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request shop Quick Sketches for the Fun of It [CLOSED]


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@, honestly it's a style/design choice though sometimes. It's generally a tradeoff (in my experience) between neatness/polish and expression/charm. Like, the lines don't need to be there of course, but it achieves an effect, plus it being quicker to leave them works for quick requests, haha.  :lol:


@@Night Mist, you and me both, haha. To me, seeing the changeling was actually really gratifying, especially since it seems to give them a nod as more than just a one-plot-arc device that acts in opposition to the cast. Like, they're a bit more of a part of the world than insert-enemy-here. :D Plus this kinda hints at a good bit in my mind, just by having a changeling show up to some (but not total) social apprehension. Also maybe there's a changeling living in ponyville (or nearby)...? 

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@@Night Mist, you and me both, haha. To me, seeing the changeling was actually really gratifying, especially since it seems to give them a nod as more than just a one-plot-arc device that acts in opposition to the cast. Like, they're a bit more of a part of the world than insert-enemy-here. :D Plus this kinda hints at a good bit in my mind, just by having a changeling show up to some (but not total) social apprehension. Also maybe there's a changeling living in ponyville (or nearby)...? 

I also think it was in part a reference to the episode they appeared in since it was centered around a wedding as well. I would like to think maybe it does live in ponyville or is a friend of Cranky's. Though it could of just been there for the free food. =p I almost want to write a little story as to why it's there, but there are so many options. D:

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@@Night Mist, heheheh. Attending a random wedding for the free food.  :P That's almost too good not to be true in this case.  :o

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I also think it was in part a reference to the episode they appeared in since it was centered around a wedding as well. I would like to think maybe it does live in ponyville or is a friend of Cranky's. Though it could of just been there for the free food. =p I almost want to write a little story as to why it's there, but there are so many options. D:


@@Night Mist, heheheh. Attending a random wedding for the free food.  :P That's almost too good not to be true in this case.  :o

You two should PM each other :3

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@@Sweet Pen, maybe someday.  :o Though I know where I posted it was unlikely, haha.  ;) And thanks!



Could you draw a pony version of Hiro Hamada (the guy in my profile picture) doing something silly? just anything silly in general cx

Little do people know, I only pretend to be an actual artist...  :wacko: I also wound up completely going off on a tangent, and missed part of the above.



I thought about coloring this, and realized I'm not sure how I got this far with it anyways.

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@@Sweet Pen, maybe someday.  :o Though I know where I posted it was unlikely, haha.  ;) And thanks!




Little do people know, I only pretend to be an actual artist...  :wacko:



I thought about coloring this, and realized I'm not sure how I got this far with it anyways.



Small Request, not art. Would it be possible to convince you to mention me in every art post you make, I wanna see them all!

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@, sure thing, haha.  ;) And thanks!  :lol:

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@, sure thing, haha.  ;) And thanks!  :lol:



I must make an email rule to redirect all mentions to my primary email instead of just my forums email.

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@@Tsaritsa Luna, attempted a Luna.  :muffins:



@, mentioned as promised.  :catface:

Also, here's something that's going up on dA for jeremymcdude within the next few days, since you wanted to be notified of new art, haha.  :derp:


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@@Tsaritsa Luna, attempted a Luna.  :muffins:



@, mentioned as promised.  :catface:

Also, here's something that's going up on dA for jeremymcdude within the next few days, since you wanted to be notified of new art, haha.  :derp:




Little smug pony is cute :3

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@@Tsaritsa Luna, attempted a Luna.  :muffins:



Though I'm grateful and it looks well done, I feel I need to mention lack of wings. If you could add them in it would be appreciated. But of course this is free artwork in which you're using up your own free time so there's no obligation for you to fulfill the request on the request if you wish not to.

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@@Tsaritsa Luna, attempted a Luna.  :muffins:



@, mentioned as promised.  :catface:

Also, here's something that's going up on dA for jeremymcdude within the next few days, since you wanted to be notified of new art, haha.  :derp:


Luna is looking awesome :D. Great Leader Luna :P

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@@Tsaritsa Luna, sure thing. Glad you like the result.  :)

@, got a pony for ya. Struck me as a sports stallion, personally.  ;)



@, got another link for ya.  :)

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@@Tsaritsa Luna, sure thing. Glad you like the result.  :)

@, got a pony for ya. Struck me as a sports stallion, personally.  ;)



@, got another link for ya.  :)


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But seriously, thanks so much, haha! :D Glad you're liking these~

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But seriously, thanks so much, haha! :D Glad you're liking these~

I like them so much, I actually have an email filter that marks all the times you quote me as important so I notice it in the swarm of normal emails

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@, that's really flattering, honestly.  :muffins: I've let my email get pretty bad at this point, so I get that's fairly notable, haha.  :icwudt:


@, thanks!  :fluttershy: I try~



Right, back to drawing~♪  :grin2:



@@Star Saber, I just realized I never got your color scheme.  :) Did you have one you wanted to include, or..?

Not sure if I'm gonna do more today, but here's a few more off of dA, for theBowtieOne and PipDK19 respectively.




And so, my list is looking a ton more managable, thankfully.  :lol: ...Though Star Saber still needs his colored and such, assuming he wants such.  :derp: Anyways, this is what I have left to do.


Also, I reached the 2/3rds mark~! 


@, mention'd.   :o

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