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private Equestria Online [RP]


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Equinox, still yawning (She wasn't a morning person), walked up to Lunara's store filled to the brim with all types of weapons. She snapped her eyes open, a huge grin on her face. "Omigosh! Lunara, this weapons are awesome? Do you have any cool daggers? Mine kinda... suck. Only 10 base power! Though, it's not player made, so there's a reason why it's so weak..." 

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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caliber grinned. "you can try, but i haven't met anyone who can up-grade my sword, yet...go for it!" he took out his sword, and laid it on the table. "oh, and if you can manage to improve it, how much'll it cost?" caliber started searching though his inventory, looking for something he could trade.


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The door to the shop opened again, and in walked Humble. He recognized the ponies already there from the other day, but couldn't remember their names. "So...uh...we're hunting as a guild today...correct?...As well as the other objectives that were planned..." he said as he walked to the side wall, trying not to get in the way. Looking around the shop he knew there would be more guild members joining, but how many more? "You...um....wouldn't happen to know the total amount of ponies joining us, would you? If you'd rather just have me count on my own....I can do that..." Humble wanted to get a good idea of the number of those he may or may not need to watch the health of. The smaller the group, the less worried he'd be of his healing capabilities. Then again, the bigger the crowd, the less likely he'll be noticed. But how would that help if he's the only healer (that he knows of). Part of him is glad so that he could feel more important to others, though more responsibility for him....Why was it again I wanted to play this game....?

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Lunara looks over his blade and says, "Currently, this weapon is better then any weapon I can currently make. Though there is a weapon recipe that you might like. But the materials and needed craft skill are higher then i can do. But after making my next order I can make it. But the materials needed are on a higher floor."


(DM, you can design the recipe and materials needed for it. She only knows of it and what drops it. That rare spawn monster also can drop the recipe.)

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"My sword kind of sucks," Red said, "so it might be beneficial to take one of your premade swords. They look..." She looked around. Wow. Lunara was amazing. The swords were all great, and many seemed to match her style-- quick and slashy. "They look great. If I could take a mithril sword..?"  She nodded at Humble and Equinox. "Good morning," she said. "It seems most of the guild is going with Lunara on her quest... perhaps I should join you instead, Equinox?"

Edited by Little Red
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Equinox, still yawning (She wasn't a morning person), walked up to Lunara's store filled to the brim with all types of weapons. She snapped her eyes open, a huge grin on her face. "Omigosh! Lunara, this weapons are awesome? Do you have any cool daggers? Mine kinda... suck. Only 10 base power! Though, it's not player made, so there's a reason why it's so weak..."

Lunara says, "Ok. For all who want upgrades for your items. I have stocked all items up to mythril based materials. Just speak to the shop NPC of you wish to purchase any or make a custom weapon order. Unique recipe weapons are by order request only."


Lunara smiles at everyone showing up to at least look at her shop.


[shop Menu:

1. Buy items

A. Weapons

B. Armor

C. Accessories

2. Sell items

3. Custom request orders.

4. Exit menu]

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she believed her name was Lyriex

*Him ;p

Lyriex opened the door, pulling out his dagger, he had no idea if there were any dangers in here, it was unlikely but it was better safe than sorry.

He was rigid, ready to spring in any moment, and only relaxed his muscles a little when he recognized his guild.

He walked over to the wall and leant on it. He didn't sleep last night. He was afraid he'd see that nightmare again. He'd suffered sleep paralysis since he was a colt and he always woke up screaming. 

It was scaring him to just think of it. He would be in a bed. Everything would be normal, until he attempted to move. It was impossible, and then, then the things, he tries to run everytime, but his body is locked out of his will, and he has to endure every nightmare he has had.

He shivered just thinking about it.


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Snowflake stands idle and watches everyone trade with Lunara he then looks in his inventory and sees he still has the [Familiar Ring] a item used to spawn a boss who only spawns once a week.... the boss who has been kindly holding Snowflake's staff for him.... Snowflake only had to wait one more day to redeem it


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Rush looked through the weapons available for a while, and while he was impressed at the quality, none of them quite suited him.





"Maybe this is too much to hope for, but do you think you can make anything... bigger? I haven't been able to find any weapons heavy enough to really feel right for me. Most of my strength stat is wasted on the stuff I have now, and that's pretty much my only stat that's all that great in the first place."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"I have a broadsword base mythril weapon. I even have a greatsword of mythril. Check the weapons tab on page three, I think."


Lunara tells rush. She then begins to get her things together. She grabs her two mana blades, equips her remaining equipment and gathers the remaining items she will need including her gathering kit, crafting kit and cooking kit. "Once yall are done, those who are going can come into the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Can't make anything large until sales increase but I can make a mean omelet."

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Frostine was still sleeping in her room. She hadn't had such a good sleep in days, maybe weeks. She hadn't even snored for the whole sleep. Frostine dreamed she was in the Crystal Empire, hopping through the fields collecting crystal berries. She wasn't being forced to mourn at reality, all she was being forced to do was to be happy, something she would do willingly.

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(Edited the post, Lightning :))

"Mm..." Red mused, flipping through the store items. "Do you have a lighter sword? It doesn't have to be mithril." She paused for a moment, feeling as though she'd forgotten something. She looked around. She hadn't seen Snowflake or that other unicorn... what was her name..? Frostine, yes. "I believe we're still missing a few members of the guild. Perhaps they're still sleeping."

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Lunara points to the nearby area. "Snowflake is right there. As for a lighter weapon. The lightest I have is a mythril thin blade. It weighs about as much as a dagger but is longer and thinner. Great for accuracy and slashing type damage. It is why i like my mana blades. They have slashing, piercing or energy/magic damage based on which mana crystal I use. I also happen to know a spell that can recharge spent mana crystals."

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Rush nodded. "It'll do. Maybe I can find some kind of special metal to make extra heavy weapons eventually. But I'll take the greatsword for now." He took out his gold and made the purchase through the NPC. Alright, I'm ready to go whenever you guys are. I want to test this thing out."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Lunara suggests, "the next material I can mine and craft with is Adamantium. It is heavy but has reinforced durability and in a blunt weapon like a hammer it is easier to break another's weapon with it. Once I can make stuff with that material would you like me to make a weapon for you?"

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Rush nodded. "I'd like that. Anything big and heavy is good. And I think I could do pretty well with a hammer. I used to do part-time construction and stuff, so I've handled a sledgehammer before. But we can worry about that stuff later. For now I'm just eager to find something big to fight."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Equinox let out a squee as she ran up to an NPC and looked through the menu, selecting 'weapons' and then 'daggers'. She looked through Lunara's list of daggers and settled on a mythril one, which cost her a reasonable chunk of her money. But it had such a higher base power and was so much lighter! Totally worth it.


Equinox turned her head towards Lunara and smiled brightly, as she usually does. "Omigosh, thank you so much! You have great prices in here, thanks so much again... now I actually have a decent dagger for once. You're the best, Luna!" Equinox started hugging Lunara and ranting about how much she liked the dagger.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Red mused, staring at the stat page of the thin sword. It was... almost perfect. But much better than the sword she had now. "I'll take it," she said, buying the sword. It fell into her inventory. "Thank you. This will serve me well for a while, I believe. I will wait outside until everyone is ready," she added and stepped outside, sitting down, and continued examining her new sword.

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Lunara hugs her back, "It is all part of the job. Also check you pms every day. The guild makes 10% of my sales to help build funding for our adventures and maybe a guild house."


Lunara was happy her guild liked the items she has up she says, "Next time I stock up I will have adamantine items as well. I am so close to being able to mine and work with it that it will be worth it once I get a little stronger. The reason I stock up like this is so I can adventure and grow combat wise. A Craftknight knows not only how to make things but how to use them. On a team a Craftknight can handle the front lines with not much training but I have soloed the frontlines before. I break my work into several months of crafting to several months of grinding. This keeps my combat ability up and my crafting gets to the next material or close to it. Now when yall are ready. We can have a quick breakfast and then head out."


@Little Red

Lunara pokes her head out and asks, "Want some omelets before we head out? It will only take me a few to make them."

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@Little Red Lunara pokes her head out and asks, "Want some omelets before we head out? It will only take me a few to make them."

Red blinked. "Omelets..? You can cook, too?" She considered. "I would love omelets, yes, but I don't wish to cost any more time. If any other pony wants them, it would be very nice." Red could cook, but she'd hardly leveled her cooking skill as she was still cooking "Mush"-- the level one cooking dish. It served her well, after all, and you could use any ingredients.

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Frostine finally awoke to the smell of food. She hopped out of her bed, the unicorn had a wonderful sleep.  I wish that was real, and not a dream... she sadly thought. No, she wouldn't let that dream make her spirits droop. She would get out of this game, but how? Frostine followed her nose to the food, "Hi guys!"

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Caramel  was gasping for breath, running for dear life in a forest that rivaled the Everfree Forest, in her opinion. A huge timberwolf, with smaller pups around it, chased her, barking wildly.

Oh horseapples, horseapples! Caramel thought. She notched an arrow and shot it blindly behind her, not bothering to look; the whimpering and sound of breaking sticks satisfied her. One down, she sighed. Only fifteen buckin' more to go.

The forest suddenly broke. Oh thank sweet Celestia's pretty mane, Caramel sighed. Timberwolves don't go out of forests. There was a town ahead of her, too; she could heal up there. She slowed to a trot, gasping for breath.

Then she heard more barking, getting very close to her very quickly.

She began sprinting, but the timberwolves were nearly upon her, and she wasn't quite in the safe zone of the town yet. "Buck. BUCCCKKK! SOMEPONY, HELP MEEE!" She howled, as the timberwolves surrounded her. She began shooting her arrows for dear life, but it took two hits to take care of a single one.

(OOC: Tell me if I did something wrong. I'll edit my post.)

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caliber's perception skill kicked in, zoomed out of the store when he heard the plea for help. "i got ya!" he said, as he laid into the timberwolves. it didnt take him more than five minutes to take care of them all. he turned to this new mare. "oh, sweet!! level up!" he said.


"oh, and whats up? im caliber, the grey swordsman of the game."

Edited by PeytonJay


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[OOC: You didn't do anything wrong! I'll go and start up the split quest.]


Equinox, who was busy admiring her dagger and eating breakfast after she got off of Lunara heard a scream from the far end of down. She went to poke Storm, but remembered he was off gathering materials. Of course, just her luck. She gestured to the rest of the Ender's Alliance and pointed in the general direction of the scream. "Hey... did you hear that?"


Equinox swore that she heard something, and if you knew Equi, it's that she was one of the most rash ponies to ever exist. She looked at Lunara and gestured more frantically.. "I'm going ahead to see what that scream was!" She looked towards the rest of the party. "So this is where we temporarily part ways. Have fun at your boss! Try not to get killed, alright? If you see Storm, tell him his boss wants him to meet her as soon as possible!" She ran off, making a mental note to check up on Storm's position later.


Equinox sprinted off towards Caramel's scream, equipping her daggers and shouting at the top of her lungs reassurance that she was coming to help. As she was running, she started getting strange and annoyed looks from NPC's and other players as she passed. That didn't matter; a pony was in danger!


...and she stopped as Calibar killed the Timberwolves in front of here, met with a little trouble but still had decent HP left after the skirmish. Damn, she needed to get better at combat if she was the guild leader! She'd offer Caliber a potion after she comforted this pony who could've died. "Oh... er, hi, Caliber. Didn't see you there! But aren't you supposed to be with Lunar- oh, i'll talk about that later." She looked at Caramel. "Are you alright? How's your HP?"


EDIT: Caliber ninjad me.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@ Shift @ PeytonJay

"SWEET CELESTIA ON HER ETERNAL THRONE!" Caramel howled, feeling a wave of utter relief watching over her. She looked up at the two ponies, her attention focused on the grey stallion that had saved her. "I--uh--HP! It's fine! No, it's not, I mean. I mean, it's really not." You're stuttering--haystacks, stop stuttering, she chided herself. "I have, like, 5 HP. But, it's regen-ing! I now have 6 HP. Psh, I'm fine. 7 HP. 7's a magical number, don't you know."

She registered the stallion's question. The HP thing had seemed more important. "Oh, hi Caliber,the grey swordsman of the game. That's a bit long, I think I'll shorten it to... Game. Hi, Game. How are you, Game?" she chuckled nervously. I think I'm going into shock. Calm down, you only nearly died. You didn't actually die. "My name's Caramel, Game and other mysterious mare."

Edited by Reaver
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