Twi Rubix 726 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Wow. Just wow. That episode was pretty epic. Best hilights: -The fighting scene was amazing. -An evil Candace trapped the real one? Awesome Plot Twist! -Vinyl Scratch and Luna cameo was nice. -Spike playing with the dolls. -The songs. All 5 of them. -The power of love Definitely beats the Elements of Harmony any day. -The dresses in the episode were fan made!? Talk about fan service! -Sonic Rainboom was easy to perform this time. -The evil Candace is the new discord. I saw that Vinyl Scratch briefly took her glasses off, but with the low quality of the stream I couldn't tell what color they were. Anyone catch that? Wait, she did? When? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marlyly 186 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Didn't know they were so much commercial on the aerican TV; Aniway this e^pisode was the most ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just neaded a cold shower during each pause to restrain me from yelling to the entire world Go to my DA if you want an avatar: My OC Voyage: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Spears/lances have been seen before, but I understand your enthusiasm. These episodes were AWESOME!! Yes, but now we see them as standard issue to the Equestrian military, which is larger than I had previously thought. #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PandemoniumKnight 16 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 The mane 6? What about Trollestia? She didn't even APOLOGIZE to Twilight! Seriously?! Meh. She's not important enough to mention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Shadow 41 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Does any pony have a link to the songs? I don't care if I buy them or pirate them or fight through a crowd of changelings! I want these songs now! From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrOphthalmos 497 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 How many of you played Rarity's boutique on the hub royal wedding website? I always wondered about the weird tall skinny body-type you can use. Now I get it! That's so you can make a Changeling Queen. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBz 499 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 And that's 3 songs in 1 full hour?! Dayyummm!!! I'm planning a song remix once A song is out. :3 … Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrOphthalmos 497 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Wonder if Pinkie Pie worried the problem might be parasprites -she was using the parasprite-away song for her reception music in the first episode. Oh Pinkie, you so random. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Shadow 41 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Wonder if Pinkie Pie worried the problem might be parasprites -she was using the parasprite-away song for her reception music in the first episode. Oh Pinkie, you so random. I think that song might be a tradition in her family. From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Key Gear 6,663 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Before I say anything else... Twilight's got game!! This episode showcased Twilight at her freaking finest. From the beginning to the end she was TEH BOSS! I will confess that I thought this episode would be a Lesson Zero rehash... I was totally and completely wrong. Beyond wrong. I expected great things, but all of my expectations were completely destroyed. This episode was better than I could have expected. This episode was fully reminiscent of some of the higher quality Disney movies from the past. I really am prepared to say that this is one of the best cartoon two part episodes that I have ever seen. I was watching this episode with my 3 younger siblings, and I have to say that Twilight's BBBFF song was really, really touching to me. It was a wonderful song that was beautifully sung. I can't wait to download it onto my iPod, but I will have to be careful where I listen to it lest manly tears will be shed. I began to immediately suspect Cadence was some kind of double the moment she appeared. I was literally bouncing around the room shouting evil double. (Siblings had to restrain me.) However, after Twilight's confrontation and Shining Armor's explanation, I was really ready to believe that Cadence was just a nice person under stress. They fooled me completely. (I should have known better after that intense mind control sequence earlier with fake-cadence and Shining Armor.) When Cadence walked up and wiped that tear from Twilight's face, I thought that they were going to say that Cadence was just under stress. Then, when Cadence flashed green and that fire spread around twilight.... All of my hairs stood on end. I was completely slack-jawed. (I am happy that both episodes aired this weekend, I don't think I could have survived a one week wait for that cliffhanger to be resolved.) Twilight's escape from that mine was awesome. My respect for Twilight, already high, just went through the roof. Wow, she packs serious firepower. Twilight is a worthy hero! Then, that villainess song.... Wow... Just wow... That song was way beyond anything that I could have anticipated. It completely and totally blew me away. I had goosebumps on top of my goosebumps. That was beyond epic. Simply beyond epic. Then, the changeling queen. Wow... Oh my goodness... If I was making a ranking list of cartoon villains, she would be high up there. When Celestia fell... I was totally and completely slack-jawed. I was also quite a bit saddened. I really did have an emotional reaction to this, which startled me. Once again, my hairs stood on end. Actually, this episode shocked me a lot like this..... I was completely shocked to see something that freaking scary on a show targeted towards that demographic. I wouldn't even be surprised if Hasbro got some complaints from over-protective parents. (This is a good thing!) Then, all of the fighting. Wow, just wow. I loved every part of that - Fluttershy's awesome faking, RD taking out her doubles, Twilight's firepower. Just the fact that there was fighting on this show was shocking enough to me, but the fact that the fight sequence was enjoyable was just awesome. I am sure that I could pick holes in this episode if I wanted to, but my expectations were so far exceeded that I would feel bad to even do that. I firmly believe that this 2-part episode is the best of MLP and one of the best ever. I am also firmly sure that they have NUKED this cartoon's legacy of being for 4 and 5 year old girls. I think we can throw that out of the window now. Anyone that says this cartoon is just for little girls after watching this 2 parter is either lying or simply didn't really watch the show. I could go on forever about this episode.... I really could... There is so much about it that was awesome... Some more last minute things... Princess Luna is the best night watch. Stay indoors Twilight indeed. Too bad she wasn't there to help Celestia when everything was going crazy. Although I had expected a "Love Conquers All" ending... This ending was BOSS. Spike... Playing with dolls? Zombie (changeling) bridesmaids..... Finally, I give this episode.... ∞ / 10 Edited April 21, 2012 by Scootacool 18 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hironakamura 126 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Best episode. The fight scene looked like a PPG fight scene. Also, changeling queen is best villain. Better than Discord and Nightmare Moon for malice potential alone. She convolutes love. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 The finale was magnificent. My only gripe is that it caused my respect for the mane six, excluding Twilight, to diminish. I was baffled by how they treated her suspicions. Surely they'd have some faith in her after all she's done by now. The Changeling Queen actually hoped for this to happen. See, Twilight knew Cadence, so when she acts unlike herself Twilight becomes suspicious and thus more willing to look into anything she may do or say. For eveyone else, they didn't know how she acted so they just chalked it up to pre-wedding stress. For her friends and the princess especially, her acussing the bride-to-be was seen as malicious and aimed more at her thinking her brother was being taken away from her, so they were momentarily ashamed of her. Plus, as the queen mentioned, everyone was so caught up in the wedding preparations that they failed to realise anything was happening until it was too late. Now, with that out of the way...BEST. EPISODES. EVER!! 2 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HomuraBL 851 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 I have one thing to say now. Alicorns aren't overpowered, now there is no reason to hate them. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thewookie Wooker 64 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Amazing episode, the sheer evilness of the Changeling Queen proves all anti-bronies wrong. I've seen less sinister villians in "manly" shows. A ton of references were likely in there. Poor Celestia reminded me of the scene between the Emporer and Yoda just alignment switched. The Battle of Canterlot! Not to mention all the songs and assorted Tori Spelling funnies. Pinkie Pie has seen better copies of herself? Real Candence is nice. Luna was hilarious in 2 of her 3 lines. Vinyl Scratch lives in her DJ table. I still think the Elements are more powerful though since love seemingly only activates additional power. Since it seems hinted that Shining Armor at full power could have swept the city of enemies. AMAZING EPISODE!!! Are the guard in Canterlot run by the Nazis, Shining Armor raises his hoof to their salutes. Edited April 21, 2012 by Thewookie Wooker 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Shadow 41 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Why would you hate alicorns? From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Senn555 242 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 I had expected the songs, the cameos from Luna and other background characters e.g. Vinyl and Lyra... But I did a double-take at seeing the Wildfire cameo. You know, Sabrina Alberghetti's OC pony. That was the real "WOW" moment for me. I'm sure Scootacool summed up my sentiments about the episode above, but I'll read his post later today. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Flame 381 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 This was an excellent way to end an awesome season! I'm glad we got a new villain instead of Discord, I don't think he would've fit this story well enough. The changelings made perfect sense, and getting a new villain is always nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Street Comedy 327 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Twilight Sparkle is main character. Great bunch of songs. Two parts. Fan-made dresses. Vinyl and Luna make a cameo. Great plot. (Shut up, it's not like that) With out a doubt, the show's finest episodes. Changelings were cool. Amazing plot twist. Many of the episodes in the second half of season 2 weren't that great IMO, I watched them when they aired and that's it. These episode are ones I will watch over and over again. I can't stress this enough, without a doubt the best episodes of the show. Edited April 21, 2012 by MagicalHorseyThing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 OK, I'm settled down now. My true thoughts on this episode? I loved the fact that Luna finally made an appearance, and not only that, she talked, too! Albeit only for a short while, as the wedding was held during daytime, but hey. It was kind of funny at the end how she asks, "Did I miss anything?". As if she was oblivious to everything that was going on, haha. DJ Pon3 made a small appearance, too! But once again, no lines... All the emotions spilled out into this episode was grand. Twilight's friends didn't believe her when she claimed that "Cadence" is evil, and was humiliated as a result. Of course, unlike her friends she didn't have too much to do during the preparations for the royal wedding, so she was naturally more alert than the others, but it was still kind of sad to see her friends not believe her seeing how not only are they her friends, but she's also the Element of MAGIC... that "Cadence" had to be some sort of grandmaster at faking tears in order to persuade people to her side. Good stuff. Also, the villains - changelings! I have to ask, am I the only one to notice the very subtle Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reference? Ah well, aside from that, the villains were portrayed wonderfully. The Queen was portrayed wonderfully although she only did reveal herself towards the end of the episode. I have to say that she was more sinister than Nightmare Moon because unlike NMM, her actions weren't caused by resentment towards somepony. And her minions were portrayed simply - just enough so that they would be a slightly worthy adversary, as the Mane 6 were caught and thus unable to get to the Elements. This shifted into an epic fight scene in which we saw PUNCHING AND KICKING by the Mane 6 against the minions. They still call this a kid's show? The Pokemon reference when the Changelings were defeated was a highly unexpected, but simply marvelous addition to the episode. It looked like Team Rocket's plans were foiled and thus, they blasted off again. A wonderful scene included by the developers. And finally, Rarity's dramatic side at the very end of the episode - where she shoved some ponies out of the way to grab a bouquet of flowers. Quite funny, and she looked sheepish afterwards. Overall, this is has to be the best episode for the series thus far. Not only did it hype me up for season 3, but the very strong ending to the season shall no doubt the increase of bronies in the near future, specifically this summer, as some people here have already pointed out. Ergo, the wait shall be slightly painful, but all this anticipation will make season 3 that much better. Can't wait~! 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 As soon as Hasbro had announced that Twilight found a dark secret about Cadence I predicted that she would be possessed/a double/something like that, as that was the only way they could make Cadence still appealing at the end in order to sell toys. While the ending was easily forseeable, there were a few good twists. The sheer awesomeness of the episode itself is undeniable. I thought the BBBFF song was aimed more at a younger audience with its theme, but the other two were fantastic. MLP:FiM has confirmed violence, a standing army equipped with lethal weapons, all that fun stuff. Still, it raised some painful questions. 1) Where were those changelings from? Another dimension or something? 2) What is Cadence's relation to the other Alicorns? 3) How was a princess and Alicorn reduced to the level of foalsitting? Twilight was an exceptionally important foal, being tutored by Celestia, but you'd think they could have found someone else. 4) Is Twilight's family more prestigious/honored than we've thought? One child is the right-hand mare of the monarch, the other the leader of the Equestrian military? While I would have liked for these questions to be answered, they can still be explained at a later time. Many less important questions were also answered by the episode: DJ Pon3's eye color, Celestia as chief of Equestrian religion, nature of Alicorns, etc. And as the number of movies/television shows I've seen with a truly surprising, remarkable plot ending can be counted on one hand, the obvious lesson at the end isn't too serious. With that in mind, I'd give the two part "Canterlot Wedding" episode somewhere between a 9.5 and 9.75 out of 10. Hopefully the "10" will be defined as something in Season 3. 2 #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 While the ending was easily forseeable, there were a few good twists. The sheer awesomeness of the episode itself is undeniable. I thought the BBBFF song was aimed more at a younger audience with its theme, but the other two were fantastic. MLP:FiM has confirmed violence, a standing army equipped with lethal weapons, all that fun stuff. Personally, I felt that the mesh of Violence and Friendship worked together wonderfully. It almost felt like the Powerpuff Girls during the fight scene with the Changeling subjects and the Mane 6 - a shame they didn't get to the Elements, though. But then again, that ending would have been sort of predictable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marlyly 186 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 This was an excellent way to end an awesome season! I'm glad we got a new villain instead of Discord, I don't think he would've fit this story well enough. The changelings made perfect sense, and getting a new villain is always nice. I think that a discord return should have been "too easy". But on the other hand the changeling queen isn't as evil as the chaos incarnation. I wont criticize her because she perfectly feet in this episode butif I had to choose between her or discord in general I probably choose discord. When we come to thing of it she's also preety silly, she was surprised to defeat Celestia so HOW DID SHE PLANED TO CONTROL EQUESTRIA IF SHE THOUGHT SHE WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFEAT THE PRINCESS !!! 3 Go to my DA if you want an avatar: My OC Voyage: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strafe 594 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 I think it's official, This show is probably the best cartoon show I've ever watched and that's saying a lot considering all the cartoons I watched. I don't even know where to start, it was simply brilliant, the animation was amazing especially the part in the caves. There were more songs in this episode than there were for a half a season and they were all amazingly well-done and well-voiced. There was excellent fan service too, for starters, they used the fan-made dresses and also made the episode more action like. The writers, voice actors, and animators really outdid themselves with this episode, it was just that fucking good. 2 "The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chigens and Kay 3,832 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Now I need a GIF of when Pinkie Pie sneezed and the confetti came out... 1 My signature broke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Cadence and Shining Armor's kiss after the wedding. That was a smart addition. Now people have mental references when they read romance fanfics and there are kissing parts, tee hee! Edited April 21, 2012 by Devin Dash McCourty 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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