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Inner flame.


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I was recently made aware of something that I call my "inner fire" or something that makes me say "I will not live in a world where _____" I belive that people need to learn more about this! if people payed attention to what makes the tick, more things would get done. I have a question.. what makes you angry? what gets you pissed? what is currenly present in this world that you cannot stand. I challenge you to do something about it! if you consider yourself "to young," try anyway. your voice can always be heard.


Personally, I cannot stand the chid sex slave industry. and yes, it is a thing, and slavery today is worse then it has ever been in the history of the world. That is why I am majoring in criminal justice, I feel that I can accomplish something worth while if I go into this business. While I am working on that, i am donating to causes such as A21, and IJM.


Stay strong, and brony on.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. ~Henry Ford

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Inner flame? I have a temper that could burn as passionately as the sun, but only when I'm really upset or ticked. Perhaps I'm just a bit more sensitive than others, but the fire is there, and as I've said it burns very brightly.

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our current econnomic standing makes me mad as all get out. And mostly when someone interrupts me when im talking. Inerrupting me will get you smacked in the mouth and ill keep on talking while you look at me, thinking "teh fuq did i do????????"

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If there is one thing that makes my emotions control my body, it is when others wrong-do my friends or family. Nothing makes me burn with more righteous zeal than when having to defend a friend's rights and freedoms.


I am very passionate about keeping my friends and family, safe and happy; some tell me to a fault. I've been known to do some very brash things in order to restore a friend's honour.


Sounds cheesy, but hey, it's what happens to me. I don't have much control over my loyalty. :P

  • Brohoof 3

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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It takes quite a lot to get me mad...nothing short of torturing a kitten in front of my eyes or something.

So I guess I haven't really experienced an inner flame yet.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I haven't experienced anything that's really made me lose control, I'm pretty good at keeping it in check. There are things that will make me put my foot down and just say no, usually people ignoring perfectly logical arguments and trying to assert their point of view.


our current econnomic standing makes me mad as all get out. And mostly when someone interrupts me when im talking. Inerrupting me will get you smacked in the mouth and ill keep on talking while you look at me, thinking "teh fuq did i do????????"


Oh man, being interrupted is SO annoying! I know people who do it all the time. Also when you say something and instead of responding to it, someone just says something completely unrelated.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Definitely racism, sexism, homophobia. Continued acceptance of them in society and law also disgusts me. There is absolutely nothing that can light my inner flame as much as that.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I haven't experienced anything that's really made me lose control, I'm pretty good at keeping it in check. There are things that will make me put my foot down and just say no, usually people ignoring perfectly logical arguments and trying to assert their point of view.




Oh man, being interrupted is SO annoying! I know people who do it all the time. Also when you say something and instead of responding to it, someone just says something completely unrelated.


Ill be honest with you. Incompetence to maintain the conversation upon the subject were talking about drives me NUTS. i have a trade mark for when im aggravated and/or M.A.D. I bite my lower lip and curl my tongue. If anypony would be so fortunate to ever meet me in real life ( and i would love for all of you to) and you see me do that, PLEASE: If you know its your fault, apologize. I Always, ALWAYS Calm down when someone says" Im sorry for... [insert what you did wrong here]" and if its NOT your fault, Find my ipod or something and play music. nothing heavy or that will make it worse apparently by what my friends tell me. Sadly, about 90% of my ipod is in-fact Heavy music. lol. Thats why i have a playlist entitled "Mellow me Down" for just such reason's

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Anger can be justified, because an intense reaction to injustice and such is why it's there. A man strikes my sister: I GET ANGRY!

But the nature of anger in the human psyche acts like an addictive substance if it is permitted to boil without rationalizing it. The best way to know if your anger is a proper one or simply the indulgence of meaningless or frivolous fury, ask yourself "What am I defending?"

The honor and safety of my sister is worth defending. Saving face at the office when you should've planned your time better; you're going to be late for work "because that guy cut you off", that's not really worth defending.

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Fucking this:

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Okay, serious now. Censorship. I can't stand censorship of information. I'm for keeping extreme violence and swearing and nudity off of regular TV and little things like that, but restricting the free flow of information bugs the hell out of me.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I have so many inner flames that I'm surprised I don't get heartburn.


As a particularly emotional and angry person, I get extremely irritated by the following:

  • Overly negative angsty people who always look on the bad side of things and are always denouncing humanity and saying that "Oh, woe is me to live in such a horrid world of death and depression where nothing will change!" Especially people who consider humanity evil. I think that humanity is neither good nor evil. Like most things, it is balanced. There's good and bad to everything. And following this point, people who use the excuse that they're being "realistic" for such negative behavior. Contrary to popular belief, being realistic is acknowledging both the good AND bad in situations, not being overly negative. Being overly negative is just as unrealistic as being extremely idealistic.
  • Inequality between the sexes and sexism. Especially females being discriminated against.
  • Being misunderstood is probably one of my largest. I really hate when someone misinterprets something I've said and twists it into something ugly.
  • Pedanticness is a HUGE one. People who just point out small insignificant thing in your words that don't matter at all and are completely besides the point.
  • Extremists in any form. Especially religious and non-religious. I dislike atheists berating Christians for their beliefs just as much as I dislike the opposite. I really hate arguments and debates as well. They really make me extremely irritated and I avoid them as much as possible. Especially where one group attacks the other group and just kind of gangs up on them for having different opinions in a non-civil way. AKA: Most arguments on the internet.
  • Bullies, cruel people, apathetic people. I loathe those who do not care about the feelings of others. Especially on the internet. Those who use anonymity as an excuse to be douchebags. Trolls as well. And people who say: "It's the internet, it's not serious or real!" The internet is just as real as real life, and things that occur on it can be just as painful as anything that happens in reality, or otherwise emotionally-impacting.
  • Overly used hackneyed internet memes get on my nerves as well. In fact, just plain unoriginality is something that adds fuel to my fire. Actually, I'm not really fond of most internet culture, as it kind of promotes unoriginality and idiocy in my opinion. (As well as incorrect grammar. I'm a huge grammar nazi.)
I have many more, but those are some of my most significant ones.
  • Brohoof 4

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Being misunderstood is probably one of my largest. I really hate when someone misinterprets something I've said and twists it into something ugly.

I recently had that happen to me big time, and now I don't even feel like posting anymore.


Pedanticness is a HUGE one. People who just point out small insignificant thing in your words that don't matter at all and are completely besides the point.

I really hate that, too. Especially when it's grammatical and spelling. I've seen members on the internet (not so much on this forum) become very rude about this. Including one time seeing one member asking a question and slightly misspelling a series-specific term that is hard to remember and an member who came to respond posting "Fix your misspelling or I will not answer your question".


I don't believe the staff of that forum did a thing about it, which really sickened me.


Bullies, cruel people, apathetic people. I loathe those who do not care about the feelings of others. Especially on the internet. Those who use anonymity as an excuse to be douchebags. Trolls as well. And people who say: "It's the internet, it's not serious or real!" The internet is just as real as real life, and things that occur on it can be just as painful as anything that happens in reality, or otherwise emotionally-impacting.

True, just because we're on the internet does not mean that we're not people. I've never understood the whole "don't take the internet so seriously" deal. Obviously sometimes members are just being sarcastic and sometimes we don't understand that because it's the internet, but other times members saying incredibly rude things that are intentional and then say "Lol don't take the internet so seriously." They're no different from any other bully.


Or when members make sexist jokes. I just can't take those kind of jokes. No amount of telling me "it's just the internet" will ever make me not be offended by them.


It's funny because you listed off a lot of my internet pet peeves. Although another one is mini-mods. Members who come into topics and call them stupid, pointless, and say "This needs to be locked, it's against the rules". As if posts saying that a topic needs to be locked/is stupid/pointless aren't against most forums' rules to begin with. Such hypocrisy annoys me - use the report button!


Oh and @Evil


Fucking this:

Posted Image

OMG I hate Confuse Ray. Every time I play through a Pokemon game I get reminded of how annoying Confusion is. The ai gets confused and it clears up for them immediately, but when my Pokemon gets confused it is confused for five turns and hurts itself three or more of those turns. >.<

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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