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Games that you loved before but don't enjoy now?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Man... I have no clue why I used to like Wii Sports so much. :scoots: It's not a terrible game, but holy hell is it plain. I guess I was just really easy to please when I was young.

Golf was alright, though. :grin:

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Farm Together. I bought it knowing since it's Early Access that things in it would change, but it's gone from a zen farming experience where leveling your farm unlocked scads of things to plant and decorate with to having every item locked behind a "plant 1500 of Crop A and B" to get each thing now. Asking for a toggle to get back the old system while maintaining this new one is met with flack from the community and the developers.

Yet for some idiotic reason, I keep playing it. I mean I'll definitely hit my $0.25/hour rule to justify my purchase but beyond that I don't get why I keep booting it up. I earned back all the items lost when the new unlock system rolled out, and apart from three new horse breeds and one rabbit breed I've run out of locked things.

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I've got to say; I used to love Godzilla: Unleashed to death... but it's just getting harder and harder to enjoy as time goes on. :pout: The controls are bad, the maps are kinda bland, a lot of the monsters have serious ability inaccuracies... you name it. Say what you want about the Godzilla PS4 Game; at least that one was relatively accurate, and had at least decent controls (the maps kinda blow, though...).

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Almost all games I played..I just get bored easily.  

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Destroy All Humans!

I'm a hardcore alien enthusiast and big fan of classic sci-fi films, so when I was a kid I bought Destroy All Humans ASAP. I really liked it as a kid, so when I had the cash, I decided to buy it on PSN and give it a whirl. Man oh man it hasn't aged well. I love the aesthetics and setting of the game, but it's just so dull outside of it. Once I got over the novelty of these settings being based off of UFO hotspots and such, I realized they didn't really have much personality or charm outside of stereotypes. Not only that but the enemies were just boring too, not much variety there. What ultimately killed the experience for me was just how repetitive it is. Even though mission objectives change, the way you go about them usually stayed the same.

Tossing a radioactive cow at unsuspecting civilians never gets old tho.

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Every game we play will come to an end. We will get bored of it and search for another game. Just like Gossen's first law.

I used to like Minecraft but i got bored and decided to search for a new game

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I used to play a lot of Sonic games, but after the crapfest that was Sonic Boom, I gave up on the future of the franchise and stopped playing his games for good.

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Civilization 5 and Skyrim. There were highly enjoyable but I played them so much there is nothing left that interests me. In Skyrim I did every quest with my favourite mod setup in one massive game. Nothing left to do! It doesn't help that reinstalling Skyrim with the exact same mods in their uncrashing configuration is an adventure of its own.

I also liked Company of Heroes 2 for a long time, but the patches got really bad with major changes and imbalances. Now the 'community' is patching it which has even worse results.

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