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request shop Quick Sketches for the Fun of It [CLOSED]


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@, you still hold your place in line regardless of how many come after you  :)  You just have to be patient, Sfyr has a lot to do in his day. You have to remember, he's doing you a free service  :P  

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@SFyr Could I quickly get a sketch of Scarlett eating some cake or something XD


It's my birthday and thought it'd be cool if Scarlett had the same.

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 @@Wind Chaser, I'll add you to the list, but be warned, it'll take quite awhile to get to with how things are going.  :please:


@, I'm sorry for the delay, but if it helps, things are going in sequential order. Whoever gets here first is first to get theirs done, second gets second, etc... the fact I'm getting new requests every day just means I'm getting more of a workload ahead of me, but it's not delaying yours any.  :derp: Just whoever comes afterwards.



@, I'm pretty much getting ready to leave for the day as I type this, so I'm glad you asked early, haha.

Here ya go. Happy birthday~!  :yay:




Also, I'm sad to say I'm not doing any requests today more than likely, given the whole leaving for the day bit.

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 @@Wind Chaser, I'll add you to the list, but be warned, it'll take quite awhile to get to with how things are going.  :please:


@, I'm sorry for the delay, but if it helps, things are going in sequential order. Whoever gets here first is first to get theirs done, second gets second, etc... the fact I'm getting new requests every day just means I'm getting more of a workload ahead of me, but it's not delaying yours any.  :derp: Just whoever comes afterwards.



@, I'm pretty much getting ready to leave for the day as I type this, so I'm glad you asked early, haha.

Here ya go. Happy birthday~!  :yay:




Also, I'm sad to say I'm not doing any requests today more than likely, given the whole leaving for the day bit.

This looks so awesome :D. I am so glad that you did this for him  :catface: *Hugs* 

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@@JonasDarkmane, figured I might as well do something, especially since I don't have time to do a legit request anyways. Plus birthdays are important.  :P

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@@Wind Chaser, I'll add you to the list, but be warned, it'll take quite awhile to get to with how things are going.  :please:



@, I'm sorry for the delay, but if it helps, things are going in sequential order. Whoever gets here first is first to get theirs done, second gets second, etc... the fact I'm getting new requests every day just means I'm getting more of a workload ahead of me, but it's not delaying yours any.  :derp: Just whoever comes afterwards.




@, I'm pretty much getting ready to leave for the day as I type this, so I'm glad you asked early, haha.

Here ya go. Happy birthday~!  :yay:




Also, I'm sad to say I'm not doing any requests today more than likely, given the whole leaving for the day bit.



I didn't even expect you to have time today XD

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Shhhh it's peaceful and gives SFyr a break.

I hope he is taking a good long break :). He is so nice ^w^

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@@Night Mist and @JonasDarkmane, thanks y'all.  ;) It was a rather nice break, I'll admit. Though part of why I didn't do any requests yesterday was because my AC was totally out, and I didn't feel like doing very much.  :o Worked on commissions instead. Though I'ma try to get back into things today if I can, haha.


@, sorry once more, I know you've been waiting quite awhile, though at this point many people have much to my shame.  :huh:  


@@Buzz, went off the base you asked, or at least so long as the pose and such goes. Actually did this one while away from home, on a computer I'm not used to, but hung onto it until I got back. 

Also your reference for 'best pony' seems to be incorrect. Lyra doesn't even look like Luna.
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@@Buzz, went off the base you asked, or at least so long as the pose and such goes. Actually did this one while away from home, on a computer I'm not used to, but hung onto it until I got back. 

Also your reference for 'best pony' seems to be incorrect. Lyra doesn't even look like Luna.


OMC, this is amazing!!!!

My reaction to seeing this:

This was so worth the wait! Thank you so much! :D :D :D 

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@@Buzz, you're totally welcome. :lol: Glad you like the result, haha.

Also, if you plan on doing anything with it, I would recommend looking at Nervous Stitch's post. I find .png to be easier to work with. :)  


@, I actually finished yours just today, haha.


I had to estimate colors a little with this.


...I think I lost track of one, PitterPatter. I'm continuing, but they're gonna be top of my list until I find them.  :blink:


@@Mars Orbit, I have something a tad different for you this time.  :muffins: Two drawings!

First off, here's the one I did for ya.



Second off, here's one @Nervous Stitch did while I was spending time at her house. She doesn't draw often, but I love when she does.  :derp: So, you're one of the rare few to get a drawing from her, haha.  :catface:


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@, I actually finished yours just today, haha.


I had to estimate colors a little with this.

Plot's coat is more of a yellowish green, but whatever. It's still very nice

Edited by jamjammityjamsod
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@@Buzz, you're totally welcome. :lol: Glad you like the result, haha.

Also, if you plan on doing anything with it, I would recommend looking at Nervous Stitch's post. I find .png to be easier to work with. :)  


@, I actually finished yours just today, haha.


I had to estimate colors a little with this.


...I think I lost track of one, PitterPatter. I'm continuing, but they're gonna be top of my list until I find them.  :blink:


@@Mars Orbit, I have something a tad different for you this time.  :muffins: Two drawings!

First off, here's the one I did for ya.



Second off, here's one @Nervous Stitch did while I was spending time at her house. She doesn't draw often, but I love when she does.  :derp: So, you're one of the rare few to get a drawing from her, haha.  :catface:


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@, thanks. And sorry again about the color confusion.  :please: Was an honest mistake.

I also apologize for this next bit, but I'm still abiding by the 3 max to be fair to other people and keep things manageable for me.  :) So at least for this session of requests, I'ma have to decline. I appreciate the interest though.  :muffins: I hope you liked the drawings from this~


@@Mars Orbit, glad you like the resulting drawings, haha.  :P

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@, thanks. And sorry again about the color confusion.  :please: Was an honest mistake.

I also apologize for this next bit, but I'm still abiding by the 3 max to be fair to other people and keep things manageable for me.  :) So at least for this session of requests, I'ma have to decline. I appreciate the interest though.  :muffins: I hope you liked the drawings from this~

It's alright. I can ask one of the others for my idea.

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