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S05:E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark


S05:E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark  

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okie dokie lokie my community how many you were so happy that the cmc got their marks and changing diamond tiara for the good and helping others to find their marks for me I cryed tears of pure joy and happiness

  • Brohoof 2

Matthew Ervin

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When I saw them getting their cutie marks I was smiling so much and had some tears. What AJ said though at the end about the parents though, kinda was a nice/sad touch.

Edited by Side Bird
  • Brohoof 1

Don't be a dweeb


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Woah, this episode was really good. Took me by complete surprise. The show team deserves so much kudos for going against the "Status Quo is God" cliche...and making us feel for Diamond Tiara. :P

  • Brohoof 2


Comet's still best boi. <3

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Everything...Everything about this episode is award worthy. I cried I cheered...I felt something, and I wish I could feel it every day of my life. In a world with people so dark so narrow minded (he k even people on this forum that see pat simple differences in others) ...we get something as beautiful as this song filled wonder. Sisterly bonding, complete character arches, amazing animation, and development...oh the devopment. I have stopped watching pony fan reviews (they have goo d hearts...but dat drama though) but after this...I'm tempted to see silver quills opinion. Th Hasbro...my thanks.

  • Brohoof 4

Shameless plug for my Sundagio fic!



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Jeez, I squealed and cried with happiness! Probably my most favourite episode, ever!  :wub:

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So Im really glad they got their cuties but to be honest, I am not crazy about what they are. Now they're gonna be out fulfilling duty too? I am not a fan of season five at all, nor the cutie mark map the mane 6. Now we have a possibility of the same set up for a sidekick trio? I don't know. It's getting so wrapped up in story that the writers might start being limited in what they can invent for the characters to experience.

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Well, that was way different than I expected! I thought it would just be an average CMC episode (which I have gotten pretty bored with), but it turned out to be really great! Diamond Tiara is actually a really tragic character and I really enjoyed getting to know her better.  I loved her song about not knowing who she is - so sad and awfully mature/dark for a kids' show.


Also, love that the CMC are going to be taken in a new/fresh direction as they had been getting a bit stale lately! I think their new mission should make for some interesting plots if done right.  Liked the designs of the new Cutie Marks, too and that they were each a bit unique, despite the similar theme.

  • Brohoof 1
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infinity/10 best episode ever, I have never ever felt so happy before about anything in my life



  • Brohoof 3


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i am the only one that thinks this but does the cutie mark crusaders cutie marks look like something from the air force or some armed forces that i have seen before(maybe call of duty or ace combat?)

  • Brohoof 2

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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So......I am speechless. Absolutely speechless. This episode, I may have cried tears of absolute joy. The songs, Diamond Tiara, the Cutie Marks, I love every single bit of it. The Cutie Marks themselves are actually awesome, they are a nice curveball to what many of us expected from the beginning and that was an awesome surprise. That montage near the end and the CMC's being congratulated, that was so sweet. I honestly cannot believe it, it is just amazing! :lol:


This could be my favorite episode of the entire season so far. I feel so giddy and wonderful. :P I assume I am not the only person who feels that way? :3

  • Brohoof 2



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... They just made me she'd tears two episodes in a row. What is this, Steven Universe? Damn, I could say so many things but it'd be just a jumbled mess.


Let's just say I've been waiting for DT and SS redemption since nearly the beginning, but I never expected it to be both at once.


As for the CMC, I'm probably in the minority of LOVING their Cutie Marks. It symbolizes their unity, but it also has aspects of their special talent, such as Sweetie's with the music note on the mark.


Just amazing!

  • Brohoof 3


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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And here I am without my permission slip.


The second musical episode thus far, and I'd say it went over in a completely alternate direction than Magical Mystery Cure did. x) What a way for Amy Keating Rogers to go out, since this is her last season as a show writer. My god. Diamond Tiara went from a bland, tasteless and obnoxious character that, after 4.5 seasons of the same shit I had begun to refer to her as Worst Pony simply because the show was doing no evolution with her character, to a complete turnaround. Plus now we can effectively confirm that it's her mom's fault. Now it would seem they were holding that trope to her so long, because she was the key to getting the Crusaders to figure out how to receive their marks all along.


Lauren, while still on staff, had wanted the CMC to have a spin-off show for even younger kids about finding your talents. While that didn't happen, I think this similar turnout of the CMC now helping other characters discover their talents is a nice nod to that.


Also, I totally called Silver Spoon eventually getting fed up with DT's bullshit. I've been saying, 'she's just a follower, she's got no baggage or evil in her' since S1. Go Silverspoon.

  • Brohoof 5


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I just got around to watching the episode because we have company at our house. Interesting episode, nice to see they finally got their cutie marks. Not sure if I'm a fan of all 3 of them having a similar look. I give this episode a 4 out of 5.


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I called it.


...Ok well technically I called it every time there was a CMC episode, BUT I WAS RIGHT THIS TIME.


But srsly, I think they executed this perfectly. I really always thought they would find their own talents, and maybe even have an episode where one gets their mark first or something, but this is so much better.

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It's about damn time.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon character development? The CMCs get their cutie marks? Is this even the same show anymore?


The content of this episode was good. DT and SS are long overdue for development. Finally, the CMC cutie mark arc has come to an end. We can focus on the more interesting parts of their characters now. Yes.

I'm also a fan of musical episodes, so the songs were all right for me. I'm thrilled that we were able to hear DT and SS sing. They both sounded great.


The pacing of the episode was poor. I feel like this would've made a great 2-part finale. There was a lot to cover in 22 minutes and getting cutie marks is definitely a finale-worthy event. Starlight Glimmer's got that time reserved, though. This has been a pretty packed season so far. I... don't know why I'm still typing. I didn't like the pacing in this episode. That's all I wanted to say. I think I started rambling.


Cheerilee and Diamond Tiara had terribly inconsistent mane pattern colors. Distracting.


This episode, along with "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" (which was much worse, by the way), contradicted what we know about cutie marks. We've been told that you get your cutie mark when, and only when, you understood who you are and what your destiny is. DT fits with the lore much better than Troubleshoes, since she knew what her special ability was and, being young, still had to figure out who she was as a person... pony... character. My rant about Troubleshoes is irrelevant to this episode, so I won't include it.


I'm a little disappointed they didn't decide to give one of the CMCs a cutie mark before the others (I suppose Babs Seed counts, but that was underdeveloped), but this was satisfactory. Their special talent certainly fits what they've been doing this entire time.


DT's sob story was a little tiresome, but it's better than having no development at all.


Overall, the writing of this episode wasn't great, but the actual content, plot, and characterization were long overdue, and I'm glad the presented issues were finally addressed.

  • Brohoof 3
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OMG, that was amazing. Not only do we hear more about Applejack's parents. The way AJ said, "If your parents were here, they'd be so proud" that says to me, that they were dead. Now, we all had a feeling that was the case, but, we never really knew. This episode, was so full of feels, it was unbelievable. And I gotta be honest, when RD sang about how proud she was of her little buddy, I cried like a baby. So emotional, so many feels, and you know what for the very first time, I can honestly say , I feel terrible for Diamond Tiara.


I always hoped that there was a part of her, that was just crying to get out. A part that told me and everyone, that she wasn't just a spoiled princess, that there was more to it than that. And this episode, proved it to me. It takes a lot for me to say "Awwww, poor Diamond Tiara" and want to give her a hug. And this episode makes me want to do just that. So happy, she made the right decision, and the CMC helped Diamond Tiara, come to that decision. 


I could just go on and on and on, perfect 10's all across the board.

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Whuuuuuuuuuuuuu?!?!?!?!?! *jaw drops*

This episode.....just....ROCKED MY SOCKS! We got to see Twist! A fallout between DT and SS! SS standing up for herself! DT's mom! DT character development!!! Dt and SS singing! The Apple Family dead parents mentioned! Omg! Omg! Omgggggggg!!!

*shakes the nearest person*

CMC aren't really my thing, but I loved this episode!



....*sigh* that is, until they all got nearly identical cutie marks. It's cute and all, they got it and are excited, I guess. I was just hoping that they would be happy without them, and just trying to help other ponies dis dc over theirs. And it seemed like the routd the writers were going to take, but then those dang marks showed up.


So long, opportunity of blank flanks just being happy as blank flanks forever.


Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Well, it's been a very long time since I've been on here.


I got around to watching it and WOW, we have a contender for best episode of Season 5.  B)

It's better to keep what you've got, than to get rid of it and not have it. ~ Berk. The Trap Door.

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  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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For a second, I thought that they were transforming into alicorns... 

I don't believe that Diamond Tiara can change so fast from a bully to an awesome friend.

And wtf was Twilight doing in a single second on the playground? Is she like a mosquito attracted to friendship? Does the princess always participate in the construction of stuff or is she that bored from doing nothing?

The stuff Applejack said implies that their parents are very dead.

There will be soo much people who will hate these cutie marks. 

I will sit back and enjoy the chaos...

I like this episode soo much...

Heh, is it me or the animators are soo lazy they just cut the ending of the intro and put it at the end of this episode? 

Edited by Missklang
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