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request shop Quick Sketches for the Fun of It [CLOSED]


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@, true true, but have to stop at some point if I wanna work on my own stuff well.  :P

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@, true true, but have to stop at some point if I wanna work on my own stuff well.  :P


Fair enough :P

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He's closing down ;-;



All that begins, must come to an end. Such is the way of life :)

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Quick question, I don't have an Oc, I'd love to have one though. The thing is that I'm not a very good digital artist and I have no previous art of how I want my OC to look (I have it all though out btw), Could I possibly explain to you how I want my OC to look and you could draw her for me? ^^'

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...Oh yeah, I had a request topic once.  :blink:


Kidding y'all. I've made it back from the air force base, and have since taken a few days off to both recover and relax. I think I'm up for finishing the last 20 or so requests now.  :lol: So yeah, I'M ALIVE FOR NOW.


One image for Ninja-Burito on dA; I'm not sure if they wanted their character ponified, but it wasn't specified, so I kept 'em a dog.  :o



And one for , who I tried to include all the things you've requested. Really hope I didn't miss any of the details, but yeah, this is what I have to show this round.  :wacko: Ponies in hind legs are strange territory for me, haha.



@, mention'd, as requested some time ago.  :)

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Allow me to swoop in  ;) I can't pass up an excuse to have you do art for me! 

I'd really enjoy one more of Nervous Stitch just being a regular old boring pony. You have her ref :)



You're the best and welcome back. I missed my daily Sfyr drawings  :squee:

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...Oh yeah, I had a request topic once.  :blink:


Kidding y'all. I've made it back from the air force base, and have since taken a few days off to both recover and relax. I think I'm up for finishing the last 20 or so requests now.  :lol: So yeah, I'M ALIVE FOR NOW.


One image for Ninja-Burito on dA; I'm not sure if they wanted their character ponified, but it wasn't specified, so I kept 'em a dog.  :o



And one for , who I tried to include all the things you've requested. Really hope I didn't miss any of the details, but yeah, this is what I have to show this round.  :wacko: Ponies in hind legs are strange territory for me, haha.



@, mention'd, as requested some time ago.  :)

O....M....God *passes out*


I look awesome! No no wait, I look...cool. B) Thank you! :wub:

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@@Nervous Stitch, NOPE GET OUT OF HE--yeah sure, haha.  :lol: Sounds like fun, and I'd be happy to add her to the list.  :)


@, you're totally welcome, haha. I'm glad you like the result after all this.  :grin2:



Finished the next request, this one for TheBlueNavyAngel here on the forums.  :o


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May I get the chance to take two slots? I would love it if you drew my pony OCs/fancharacters. Here's what they look like!


Paint Brush

Globetrotter and her cutie mark


May you also draw these two in separate images instead of have the two together in one shot? Thanks! :3

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@@Odyssey, sure thing!  :grin2: I'd be happy to.

Though in the interest of fairness (and so people don't ask for multiples later, as it's nearer the end, haha), I'd like to do them one at a time if that's alright with you.  ;) Add one to the list, then when I finish that one, add a second entry to the list. That's how I've been going so far with people who have wanted more than one, and I'd like to be consistent to the end. ♪  :lol: I'll be sure to get both done of course though!  :) (My list is very short now, which is comforting.)

Do you have a preference of which you want me to try first?




Also, for anyone interested, here's one for another dA person, IAmArtsDesire.


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@, sure.  :P

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@@Odyssey, cool cool.  :) And I should be able to have something for ya tomorrow then!  :lol:

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I got it! :D


Can you draw IB walking with Rarity, while he's helping her carry her fashion supplies and stuff? :catface:

(green scarf too please)

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@@Mars Orbit, sure thing. I'm probably out for the night in a sec, but you're welcome to make your 2nd request.  :)

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