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Bayonetta in Smash 4 Discussion Thread


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We have a winner of the Smash Bros. Ballot, and it was niether Cloud nor Corrin.  It was Bayonetta.  She was 1st in the Smash Ballot in Europe, top 5 in the U.S, and was the No.1 voted fighter worldwide.




  • Brohoof 4
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Three words. HYPED. AS. BALLS.


I'm really looking forward to seeing Bayonetta in Smash. I wanted to see her on the original roster, but I don't care anymore, at least she's still here. I'm really looking toward abusing the hell out of her Witch Time move.

Not only that, but she seems to look and play a little like Zero Suit Samus, with her nimble playstyle and combo potential. And I also like that she has the costumes from both of her original games.

I'm gonna have tons of fun with this crazy bitch, and I am looking forward to playing her.

  • Brohoof 1
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*yawn* That's pretty much what I felt about the final choices for SSB4's DLC. Sakurai really should have created another Ballot winner character instead of plugging the new Fire Emblem game. I mean, FE had more than enough characters!


Sorry for no real commentary on Bayonetta. She just isn't a character I care about at all. Oh well, seeing as these last three DLC characters do nothing for me, that's money saved.

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*yawn* That's pretty much what I felt about the final choices for SSB4's DLC. Sakurai really should have created another Ballot winner character instead of plugging the new Fire Emblem game. I mean, FE had more than enough characters!

I know exactly how you feel. I'm not very fond of yet another Fire Emblem character being in Smash. I don't see how people are liking how there are... like, six Fire Emblem characters in Smash.

Personally, I feel that Bayonetta is a nice change of pace. Not only that, but she looks like a lot of fun to play, that's why I'm hyped.

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Kind of eh on the FE character. Looks cool, but I can't really get excited for a character that hasn't even come out yet(in America  :P)


Fucking pumped for Bayonetta though. Kind of surprised yet kind of not that she was a ballot winner, and I never expected her to make it

Edited by Santa Megas
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Very glad for Corrin, I'm glad he/she was developed. While I dont know much about Bayonetta, this is certainly great promotion I think, and I will pick it up on ps3 soon! Same with cloud, I will probably get the ps4 remake of ff7 when it releases.

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Is this the last bit of DLC they are making for the new Smash? If that is the case, then that is really disappointing. I mean, Cloud and Bayonetta are both awesome, but the other characters, to me, are really bland. I feel like Nintendo could do so much more with this. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Is this the last bit of DLC they are making for the new Smash? If that is the case, then that is really disappointing. I mean, Cloud and Bayonetta are both awesome, but the other characters, to me, are really bland. I feel like Nintendo could do so much more with this. 

I wish snake and wolf were here... And I feel like kojima deserves it...

  • Brohoof 2
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I wish snake and wolf were here... And I feel like kojima deserves it...

And Ice Climbers :(


Though I can understand why Ice Climbers and Snake probably didn't get in(3DS limitations and Fuckonami respectively). I don't see why Wolf was cut though

Edited by Santa Megas
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Personally i'm really excited for Corrin; I don't care about the reps so much as the character. And FE is extremely popular in Japan, where Smash is developed, and Japan has been obsessed with the new Fire Emblem since June, so... Also Corrin looks like such fun to play as! I mean, she can shift into a dragon! I can tell Corrin's gonna be my main.


Bayonetta looks completely awesome too, and fits right in with Smash. She was also my ballot pick, so needless to say, i'm very happy.

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Played both Bayonetta games very recently and immediately thought they were some of the best action games I've ever played, so you can best her announcement trailer in the direct had me hyped as all heck :wub:

I never even thought she had a chance(didn't even vote for her in the ballot, finished the games after it was over actually), considering how, er... racy and violent her games are... and while I was hoping for a lot of other, seemingly more feasible characters, Bayonetta actually getting in just trumps all of that for me. Cannot wait! :D


As for Corrin, they're cool I guess. Another FE rep is definitely kinda boring but they seem quite unique and I'm looking forward to playing Fates so overall I don't mind. Gotta admire that Sakurai really went for the unexpected here, what a crazy ride of DLC characters. :wacko:

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I'm going to be honest, I didn't know about any of these characters until after the announcement. But just because I don't know them doesn't mean I'm disappointed. I'm not going to judge a book by it's cover. I actually got Cloud yesterday and he seems pretty cool.

I voted for Rayman to be in SSB4..... But he's been forgotten again.

Because it would be impossible to make his amiibo! ;p
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I'm actually kind of unimpressed with the DLC characters for smash 4. They all seem to be from series I'm not particularly a fan of.


I'd much rather have Magnus from Kid Icarus Uprising instead of Cloud (but magnus is already an assist trophy, so I'll admit, it wouldn't work out too well...)

Ryu kind of defeats the purpose of smash brothers for me (pick a direction, pick a button, that's all you need to do any move in the game... No quarter-circle forward, down, forward, diagonal, B to do a special move.... Except when Ryu is playing.... sure you could do each of his special moves normally, but nerfing the damage because you didn't use the classic directional input, really?)

Roy.... Okay, I kind of enjoy Roy, but that's because I'm one of those rabid Melee fans that thinks that no game is as good just because melee requires amounts of cocaine capable of killing a rhinoceros if you want to be able to spasm your hands across your controller fast enough to pull off half of the tech skill you'll need to win a tournament.


And Bayonetta.... I mean, being asexual, I don't really want boobs and butt being shown whenever I hit a button, and now I can't even play smash without having softcore pornography flash across my screen? Come on, man... I'm sure Bayonetta is a fun game, but I really dislike slutty characters because they make everything so awkward. Like, I just want to kill the bad guys; I don't want to flash them my breasts, lap dance on them, and then strangle them with a kink whip... Ah well, to each their own, I guess. It's just too bad I'll have to avoid smash online and only play local games  if I don't want to have to deal with it :/

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I'd much rather have Magnus from Kid Icarus Uprising instead of Cloud (but magnus is already an assist trophy, so I'll admit, it wouldn't work out too well...)

I'd actually would've been really pissed if we ended up getting another Kid Icarus character out of the Smash Ballot(especially after being annoyed with Dark Pit). In fact I though that was gonna be the case during the Bayonetta reveal

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I think those transparent pieces could help.


I forgot that Ubisoft doesn't give Rayman much attention anymore.

Reminds me that there are actually Rayman trophies in the games... super weird he's not a fighter with all that in there. :huh:

As if there wasn't enough sex appeal in Super Smash Bros. :x

Ain't nothin' wrong with that now :please:

I mean, there's actually not a whole lot of sex appeal in Smash, but Bayonetta sure does add, er, something else being in there now I guess, hehe. ;p

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