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S06:E07 - Newbie Dash



257 users have voted

  1. 1. Thoughts on Newbie Dash?

    • Best. Episode. EVER!
    • It was pretty great!
    • It needed to be about 20% cooler.
    • I would have preferred a 22 minute nap.
    • Worst. Episode. EVER!

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I watched the episode again and, to me at least, the "hazing" was barely anything. It seemed like most of the Bolts used "Crash" in a very casual way--like it was just her name. (Spitfire was a bit of an exception--she was really leaning on the name, emphasizing it.) Dash was extra sensitive about it but how were the Bolts supposed to know that? They wouldn't know about her past with it.

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Shouldn't the person who had their feelings hurt adjust their feelings and viewpoint once they realize that it was friendly banter?



Shouldn't friendly banter actually be friendly?

When someone explicitly asks TWICE for people to stop calling them a name they don't like, wouldn't it stop if they actually respected the person?

The entire wonderbolts system is designed around disrespect.  When you come across well meaning people who are doing something hurtful out of ignorance and habit, the correct answer isn't to just become a duck and let it slide of your back.

The correct answer is to confront and correct the problem to make the organization more welcoming, and ESPECIALLY in the case of an organization where the athletes are supposed to be role models. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Shouldn't friendly banter actually be friendly?

When someone explicitly asks TWICE for people to stop calling them a name they don't like, wouldn't it stop if they actually respected the person?

The entire wonderbolts system is designed around disrespect. When you come across well meaning people who are doing something hurtful out of ignorance and habit, the correct answer isn't to just become a duck and let it slide of your back.

The correct answer is to confront and correct the problem to make the organization more welcoming, and ESPECIALLY in the case of an organization where the athletes are supposed to be role models.


A) She didn't actually confront them with the issue and explicitly ask them. 'My name's not Crash' isn't the same as addressing the problem, finding the reason and solution.


B- In the case of Crash and Clipper, rather than ignorance and habit, they got their nicknames based on actions that were very dangerous to the team. Having another issue in the runway could have caused injury or death to several team members. Nickname also serves as reminder and deterrent....is RD going to blindly walk into runway again? I doubt it. Would she if the Wonderbolts patted her in the back and wiped the dirt of her mane instead? Maybe.


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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I cringed so hard i could no longer watch. The minute i cringe is the minute i stop watching. Just about every rainbow dash episode makes the mistake of thinking cringe humour and other cringey things are actually good. Honestly not sure what i expected from this episode. 

(that rarity hair style flip doe)

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I can see what they were going for with Dash finding out that even though she awesome she had lot to learn. That, and that fact she felt bad for messing up the first day. That's totally in character for her given she may be boasty but she need knocked down a peg once in while (which is why I still defend, mare do well to this day)


  BUT, that so called "harmless nickname' excuse Spitfire and the others tried to cop out of was just...ugh NO.  Really dash would have takne you TWO second to tell spitfire it hurts you..but no you instead try to inmitate yoru friends. Even that made no sense to me...i mean even the gag wasn't that funny cuase it made no sense.  AT least when pinkie did something illogical like a joke off it made sense in context.

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he isn't blowing it out of proportion, but you seem to be ignorant of the harm caused by this sort of behavior.  people who are hazed have detrimental effects on their self esteem, and some commit suicide.  I can't understand how you think "rainbow dash is stronger than that", when she clearly melted down after ONE day of the abuse.  

Am I? I was bullied for 11 years, First Grade through Junior. Hell, asshole jocks are the reason I quit football for real friends in Senior year. I know what real hazing and real bullying is. It made me on the verge of suicidal. As I told Quivet, banter is not the same as malicious insults. There's a very broad difference between the two, and most people can recognize that. If they don't, then as @@PiratePony said... ask. When I was saddled with a nickname I didn't like, I grumbled at first about it... but eventually I asked them to stop. They explained it to me and I wore it with a name of pride rather than being ashamed of it. 

Edited by Dinos4Ever
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I cringed so hard i could no longer watch. The minute i cringe is the minute i stop watching. Just about every rainbow dash episode makes the mistake of thinking cringe humour and other cringey things are actually good. Honestly not sure what i expected from this episode.

(that rarity hair style flip doe)

i feel you mate *pats on back* but the rarity hair flip was classic
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I could really relate to RD's sensitivity. Whatever you believe, getting severely bullied during childhood does have a substantial effect on an individual. In fact, during highschool my friends often call me by literally the exact same nickname as the bullies called me (nickname is nsfw so I won't mention), since my Chinese name has a little funny tongue twist in it. Given that the name calling used to be associated with heavy verbal and physical harassment, it was quite a trigger, but in the end I just eventually came to accept that they were going to be using that nickname casually, since (like the wonderbolts themselves in the episode) most of my friends have some sort of semi-derogatory nickname. Yes, I still get the cringes every time they call me by that nickname, but like how reinforcement led me to hate that nickname, it also led me to accept and get used to it.


Eventually they matured in around junior/senior grade, and they started calling me by my other nickname: Solid.


Although with RD's personality, it would be a bit harder for her to get over this obstacle, but I'm sure she will.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow this was a cringe inducing ep, did not enjoy how RD was still so damn arrogant. It resolved very well though and shed a light of light on the WB and their own culture.

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Idk how to review things.  Biggest issue with this ep for my enjoyment was how sudden RD's becoming a Bolt was.  Since S1E1 she's wanted this and it happened in a minute long teaser with only a derpy Scootaloo for fanfare.  Was disappointing..  


As always, thought the lesson was a worthy one though (As usual with S6) lamely portrayed.  Skipping the latter of that sentence.  On the former.. some groups will have such nicknames and customs as "Worst flyer cleans".  If you don't like it, leave.  Though first express your dislike.. as Pirate Pony said, whispering "That's not my name," doesn't help.  RD volunteered for the Bolts, it's a very small group who do great things, and that's how they work.  Some people will be completely unsuited for such a dynamic but it's not an invalid, automatically bad dynamic.  The Bolts aren't bullies.  If a new Bolt perceives them as such, they're unfit to be a Bolt.  These last statements will be taken back if the Wonderbolts ever treat other ponies pointlessly disrespectfully (e.g. actually bully somepony) which is prob unlikely.  This paragraph is all guesses, wdik.


Rarity hairstyle was fabulous.

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I haven't watched an episode since 100 and I was told to watch this, as a friend said I would find it familiar. Yeah, kinda. I mean, it's not different from military life, despite me not being a pilot.


Quality of this episode? Reminds me why I stopped watching the show and why I had to sludge through most of season 4. Where she was imitating the others? Cringe for days. How she was acting? Killed the episode.


Lauren Faust, please. We need you back. The show has lost pretty much all it's charm.

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It felt like just a gag that the writers had Rainbow Dash try and pose as the others. I mean where has the other mane five ever done that made the Wonderbolts impressed? Why would they input that kind of behavior on Dash? 


It's probably because lots of bronies said they liked that part where Dash imitated Twilight Sparkle on that train. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess I'm the minority here...  I really liked the episode and some parts really resonated with me.

1.  You gotta work hard to fit in with a new group sometimes.  I am a former Marine, and there is a level of rough humor that goes with being in a military unit.  The one thing that is hard to portray to folks who have never served though is that it's a HUGE bond.  I'm not saying that hazing is right mind you, just that in the military a certain amount happens and when properly done, causes the group to really come together.  I felt kind of bittersweet about the episode at the end because that was a part of my life from 20 years ago and I haven't experienced the same kind of camaraderie since.

2.  Dash, who is always awesome at everything she does, is now thrown in with a bunch of other superstars.  I left a comfortable job of 15 years and went to a new company last year, and a lot of her struggles resonated with me.  You try really hard, put a ton of hours in, and still feel like you're failing sometimes.  You still have the chops that got you in the door, but you can't rest on your laurels.

  • Brohoof 1
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I thought the cringe comedy in this episode was really funny, haha. I also thought it added to the humor in this episode; I kind of got like a weird King of the Hill vibe from it...since king of the hill is mostly awkward comedy, and dry humor.

It was pretty awesome, haha.

  • Brohoof 1


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Shouldn't friendly banter actually be friendly?

When someone explicitly asks TWICE for people to stop calling them a name they don't like, wouldn't it stop if they actually respected the person?

The entire wonderbolts system is designed around disrespect.  When you come across well meaning people who are doing something hurtful out of ignorance and habit, the correct answer isn't to just become a duck and let it slide of your back.

The correct answer is to confront and correct the problem to make the organization more welcoming, and ESPECIALLY in the case of an organization where the athletes are supposed to be role models. 


Problem is that you can't do that as a newbie to an organization.  You have to get in the door, gain the respect of your fellows, then look to make changes.  Also, I think it's important for kids to realize that it's hard to go to a new group sometimes... especially if you really want to fit in....  Dash, realizes at the end that she has been accepted from the beginning and all the silliness she does to gain their respect wasn't needed...   so sometimes, you've got to go with the flow until you know what the heck is going on.

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Problem is that you can't do that as a newbie to an organization.  You have to get in the door, gain the respect of your fellows, then look to make changes.


they already have monumental respect for her.  they were gushing over her accomplishments.  she could have called them out, and they would have listened.  

  • Brohoof 1

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I have a agrees while yes by military standards 'hazing' is ment to be indeering. It does NOT excusee the wonderbolt actions in the past. What they did in the episode was well just rookie thing. I mean slowest flyer having to clean the barracks that okay it not to be mean it to be a motivator.  I get they were going for Rainbow new and has still more to learn and the name calling thing wasn't untintional linked to her child trama. Which again, Dash could have just told Spitfire up front about. 
However I still can't excuse the Wonderbolt for 1: replacing a team mate on a dime for the Equetria games..whatever happened to no one get lft behind people. 2: Spitfire ingornce at Lighting dust (however I will point out that Rainbow didn't know the phrase 'in order to lead, you msut first know how to follow")
3: Them nearly kicking Dash out of the wonderbolt for NO proof she did the crime in that wind rider episode

Edited by BlinkZ
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I honestly didn't find it THAT cringe-worthy. I felt bad for RD but I do imagine teams behaving that way and RD wasn't being singled out, she was just the newest member and it was her turn for that sort of treatment. If she had known going in, I'm sure she wouldn't have been nearly as panicked about what her heroes thought of her.


I have to add the most cringe-worthy part was her trying to act like the other mane 5 which is stepping out of character for her a bit, (in that she's usually very true to who she is even in difficult situations) however RD doing an impression of AJ while still sounding like RD had to have been tricky and it was extremely entertaining to see. Good job Ashleigh!

Edited by Aurora Storm
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i know a lot of ponies are saying it's one of the worst episodes... but i like it.

Dash is finally a Wonderbolt! and before, they were all celebrities and they were surreal to her. now that she knows everypony makes mistakes and they own those mistakes, she feels more comfortable with them, they're all peers now.

they came down from the pedestal she had them on, or she went up there with them. point is, she feels like she's with them now. She is a WonderboltFinally.


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i just had a thought...

it seems they keep reinforcing the "crash" of Rainbow Dash... remmember the blue flowers?

are they going to go somewhere with this? or are they just using it as a "plot point" baised on an aspect of the character, and giving us more of "that", rather than give us more of who she is... yes she is now a wonderbolt, but what is going to happe....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


what if the movie is about a "mane 6" featuring Rainbow Dash... finisher for the story... end from the "begining"???


sorta just answerd my own question.....though i think its false...lol

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The unasked questions are what bother me, not the answers. The answers give me clarity. Silence is in its self an answer, so ask! To not ask is to deny the existence of said question, and leaves you with just "what if".

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I could barely watch it, though I think it was one of the episodes that encouraged me to seek out others opinions, and thus the community at large.
I forced myself to watch the whole thing, though I cheated a little by doing other things during the most cringe-inducing moments. I can't really say that cringe itself is bad, I mean...

I thought the cringe comedy in this episode was really funny, haha. I also thought it added to the humor in this episode; I kind of got like a weird King of the Hill vibe from it...since king of the hill is mostly awkward comedy, and dry humor.
It was pretty awesome, haha.

I agree and I really like King of the Hill. So perhaps this one had too much of an otherwise good thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Second viewing. As I suspected, all of the thought I've put into this episode has led to me kinda loving it. I've explained my reasoning enough in all the posts where I've defended it, but what sets "Newbie Dash" apart from other episodes which seem intent on taking RD "down a peg" is that this one has an extremely thorough understanding of her as a character. She boasts to mask her insecurity, and by having the core of the message be about acceptance, it manages to home in on that aspect. In order to combat Dash's boasting and showboating, it actually needs to boost her self-esteem, and it does so by ingeniously using the "Rainbow Crash" name to represent how far she's come. No longer is that name a symbol of disrespect - instead, now it's a symbol of her accomplishments. It reminds her of a mistake, but it's a mistake she made because she was new to the fucking Wonderbolts. Everyone makes mistakes while they're adjusting, but what Rainbow is adjusting to is the reality of her dreams having come true. If you can't appreciate that, then I just don't understand you.


It doesn't confront Dash's ego because it thinks she needs to be taken down a peg, really - it does so because that's just how she'd realistically react to this situation. Not in love with her final desperate ploy, but it's not like ponies haven't done deeply questionable things out of desperation before - I still think "Lesson Zero" is one of the show's best episodes, and that's more or less based on the same principle. It's also worth noting that, having trained to be one of the best, she doesn't quite know what to do when she actually becomes that. She's on the team which is all of the best, and it makes her anxious about living up. I kind of wish they'd done away with the whole "learn to be part of the team" element, but it does tie into her realization that everything she's struggling with is just a symbol that she's made it. I think at least most of this is pretty believable for how she'd react to this situation, and I find this angle really emotionally evocative. I am so proud of this fictional character. 


This might be one of my favourite episodes of the season if it weren't for the impressions scene, but that stuff just doesn't work. It's only a short part of the episode, but it's the most embarrassing way in which Dash tries to overcompensate, and it just goes on too long to work. I still think that "Dash does impressions" is good on paper, but did nobody think that having her do this around ponies who don't appreciate it would be more uncomfortable than funny? It's the one thing in this episode that I can't really get past. Everything before puts a smile on my face, and most of what comes after does as well, but this one thing seriously drags the episode down for me. I guess it's also worth mentioning that Dash actually doing something to "prove herself" only to be told that she doesn't have to might have been more satisfying, but I like this show the most when it addresses the insecurities of these characters, so what we got works pretty well for me as well. 



Humour: 5/10
Character: 7/10
Theme: 7/10
Story: 6/10
Overall: 63/100
Edited by AlexanderThrond
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Joshscorcher just did a review of this episode and explained why this is NOT a bad episode. Watch it. I knew we needed an actual military standpoint.

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