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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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"Oh, you wanna talk about guts?!" I yelled at her as she started to walk away. I primed my battle saddle, and pointed it directly at her. "Well how about we blow yours out! Oh wait...you probably don't have any!" His breathing had become more erratic as anger seemed to fill his mind. Sweet Celestia, he just wanted to shoot right now. 


Crackshot acted fast and slid his shotgun from its holster on his back using his magic. He aimed it at the pegasus, ready to fire.


"I said knock this sh*t off," he snarled, "nopony on my crew is getting killed, from inside or otherwise. We're working together to take Blooddrop out, tolerate each other until then and do whatever you want to each other when it's over."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Oh, you wanna talk about guts?!" I yelled at her as she started to walk away. I primed my battle saddle, and pointed it directly at her. "Well how about we blow yours out! Oh wait...you probably don't have any!" His breathing had become more erratic as anger seemed to fill his mind. Sweet Celestia, he just wanted to shoot right now. 


Foray had spun around in an instant, her automatic drawn and levitated beside her, pointed at Comet's head. Ignoring Crackshot's attempt at intervention, she growled, "I'd like to see you try." Glaring at him angrily, her horn glow intensified as she prepared herself. A slight smile pried at the side of her mouth. "Just. Bring it."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Crackshot acted fast and slid his shotgun from its holster on his back using his magic. He aimed it at the pegasus, ready to fire.


"I said knock this sh*t off," he snarled, "nopony on my crew is getting killed, from inside or otherwise. We're working together to take Blooddrop out, tolerate each other until then and do whatever you want to each other when it's over."


"I don't have any problem working together, as long as this mare will just back off a bit." Comet snarled, deactivating the battle saddle and letting the guns holster backwards. He took a deep breath, and stood back. "Look, I get you've had a tough life. You think just because I'm a pegasus, I had it easy? Or I don't know what it's like down here? For the past four years, all I've done is kill raiders to try and protect villagers who can't protect themselves. I get that everything is bucked down here. But it's bad up in the skies as well. You ever tried to survive a fall from the clouds with your wings clipped? It's not easy."

Foray had spun around in an instant, her automatic drawn and levitated beside her, pointed at Comet's head. Ignoring Crackshot's attempt at intervention, she growled, "I'd like to see you try." Glaring at him angrily, her horn glow intensified as she prepared herself. A slight smile pried at the side of her mouth. "Just. Bring it."


"Pfft, you wish." Comet just smirked at the mare now. "Maybe you should pay some attention to your little leader there and just put the gun down now. You're barely worth the ammo as it is." He shook his head and turned around momentarily. He put the saddlebags down on the ground and bent down to check he still had everything in check. If they were going up the mountain he needed everything there.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"I don't have any problem working together, as long as this mare will just back off a bit." Comet snarled, deactivating the battle saddle and letting the guns holster backwards. He took a deep breath, and stood back. "Look, I get you've had a tough life. You think just because I'm a pegasus, I had it easy? Or I don't know what it's like down here? For the past four years, all I've done is kill raiders to try and protect villagers who can't protect themselves. I get that everything is bucked down here. But it's bad up in the skies as well. You ever tried to survive a fall from the clouds with your wings clipped? It's not easy."


"..." Crackshot lowered his shotgun, after hearing Comet's side. It was surprisingly similar to his situation, mostly at least. The fall from the clouds wasn't something he could relate to, but adapting to a change in life? That was his area.


Foray had spun around in an instant, her automatic drawn and levitated beside her, pointed at Comet's head. Ignoring Crackshot's attempt at intervention, she growled, "I'd like to see you try." Glaring at him angrily, her horn glow intensified as she prepared herself. A slight smile pried at the side of her mouth. "Just. Bring it."


He swung his shotgun around to point it at Foray, her automatic aimed at Comet's head. His scowl hadn't loosened at all.


"You heard me," he warned, cocking the rifle, "Put, the gun, down."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Neither Foray's gun nor glare diverted from Comet for several moments, before a feral growl escaped her lips. Slowly lowering her gun, she reached for her ammunition belt and grabbed a pineapple grenade. The explosive had been removed, but even to a trained eye it would have looked armed. Still glaring at Comet, she slowly removed the firing pin, growling,


"Don't you ever. Call me. Gutless. Again."


Leaving her words hanging hot in the air, she simply tossed the empty grenade at the pegasus, then turned and walked away.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Neither Foray's gun nor glare diverted from Comet for several moments, before a feral growl escaped her lips. Slowly lowering her gun, she reached for her ammunition belt and grabbed a pineapple grenade. The explosive had been removed, but even to a trained eye it would have looked armed. Still glaring at Comet, she slowly removed the firing pin, growling,


"Don't you ever. Call me. Gutless. Again."


Leaving her words hanging hot in the air, she simply tossed the empty grenade at the pegasus, then turned and walked away.


Comet just stood there, watching the grenade roll towards his hooves, until it clinked against his left foreleg. He shook his head, kicking it away. "I don't know how stupid you think I am, but I know even you're not crazy enough to blow me up with a grenade when you have guns trained on you and no reason to do it." Comet smirked. "I'm not some dumbass raider, y'know."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@NinjaCPU,@@Ethan Sawyer,

Allegory hid her frown; she could tell the mare was definitely hiding something. And the fact that she was refusing to tag along with others and a bit willing to avoid revealing herself simply affirmed it to her. If she thinks she could handle all this by herself with little experience, she is either arrogant, stupid, suicidal, or all three.

Once the red unicorn mare trotted away and went far out of her feld of hearing, Allegory turned to the green mare and levitated the shades down halfway; Streamline was fast asleep in the backroom, snoring noisily. "Well...there's two types of travelers in this world. Professionals who can handle things with a cool mind and amateurs who act like they know what they're doing. One of them won't get killed," she rolled her eyes and cleaned her counter. Now for the bigger issue. "And if you're looking for some work to do, I have some. Maybe we can talk in my boxcar for the details...this may be something that requires your caliber."

With that, Allegory stood up and holsters her plasma pistol to her side, looking at the green mare far more seriously with a bag of caps in her hooves. "And if you accept...I'll pay 150 caps up front. Consider it a small return fund until you get the job done."

A chuckle coming for her lips. She wasn't expecting to get a request after ammo refill. Still, she wasn't one to look at a job negatively. Looking over the bag of caps, she nods "Alright," she might as well least consider it. No harm there (I'd at work, so short post atm)

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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The situation I was listening to seemed to be heating up. Talk of grenades and blowing peoples heads off with guns. How civil of them. That pony though. He seems, different. I don't know why, but he is. Maybe he's just more insane than the rest.


They all seemed confident.


Art by DoeKitty

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Crackshot narrowed his eyes and snorted as Foray walked off.


She's a loose cannon. I need to keep a close eye on her so she doesn't kill anypony on our side.


He hadn't been panicked by the fake grenade either; he had seen too many thrown at him in his life to be. And besides, who was stupid enough to arm one this close to blasting range?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Sheesh, that was close," Kronos replied, "What's with Foray? On top of that, what's with this guy? If it'd been me with actually good weapons, I would just SATS all these pricks and go on. But, that's just me and my prejudice against raiders, slavers and the Enclave."

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Sending one hateful glance back at Comet's comment, she added, "I'm impressed. You're not half as dumb as you look."


Though she was doing a good job of hiding it, or at least she thought she was, Foray's frustration and anger at the pegasus' smart-ass comments was starting to boil over. After she had wandered a decent distance from the group, she grabbed an armor plate from her saddlebag, tossed it high into the sky, and with a feral roar, unloaded her magazine into it as it fell down.


By the time it reached the ground, it had been reduced to metal confetti.

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Unicorncob, "Well, now that no one is going to kill each other I don't have to worry. Time for information then. I would show you a map, but circumstances have rendered it useless. Dumb ass raiders. Now then, here's what I can tell you.


Let's go in order of what would be used and importance. The location of their home. The mountain range spreads all the way from the Fillydelphia Manehatten junction up to Canterlot and beyond. I can tell you that their home is closer towards the Fillydelphia Manehatten junction. Just less than half way up the mountain on that regard. You'll know if you're in the right place when you start seeing Raiders in Sturdy Combat armour riding a Scorpion in groups of 3 to 5. Don't be fooled. They are never alone. You're going to need to know what kind of weaponry they have up in those mountains. If you expected them to have something along the lines of 10mm, Crude .45 pipe rifles and damage Shotguns, you're wrong. They keep very high grade weapons and equip everyone with decent guns. 5.56 assault rifles are the most common weapon you will see. Varying between Semi-auto variations for higher impact and damage per shot, fully automatic ones for suppressive fire and fire support. That's the most common weapon you will find and fighting tactic if you get into a fire fight. Please also remember that at no point in time does a patrol ever leave the line of sight of Snipers. That will be the biggest threat on your way up. Snipers. I have no idea where these snipers hide. They are very well hidden, highly camouflaged and very good shots. Most of them use high calibre .50 rounds. At least the ones that have shot at me. Couldn't walk for weeks after that. I've seen them shoot, they hit 9/10 bullets. 8/10 lethal. But, because Patrols never leave sniper cover, that leaves the highly jagged areas as your best option. Lots of cover. Hard to move through and will take a long time to pass through. You won't see anyone if you move that way. Well, ponies at least. The more jagged areas also have a lot of caves. You can hide in them, set up camps and a pony will not spot you. If you do go through the jagged areas, watch out for animals. Radscorpions call that place home. Likely is that most of those Scorpions belong to Sting and will alert them to you if they don't kill you first.


As you get further and further into the mountains, the higher the quality of the weaponry and the number of guards. The Snipers will always be a problem, never forget about them. Once you get further in, they will change from 5.56 assaults, to more Focused Laser Rifles and grenades. Plasma, pulse or frag. They have them all. This is also the point in which you will encounter your second biggest threat. Power armour. Only the lowest tier of power armour. One they threw together themselves out of old materials. But power armour is power armour. They have one customisation that makes them a bit different. They keep a plat of steel over the fusion cores. Meaning you cant access them without removing the plate. And its sort of bolted on. This does mean that they cannot change power cords mid battle. So time is on your side. 


Get through all of them, and you will see their home. It's not just a single fort. It's a whole town, both above ground and spreads underground. Though the underground is mostly a safe house. It doesn't have much in the way of walls and most of the population past that point are going to be two things. Civilians and the best of the best, including the Queen herself. Expect them to have high grade plasma weapons and pre-war power armour in very good condition. You need to focus on killing a few specific ponies if you want this gang to fully disband. 2 other people than the Queen have power. The Beast master. Black Rain, Zebra. A wizard with creatures and master of hoof to hoof, he has a pet Alpha Hell Hound that never leaves his side. Kill one, and the other will go crazy. They're dangerous and the second pony is somewhat of a mystery to even me. All I can tell you he is the Queen's personal bodyguard and he's a fan of invisibility. The only reason I managed to find out about him is when I watched the Queen on little mission by herself down in Manehatten. A pack of scavengers tried attacking her only to be met with a barrage of crossbow bolts. Odd weapon, but effective. This happened about three times. Way too consistent to be coincidence.


Everything fire power is in the armoury as it should be and the armoury is located on the northern edge of town. Everything they own in terms of weapons is in that place. Power armour is in a building next door, but don't expect them to just be lying about. The high grade weapons and ammo are locked behind terminals with 16 digit passwords. No way you can crack them without a password. This includes fusion cores, missiles, Mini Nukes, .50, Fission cells and Plasma.


Basically, this is the strongest place in the wasteland right now. It's defence is solid and the soldiers highly trained. If any of you have seen pre-war videos of soldiers fighting, these guys match pre war pros in combat skill. But I did managed to make a line in the patrols that may give us a chance to get through, because if one of us gets spotted, the entire base will be alerted and it will become impossible to get in. Flare guns. You will die. Stealth is the only option. Under night time, they have reduced vision, that much is obvious. The first set of light patrols and guards don't seem to have NVG weapons, I cant speak for the snipers, but the power armour suits have Advance HUD visors. You can't sneak past them without them being alerted to you. They're the biggest problem you will have for a while. Still, staying out of sight for the snipers and risking the Scorpions will be the best course of action for the first leg. I don't really have much else they most likely still have secrets I don't know about, so suspect some surprises along the way.


So that's everything."

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@@Meson Bolt@@1Bit,


Quiet grew frustrated, this argument was cringe-worthy to him. With both ponies flex muscles trying to prove how "hard" they both were, it eventually got to much for him and Quiet spoke up.


"How about this, shut the fuck up and at least TRY to co-exist. Or I'll kill BOTH of you, we don't have time for these petty arguments. Now are we clear or do you need a demonstration?"

Edited by DiscordedFlame1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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This Foray pony was, off, to say the least. Bad tempered, over-reactive. Also apparently likes killing. There was still a rather annoying argument about who was better at what, and to be honest; I was getting rather tired of it all. All the pathetic bickering.


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Meson Bolt@@1Bit,


Quiet grew frustrated, this argument was cringe-worthy to him. With both ponies flex muscles trying to prove how "hard" they both were, it eventually got to much for him and Quiet spoke up.


"How about this, shut the fuck up and at least TRY to co-exist. Or I'll kill BOTH of you, we don't have time for these petty arguments. Now are we clear or do you need a demonstration?"


"Well, I have no idea who you are, but it seems kinda contradictory to talk about co-existing right before threatening to kill me. Perhaps you should think a bit before opening your pretty little mouth, alright?" Comet smirked, turning his attention to Quiet with calm eyes. He sighed, looking over the mare with calm eyes. "I've said before I'm not here to cause a fight. Sure, turns out a certain somepony wanted to butt heads, but whatever."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@Child Of Darkness


Crackshot just discarded any further squabbling in the group and decided to give the informant his attention. His eyes narrowed slowly as her report continued, and she explained how fully prepared and organised this group was.


This was no ordinary raider gang. There was a good chance he wouldn't be walking out of there.


But... somehow, he didn't care. He was ready for this.


"Snipers, Power Armour, a freaking Hellhound," he repeated under his breath, "dammit. The snipers are what I'm most concerned about. We need to get rid of them."


He looked up at the mare, remembering something she'd mentioned before. "You're a sniper, right? Be our eyes in there, and I'll let you kill Blooddrop personally."


Hopefully her little vendetta with the ganglord would prove a useful bargaining tool.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well, I have no idea who you are, but it seems kinda contradictory to talk about co-existing right before threatening to kill me. Perhaps you should think a bit before opening your pretty little mouth, alright?" Comet smirked, turning his attention to Quiet with calm eyes. He sighed, looking over the mare with calm eyes. "I've said before I'm not here to cause a fight. Sure, turns out a certain somepony wanted to butt heads, but whatever."


A loud mouth.....always wanna talk rough and tough, I'm not taking this shit anymore.


Storm, keeping a calm aura about him, trotted right up to the Pegasus getting nose to nose with him . He began to talk.


"Who am I? I'm the fucked-up, beat-up, former slave that's gonna crush you up if you don't shut the fuck up. Also I'm guessing you're the donkey-fucker who wants that little demonstration I was talking about early right?"


He still retain his chilled-back vibe throughout the threat, almost as if he was bored with his words.

Edited by DiscordedFlame1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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A loud mouth.....always wanna talk rough and tough, I'm not taking this shit anymore.


Storm, keeping a calm aura about him, trotted right up to the Pegasus getting nose to nose with him . He began to talk.


"Who am I? I'm the fucked-up, beat-up, former slave that's gonna crush you up if you don't shut the fuck up. Also I'm guessing you're the donkey-fucker who wants that little demonstration I was talking about early right?"


He still retain his chilled-back vibe throughout the threat, almost as if he was bored with his words.


"See? This is what I'm talking about!" Comet exclaimed, throwing his hooves up in exasperation. "I literally said nothing, and you just go off on me like that! Sweet Celestia, it's like you want to fight or something..." The pegasus sighed, turning around on Quiet and looking up towards the mountain, deep in thought. After a brief pause, he turned back to her. "So you were a slave? Raiders or prison? I don't recognise you, so I doubt it's one of the ones I cleared out."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@Unicorncob, "It is a high chance that I have the best eyes in the entire wasteland. I could keep an eye out for the Snipers with the scope I own, but I only know one way in which I could find them. Tracking bullet trails and searching for bullet flashes. That means leaving someone out for bait. But if they're using a flash compensator, that won't watch up, giving me only a rough location. Along with the fact that the person who draws out the sniper fire is most likely going to die. Like I said, they don't miss that often. Reverse XPON. That's a joke for historians. And I don't shoot guns. People shoot guns for me. I stab people. So I can help if someone is crazy enough to draw out a shot. Every single time we need to kill one. It's too risky. I don't know a way to effectively get them. I'm open to any ideas."

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A loud mouth.....always wanna talk rough and tough, I'm not taking this shit anymore.


Storm, keeping a calm aura about him, trotted right up to the Pegasus getting nose to nose with him . He began to talk.


"Who am I? I'm the fucked-up, beat-up, former slave that's gonna crush you up if you don't shut the fuck up. Also I'm guessing you're the donkey-fucker who wants that little demonstration I was talking about early right?"


He still retain his chilled-back vibe throughout the threat, almost as if he was bored with his words.


"See? This is what I'm talking about!" Comet exclaimed, throwing his hooves up in exasperation. "I literally said nothing, and you just go off on me like that! Sweet Celestia, it's like you want to fight or something..." The pegasus sighed, turning around on Quiet and looking up towards the mountain, deep in thought. After a brief pause, he turned back to her. "So you were a slave? Raiders or prison? I don't recognise you, so I doubt it's one of the ones I cleared out."


Crackshot let out a sharp sigh.


One stops, another f*cking starts.


He shook his head and went back to listening to the mare, not having the time or patience to deal with anymore in-fighting.



"It is a high chance that I have the best eyes in the entire wasteland. I could keep an eye out for the Snipers with the scope I own, but I only know one way in which I could find them. Tracking bullet trails and searching for bullet flashes. That means leaving someone out for bait. But if they're using a flash compensator, that won't watch up, giving me only a rough location. Along with the fact that the person who draws out the sniper fire is most likely going to die. Like I said, they don't miss that often. Reverse XPON. That's a joke for historians. And I don't shoot guns. People shoot guns for me. I stab people. So I can help if someone is crazy enough to draw out a shot. Every single time we need to kill one. It's too risky. I don't know a way to effectively get them. I'm open to any ideas."


He gritted his teeth under his bandana. This was just getting more and more unnecessarily difficult.


"What about heat-seeking?" He suggested, "If we have something to detect their body heat then we can spot them."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Foray winced slightly at Quiet's intervention. She'd been on the receiving end of a fair share of verbal smackdowns before, but never by someone who she'd come to befriend, which made the sharp words sting just a little bit more. Intimidated and humiliated, though she did her best to hide it, she simply sat at a distance from the group, turning her deaf ear towards the bickering and bartering ponies, reloading her weapon calmly and cramming 10mm rounds into the empty magazine.


By Luna's relentless admirers, if somepony says anything to me I'm gonna blast their fucking skull open...

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Unicorncob, "Thermal? That would work. Only thing I know that blocks out thermal sensors is a Stealth Buck. I don't think they will carry those, because it's likely thought that they will never get spotted. They're over confident and it bites them in a few ways. The thing is though, since they use pre war military tactics, I can say for certain that they will operate in teams of two. The old sniper spotter. We would have to kill them both at the same time so the other doesn't run and alert everyone. Thermal scopes are expensive though. Thermal Sniper Scopes will burn though caps. We could build them if we had some focusing crystals, fibre optics, wiring, copper and some Aluminium. Someone would have to have the knowledge out it though. If anyone here has a good understanding, technology and guns. I can't build something that advance. If we get one thermal scope, two sniper rifles, suppressed. We stand a chance at this tactic. Though I do think another tactic would be more optimal."

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"See? This is what I'm talking about!" Comet exclaimed, throwing his hooves up in exasperation. "I literally said nothing, and you just go off on me like that! Sweet Celestia, it's like you want to fight or something..." The pegasus sighed, turning around on Quiet and looking up towards the mountain, deep in thought. After a brief pause, he turned back to her. "So you were a slave? Raiders or prison? I don't recognise you, so I doubt it's one of the ones I cleared out."


​"Oh, look who's being hypocritical now, and all you need to know is I'm out now and don't feel like dealing with anymore bullshit. SO if we can drop this that would perfect."


Quiet then went to foray noticing her less then confident exit. Sitting down next to the unicorn he began to talk.


@@Meson Bolt,


"Hey, are you alright?"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Thermal? That would work. Only thing I know that blocks out thermal sensors is a Stealth Buck. I don't think they will carry those, because it's likely thought that they will never get spotted. They're over confident and it bites them in a few ways. The thing is though, since they use pre war military tactics, I can say for certain that they will operate in teams of two. The old sniper spotter. We would have to kill them both at the same time so the other doesn't run and alert everyone. Thermal scopes are expensive though. Thermal Sniper Scopes will burn though caps. We could build them if we had some focusing crystals, fibre optics, wiring, copper and some Aluminium. Someone would have to have the knowledge out it though. If anyone here has a good understanding, technology and guns. I can't build something that advance. If we get one thermal scope, two sniper rifles, suppressed. We stand a chance at this tactic. Though I do think another tactic would be more optimal."


"Damn, of course," Crackshot growled, lowering his ears, "Spotters. We need to deal with them first, blind the shooters."


His ears perked up again as an idea came to him. "If we have some thermal binoculars, those old pre-war ones, and a Stealth Buck, we could take care of them single-hoofed."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Quiet was fortunate that Foray still had her deaf ear pointed in his direction. Had she heard him speak, she would have very well followed through with her vow, regardless of any relations they'd had previously. Turning her head to see who had approached her, she glared at him and lowered her ears as she saw who it was, growled lowly for several moments, before again turning him the deaf ear.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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