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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Lines you'll never catch FIM characters saying.


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Spoiled Rich: If your child gives you lip, assert dominance and smack that pucker for the win.


Applejack: Mom and Dad might be very proud of you Apple Bloom. If it wasn't for mom dying during child birth and dad couldn't live on after that.


Rainbow Dash: I'm so proud of you champ and even the other orphans will be happy to hear the news.


Rarity: Don't worry Sweetie Belle, I'm not going to steal your moment.


Scootaloo: An entire year wasn't even worth it. I could have spent that time trying to get myself to fly.


Pinkie Pie: I can't hold it back any longer. There is an attractive dancer inside the cake for Shining Armor!


Twilight Sparkle: Now, I can't stop imagining my brother and Cadance doing it


Cadance: A girl is never suppose to tell, but Shining Armor loves it when I nibble on his ear.


Flash Sentry: Hi, my name is...*Gets eaten by a Rhino.*


Cheese Sandwich: I'm currently dating an over the top party girl named Cream Cheese. Her last boyfriend was Cheese Wiz until he ran out and couldn't cheese anymore..

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Marble: *literally anything*


Limestone: I'm sorry, its just the pressure if running a farm and the feeling that I'm wasting my life away in the middle of nowhere as well asthat I still live with my parents that has me so uptight. I know the boulder has a lot of historic value to us but you didn't really know better. How about we all sit down and have some coco and just have a small cozy Hearthswarming?


MA and PA pie: Whabba Luba dub dub motherfuckers!

Edited by Sidral Mundet
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Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Twilight Sparkle: Make your own friends and stop stealing mine, Sunset Shimmer.


Cheerlie: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, you are both suspended for using slurs. Even if you try to hide your foul language with *blank*, it's still unacceptable.


Cheerlie: I'm available later tonight for some Honey Nut Cheerios.


Fluttershy: Wow Rainbow Dash, you crashed harder than Tree Hugger on a bad day.


Pinkie Pie: Well I posted a video on YouTube, some jerk disliked it, and I made sure he couldn't use a mouse anymore.


Fluttershy: I joined a cult where we can marry our animal partner(s) for life.


Applejack: No one is going to tell Twilight about Flash stealing all of his parents' money and getting arrested at the airport?

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Vinyl Scratch: You'll have to speak up, I'm DEAF, AND I CAN'T READ. I'm also mute, but the magic of these glasses lets me hear stuff.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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Fluttershy: There are five teas and one of them is poisoned. Who will be the one to die soon. Ooooooooo!


Spike: That's a lame monster costume. *Gets mauled by the monster.*


Applejack: Your traditions are just pagan nonsense.

Igneous Rock: No, you're the pagan. I heard the tale of your parents being sacrificed to appease some demon spirit that lives in your orchard.

Applejack: How dare you?! *Stare.*

Igneous Rock: How dare you?! *Stare.*

*They both start kissing.*


Applejack: I'm sorry Pinkie Pie. I wasn't thinking. I was drunk. The Apple Orchard spirit compelled me to do it.

Pinkie Pie: Sorry?! You were kissing my father. Mom wants to divorce him and my family was torn apart in just one hour.

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Twilight Sparkle: Today, we'll be mingling with the Goblin Clan. I need to remind you that the goblins like to slap each other on the flank. So please don't take it as an offense if a goblin does that unless they don't take their hand off in about two seconds. After that, you are free to resort to violence since it's common for female goblins to beat up the males for that.


Rainbow Dash: By the way, which one is the alpha in the family?

Granny Smith: Why I...

Applejack: Shut it, Granny.

Granny Smith: Yes, alpha.


Rainbow Dash: I just saw Pinkie Pie spread out on the floor covered in lots of whip cream.


Female Pony: This dress is too tight.

Rarity: Yes, because it's meant to show every inch and curve of your gorgeous body.


Rainbow Dash: Let's just cut to the chase Twilight. Use your memory spell to put all that Wonderbolts knowledge in my head.


Maud Pie: I'm saving myself for an animated statue or a rock golem.

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Rainbow Dash: I am retiring


Pinkie Pie: I should dye my coat another colour


Applejack: Let's grow brocollies this year instead of apples


Twilight: my friends are after my job as princess


Rarity: I am going to marry...


Fluttershy: I hate you


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Apple Bloom: Now that we have our Cutie Marks. Our role is clear that we must gather all our peers and purge this town for our overlord master that lives in the apple orchard.


Twilight Sparkle: I had to write a serious letter to Daring Do's author about the main character getting dumber.


Mayor Mare: The ordnance has passed. All dragons are now required to be on a leash and accompanied by their pony owner. 


Maud Pie: It had to be done. Spike ate my boyfriend.


Rainbow Dash: Sorry about the shower that followed my Rainboom.


Rarity: I had this dream where I was wrapped up in silk against my will.


Rarity: You know Wind Rider, that plan to frame Rainbow Dash was terrible. If I was in your hoofs, I would have simply killed Rainbow Dash and been done with that. A bloody knife is easier to get rid of than a chocolate stained scarf. Spitfire or one of several Rainbow Dash's enemies could have taken the heat.

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Applejack: Pass the orange juice.

Twilight: That can wait until tomorrow.

Discord: That doesn't make any sense.

Celestia: I think I've had enough fun playing with the time of day.

Vinyl Scratch: Turn down the bass.

Derpy: *anything…ever… :( *

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Twilight:      Anypony got gasoline? I've got books to burn.

Rarity:         Who needs dresses when you got Swag?

Fluttershy:   Vegans are dumb.

Applejack:    Care for an orange sugarcube?

Rainbow:      Slow and steady everypony..

Celestia:      Stop spamming my damn mailbox Twilight!!

Spike:          That's it Twilight! I'm moving the hell out > :(

Luna:           Yo Wassup dawg? How y'all chillin in da club?

Discord:       Do you wanna know where I got these scars...?

Derpy: *anything…ever… :( *

She spoke the whole time in S5E9 "Slice of Life"  :pinkie:

Edited by RyaN_
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*I am the master of my fate*


Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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big macintosh: maybe...


Celestia: Don't worry Twilight, I'll handle this

These ones are probably my favourite :lol:

Twilight: Who cares what the manual says, I can figure it out on my own!

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Random Male Pony: Hey, where do you get off telling us that our way of life is wrong.

Random Female Pony: Yeah. We don't need no Social Justice Ponies coming in here and criticizing our way of life.

Twilight Sparkle: We only wanted to come here and solve a friendship problem. Right...Applejack?

Applejack: You know I can't lie about how off the rails they live their lives. It's just wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.

Rainbow Dash: I'm willing to call this one quits.

Twilight Sparkle: No, we must stay here and figure out what the problem is.

Applejack: I definitely have a good idea of what the problems are.

Rowdy Crowd: Booooooooo!

Twilight Sparkle: Not helping.

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Twilight: All hail the Twicane! The most powerful cane of equestria!


                                                                  -Pixelated OC of Blueberry Waffle by Pripyat Pony

                                                                             -Forum banner created by me

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Applejack: I can't believe we're all getting sued for stealing other peoples songs. Okay, I admit to maybe borrowing a few things from country songs.

Rainbow Dash: All those songs where the singer sings about how great they are. I might have copied some of them and replaced a couple of words with my own.

Pinkie Pie: I was inspired by few lines off of Christan songs and had to share them in my work. My parents won't allow me to listen to other music genre.

Fluttershy: I admit it, all of my songs are just Japanese intro and ending songs that I translated. *Cries.*

Sunset Shimmer: Hey girls, I just got back from Equestria and you won't believe what amazing songs I've just snatched.


Sunset Shimmer: Applejack, your horse is really creeping me out.


Sunset Shimmer: I find this show Mr. Ed, very offensive.


Sunset Shimmer: My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Rarity: And they're like It's better than yours.

Rainbow Dash: Dang right it's better than yours.

Pinkie Pie: I can teach you.

Applejack: But I have to charge.

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Rarity: Behold my latest design, the bra. It's designed for our gravity challenged bi-pedal friends.


Fluttershy: Are you sure it's safe to keep a dragon in your home? 5 out of 6 ponies have been killed by dragons every few months.


Spike: Look ladies, there's enough of Spike to go around.


Fluttershy: The only thing I liked about Sunset Shimmer's reign was the school adopting an all vegan menu.


Applejack: I have something to confess, I eloped and married Discord.


Pinkie Pie: Why am I not invited to guy parties or parties where they trade keys? I can act like one of the guys and I have plenty of spare keys to trade.

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Rainbow Dash: I wish I was an earth pony

Rarity: I'm going to grow vegetables on my table!

Applejack: Uncle Orange and Aunt Orange are better than my own family

Twilight Sparkle: Books are for nerds

Fluttershy: ANGEL, I'm putting you up for adoption! (Oh how I would like to see that happen) 

Pinkie Pie: Gummy is boring

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Sunset Shimmer: In Equestria, ponies are allowed to have multiple partners. It was in order to increase the diversity of our numbers quickly. Lots of predators and to overwhelm our other different specie rivals to become the dominate one.


Rarity: Seriously, I finally found the right special some pony and you five had to also fall in love too!


Twilight Sparkle: I just don't understand why these two families are fighting.

Fluttershy: Maybe because they tipped over the outhouse too many times. *Snicker.*


Twilight Sparkle: I had one solution where we would get them all drunk and forcibly marry them into one big family.


Fluttershy: By the way Twilight, have you gotten around to helping me legally marry Angel?


Applejack: I haven't seen Fluttershy since that giant Roc took her as one of its own.


Twilight Sparkle: For your birth day Spike, your own personal magical clone of Rarity.

Rarity: Yes, Twilight had to jump through a lot of hoops to get me to agree to this.


Twilight Sparkle: I find it odd that Nightmare Moon is the only one that turns good with the Elements of Harmony. Discord turns to stone and Tirek loses all his mojo.

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Twilight Sparkle: Where did you get a sledgehammer?
Sunset Shimmer: I did a favor for a construction worker. Now give me that crown.

Student Guy: That new girl thinks she won us over with a song.
Student Girl: I say that we vote for her as a protest against Sunset Shimmer.
Student Guy: I like that idea. Though I wish it was that marshmallow girl, she was cute.

Snails: We got your precious dog.
Snips: Don't worry, I'll fix him real good.
Spike: HELP!!!

Principal Celestia: I'm sorry to announce that the Fall Formal Princess will no longer take place. There has been many complaints from a majority of the female student body that claim this popularity contest is offensive, sexist, and has no place in an academic setting.
Sunset Shimmer & Twilight Sparkle: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Rarity: Sunset Shimmer wins every year by smearing her competition and driving a wedge between the student body.
Applejack: She would make a great candidate for President.

Sunset Shimmer: I lied to everyone that my father was Donald Trump.


Pinkie Pie: Hey Rainbow Dash, your old wing-mate from the Wonderbolt's Academy sent me another threatening letter.


Rarity: This will be as easy as drowning a baby dragon, though I would never do such a horrible thing to my Spike.


Twilight Sparkle: Spike, please stop doing that thing with your tongue. It's creeping us out.


Discord: Discord-Make-A-Wish, where poor ponies can ask me to grant them one wish. The most requested wish I had so far has been for me to leave them alone.


Scootaloo: I wish I could fly.

Discord: Granted. *Snaps fingers.*

*Buzzing sound.*

Rarity: Ewww! Nasty fly, you go splat now.

*RIP Scootaloo*


Svengallop: And I will see you in court Princess for illegally recording and using my image without written consent.


Rarity: Look Applejack, I'm usually behind you on trying to make the truth known. However, this is the Countess and I have been working on these outfits for weeks. I just can't simply afford to refund such expensive work. So maybe just this once, let it go and shut up.

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