrysalis' sorrowful expression. and the egg. many questions flew through her, but she put them on pause; they could wait until later.


"You have my word; you w ill be safe here with us.  I will make recommendations to have rooms installed at our private quarters, should you wish to stay there-"


She turned around suddenly, interrupted as a distinct voice reached her ears. She looked at Rhetoric, smiled, and nodded gently.


"You are right, Rhetoric; formalities and diplomacy can wait until later. For, there is a bigger issue that we need to attend to..."


With a flick of her horn, the doors to the hospital shut with a clatter, locking themselves, and the window shades closed, sealing themselves via magic. Barely any light penetrated the room, giving the hospital a dark and eerie pall. Celestia finished the spell, then turned back to address the members of the room, her face suddenly iron and cold.


"I believe Princess Luna is in the World of Shadows, and I believe that she's been kidnapped. At the very least, the world itself has been taken over; I attempted to explore it in order to find, but I was attacked before I could get anywhere within inside it. By a group of monsters...and a figure I thought I would never see again..."


Sunset Shimmer's eyes opened wide in concern; there was little else that could be in that world, to her knowledge, except...


"A Nightmare. The Nightmare." Celestia uttered, confirming Sunset Shimmer's worst fears. Trixie let out an audible gasp, and, unbeknowst to herself, began to shake slightly in fear. Celestia briefly ignored both of them, walking farther to the back of the hospital wall.


"I barely escaped with my life, but it is not myself that I am concerned about. If my sister has been captured, we must rescue her, and do it soon, or the whole of Equestria is in danger. I see some of you have already noticed, but..." she pointed out the window, where, despite the overcast clouds, the sun could quite clearly be seen shining through in some places.


"The moon is resisting my magic, and refuses to come up. As the sun continues to beam down, it will get hotter. Water sources will dry up, and crops will start to die. And it is something that will only get worse the longer we wait on it," she concluded, turning back to the crowd of ponies standing in front of her.


"We must go into the World of Shadows, and save Princess Luna...or it is the end of Equestria."

Edited by Fractured
  • Brohoof 2
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Silver Spoon shook her head once more, and smiled.


"No. I'm not actually worried about myself. I have a place to stay. Actually, we live together here in Bangcolt, so she can't avoid me forever. We'll have to meet up again."


She sighed, rubbing her head. Her face dropped as she looked back toward the Chatty Cathy, where Diamond Tiara was undoubtedly inside, working. Or, at least, she hoped.


"It's just, i've always been there to stop her from going too far. I'm not a good pony I know, but I try to keep Di from becoming a worse one. And, now that i'm gone, i'm not sure if there's going to be anyone to stop her from falling over the edge. That's what scares me," she admitted, looking back at the stranger with an open expression.


"You do not seem like a bad pony at all," Jade commented, smiling down at the filly, "You have your friend's best interests at heart, and anypony willing to put a friend before themselves is not a bad pony."


She patted her hoof on her shoulder, trying to console her. "When the two of you reunite, hopefully she has spent her time thinking over what has happened, and she will welcome you back with open hooves. If not, take comfort in knowing that you were being the best friend you could be to her."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice was at Anette's full attention as she spoke. He was hung up on every word until she finished, "What could be wrong? Hm..." he thought to himself. He took another sip of his water, and looked outside at the rain, and back to Anette, "The party? Oh yeah, the party. I took Rarity there, and we had a great time. And I saw you and Will there, you both looked nice. Unfortunately, Rares got a tad tipsy, so I had to carry the lady home, and uh, yeah....." he laughed nervously, and blushed a bit before continuing, "You say there was a disturbance? Well, the way I see it there are a few possibilities as to the disturbance of last night. 1) It could have something to do with the explosion caused by a guy named Fuse. 2) It could have something to with the fact that it's what...." he turned his head to a clock on the wall, and turned back to Anette, "8:00PM and it's still day. Or 3) Discord. Because he's always doing something. Unless of course he's not and we can rule him out."


He then started to roll a snowball, forward and back, along his foreleg, "As far as Will goes, he's a bit...'rough around the edges'....." he leaned in and whispered, "And by that I mean a tad crazy." Once he was done, he sat back in his chair, "But I wouldn't worry about him. It's best for ponies to give each other their space at some points in time. Not that I'm saying your clingy to Will or anything, but....uh.....you know....My grandfather always said: 'A battle is only part of a larger war.' What that means, is pretty much basically don't count yourself out of the game...ever. Whatever's happening with you and Will, I'm sure will be fine," he said with a nervous laugh. Due to not normally giving advice, Ice wasn't exactly in his comfort zone, so he winged it. "You strike me as a cinnamon-type mare. You're sweet, and a bit spicy," he quickly shot a look to Nightmare, "And when I say, 'spicy' I'm looking at you Nightmare. Hahaha," he then turned back to Anette, "But seriously, I don't think anypony could have made a better match for my friend Will. And I personally wanna thank you, Annie. Having somepony like you in his life is +1 reasons for him to keep his sanity up. Hehe."


Thinking back to the time, he brought it back up for coversation, "I don't know if you noticed," he looked around him to see if anyone was listening in before continuing, "There seems to be a disturbance with Luna and/or Celestia. Something's wrong. I just got a feeling. I mean, it's after 8:00PM, and the moon hasn't been raised. Now...this wasn't all that suspicious at first due to the fact, that Luna could just be having an off-day right?"


An Ice sculpture of Celestia in a hospital bed was made in his hoof, "Celestia. In the hospital. I know it sounds strange, but yes, I saw her there in a bed. According to a girl named Sunset Shimmer, she had a magical overload. But I think there must be something worse happening right now. I don't know."


He made the sculture disappear, and started to flip through the pages of his grandfather's book for an answer, "Tell me, Annie, Hero, Heartthrob, Glory, Nightmare. What do you guys think?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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After spending a few days hiding in the city of Bangcolt to get the heat of the Appleoosa crowd off him, he emerged from the place he'd been calling home for a short while. He paid the owner and set off towards the tournament that there were many flyers represting around the combat tournament currently going on. He stepped onto the grounds and breathed in, even though he didn't need to it was a nice habit to have. He looked around and drank in the sights. This is where they'd remember Moonbane. "Alright, times up. Lets do this." He muttered to himself as he headed towards the arena itself.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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“Nooope!” Ash reached over and covered Pinkie Pie’s mouth shut with his claw; he wasn’t about to chance it if she wanted to continue that horrible repetition of words. Ash frowned disappointedly.


“Here I was expecting an actual legitimate question.” Ash sighed before slowly removing his claw from Pinkie’s mouth, “But if… whatever that is matters to you… Cherry Changa sounds better than Chimney Cherry.”





“Idiot.” Calibur spitefully said as he slung his rifle over his shoulder and walked over and hauled Electron’s body onto his back then returned to the mess that was his case’s contents all over the ground. Picking up a few medical supplies that had fallen to the ground Calibur proceeded to field dress Electron’s wounds so that the arrogant pegasus wouldn’t bleed out before Calibur could get him to the hospital.

Calibur haphazardly gathered together his files and other supplies and threw them into his case before closing it; due to the damage it suffered one of the clasps was now bent completely out of shape. but it would hold for now. With his belongings gathered together he now made his way to the hospital.

Thankfully the hospital wasn’t far away and once Calibur walked through those doors, Calibur unceremoniously dumped Electron’s body on the floor. He turned to one of the receptionists and spoke flatly as if he was so done with all of this, “Hey, this pony needs medical attention before he bleeds out.”

It didn’t take long for Electron to be carried off on a stretcher to receive treatment. While a nurse began to question Calibur on what happened.

“I shot him, Twice. Also bashed his face in good with this case here.” Calibur answered, not even reacting to the disturbed expression on the nurse’s face just continued to speaking, “Just do me a favor and have someone go contact the local guard… Tell them that someone’s brought in Electron Wave Storm for the bounty.”

Edited by Star Saber
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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie had her mouth clamped shut, but even then you could hear her muffled voice. Her words couldn't be understood but since Ash heard the question beforehand then he most likely could recognize the repetitive muffles to be her obnoxious question.


Ash, did give an answer. Something nopony had ever done before. Once he did, Pinkie closed her mouth only to reopen it and say, "Thanks Ashie, that's all I needed to hear." The question had lingered for a while in her mind for a while-- her fucked up mind. Vivid thoughts, a free imagination and unnatural brilliance were it's residence; they battled the question for years upon years and finally they were put to rest. If only somepony beforehand had just answered the question...


"Now it's your turn, Ashie." She continued. She tapped her hooves together and had her eyes cross as she tried to entertain her self in the mean time



Minuette leaned in as Bon Bon shadily looked around the room after lowering her black rimmed, especially darkened sunglasses. The bags underneath Bon Bon's eyes gave Minuette the impression that she had been looking for something for a while. What? She didn't bother asking but she felt bad yet a bit odd for saying, "No Bon, I can't say I have..."


She scoured before turning to Lyra who then answered her initial question, "Ah I see; what friend?" As if she didn't already know. Perhaps she'd be surprised, Lyra had a tendency of doing so. 



Night Tracer looked up from a freshly swept floor and polished bar. He couldn't fix the tears in the magenta stool fabric since he was no alterationist. He thought to ask her if she knew one but it didn't seem like to much of an issue so he let it be. 


"Eeyup, teamwork is better than solo work, only issue is finding a good teammate. Which you don't have to worry about," he smiled and leaned himself up against one of the rickety bar-stools. A shriller creek could be heard as he did-- his first reaction was to look down at the stool to see if anything was wrong. It didn't look like it, so he looked back up still smiling just not as truly. "Anyways, I-"


The stool snapped and tumbled over. Due to the fact his weight was on top of it, he fell too. He hit his head on the corner of the bar and crashed into the wooden floor. "Son of a--," he yelled. He blinked twice and wiped his forehead; it was covered in blood. He looked up at the bar corner and sure enough, it had blood splattered all over it.  "Dammit, I just cleaned that..." 


He sighed; he'd have to do that over again, and replace a chair. Although it wasn't entirely his fault, they weren't necessarily, "Grade A," chairs. Balsa wood wasn't an ideal building material. He'd have to ask her, "Why Balsa wood." She didn't seem stingy enough to buy such low quality. Oh well, regardless, he still looked like an idiot--an idiot with more work to do. 



Twilight looked at her achromatic friend, "Off?" she inquired. She turned her head to affix her stare upon Rainbow. Rainbow was walking all by herself, her face looked blue and her head was hanging. She didn't look upset as more as she looked troubled, "Now that you mention it..." Twilight didn't finish her sentence but instead nodded in agreement



He was glad she said it so he didn't have to. It really was pathetic; he could bring himself to do activities, create events, and show his love for her but never could he express it. It was petty. But it was him, not being able to comprehend feelings or access his emotions properly. He was everything but understanding, funny, he spent his entire life deciphering statistics, toying with numbers yet his own brilliance couldn't get him out of his solitude.


He tried; he really tried to say it but he couldn't. So he settled, he took the dogs tables scraps, "Me too.." 

Edited by Tacoma


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