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807 users have voted

  1. 1. Who were you most like?

    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Other

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I took it a few times, Twilight Sparkle twice, Fluttershy once, Rainbow Dash once, and just now, Rarity. huh.png  But personally, I'm more of a Fluttershy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The quiz told me I was most like Apple Jack, I don't really agree so I am considering taking it again sometime. Other ones I have taken have put me closer to Fluttershy and Twilight which I think both of those are a little closer to the mark for different reasons.

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I got Twilight Sparkle :) 




I'm a bit like Twilight in a way as I prefer to be alone then out with other people. I usually poor all my energy into my projects too. 


For instance I just finished upgrading my new PC that took me hours to get right haha :)


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WOO! You have boundless energy and will take every single possible moment to exert it!



Not only that, but you looooove to party, so wherever you can be that you can party and get down at, you will want to be!

More like the exact opposite of that.


Your love of parties and laughter makes you a very fun pony to be around, because all of your friends generally have a good time when they're with you — as long as your overabundance of energy doesn't irritate them.

I can be fun, and I can be irritating.


You don't just go against the grain, but you pretend the grain isn't even there, saying neigh to the norm and doing whatever it is you want to do, regardless of how silly it may be.

This is true.


Your carefree attitude is admirable in that sense, but you can easily get discouraged when people don't quite 'get' your sense of randomness and laughter.

Nah I usually just don't care. Or notice, for that matter.


If you can't put a smile on a friend's face or if you disappoint them, you'll feel bad about it.

I do like making people laugh.


Despite your rather quirky nature, you often times do know exactly what you're doing, even if it may seem you're going about it in an odd way.

Yeah I guess that's true.


You have a certain sense of things and it would be wise for your friends to believe you.

Hell yeah, EVERYONE should believe me ALL THE TIME, man.


You may be naive and carefree, but you're willing to try almost anything out, even if you're completely clueless on it.

No. Never.


You're also a very creative pony, dabbling in songs, performances, and other creative ventures, while also coming up with creative solutions to whatever problems may be out there.

That's true.


Not bad, although I still consider myself more of a Twilight. Maybe Fluttershy.

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I got Fluttershy. Yay~ ^-^ According to this test I'm also like Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. It makes sense. smile.png




Chronically weak and timid, but with a heart of solid gold, you tend to require and depend on the help of your friends in most situations. You enjoy their company, but also enjoy solitude and time away from your friends where you can enjoy the sounds of nature. Just because you know you're weak doesn't mean it holds you back, because you know you're strong where it counts, with your overabundance of kindness, caring, and compassion.

You're often worried about saying or doing the wrong things and also fear rejection. Speaking of fear, you've got a lot of it, often times letting your fear hold you back from doing even the most simple of things, such as jumping across a cliff. But in that fear, you can often find just enough bravery to stand up for doing the right thing if your friends need you.

You may be naive and innocent, and you're very shy and quiet, but you're also a very good listener and are likely the one your friends blab on about their problems to — and while you may feel powerless to help at times, just listening and cheering them on means the world to them.

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Guys, the test is about the ponies' personality, not what they like or do. If you get Rarity even though you don't like fashion at all, it has more to do with being detail orientated and organized. I don't bust clouds for a living but I got Rainbow Dash.





So half the fandom will love me and the other half will hate my guts. Aw yeah. I didn't even chose any of her obvious answers, it seems she had the most of them(who chose clouds???) Unless Scootaloo is an RD answer.


I did not see Pinkie being so high. I though Rarity would be next, but nope it's AJ. Which is alright, she's pretty awesome. Probably because of the hard work answer, but I only do hard work on my personal projects, things I'm passionate about.

Glad to not see Fluttershy, to be honest. I like her fine but I'm over being a shy reserved person. It won't do me any favors for my career aspirations.


Also, why in the hay does the average change so much between some graphs?

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Weird. I've never considered Apple Jack to be my favorite at all. << First my favorite was Fluttershy but at some point it switched to Rarity. So this is definitely interesting.


A real hard worker you are, yup. If there's one thing you hate, it's being inactive or coming across as lazy. You'll put in more effort than anyone else, even if it may be against your better judgement or even if delagating your work is a smarter option. It's not surprising to see you working all day long, even if it's to help friends out. However, friendship is still important to you, so you will always, always stick to your commitments and keep your promises.

You're a tell-it-like-it-is pony, not holding your tongue and telling whoever whatever's on your mind or what your true thoughts are. Thankfully, you can still pick your words carefully and still keep some sensitivity towards what you say. But, others may find you irritable in appearance if you're not getting your way or you feel against something.

You are also most likely to be athletic and into staying fit, knowing that if you're not, you won't be able to keep up with your work. Fashion and looking good aren't on the top of your priorities, to say the least. You also tend to be very protective of your friends, standing up for them against anyone who is causing them problems, and usually succeeding in warding off any foes. You'd gladly lose a limb if it meant saving a friend's life.

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Here's my results.



I'm mostly Pinkie Pie, then Twily, Dashie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack.


I'm absolutely nothing like Applejack, according to this test.

"For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDC
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i got twilight. i always thought i was more like apple jack but hay twilight is still an awesome pony but i wanted to be rainbow dash because rainbow is best ponywub.png


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You're often found diving into a book or spending hours working on that project of yours. It's important that you put in as much of an effort learning as possible so your knowledge will someday come in handy. Because of this, you may sometimes be skeptical of things that you don't have any proof of.

While you tend to be booksmart as opposed to streetsmart, you also tend to be a tad socially awkward, not always sure how well you fit in with your friends or maybe not even having a lot of them in the first place, but you're still a solid friend when it comes down to it and would be there to help any of them with their problems.

Even though you may be talented, you're the total opposite of a showoff, shying away from bragging or even talking about your talents. You don't want the world to think you're a braggart, after all. You're quite humble and modest, but you're also looking for acceptance and praise for your talents.


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I'm most like Rainbow dash!


If there's one thing you know you are, it's #1! You tend to be competitive by nature and love to show off your talents at every available moment, but that's often because you've put in a lot of practice to perfect your techniques and want to take pride in your effort. Because of this, you sometimes get a little too proud, fearing competing if you don't feel you can win and getting hotheaded if someone questions your capabilities. You hate losing.

Even though you may be a bit self-centered, you still care deeply for your friends and would stand up for them no matter what. You're deeply loyal to them, even if you may not always show it. Just because they're not as talented as you doesn't mean they're worthless, because you love them for who they are, although you may still joke around and give them a hard time — really, who doesn't like a laugh? You're incredibly brave and will be the first one to volunteer to venture off into the unknown or stand up against an enemy, perhaps letting your impulses get a hold of you before a rational plan is actually thought of.

While a lot of ponies may care how they look or concern themselves over what they're doing, you always want to present yourself in the coolest way possible. Whatever someone else is, your goal is to be 20% cooler. Fashion and style are a waste of time to you, because you know that's not what determines how cool a pony is. And if you think dying your hair all of the colors of the rainbow will make you 20% cooler, hey, guess what, because you don't care about appearances, it does.

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Normally I tend to maybe accidentally answer the questions like my favorite pony. Accidentally.

Anywho, I spent more time putting myself in the situation or whatever and this is my official result to anyone who actually cares:


What the heck, seriously. I am nothing like Rarity, besides the sewing and the manners. I yell, pass gass whenever I feel like it and don't give a frogs' fat a** if I get a speck of muck on my clothes. I can kinda understand Pinkie being second but Rarity? :/



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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I got RD like I knew I would, with an edge of both PP and AJ. Absolutely no FS in me. I was surprised I got a bit of Rarity and TS. I would've been a little TS if I took this at a younger age. Anyhow, here it is:



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I got Fluttershy! Yay! My favorite pony! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, really, considering the fact that I'm very quiet in person, but I'm a good listener. Like Fluttershy, because of my shyness I don't have many friends, but I will stand up for them if they need it!

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I got twilight  ^^


You're often found diving into a book or spending hours working on that project of yours. It's important that you put in as much of an effort learning as possible so your knowledge will someday come in handy. Because of this, you may sometimes be skeptical of things that you don't have any proof of.

While you tend to be booksmart as opposed to streetsmart, you also tend to be a tad socially awkward, not always sure how well you fit in with your friends or maybe not even having a lot of them in the first place, but you're still a solid friend when it comes down to it and would be there to help any of them with their problems.

Even though you may be talented, you're the total opposite of a showoff, shying away from bragging or even talking about your talents. You don't want the world to think you're a braggart, after all. You're quite humble and modest, but you're also looking for acceptance and praise for your talents.

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I got Fluttershy! Cool. 

I'm happy with Fluttershy, and their are quite a few characteristics that we have in common. But I'm surprised I didn't get Applejack or Twilight, Since I'm most like them. But I'm stoked I got flutters, cause she is my fav pony. 




Chronically weak and timid, but with a heart of solid gold, you tend to require and depend on the help of your friends in most situations. You enjoy their company, but also enjoy solitude and time away from your friends where you can enjoy the sounds of nature. Just because you know you're weak doesn't mean it holds you back, because you know you're strong where it counts, with your overabundance of kindness, caring, and compassion.

You're often worried about saying or doing the wrong things and also fear rejection. Speaking of fear, you've got a lot of it, often times letting your fear hold you back from doing even the most simple of things, such as jumping across a cliff. But in that fear, you can often find just enough bravery to stand up for doing the right thing if your friends need you.

You may be naive and innocent, and you're very shy and quiet, but you're also a very good listener and are likely the one your friends blab on about their problems to — and while you may feel powerless to help at times, just listening and cheering them on means the world to them. Yay!


(Woah, I got 1079 characters o.O )



                            Signature by Lugia. 

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I got Twilight. Doesn't really surprise me though, since I'm shy and an intellectual. And I tend to shy away and just bury myself in my own interests. 

Edit* Idk what happened when I tried to post the chart..... I think I'm too stupid to link it properly
Edited by AviatorRaven


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