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S02:E25+E26 - A Canterlot Wedding



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After watching A Canterlot Weeding, I was pretty happy about all the action, drama, and the ending after Shining Armor married Cadence and gave Twilight a loving hug. By far the best finale in Season 2 ever. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Not sure if my post would be a spoiler or not, but I'll put it as one just to be safe.




The Changelings are the most undoubtly creepy lookin' things that've been in the show to date ._. In my opinion anyway.

Oh, and the party canon being used as an actual weapon is now canon. Haha, get it? Cause it's a canon....And....It's intended to be a weapon....so....yeah. I'll be quiet now XD



  • Brohoof 1

Tonight I've become the most dazzling precious treasure

I am treasured over all the earth

Just look at what he's done

How he's laying down his life

Take this life, oh most dazzling precious treasure

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For those who care, FOUND DERPY! She's in the second episode.



She's in the middle, just when the Changeling Queen confronts Cadence at about 13 minutes.



I would go back and look for her in the first episode but my TiVO for some bizarre reason thought I only needed part 2. I told it to record part 1 tomorrow when they reshow it. Or, I could go to YouTube I guess... but I like looking for Derpy on my large Samsung LED. :P

Edited by DrOphthalmos
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I just finished watching all of part 2 again. :)


Ponies disappointed that DJPON3 Vinyl Scratch's eyes aren't red? I paused and they look purple - not red like we all hoped.


I also like they have horseshoes on the carriage at the end. Do ponies actually wear them? We may never know...

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Is it time for Episode 26 yet? F'n Amazing episode. ALL Around, fricken amazing episode. I knew there was something wrong with Cadence the minute she didn't seem to remember that little rhyme that Twilight and her had when she was a Filly. Great song! Now, I can hardly sleep, how is Twilight going to prove to Celestia, her friends, and more importantly her brother That Cadence really is evil? Can't SLEEP MUST FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facebook: Josh B.

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I just finished watching all of part 2 again. :)


Ponies disappointed that DJPON3 Vinyl Scratch's eyes aren't red? I paused and they look purple - not red like we all hoped.


I also like they have horseshoes on the carriage at the end. Do ponies actually wear them? We may never know...


They may be still red, the lighting deflecting off her glasses could theoretically give them a more purple shade.

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Oh. My. Sweet. Gummy.

That really blew my mind. I thought it was a little girls show, but those changelings! I... I'm speechless! Has the show improved? Aw yeah! And I'm glad DJ Pon-3 was in it! My mind is blank because of AWESOMENESS!

I just wish they put Gummy in a tux somewhere in the episode. :P

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The first episode gave me big questions, then the second episode answered them superbly!


Seriously, who would have thought that 1000's of Changilins(?) would have invaded Canterlot and for an epic battle between them and the Mane 6 take place? Or for Vinyl Scratch to appear and take her glasses off?


From the time Cadence appeared in episode 1 to the end of it I was completely confused as to what was going on. It really was unexpected as was them not using the Elements of Harmony.


BTW how do I make a spoiler tag?


Most of mah big reactions came in Part 2 so....


When Queen Chrysalis reveals herself - "...what the....holy...damn! Thats one creepy thing!"


When Celestia is knocked out by Chrysalis - "Huh, its like Harry Potter. The one with the stronger beam of magic wins."


When the Mane 6 fight against the Changelings - "What the hell? Did I hear a smooch when RD helped up Fluttershy? :wacko:. Whatevs, looks like Twi makes best machine gun, or machine laser :P"


When Cadence and Shining Armor blast the Changelings away with the force field - "Is that the Everfree forest they blown back to? Wow, that place is more dangerous than I thought."


When the 2 get married - "They kissed? Didn't see that coming :huh:. Still, thats very sweet"


When Princess Luna shows up at the end- "Nah, you didn't miss a thing..."


The ending song - "Twi is singing?! Yay, I get to hear that singing voice :wub:!"


At the very end - "Isn't Spike a little young to host the bachelor party? There's.....alright, I get the picture :P"


After the episode has ended - ".......that..was..amazing. Now we gotta wait for Season 3 :(. I hope Applejack gets a song to herself. With only 13 episodes in it, they better have her get one http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. Still....S2 is finally over :("


Overall, that episode was insane. It totally blew my mind how it would turn out. If only those annoying Tori Spelling skits didn't pop up at the beginnign of each commercial -_-. Still, best episode of the season, and probably the series in general :)


Only 13 episodes for season 3?

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From the time Cadence appeared in episode 1 to the end of it I was completely confused as to what was going on. It really was unexpected as was them not using the Elements of Harmony.


BTW how do I make a spoiler tag?




Only 13 episodes for season 3?


From what I've heard. Its supposed to be this summer, if I'm correct.



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Did anyone get a good look at Vinyl's eyes when she lifted her glasses? They were visible momentarily and looked kinda red to me. xD


Also: it seems that Princess Luna lives outside Canterlot Castle, possibly in her own castle, explaining why she has to fly to Canterlot in order to take over watching the city during the night. Anyone else think this? It would also explain why she seemed clueless as to the events that happened during the second part.

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1080p is up!


Time to watch the episodes again! :D


Woot, thank you! Thanks to this I was able to watch the first part again.


I love how Pinkie Pie can step on a cake and not completely crush it.


I love Lyra spoke but, I should have been suspicious when Shining Armor said the bridesmaids were replaced because they only care about meeting Canterlot royalty - Lyra is good pony! (I have my doubts about Bon Bon though...)


I noticed two broadswords in Shining Armor's room - I knew spears and ninja swords were canon but I do not think I've seen medieval broadswords before.


I also noticed that in part 1, like part 2, Applejack puts her hat back on and makes the I-am-lying-face. She must have told Rarity at some point she was not going to wear her hat.


I could not find Derpy in part 1. Anypony else see Derpy in part 1? I saw Derpy in part 2.


These two episodes were so awesome. I cannot wait to see what they have in store for Season 3. MLP RULES!!!!


They may be still red, the lighting deflecting off her glasses could theoretically give them a more purple shade.


You may right... honestly very hard to tell. Even when paused, all I mostly see is black pupil, corneal light reflex, and a sliver of color that is very hard to distinguish. I may have thought they looked purple given the proximity of her shades since she left them on top of her head.


What a tease! We need a better close-up! :P


Did anyone get a good look at Vinyl's eyes when she lifted her glasses? They were visible momentarily and looked kinda red to me. xD


If I look real hard and wish a lot, I think they might be red... so hard to tell!
  • Brohoof 1
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Did anyone get a good look at Vinyl's eyes when she lifted her glasses? They were visible momentarily and looked kinda red to me. xD





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I finally got to watch the finale and OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH.


Really, there's so much awesome packed into this finale. Any doubts I initially had about it (like thinking Princess Cadence would just be a merch plug, etc.) were blown out of the water.


New things happened. I like that. Probably my favorite thing is that it wasn't the Elements of Harmony that defeated the changeling queen. Was a nice change, and keeps it from slipping into a "Baddie appears, harasses Mane 6, Mane 6 fetch Elements of Harmony and defeat baddie" routine.


Highlights of the episode for me were, in no order:


The brother song/



Seeing more of Twilight Sparkle's pre-Ponyville life.


The brother song being interrupted by the imposter Cadence.


The Cadence/imposter song where the vocals switch between them.


Party cannon as a weapon, and to avoid me sitting here for ages listing things: The whole episode.


  • Brohoof 1
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The ten greatest/most notable things about the season finale:


1) Machine gunner Pinkie Pie!

2) Machine gun Twilight Sparkle!

3)There are more than two alicorns.

4) After being submerged for much of season 2, we are reminded that Twilight is the star/main character.

5) Magical Female Powers™!

6) A new race of evil supernatural baddies.

7) Princess Celestia owes Twilight an apology. Why didn't she apologize???

8) A great brother-sister relationship.

9) Vinyl Scratch didn't get enough screen time!

10) Spike has no idea what a bachelor party is, or when it's supposed to be thrown.


A great finale to tide us over till next season. If season 3 is as much of an improvement as season 2 was, we're going to have our socks blown off!

  • Brohoof 1
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Vinyl has magenta eyes... this nullifies around 95% of my scratch collection >.>


Also epic episode, the songs, Cadence, the backstory, changelings, and Twilight is best hmg

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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