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What video game would you give to the mane 6 (or other ponies)?

Floppy Snow

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Just imagine. You're a simple pony living Ponyville. 

At each birthday organized by the local party-nimal pink mare, you would like to give a video game to let them discover why they are so great to play. 

Okay, but what video game to choose?


You can give a video game to either multiple ponies or a single one. I'm just curious what you would give to them.  :muffins:  

If I posted this topic in the wrong place, sincere apologies. ^^'


I will begin with the mane 6, but you can go to the birthday of another pony if you want ! ^^


:twi:  Twilight Sparkle: I think one of the Age of Empires series should do. There are a lot of knowledge about human civilizations in it and you have to be good in strategy to win.


:sneer:  Rainbow Dash: I would give her Sonic the Hedgehog (the first, on Megadrive/Genesis). Simple to control, energetic gameplay, fast character, and challenge are on the way!


:fluttershy:  Fluttershy: One of the SingStar series would be good for her! She really like singing and she won't feel any pressure at home. 


:proud:  Rarity: My personal choice would be The World Ends With You. The system of this Action-RPG can be entirely customized and the plot takes place at Shibuya, where everything is about fashion. Not entirely sure I would give her this one if it's her very first game, though. ^^'


:)  Pinkie Pie: The game that make me laugh every single time I play, especially with my friends, is Super Smash Bros. So why not after all? This game is just as random as her, I'm sure she would like it! ^^


:icwudt:  Applejack: Hum... A game that should combine ressources management and a little bit of action? I think Minecraft should fit for her.


And you? What would you give? =)

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Twilight: Tetris. Knowing her, she would probably become really good at it really fast sorting all the blocks into place.


Rainbow Dash: crazy taxi. Pretty much a game purely about being fast and dodging obstacles to avoid losing speed and time. Pretty fitting if you ask me.


Flutters: Animal Crossing. What with all the animal villagers and nice relaxing gameplay.


Rarity: Hatoful Boyfriend? She seems like she'd be the type to like those visual novel styled dating games. Hopefully she wouldn't get the secret ending or date the doctor... it gets a bit dark...


Pinkie: WarioWare. A quirky game that blasts you with mini game after mini game you need to figure out and beat in a few seconds. I think it's pretty fittinf. It usually has pretty fun multiplayer too, especially the GameCube one.


Applejack: She's a hard read. She wouldn't like anything overly artsy or something as long winded as an RPG... Maybe a simple action adventure game like banjo kazooie or DK 64.

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:P Shrek 2. Cuz you progress through the game by reading a book. I can't think of anything else.

:ooh: Mario Party. Cuz stuff.

:yay: I don't even know, the only game that can come to mind is Twilight Princess. You get to play as a wolf and a wolf is an animal and Flutters likes animals so yea.

B) I don't know whether I should pick Sonic for speed or Starfox for flight. I guess it could be both.

:pout: It would probably some Flash dress up game.

:icwudt: Probably Minecraft. Cuz trees.

Pennutoh has a gun

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Give :twi:  one of those trivia games...I'm thinking of one in particular, but I forgot the name...maybe Jeopardy for obvious reasons? The one I'm thinking of is something like "Brain Quiz" or whatever...


Give :blink:  Mario Kart or Mario Party (like suggested above) or that one...Viva Pinata! (Lack of Spanish characters because American keyboard) but because it's colorful, exciting, and fast-paced.


Give :grin:  some game where there's more dress-up action than usual dress-up games...maybe GTA 5 because she might have a weird capacity for violence, as sometimes lightly portrayed in the show by her behavior. Also, lots of clothing options.


Give :squee:  Nintendogs. Somebody has to know what I'm talking about. It's not simply because animals. Vannamelon, anyone? Maybe Zoo Tycoon as well...


Give :wat: something from the Sims series because it just seems like her cup of tea to play around in such a way. Or maybe...like...Farm Tycoon? I know that has to exist.


Give :wub: a LEGO Indiana Jones game (you know why) or just the LEGO Avengers game...both things exist, right? I know I played a LEGO Avengers game at Toys 'R' Us. Or LEGO Daring Do if it existed! Rainbow seems like she'd like the LEGO games...or maybe Call of Duty.



Edit: I think I influenced a lot of answers with the Nintendogs thing...

With that said, check out Vannamelon's Fluttershy Let's Plays...especially the Nintendogs one... c:

Edited by Eazyfries
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Twilight: i would give her RPG games


Pinkie Pie: Nintendo games such as mario party etc


Rarity: probably story oriented games where its more story than gameplay


Applejack: farm simulator


Fluttershy: nintendogs or other animal caring type games


Rainbow: racing games and FPS games

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Twilight Sparkle : I would give her a Worms Game, since they are strategy games and Twilight could study the game and become really good at it probably.


Rarity : Uhh...maybe the Sims? Since she can design their clothes?...i dont know...


Rainbow Dash : I would give her Cel Damage Overdrive, since you can blow up stuff...yeah.


Fluttershy : Nintendogs, since i literally know no other game for her...except for Mlp - Friendship Gardens perhaps.


Pinkie Pie : Super Smash Bros. I think.


Applejack : Uuuuuuhhhh.............................maybe Alien Nations? I mean...its not really a farming game, but a city building game, so maybe that works?

Edited by Supergirl Rarity


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Twilight - Something story oriented with Puzzles like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton

AJ - Red Dead Redemption for obvious reasons, as well as something farm related like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing

Rainbow Dash - F-Zero, and Starfox, lots of emphasis on speed and flying, or just something really fucking cool like Devil May Cry plus Sonic is too damn boring and obvious

Rarity - Style Savvy. And something you totally wouldn't expect her to play like Gears of War and GTA

Pinkie Pie - Nintendo games!

Fluttershy - Something cute with animals like Nintendogs and Pokemon

B) I don't know whether I should pick Sonic for speed or Starfox for flight. I guess it could be both.


Just give her F-Zero or Wipeout, they do both

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Twilight would probably like video games similar to the Brain Age series.

I think Fluttershy would enjoy something laid back like Animal Crossing.

Pinkie Pie would like most video games, but I could see her really enjoying Katamari Damacy and other bizzare games.  She would be the most likely to play indie titles.

Even though Rarity is more a fashionista than a fighter, she has shown time and time again the ability to throw down when things get tough, so I would like the idea of her enjoying games like Soul Calibur, Street Figher, and Tekken.  I really like the idea of Rarity being good in the competitive fighting game scene.

Rainbow Dash would also be interested in fighting games, but I think she would really like Star Fox, as well as F Zero and other high speed racing games, such as the Need for Speed Franchise and Excite Truck.

Applejack is the hardest to come up, but I think she would have a similar interest in video games as Rainbow Dash, as well as be interested in the Harvest Moon franchise.

Edited by cmarston1
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Kind of hard to play any game with hooves. :/


I guess a DDR or something.

Unicorns have magic, pegasi can use their wings.


Earth Ponies are shit out of luck though

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Twilight Sparkle: Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night.

It's a game that's about exploring and paying attention to detail  as much as it is about combat, plus the overall theme, tone and setting seem like something she would enjoy. It's a game that feels, looks and sounds like something out of a work of gothic literature, what else could a bookworm like her want?


 Rainbow Dash: Jet Set Radio.

it's a game about constant and fast-paced movement, and the overall feel of the game matches her personality well.


  Fluttershy: Animal Crossing

It's the video game equivalent of meditation: quiet, relaxing, and somewhat good for your mental health. It's a great way to relax after a stressing day, and since everyday seems to be stressing for poor Fluttershy here, this game would probably do her some good.


 Rarity: Either JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes Of Heaven.

Both of them encapsulate everything that is great about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure AND Rarity: they're flashy, they're stylish and they're outrageusly flamboyant.

A game filled with hunky guys wearing flashy outfits and striking dramatic poses, all while acting in the most hammy way possible, would be perfect for her.


 Pinkie Pie: Viewtiful Joe.

This game is perfect for her: it's bright, it's colorful, it's fast-paced and good god, it is FUN.

This game is everything i look for in a beat em' up: it's mindless, over the top, pure and unfiltered fun.

It doesn't have an epic and complex story or any kind of deep phylosophical social commentary, and it doesn't need any of those things, it plays well and that's all it needs to be one hell of a good game.


Applejack: A farming game like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley.

They're games that require responsibility and patience, what else can i say?


Celestia: Probably one of those "God games" like Civilization, Sim City or The Sims.

The very fact that Equestria seems to be a considerably prosperous nation shows that she has at least some level of skill when it comes to managing things in general, so i have the feeling that good old Celly(emphasys on the "old"...) would be pretty good at this kind of game.


Luna: Any Metal Gear game.

Just like luna, to an outsider they seem to be nothing but dark and gritty super-serious games, but once you really start to look deep into it, they're actually just a little bit...Silly.

The same goes for Luna: she looks dark and serious on the surface, but she also has a brigther and more optimistic side.


Cadance: A dating sim, for obvious reasons.


Shining Armor: Maybe a tower defense game like Orcs Must Die!.

He has shown a couple of times that he's pretty good at protecting things, hell, his special talent is casting shield spells. His defense is clearly way better than his offense, which is probably why his cutie mark is a shield.

Edited by GreenGreenWhirlWind
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Why separate them? Bayonetta, I Wanna Be The Guy, and SSBM for everyone! TOGETHER!

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I would give all of them, except maybe Fluttershy, the new DOOM or Warhammer: 40K SpaceMarine because imagining their faces when they see things being turned into piles of blood, guts, and gore seems hilarious to me.


Then to make up for it I'd give them all Ori and the Blind Forest.  

  "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglass Adams​​

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  • 3 weeks later...

:P - You Dont Know Jack, Pony island 



:grin: - Any dress up game



:pinkie: - WarioWare, Mario Party



:fluttershy: - Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, and any cute game with animals



:icwudt: - idk... Farmvile..? because... farm...?



:sneer: - Sonic, Geometry Dash, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, basically any game that has something to do with speed and skill

                                                                                                     A very boring signature.

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:P  Twilight: Portal 2


:grin:  Rarity: Sims


:pinkie:  Pinkie Pie: Yoshi's Woolly World


:fluttershy:  Fluttershy: Nintendogs


:icwudt:  Applejack: Minecraft


:sneer:  Rainbow Dash:  Sonic


:umad:  Discord: Goat Simulator


:maud:  Maud: Cookie Clicker

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:ooh:  - Overwatch (Cus I think she would like it)

:grin:  - Team Fortress 2 (Hats... Just Hats xD)

:twi: - You Dont Know Jack (Quiz Game)

:kindness: - Tea Party Game....?

:bedeyes: - WWE 2K16 (Cus she likes gettin her hands dirty)

:sneer: - The Crew (Fast Cars)

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Who agrees that fluttershy should get Pokemon because some pokemon are based animals and you have to love and care kinda how she does with all her animals

I dont think fluttershy would like the idea of pokemon fighting each other..she would probably look up if she can be a pokemon breeder or day care person

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I dont think fluttershy would like the idea of pokemon fighting each other..she would probably look up if she can be a pokemon breeder or day care person

Well you do prove a good point just give her pokemon Channelor Pokemon Snap no violence there oh wait snap you throw gas at pokemon nevermind how about she just uses pokemon amie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Rainbow Dash: DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2


Applejack: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy


Rarity: Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves


Pinkie Pie: Pokemon Platinum


Twilight: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


Fluttershy: Ape Escape 3

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:sneer:: Any Tom Clancy game. Preferably H.A.W.X. Because you go fast, fly, bomb and shoot stuff, and are full out BAMF!!!!

:P:I wouldn't give her any electronic game. If you want to prevent it's console from being dissected and studied.

:grin:: Interior Designer. An old gameboy game my sister used to play.

:ooh::MANY MANY GAMES!!! From Goat Simulator to Exploding Cats, she will like all of them.

:lie:: absolutely no idea. She doesn't seem like much of a gamer type. (it may be the apples, just thinking.)

:sunbutt:: GodUs for sure! She would still cary on with her normal roles, but this time with humans!

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:twi:I would give her the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, because of all the books you can read. :3

:pout: Rugrats Totally Angelica. Because fashion. XD If I wanted to give a good game, then the Sims.

:lol: Mario Party, Cooking Mama, or No Time to Explain.

:fluttershy: Nintendogs. Or if she is in a irritable mood, then Prototype. :3

:toldya: Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life.

:ph34r: Forza Motorsport because racing. Or perhaps Metal Gear Solid when she is in a sneaky mood. XD

:nom: Rock of Ages.

:muffins: Crazy Taxi.

:mustache: Spyro the Dragon. Obvs.

:orly: Mario and Luigi Dream Team or Elite Dangerous.

post-8308-0-50429600-1467149649.png Minecraft.

post-8308-0-81305200-1467149543.png Katamari Damacy.

post-8308-0-48417500-1467149561.png The Sims.

post-8308-0-36418600-1467149733.png Battlestations Pacific.

post-8308-0-05103500-1467149553.png Any video game ever. XD


This thread is awesome. :3



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