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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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Well what exactly do you expect testoterone to do for you dum dum? ^_^

He already had a goatee, he just shaved it :P

Then he has experience :3



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Finally decided...I'm going to show myself >-<































































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Finally decided...I'm going to show myself >-<































































Marry me irl <3 

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Oh, don't flatter me darling *glances around*


*leans over and whispers* "Let's get married next week*









Yus! <3 *hugs* 

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I don't have a camera besides my webcam, so this was really hard ^^;
It took forever to try and get it so my hair was out of my eyes and stop my glasses from reflecting so much ;~; (and to smile too...)
In the end I got 2 pictures...


not enough smile ;~;


can't even see one eye ;~;



Well at least I tried ^^;;

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like I said before 6 months ago the likelihood of seeing me not dressed like an assassin is very rare...


though I'm feeling nice if this gets 5 brohoofs I will post the verson of me with my hood and mask down

Here's me,in all my glory.


thats a great photo I never would of guessed



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Fillies and gentlecolts, behold my hair! In all its poofy, crazy, curly and overly criticized glory :P^_^ This is what my cousins complain about so much >_>attachicon.gifimage.jpg

IMO they are just jealous :v 


The day when You cut this hair will be a beginning of apocalypse :o Never do that :o 

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IMO they are just jealous :v


The day when You cut this hair will be a beginning of apocalypse :o Never do that :o

They're not, they're just way too OCD and picky to allow me to keep my hair like this >_> That's why they like to straighten it every now and then :( I honestly feel like my hair doesn't even belong to me anymore -_- I can't even wear a ponytail the way I want >_>

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They're not, they're just way too OCD and picky to allow me to keep my hair like this >_> That's why they like to straighten it every now and then :( I honestly feel like my hair doesn't even belong to me anymore -_- I can't even wear a ponytail the way I want >_>

I really hope You'll find Your way out of this sick house soon. Your hair is awesome, if I see it destroyed by them I will come over...with my axe >< 

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