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What you don't want to see in the show?

Steve Piranha

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- I don't want to see anymore douche Wonderbolts. I still refuse to believe even after the awful Rainbow Falls and Newbie Dash that this entire team is filled with nothing but disloyal jerkwads plus Rainbow Dash.


- I'm not against redemption, just don''t go reforming anymore psychopaths. Gilda was more a bully, as was Diamond Tiara (who is a child), Discord was popular and even Starlight I'll give a pass even if her redemption is the worst in the entire show. That means no Chrysalis, no Lightning Dust, no Tirek and no Flim and Flam (although they're not really psychopaths...). Sombra was redeemed in the comics, which is a sign that Sombra is well and truly dead in the show, since anything that happens in the comics can not happen in the show.


- No more alicorns! The show has well and truly exceeded its alicorn limit well before Flurry Heart. Unless said alicorn ends up being the villain of the movie that is...

Edited by PoisonClaw
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1. Sunset Shimmer. Seriously, I don't care how many Equestria Girls films they make, just as long as the second most overrated character in the fandom never, ever makes so much as a cameo appearance in the show. :dry:


2. No more villain reformations. Seriously, we know that  "throw friendship at any problem and it is guaranteed to work 100% of the time" is the message the show is trying to send, but enough is seriously enough. 

Edited by Cleverclover
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1. Characters having waaaay more episodes than others. I like Rarity episodes, but I also like episodes featuring the other Mane Five, Spike, and the CMCs.


2. Not seeing fan-favorites like Ember or Babs returning. I know some fan-favorites return, but it's been a while since we last saw Babs up close and talking, and I don't want Gauntlet of Fire being the only Ember appearance.


3. Alot of people already said this: but Rarijack episodes. Let's go back to them once all the other pairings catch up, huh?


4. Seeing that Spike's crush on Rarity is still going on. This season has been pretty good! Not a single hint of that crush! No offense to the Sparity fans, but it's either they get together or disband the crush. It's pretty much gonna be the latter cause some of the developers said their relationship ain't happening. Sorry. :3 Anything's better than having a dead-end crush that isn't going anywhere.


5. Any more Manehattan episodes that doesn't star the CMCs. We've had alot of Manehattan episodes this season, and it's nice getting to know that city, but we're long overdo with a Manehattan-branch CMC episode. I wanna see Babs again! I wanna see her friends! I wanna see her SISTER!


6. Seeing an episode where Lightning Dust has revenge on Rainbow without seeing Wind Rider there too; and vice-versa.


7. Never hearing about Zecora's backstory, or meeting other zebras.


8. Not having Cheerilee be more than just a BG character again. Seriously, the last time she did anything major was back in season 2! Every other time it's just been a couple of lines per season, and BG appearances.


Aaaaand that's pretty much it for it. I thought I'd be complaining about Spike more, but I think he's doing amazing this season! I pretty much got nothing to complain about him at this point! :3

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-Romance. You can add cute moments between the Mane 6, but I would prefer if all of them remained single. Leave the romance to shipfics.


- Twilight foils. Apart from Suri Polomare(Rarity), and Lightning Dust(Rainbow Dash), any foils introduced is pretty much Twilight's. Like she's got enough, let AJ, Pinkie and Fluttershy have one before shitting out more Twilight clones

AJ- Flim and Flam

Pinkie- Cheese Sandwich

Fluttershy- Iron Will

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- I don't want to see anymore douche Wonderbolts. I still refuse to believe even after the awful Rainbow Falls and Newbie Dash that this entire team is filled with nothing but disloyal jerkwads plus Rainbow Dash.


To be honest, at this point, since they've established the wonderbolts as Douches so much by now, I'd rather they go whole hog and embrace it at this point.

Like how they decided to throw things to the wind in transformers and stopped trying to make Sentinel prime morally grey and embraced him just being evil/A dick.



-Romance. You can add cute moments between the Mane 6, but I would prefer if all of them remained single. Leave the romance to shipfics.


AJ- Flim and Flam

Pinkie- Cheese Sandwich

Fluttershy- Iron Will

Cheese sandwhich isn't really a foil to Pinkie, he's just a Rule 63 clone with the EXACT same personality. a good foil should be similar to the character BUT with several Core or important characteristics swapped around, like how LD is dash if she lacked either morals or ties to others.

Cheese sandwhich doesn't fit the bill; You'd want a character that likes to have fun but doesn't care about others: Ironically, Discord, when he was a villain, was a perfect foil for pinkie, disregarding the power difference.




similarly, Iron will was an antagonist for Fluttershy, but he WASN'T a foil for her; the two really have zero paralells except that he was assertive and she's usually not.

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...episodes like the one showing in a few days....

  • Brohoof 2

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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Going to admit, I'm rather skeptical about this upcoming episode too; it looks like it'll be a bad excuse to crap on anyone who criticizes.

It faces on the...h word, which i have a...phobia of....

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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Not seeing younger characters age like the CMCs/ other fillies and colts, Cake babies and even Flurry Heart.


The CMCs separated.


Fanon shippings becoming canon.


Of course, the quality of the show itself. I know this one is a widely looked aspect of the show and I don't want it to suffer.

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Any more freaking villain reformations.

I am so sick and tired of them at this point and with how terrible Starlight's was, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

It got me to realize that reformations have always been one of the show's weakest points.

If Chrysalis gets redeemed at the end of the season, I am going to scream.

Besides that I don't want to see another episode about background ponies, because it is hard for me to get invested on background props with less personality than an MCU villain that isn't Loki or Ultron.

And after that, I don't really want to see a season 7 as I feel it would be best for the show to end here, as a lot of the major characters have reached their end goals, like CMC getting their Cutie Marks, Rarity getting her boutique, and Rainbow becoming a wonderbolt.

Plus at this point, pretty much everyone who originally worked on the show has left, and that is usually the sing to wrap things up unless you want the show to end up like the last two seasons of the original PPGs.

Than there would be the concept of Starlight becoming a mane 7.

Even though I don't really hate her, Starlight's reformation would have to be my least favorite thing that has happened in the entire show, and she honestly hasn't done anything or put any sort of effort or have any sort of real struggles that would make me believe that she deserves that sort of title.

This pretty much says it. Okay, I do want a season 7 because I still want ponies even if the show isn't all it used to be. But let's get some fresh writing in here. By this I DO NOT mean the fifth-string hacks that usually spell the end for any show, but someone who actually cares about what they're doing. 

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To be honest, at this point, since they've established the wonderbolts as Douches so much by now, I'd rather they go whole hog and embrace it at this point.


If "Top Bolt" is gonna be a map episode, I get the feeling this will be exactly what the episode will address Edited by Megas
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I think I've got one that will top everything on this list as something they should NEVER EVER DO:



They should never:


 - Replace several members of the mane six at once (as in, write them out of the show entirely and bring in new characters to replace them).  It is known that when a show lasts for a long time, changes in the cast can happen.  Even successful kids' shows in the past have had this happen.  However, replacing several cast members at once, or in a short time would be off-putting and would probably feel like a betrayal to the fans.


The reason I bring this up is because of my fear that the purpose of Starlight could be to replace Twilight sometime down the road.  Shows have done this before (one of the best examples is Power Rangers in its early seasons).


That would be bad enough, but I just hope they don't outright replace like three or four of them at once in a two-parter.

Edited by SBaby

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 Shows have done this before (one of the best examples is Power Rangers in its early seasons).

As long as Tara strong doesn't go full retard and start demanding like double her pay like the 3 original power rangers that got replaced did, I think we're fine :P

If "Top Bolt" is gonna be a map episode, I get the feeling this will be exactly what the episode will address

I'm hoping that it'll be where William shatner will get that guest appearance that he's supposed to get.

I feel that Shatner would do an INCREDIBLE job as an aging wonderbolt due to his Kirk persona.


(also expect top bolt will be a map episode like you guessed)



I wanna see Sunset Shimmer back to Equestria with an epic finale! :/

Ah, but this is "What DON'T you want to see!"



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As long as Tara strong doesn't go full retard and start demanding like double her pay like the 3 original power rangers that got replaced did, I think we're fine :P

I'm hoping that it'll be where William shatner will get that guest appearance that he's supposed to get.

I feel that Shatner would do an INCREDIBLE job as an aging wonderbolt due to his Kirk persona.


(also expect top bolt will be a map episode like you guessed)




Ah, but this is "What DON'T you want to see!"



Uh yeah! Sorry, i didn't read it right... now i'm doomed :(

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Uh yeah! Sorry, i didn't read it right... now i'm doomed :(


Though, to be serious, I don't think that's ever going to happen, barring the EQG series imploding HARD. and if it implodes THAT hard, sunset will probably go with it too, since I can't imagine it imploding unless the toys don't sell, and them not selling = hasbro won't want to transplant her.



Anyways, what I'm saying is EQG has a heavy focus on SS at the moment, they've divorced the EQG universe so that's its fairly independent and doesn't need to interact with the pony mane six to work now, since they introduced Human twilight and all that. Maybe in a special they might have her return or something, but I don't think they'd ever have her cross over for anything more than a cameo, since they don't want the little girls watching FIM to also have to keep up with EQG to watch ponies. (and vice versa, they don't want EQG to require knowledge of FIM)

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As long as Tara strong doesn't go full retard and start demanding like double her pay like the 3 original power rangers that got replaced did, I think we're fine


I wasn't referring to the original three leaving (though Austin St. John did say in a panel that with what they were paid for the first couple seasons of the show, he could make the same amount of money working at Mc. Donalds; he loved doing it, but the pay was horrendous, and the cast wasn't always treated very nicely). 


I was referring to the fact that they outright replaced 4 of the 5 cast members in a two-parter in Turbo.  One or two of the actors said they wanted to leave and pursue other projects, so they just decided to replace all four of the adult characters halfway through the season.  Seriously, the earlier seasons of Power Rangers replaced their cast members more often than Game of Thrones kills off main characters.


It's really a shock to see something like that happen, especially in a season where other characters are also replaced over a short period of time, and where there is a major status quo change.  And it's something that could very well happen in a show like FiM, even if the VAs stay on (they can change characters in a cartoon more easily than in live-action and keep the current VAs, and I wouldn't put it past Hasbro to do that in an attempt to sell toys; they've done it before).


That's the big thing about FiM that worries me, especially with a movie on the way.

Edited by SBaby

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I don't want to see any more villain redemptions. Not only is it getting repetitive, but each villain redemption seems to be handled more poorly than the last.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
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The thing I least want to see is more Flurry Heart, because every reservation I had about the character from the moment I learned of her existence have proven to be valid when I saw the episode.


Aside from that, I've never been a big fan of Spike episodes, so I'm not too keen on seeing more of those.


Lastly, I feel that lately Rarity has had too many spotlight episodes. I like her, but her episodes have never really interested me all that much, possibly because I as a person have very little in common with her so I'm less invested in what's going on.

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No Nightmare Moon. No Luna episode, not even a royal sister episode. I'm sick of Luna-Woona-sad-story. No changeling season finale or opener. No Cheese Sandwich.



I'm on the loser's side again, eh?

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Oh yeah, I agree on Rarity episodes, she should replace Twi as the MANE pony by now :dash:. I think another secondary character is getting the same treatment, and that's Maud. Don't get me wrong, I like her and she's one of the hottest mares around :bedeyes:, but since her debut, she's kinda hoarding the spotlight among recurring characters :huh:


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  • 6 months later...

I don't want to see humans become an actual thing in the show like they were in the various older series of MLP.


They'd just ruin it.


And I mean ACTUAL humans. Not the copy cats of the show's characters in EQG and its sequels.

Edited by Sam Gideon

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Ponies in pants, shoes and other human clothes. Seriously, guys, it's silly.



Nah, it's elegant. Ponies being naked, now that is silly.


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