BlackWater627 700 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I am not as hyped as most people about the movie. But i don't wanna look like a douche, that says it's the worst thing ever, without having seen it. I keep an open mind to it. Well at least you're open about it. I'm pretty excited. Also, filly Coco is the best hing. *brohoofed* And, again, if the next Map themed episode isn't Fluttershy and Twilight, we're going to have another Lesson Zero level freak-out on our hands. Yep. Twilight has been static for too long. She's read all the books. All the books! For those who are concerned with this episode destroying the headcanon of AJ's hat having any emotional attachment to her, Season 4's episode Somepony to Watch over me already did that. I told you~ I told you~ Wait...where is she buying all these hats anyways? Does Rarity make them for her? 1 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Book Horse 352 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Not bad, but not the best either. That stage didn't exactly look like an afternoon project, so the "little things can make a big difference" moral is spoiled a bit. But at least the props they used were nice and crappy looking Yeah, that is an interesting concept. Twilight is too powerful for her own good, and the map knows it. Makes me think of Celestia, and how she hardly ever does anything herself because that would rob everypony else of valuable learning experiences. I was hoping their solution would be to call Twilight and ask her to come fix it for them. She was so bored, she would have loved it. But I guess this really is better, since otherwise the neighborhood ponies wouldn't have seen that a little effort can make a big difference. I hope some future episode focuses on Twilight figuring out what good she can do between map summonings. Not quite! She bought that new hat for AJ from him. And speaking of the hat, I was torn between horror and laughing my head off when she ran it over with the lawnmower. It all happened so fast But definitely horror when Rarity just threw it in the trash like it was nothing. But I guess this means that it's not a specific special hat, and just one of the many from the hat and bow closet. I wish they would have gone to visit Applejack's aunt and uncle. Even for a short scene that doesn't accomplish anything, just while they were searching for their friendship problem. But overall it was pretty enjoyable. Nice to see Coco again, and this explains why she wasn't used in Canterlot Boutique. Not enough Rarity/Coco shipping though True, Rarity DID make up for stealing his business in the end. Also, I agree about Aunt and Uncle Orange. I really thought they would be in this episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,811 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 (edited) That was, like, one of the most average episodes I've ever seen in the entire show. Nothing offensive or bad, but nothing really happened either. Really only thing noteworthy was seeing Coco again Edited September 26, 2015 by LAZENGANN OVERLOAD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goat-kun 2,530 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 This is fantastic! Do they truly expect us to believe something like scumbag capitalist attitude of Manehattan ponies is a map worthy problem? Bollocks, I say! They created this cruddy map thing so that we could explore more of Equestria, but all we get is this?! The episode was far worse than previous two, the whole thing was progressing faster that the speed of rainbows, and the map was unneeded. It makes one wonder if the crystal contraption is just a cop out that propels the plot onward without any effort from the writers. Just activate the map and voila! Does it really take a machina for two friends to visit a big, bustling pony city? Poppycock, I say! Both Rarity and Applejack have reasons to go there of their own volition. Say no to crystal! Say yes to logic! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLegoBrony 383 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 i'll give the episode a 3/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I haven't seen such as Season 1 style episode since well... Season 1. Kinda jarring to go so low key again after so long, not much actually happened but the character interactions were pretty strong and humorous. And i dug seeing Rarity and AJ not arguing and pretty in sync with each other, there's is the relationship that's grown the most among the mane 6. 1 RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 OK, good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Quite a lovely episode this morning if I do say so myself, though not a terribly mind blowing one, but hey, that's just fine. Aside from it's somewhat fast pace, this felt like a somewhat more contained episode, if only because it was limited to a particular neighborhood in Manehattan. I don't have a whole lot to say about this one, but let's dive in, shall we? Oh. Ohhhhhh. Uh, Rarity, I don't like where this face is going. Like, at all. First of all, it's always nice to see a RariJack episode. I've been on record many times saying that they're my favorite pair of friends among the Mane 6, namely because not only do they get along so well despite having wildly different tastes, but also have progressed very much in their friendship since the show began. That was very evident here, especially in how they complemented each other so well during their time in Manehattan. Rarity was very supportive of Applejack the whole time and also patient with her uncomfortableness with the big city, and Applejack did a nice job of keeping Rarity focused on the task at hand. They didn't really bicker once (though that partly could have had to do with the fact that there was a lot going on in this episode), and they did a wonderful job of tackling their problem together (though the focus of the episode was quite clearly Applejack given that she had a little more to learn about both herself and that she could actually do some good in a city like Manehattan). All in all, the most horrible thing to happen to either of them was the loss of *gasp* APPLEJACK'S STETSON, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! R.I.P. AJ'S hat: you will always be remembered fondly. Next, we saw the return of the lovely Coco Pommel, who is simply one of the most adorable supporting characters this show has seen to date. To be honest, she had a very strong return; we saw that she's been trying to make a positive impact in her community since Rarity first met her (albeit also getting a bit in over her head in the process), and not just trying to further her own career, but still needed some help doing so just cause, well, she's only one pony, and a pony who quite clearly couldn't refurbish an entire stage and park on her own, at that. It was very cool getting to visually learn some about her childhood and background, and interesting to learn that she was a local Manehattanite. I'd always been under the impression since her first appearance that she was on out-of-towner who wasn't used to life in the big city and got taken advantage of by Suri Polomare just like Rarity did, but apparently that's not the case, so that's interesting to know. Not a whole lot else to say about her other than that; her heart's clearly still in the right place, the revival was successful and I imagine she'll do a bang up job heading that up from now on, and she was quite delightful to see again. Nice continuity from DHX, very appreciative always to see continuity in the show. Oh Coco, why you so cute?!?! Finally, Manehattan itself was very fun to see again, and this time the city itself was much more the focus of the episode than it was in "Rarity Takes Manehattan," particularly Coco's old neighborhood. We got to hear multiple accents that are all unique to New York (the Brooklyn accent is standard enough for a kids show, but it was VERY impressive to hear a Latino Bronx accent, I did not expect that in the slightest!), there were all kinds of references to New York-centric media and popular culture, including Newsies and Seinfeld (and even though this isn't New York-centric in the slightest, they also worked in an AMAZING Peanuts and Charlie Brown reference which I simply adored ), and the city itself just got really nicely fleshed out. It had a character here, a distinct look and feel to it, and we got to see it very much for the diverse metropolis that it really is in a more standard neighborhood than we saw in, again, "Rarity Takes Manehattan," which was set in a far more fashion-and-business-centric district than this episode was. You're a good stallion, Charlie Brown The moral too, about teaching others how even the smallest acts of charity can make a big difference, as well as how to slow down for the things that really matter in a community, was very nice, although, as Jeric and I both agreed, it would have been a bit better if they just showed it in the final play scene rather than reiterate in the dialogue afterwards as well as like they did, that made it just a tad forced. But hey, I get why they did that, not all the kids who watch the show might have gotten the moral otherwise, so it's forgivable enough. Twilight was quite adorable in her boredom for the few minutes she showed up, the continuity in this episode was again very much appreciated, just like in last week's episode, the humor was spot on, the animation was colorful, clean, polished, and just gorgeous looking as has become standard fare for this show for a while now. All in all, a very, very solid episode; nothing in particular that makes it first tier for this show, but nothing really wrong with it either. It's an episode that's comfortable being what it is, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Looking forward to next week's episode very much, until then everypony, this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit* Oh shush, Twilight, you'll get your moment in the spotlight soon enough. -_- 4 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RarityFan01 2,444 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Besides the ship fuel, I didn't really care for this episode. The pacing was too fast in my opinion, and everything was just confusing. Sure, Rarity and Applejack had good moments, but it's definitely not a favorite. 6/10. 1 Rarity Fan Club My Ponysona My Drawing of Rarity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Octavia- 1,176 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Ah dammit, they were right. No Babs. It was just a mare using an almost identical color scheme and similar hairstyle at first glance...but her Mark was a pot of coffee. Aria Rosewood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Twilight was quite adorable in her boredom for the few minutes she showed up Oh, you know it. And best pony raspberries are priceless! 1 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Anybody got a video up. yet? Haven't found one. Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Octavia- 1,176 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 It's been up since it aired. Aria Rosewood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainDoubloon 856 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 This episode was really well done. Did anyone catch the Charlie Brown reference when Rarity made that little stand? I give this episode a 4 out of 5. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I just saw the episode. It's simply divine, and a good way to close out this trilogy of Rarity episodes that we've been having, and hooray for giving me an excuse to whip out my mini Rarity plushie once a week for three weeks in a row! Perhaps the show's staff wanted to make amends for season 3's lack of Rarity. Pity that my awesome Maud Pie plushie isn't that useful. I'm looking forward to that episode with Pinkie's family and will definitely have it by my side then. Applejack definitely isn't cut out for the big city life. Actually, she is now officially the most neglected pony this season. Even Applebloom has had more episodes than her this season. I do hope we get a Twilight/Fluttershy cutie map episode as I think that's another really neglected paring next to Raridash. Plus that way Twilight won't have to steal Spike's Wonder Woman comics to entertain herself. Wow, I seem to be talking about anything but the episode itself. Well, it's cute and has good character moments but other than that I can't think of much to say, though I did really enjoy it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 (edited) I wish they would have gone to visit Applejack's aunt and uncle. Even for a short scene that doesn't accomplish anything, just while they were searching for their friendship problem. Same here! In fact when they were going around to various ponies like the newsstand pony and park pony, why didn't they first go to some ponies they actually knew already, like the Oranges and Babs? It would have been the logical thing to do. The worst that could have happened is they would have told them no just like everypony else. I think I would have liked to see that happen and have that scene of them asking for help be extended, and then cut some of the time off of the actual play. (The play itself was irrelevant to the plot, so I was a bit bored having to actually sit through it.) *Sees the Cutie Map specifically requesting Rarity and Applejack, Rarity's "friendship problem" stand having a picture of her with Applejack and a heart, Rarity dramatically fainting into Applejack's arms while crying, etc.* Okay, they're doing this s*** on purpose. Aye, and I felt the heart between AJ and Rares on the advice stand was the most blatant attempt at this. I think we're being trolled! Is it me or does that popcorn mare look and sound a bit like an older Bab's Seed? Yes! From her appearance and accent I'm assuming at this point that's probably Babs Seed's mom! Dunno if anyone else caught it, but we got a quick glimpse of Babs Seed again looking like a hair stylist. I watched the episode 3 times already and have yet to spot her. What scene is she in? NM, I see you already answered my question! Oh shush, Twilight, you'll get your moment in the spotlight soon enough. -_- Twilight giving her books the raspberry was pretty adorable. Although it is a bit of a shocker that... <gasp!> Twilight can get bored with reading?! She was so bored she even took Spike's comic! It was cool to finally see what her library in the castle looks like. So anyway, yeah... Decent episode, honestly no real stand-out flaws except I was bored by the play. But I wasn't even into the episode as a whole, either - it seemed kind of low-energy. I guess I've gotten spoiled by seeing so many high-energy episodes this season, including the leaked one. Honestly the funniest parts were of Twilight loudly sighing in her castle, though there were a lot of visual gags like the advice stand that were funny. The city needed to condemn that park. Really, just walking on the stage caused it to collapse? I liked the moral. It's another complex one that required a complex story to explain. I liked how they did it, though I don't think they needed to reiterate it at the very end, but, I guess for the kids, right? I had no problems with how they resolved the park issue. They had to discover that fixing up the park with just one pony working was going to fail, so the idea of simply jettisoning the entire park and doing the play on the street with a makeshift stage worked for me. I did like seeing even more new pony designs and body types, and the chubby filly watching the play with her mom was cute. One thing I was extremely pleased with was this episode wasn't about redeeming Suri Polomare. I want her to stay a louse because she's Rarity's Moriarty. In fact, I need her to stay a louse because I'm writing a fanfic about her latest scheme. I feel bad that they missed the Sisterhooves social, since there is a day coming when Sweetie and Apple Bloom will be too old to enter. I guess we'll get to see what happened next week! Edited September 27, 2015 by Truffles 1 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Octavia- 1,176 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I watched the episode 3 times already and have yet to spot her. What scene is she in? I had jumped to a conclusion with limited information: Ah dammit, they were right. No Babs. It was just a mare using an almost identical color scheme and similar hairstyle at first glance...but her Mark was a pot of coffee. Aria Rosewood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaresFillies 146 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I love the new episode. There was nice dialogue between AJ and Rarity and the introduction of more background ponies always is a delight because it's fun creating headcanon for them. XD I think it's episodes like these that make MLP:FIM shine. I've noticed that a lot of this slice of life stuff and morals have taken a back seat to most of today's cartoons I'm just glad that MLP still has it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carolina 212 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 (edited) This was a good episode! Glad the map is finally back! I wonder if they will use it more next season, as it seems like a bit of a missed opportunity. I liked the lesson about how volunteering and building community is about the involvement of many, each in their own small ways, even if it WAS a bit on-the-nose at times. Also loved the references, including Charlie Brown, the reference to "Rarity Takes Manehatten ("Oh, Manehatten! What you do to me!") and "I'm trotting here!" But the best thing was seeing Applejack out of her element. I don't think we've ever seen that before and it was an interesting change of pace. ETA - Also, Charity Kindheart? How could that NOT be the nicest pony ever with a name like that? Edited September 26, 2015 by Carolina 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dynamo Pad 11,478 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 This episode was really amazing. Twilight being bored of reading all her books in the castle and reading Spike's comic was really funny. It was also interesting to see her bored because back when she the library didn't she read all the books in there and still wasn't bored? It was really great to see Rarity and Applejack working together and it was also great to see Coco again after so long. The whole crosswalk moment reminded me of the old video game Frogger in my opinion. I loved the Peanuts reference they made and the Wizard of Oz reference in Coco's photo album was a good eye catcher. The facial reactions were once again pretty funny and enjoyable and it was great seeing so many more background ponies. I really AJ in this episode, the moments with fixing the park was pretty funny, and I felt bad with what happened to her stetson. The play was pretty cool and I wondered how the ponies could sit in the street while taxi's had to get from one place to another . I really liked the moral to this episode and I felt that this was more of an Applejack episode than a Rarity episode, but this episode was awesome regardless. All in all I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for next weeks episode. 1 My OC: Dynamo Pad: Signature made by The Wife of Rengoku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 I'm finally not one of two bronies who LOVED IT <3 The whole crosswalk moment reminded me of the old video game Frogger in my opinion I've gotten to level 4. How about you? I've noticed that a lot of this slice of life stuff and morals have taken a back seat to most of today's cartoons I'm just glad that MLP still has it. *hugs* I know right? Personally, I adore episodes like this. Some people claim the "normalness" of it to be a drawback but I consider it a strength. 2 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arftbmrf 40 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Another episode that proves that Manehattan shall be burned to the ground, like Canterlot and other big cities. Instead, there should be lots of small towns, like Ponyville. Big city = mean ponies, high crime rate, high suicide rate, lost of psychological diseases, anger, anxiety, and many other bad things. Just like in this episode, "Pinkie Pride" flashback, "Cutie Mark Chronicles" flashback and "Rarity take Manehattan" of course. The more I see major cities in Equestria, the more I hate them. Just my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Can we get fandom names for the Mad Men cameo ponies? They were the best thing about the new episode. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,863 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Well, they can't all be winners. This is one of those episodes I've watched once, and don't think I'm going to watch again. The episode was so slow, Applejack (who I love dearly) was just so obnoxious this whole episode, actual conclusion itself felt rushed.Pros: the background ponies, Twilight, the actual play.Cons: Everything else. Can we get fandom names for the Mad Men cameo ponies? They were the best thing about the new episode. Aw what, how did I miss that? Which ones were they? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 Aw what, how did I miss that? Which ones were they? Same ones as the last Manehattan episode. Roger Sterling, Peggy Olson, and Joan Harris while the play was on, and then when it's over Don Draper shows up. 1 Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MovieLord101 140 September 26, 2015 Share September 26, 2015 One question re: this episode: yes, Twilight can't get involved with Rarity and AJ's mission in Manehattan, but for Pete's sake, it's not like she can't go to the city and do her own thing while they are on business. As far as we know, the map ONLY stated that Rarity and AJ were to be there for the friendship problem, so why does this also have to mean "Oh, NOPONY ELSE CAN BE IN THE AREA BECAUSE THE PLOT SAYS SO"? Also, Twilight, if you're so bored, get out of the castle for a while! It's not like you're under house arrest by the freaking map. Visit the other ponies or something! Yes, I know this has more to do with her getting frustrated that she hasn't been assigned any missions from the map at all (*cough cough* season finale resolution *cough cough), but it's getting annoying. Also, if the events of "Amending Fences" could be a friendship problem, WHY DIDN'T THE MAP ASSIGN HER THAT ANYWAY?!!? Is there some kinda major connection between the ones we've seen so far that we're not being told yet or something (Griffonstone, Starlight Glimmer, Manehattan)? 5 Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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