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Write one sentence continuing the pony aboves sentance.

NearPaw Lightz

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steal a load of money because


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Get magnetic super powers, but then...

Signature ( and my avatar ) by Laika

"If you've got the smarts and the Guts to take life by the face and shake the Hay out of it, Then you can do anything you set your mind to, Of course there is no guarantee , but it's the thought that counts." - L1ghtn1ng Flash

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the Equestrian gods were angered when...

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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