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Paris, France Terrorist Attacks 11/13/15


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I will never understand why people kills each other. What's on their minds to think that the solution to their "problems" is killing innocent people? =/

These terrorists are simply brainwashed into thinking that what they're doing is right to their god.

Russia. Aircraft are attacking on terrorist bases, not any other place (at least, as far as I know). I think I used the wrong word, sorry.

Russia is doing that?

Or is the USA is doing that to Russia?

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Words cannot describe my disgust towards these repulsive people who feel the need to kill INNOCENT people. I just read the article now, and am watching some videos on it, and, honestly, I feel very concerned for the citizens of France right now, and my condolences go to the families of all the people who have died as a result of all of this. Also, for some reason, this is reminding me a lot of the Sydney Siege in 2014, but on a much bigger scale.

Edited by shoyrumaster11
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Words cannot describe my disgust towards these repulsive people who feel the need to kill INNOCENT people. I just read the article now, and am watching some videos on it, and, honestly, I feel very concerned for the citizens of France right now, and my condolences go to the families of all the people who have died as a result of all of this. Also, for some reason, this is reminding me a lot of the Sydney Siege in 2014, but on a much bigger scale.

I become more and more uneasy as I watch the news updates on this situation.

It frightens me to the bone knowing that these people can attack any place, any time, for any reason.

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Based on loose information, one of the terrorists shouted in French "for Syria." 

How do they think the response is gonna go? They think soldiers are gonna leave Syria after this? More likely, more will be sent over and take the fight to them. France will want some measure of revenge. 

But, knowing how timed most of Europe acted in the face of Putin's veiled threats and passive aggressive actions, I doubt there will be any retaliation from this. 

We'll have to wait and see if this was an ISIS attack, or one of the other radical Islam groups. 

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Since this thread deals with news/current events, it belongs in general discussion and is being moved there now.  Media discussion is reserved for threads discussing things like music, technology, movies, and other media forms.


I'd also like to remind everybody that this is not a debate pit thread so please do try not to veer off too far in the direction of discussing the deeper political issues at stake.  You are all of course more than welcome to start an additional thread in debate pit to allow more freedom in discussing the deeper political implications of this incident.


Thanks everybody!

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This news is so fucked up, one of my friends on Facebook was at Paris during the attack.



If they are not someone who lives there, he or she could not have left. The borders of the country have been shut down. 

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I have no words to comment this situation. I'm not sure if it's even possible, considering that at the moment nothing is certain and it's hard to tell when we'll know for sure what exactly happened, why and how many people lost their lives. I can't even imagine how people in Paris must feel, especially the ones who don't know if their loved ones are OK.

Edited by Anilewe
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These terrorist attacks are deplorable. This is why humanity can't have nice things... there's always some turd(s) who will try destroying that which makes someone else happy. Here's hoping those affected by these horrible acts come out unscathed. God bless you Paris, you'll be in our hearts and prayers.

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What a shocking attack. It hurts to think about the people who went to watch a band, have a drink and a generally good time, who never got to go home. I sincerely hope that the death toll doesn't esculate any more that it already has. One thing's for sure ISIS needs to be stamped out ASAP before any more innocent people lose their lives for no reason.

Edited by Dr. Frasier Crane
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The perpetrators are allegedly executing the hostages one by one.


There's no physical pain, not an existing punishment to restore justice. The memories, the emotions, the beings that took years in the completition of their current selves, all lost within a second, all lost to lead and steel, all lost to the very paradigm of human cruelty.

Alas, all we can do is hope that the victims' deaths weren't extremely painful.


These are dark times, my friends. Stay safe, and stay alert.

Edited by Shadow Beam
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Why does humanity do sick shit like this? Do they get pleasure out of killing innocent people?


May all of you out in Paris stay safe.

They don't do it to because they like it, they are doing it to make an invalid point.

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How horrible :/. Things like this just put me in a bad mood.


Hmm. I know that what I'm about to say is an unpopular opinion, but I wish that we got to hear stories on the news about good things muslims/middle easterners have done :). Surely there have been some muslims that have made positive impacts on the world around us. I'm not saying that all these bad things shouldn't be reported... but I'd like to have a bit of balance for a change.


Anyways, I got off topic. My feelings go out to those in Paris... I hope Blobulle is okay...

Edited by SparklingSwirls
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This really sends me into a bunch a weird emotions. I am so sad, and angry like really angry, people who know me know I dont get angry. Or even sad all that much.

I dont even know what to say I am so overcome with emotion, and i am not even close to Paris.

My best wishes go out to everyone over there and I really hope they can clean up fast and not let it affect them too much. After all that is what the cowards or umm terrorist would want.

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