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Okay, but imagine the only thing you are good at drawing is ponies, and drawing your own OC gets old after a while.
 Then they make a new OC and draw that one. Or they can ask me  if they can  draw my OC. And I'll let them, for a small price of course. 




And as for chefs, does going to a grocery store make chefs lose money because you're buying food? No. And why? Mostly because chefs own restaurants that many other people come to.

Technically they lose money. I don't eat at their restaurants which means that they don't earn as much money as they would if I ate at them. 




. But the pony creator makes OCs really quickly, just my clicking your mouse a couple times. So you can have lots of pony OCs.

Where's the problem? If people want to have a lot of OCs then let them. 




It also encourages alicorn OCs  

No, it doesn't. You can use it to create alicorn OCs but it's not like it says "Make a alicorn OC".




And on deviantart, people use these pony creator OCs for adoptables and sell them, so even less people want their OCs drawn.

They don't sell them. They give them away for free. And I still don't get the problem. Let them use a OC that isn't drawn. 




See my point?


No. I don't. 

  • Brohoof 3


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1. Don't make it have an amazing special power or be the BFF of all the mane six: Agree

2. Evil/sad/emo backstories are a NO-NO: Honestly? I don't fully agree if done right those stories can work very well.

3. Handicaps. Bad. Use in strict moderation: This is another that depends.

4. Rainbows are used too much= NO: I've barely seen any rainbows. Its not a big problem and I personly like them. 

5. Recolors are unoriganal: They can be sometimes. But if you like a character's mane and tail style there I don't see why you can't use it.

6. Throwing on a cloak, glasses, 20 hats, and some butterfly wings is just SAD: Where the heck have you seen that? 0-o

7. Be consistent with your color scheme: A OC can be any color you want. If you personly think those colors look good then use them. However to much saturation in the colors can ruin it.

8. Have a name that matches your cutie mark and colors: No, no just no. That is very restricting and its not like ponies are named by their cutie marks.

9. Be VERY careful and tread lightly with alicorn OCs: Agreed.

10. Hrybrids are hard to do. Don't do them if it doesn 't make sense: I've never seen a hybrid that doesn't make sense.

11. Make sure your cutie mark makes sense: Some cuties marks in the show need explaining.

12. Sons and daughters of princesses, villains, or the Mane 6 are bad: I disagree.

  • Brohoof 3


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Forgive me if my english is bad.
But from what I remember, the term "OC" - Original Character, i dont understand for what one post about one thing so simple...  :confused:
What is the problem of "OC" be "OP"?
In my view imagination has no limits and when you imagine your character, no matter whether it is the earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, alicornio, whatever, what matters is whether you are happy with your creation and excuse me not It is because of the fandom that has a ridiculous world view that one should hate people who do OC's of this type.
Just as we all have right to hate something, we are entitled to do something, the imagination can not be limited.
I find it totally acceptable, and everyone has the right to make the OC they want, and give the same the amount of power you want, the story too, and I'm sorry I think staying treating others differently because of an OC is Children and totally idiot, dont others for expressing their feelings by certain breed or pony style, each has the right to think whatever you want.
The fandom act like this when see one Alicorn Oc


Okay, my problem with OP OCs is that one of them encourages so many others, and it's always done badly. All MLP characters have some flaws, even Celestia. (regrets with banishing luna)

Let me ask you one thing, why is it rude to hate alicorn OCs but perfectly ok to hate OCs made with pony creator? And don't you dare say it's because artist lose money., because that's bullshit. Are those who draw other people OCs for free also taking money from those poor artists?

Ok, fine. I don't like alicorn OCs because they're normally not done well. Twighlight is a good alicorn because her flying isn't up to par. But most people's alicorn OCs are born that way, and are thereby flawless. Pony creator is just kind of a parasite to artists because people can just click a couple buttons and have a "perfectly good OC" instantly, which makes artists, that being their special snowflake skill, feel like less special snowflakes when people have OCs that look like you pulled them from the show. NOW do you see my point?

 Then they make a new OC and draw that one. Or they can ask me  if they can  draw my OC. And I'll let them, for a small price of course. 




Technically they lose money. I don't eat at their restaurants which means that they don't earn as much money as they would if I ate at them. 





Where's the problem? If people want to have a lot of OCs then let them. 




No, it doesn't. You can use it to create alicorn OCs but it's not like it says "Make a alicorn OC".





They don't sell them. They give them away for free. And I still don't get the problem. Let them use a OC that isn't drawn. 





No. I don't. 


Listen, people feel less special when people have LOTS of decently made OCs because, OK, imagine this.


You are a pony whose cutie mark is a paintbrush or something. Art is your special talent. Suddeny, somepony comes around and starts giving away free art, so all the ponies want the free art that looks decent instead of your well-done art that only costs a couple of bits.


This, when happening often, really STINGS.


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Listen, people feel less special when people have LOTS of decently made OCs because, OK, imagine this.


You are a pony whose cutie mark is a paintbrush or something. Art is your special talent. Suddeny, somepony comes around and starts giving away free art, so all the ponies want the free art that looks decent instead of your well-done art that only costs a couple of bits.


This, when happening often, really STINGS.

Imagine this: You're a pony whose cutiemark is a apple or something. You can't draw for 2 cents. However you really want a painting to hang on your wall. The problem is that the only artist in town is the biggest jerk. The artist looks down on ponies that can't draw and acusses everyone who doesn't buy something of him/her to "making him/her loose not only money but also skill". Suddenly a pony appears who is not only nice, but he also offers to give away decent paintings for free.


Answer this question: Would you rather buy a painting from the artist who is a jerk, or would you take a free painting from the nice pony?

  • Brohoof 3


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Imagine this: You're a pony whose cutiemark is a apple or something. You can't draw for 2 cents. However you really want a painting to hang on your wall. The problem is that the only artist in town is the biggest jerk. The artist looks down on ponies that can't draw and acusses everyone who doesn't buy something of him/her to "making him/her loose not only money but also skill". Suddenly a pony appears who is not only nice, but he also offers to give away decent paintings for free.


Answer this question: Would you rather buy a painting from the artist who is a jerk, or would you take a free painting from the nice pony?

Okay, fine. I don't expect people to be good at art and I don't look down on people for not being able to draw well. Not everybody has to buy a commisioned piece, nor does anybody have to buy a specific person's art, but they could at least try using a base or request someone to draw for free. I'd be happy to draw someone's OC for free if they would just ask.


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but they could at least try using a base or request someone to draw for free. .

I've tried to use a base. It looked like shit. That's why I don't use them anymore. Also I won't request someone to draw for free. I don't see the need for it.


What's so wrong about people using the pony creator?


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I think an alicorn OC well any OC's back story should be a mix of sad, happy and other stuff if it was just sad or just happy that would not make for a good story


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Okay, my problem with OP OCs is that one of them encourages so many others, and it's always done badly. All MLP characters have some flaws, even Celestia. (regrets with banishing luna)

Ok, fine. I don't like alicorn OCs because they're normally not done well. Twighlight is a good alicorn because her flying isn't up to par. But most people's alicorn OCs are born that way, and are thereby flawless. Pony creator is just kind of a parasite to artists because people can just click a couple buttons and have a "perfectly good OC" instantly, which makes artists, that being their special snowflake skill, feel like less special snowflakes when people have OCs that look like you pulled them from the show. NOW do you see my point?

Listen, people feel less special when people have LOTS of decently made OCs because, OK, imagine this.


You are a pony whose cutie mark is a paintbrush or something. Art is your special talent. Suddeny, somepony comes around and starts giving away free art, so all the ponies want the free art that looks decent instead of your well-done art that only costs a couple of bits.


This, when happening often, really STINGS.

Saying that I can't use the pony creator because it makes you feel less like a special snowflake is a very selfish thing to say. I don't care if you feel special or not!
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I've tried to use a base. It looked like shit. That's why I don't use them anymore. Also I won't request someone to draw for free. I don't see the need for it.


What's so wrong about people using the pony creator?

Okay, I could go on typing forever, so I'm going to give you two videos to watch that have may good reasons to hate the pony creator.https://youtu.be/v1t_jl7Clxs https://youtu.be/oCDSMaCwLVQ Notice that her OC is drawn, and is has so many features that the pony generator can't even compete with!

Saying that I can't use the pony creator because it makes you feel less like a special snowflake is a very selfish thing to say. I don't care if you feel special or not!

... I'm not saying you can't use the pony generator, and imagine the only thing you're good at is art, and you are REALLY good at it, but people don't give a FLYING FEATHER about your skills because making a cardboard cutout is "just as good." Watch the two videos above, please.


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                                                                                   NAVI PONY

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... I'm not saying you can't use the pony generator, and imagine the only thing you're good at is art, and you are REALLY good at it, but people don't give a FLYING FEATHER about your skills because making a cardboard cutout is "just as good." Watch the two videos above, please.


I'm an artist who uses pony creator to get an idea on how well a colour scheme works on a pony and gets a basic idea for a pony design, then takes that and then develops it further. There are some people who can't do that, either lack of drawing experience or doesn't have the know how of a digital program to do it. But there's nothing wrong with writing a description that goes into the finer details for those who aren't so good at drawing, but I digress.


My main point is, if someone really wanted an artist to do some pony art for them, they will hire them. :D  

There is no way that pony creator is replacing artists or cheapening the creativity within the pony fandom. The way I see the majority people using pony creator, is as a base or a reference. And if they have an artist they love, they take that reference and hand it to them. And it is always better to give a visual reference, no matter how it is made. Whether its pony creator or a crude scribble on MS Paint.

And as I'm sure you know, a lot of artists aren't cheap to hire. They have to get a living wage and there will be plenty of people who won't have the disposable income to pay for their art.


If artists want to draw and paint, they will draw and paint regardless whether pony creator exists. Yes, pony creator looks cheap and it is easy. But, it's a good start to experiment with some ideas you have.


As for alicorns, I don't mind them. People like what people like. If you don't like it, then don't have one. They're not doing any harm to anyone, or the fandom.  :) 

Edited by Pixie Doodle
  • Brohoof 1


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... I'm not saying you can't use the pony generator, and imagine the only thing you're good at is art, and you are REALLY good at it, but people don't give a FLYING FEATHER about your skills because making a cardboard cutout is "just as good." Watch the two videos above, please.

Those videos bring up one valid point, and that is that the OC's made with pony generator doesn't look very original. And I agree with that, but most OC's made with an base doesn't look so original either but I don't see anybody complaining about those.  


Also,  people still care about artist even tough OC's made with pony generator exist. 

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Okay, I could go on typing forever, so I'm going to give you two videos to watch that have may good reasons to hate the pony creator.https://youtu.be/v1t_jl7Clxs https://youtu.be/oCDSMaCwLVQ

The only good reason she said was that the ponies doesn't look original. But that's just the looks. Your OC consists of more then that.


Notice that her OC is drawn, and is has so many features that the pony generator can't even compete with!

Notice that I don't give a single shit about that. Looks isn't that important in a OC, personality is.


... I'm not saying you can't use the pony generator, and imagine the only thing you're good at is art, and you are REALLY good at it, but people don't give a FLYING FEATHER about your skills because making a cardboard cutout is "just as good."

In all honesty, maybe it isn't the pony creator that takes away your "fans" maybe it's yourself.
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M'kay, first of all, agreeing with the second post, that is rather harsh. Not everyone is born with innate drawing ability, and not everypony has the courage to ask somepony to draw their OC for them. For that matter, there may not be any willing artists at the time anyway. If you come up with personality before arranging their looks on pony creator, then I think it's fine.

  • Brohoof 1
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The only good reason she said was that the ponies doesn't look original. But that's just the looks. Your OC consists of more then that.



Notice that I don't give a single shit about that. Looks isn't that important in a OC, personality is.


In all honesty, maybe it isn't the pony creator that takes away your "fans" maybe it's yourself.

Listen, I'm gonna stop arguing about the pony creator. Any further posts about "what's wrong with the pony generator" will be deleted and ignored. This thread was for posting good and bad OCs so people could talk about them. And could the cursing be stopped please?

I think we can all agree that the following OCs stink.



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Listen, I'm gonna stop arguing about the pony creator. Any further posts about "what's wrong with the pony generator" will be deleted and ignored. This thread was for posting good and bad OCs so people could talk about them. And could the cursing be stopped please?

I think we can all agree that the following OCs stink.


Whoa the second one you posted was awesome I love it. <3 No I'm serious I think it is.


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Whoa the second one you posted was awesome I love it. <3 No I'm serious I think it is.

Yeah, It's decent except that it's quite the eysore. More bad ocs:


This OC is awesome! <3 Love it! :wub: mlp_oc_ideas__updated_by_belijano-d5gvgz

  • Brohoof 1


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I can't decide what's worse, the fact that he is a alicorn since birth or the fact that he can't use magic. 

There is nothing with being born an Alicorn. The not using magic is what doesn't seem to be making sense.


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The only two things I can't stand about an Alicorn OC (if done highly wrong) would be the backstory and the design. I don't care what kind of magic they can do as long as it isn't ridiculous.

I don't believe that alicorns are born, but made as far as we can see to symbolize their status.

I think the alicorns have some very tricky designs as far as we seen from the MLP FiM series, because they are obviously different from the other ponies. So I think if you want to make an OC, make sure it has a well and carefully constructed design, not crazily blotched and uncomplimenting colors with an anime hairstyle or something.

The name could be another issue, since I've seen alicorns with names like "Kawaii Desu Rainbow Kitten" or something. Some of these OCs weren't even joke OCs, i'm telling you!

I think people see a lot of problems with alicorn OCs, because not only are they the hardest to make out of all the species represented in MLP, but, it is widely known to have the worse OCs out of any category of the show.

So if you're gunna make an alicorn OC, do it decently and wisely.

About the pony creator ordeal, I'm not a big fan of it that much either, but it does do well when it comes to figuring out colors and mane ideas. You know, good for OC construction.


  • Brohoof 1

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I disagree. You need to earn it.  


 Why would Luna and Celestia live so long and have those manes if they were ascended? No they were born that way and that means there must be other alicorns somewhere.


On the other hand you have Twilight who will live the same life span as her friends and will probably never get a mane like the two sisters. I would say the same applies to Cadance as Twilight, a normal life span. 


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Why would Luna and Celestia live so long and have those manes if they were ascended?

Why wouldn't they have those manes? And maybe they use their magic to live so long.


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Why wouldn't they have those manes? And maybe they use their magic to live so long.


Twilight and Cadance don't have them and they're both examples of ascended alicorns?


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