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10 minutes ago, Rikifive said:

That's all for now! Thank you for visiting! :) 

YAY! I'm really impressed Riki! Very good job! I found only one small detail to improve (there is too less space between some pony heads and sometimes some of them are too low comparing to other ones).


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40 minutes ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

YAY! I'm really impressed Riki! Very good job! I found only one small detail to improve (there is too less space between some pony heads and sometimes some of them are too low comparing to other ones).

Thank you! :yay: 


Pony heads? You mean these little pony icons in the top right corner?
The space between them is exactly the same, so it's all okay. Some ponies have longer mane, which may give that illusion of different distances. For example Applejack's mane is short in the front, where Rarity's and Pinkie's are way longer. Same happens with vertical space, where Fluttershy's mane is way longer than the others', which makes her icon look like it was placed too low, but it's not. :P 


There is a reason why sometimes some of them are too low comparing to other ones - That's a part of the animation. ;) 


Edited by Rikifive
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On 5/12/2018 at 4:54 PM, Rikifive said:

There is a reason why sometimes some of them are too low comparing to other ones - That's a part of the animation. ;) 


This game is getting more adorable by the minute. This is TOO PERFECT! :pinkie:

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On 03/09/2016 at 10:23 PM, Rikifive said:

This is a fan-made project, that is not associated with Hasbro, Inc. in any way.
This is a non-profit project and the developer will never make any money in any way from it.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, Inc..



This is a fanmade Local Multiplayer Ponified Kid-Friendly Turn Based RPG based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV series.


A unicorn pony, Twilight Sparkle receives a very important mission from Princess Celestia, the ruler of the magical land of Equestria.
She and her assistant, a baby dragon named Spike are sent to Ponyville, where her task will be to meet other ponies and study about the Magic of Friendship.
With their new friends, they'll go on adventures and solve various problems.


1KHxxtz.pngNote: Everything may change along with development progress.
Discover the Magic of Friendship!

♥ Story and events heavily based on the TV series
What happened in the show, will happen in the game along with RPG elements and additional plot.
Didn't watch the show? Don't worry, you'll absolutely not get lost because of that!
However, as the show can spoil the game, the game can spoil the show.

♥ Local Multiplayer (up to 2 players)
Discovering the Magic of Friendship with a real friend or siblings will be better, than doing that alone!
Explore Equestria, solve puzzles and fight together!

♥ Energetic Battle System
As everything will be based on hit-boxes, each skill will have different usage.
A single projectile will be better against singular large enemies,
while Area of Effect will perform better against multiple smaller enemies.
Besides that, the projectiles may have different behavior dependable on skill.

Some skills may also have interaction involved, like timed action,
chain of buttons or simple button mashing when casting powerful abilities such as Twilight's Magic Nova.

♥ Each pony has a set of unique skills
As each pony is different as the night is from the day, their abilities and specialties are different as well!

♥ Skill Tree
Each pony will have a different path.

Gain experience to improve or learn new abilities.

♥ Skill Assign System
Each pony can assign 8 abilities, either active or passive.
A good combination of active and passive skills may give decent (even unexpected) results.

♥ Resource gathering and crafting
Collect materials to craft equipment;
Combine equip-able gems to get better-quality ones;
Collect herbs and plants to allow Zecora brew potions.

♥ Minigames and Puzzles
Various minigames and solving puzzles to keep the boredom away!

♥ More PONIES!
... When you'll think, that you saw everypony already.


1KHxxtz.pngNote: Everything may change along with development progress.
6xNmzqs.pngTwilight Sparkle
A book-loving unicorn pony with extraordinary magical abilities. Represents the element of Magic.
> high magical power and resistance
> high MP

kWfAXTx.pngRainbow Dash
An action-loving colorful pegasus pony. Represents the element of Loyalty.
> high speed
> weather control (elemental abilities)

yMJe02r.pngPinkie Pie
An extremely energetic and sociable earth pony. Represents the element of Laughter.
> high speed
> explosive abilities!
> party-buffing singing abilities

A brave, reliable, strong and mature earth pony. Represents the element of Honesty.
> high physical power and defense
> high HP
> party-buffing abilities
> lack of magical abilities
> low magic resistance

A unicorn pony with good manners and love for beauty. Represents the element of Generosity.
> magical abilities dealing physical or magical damage
> party-protecting abilities

A kind and shy, with love for animals pegasus pony. Represents the element of Kindness.
> low HP
> doesn't attack on her own - animal-calling abilities
> healing abilities
> party-buffing abilities


1KHxxtz.pngNote: Everything may change along with development progress.

  Reveal hidden contents


Overworld Screen (beEWGks.pngin development)
Explore Equestria!



Status Screen
Where everything is shown and colorful.



Status Screen
Literally as colorful, as ponies are.



Other, outdated screenshots:

( i ) Note: ALL the screenshots below are outdated. The project has been moved to another engine (Game Maker Studio) and will be re-done, so everything may be changed in future. I'll keep these screenshots for a tiny reference on what more or less is going on here. Keep in mind, that they don't show the final stage of any of shown features. Their current purpose is nothing else than being placeholders.


Overworld Screen - Twilight's Library
Or that's at least how it looked like, as it will be completely redone.


Main Menu
Where you'll find everything you need.
The design will be completely redone.

Inventory Screen
That's good Derpy is not in party, otherwise all the muffins would be gone.
The design will be completely redone.

I've heard Rarity likes these.

I wonder if other ponies besides Twilight know what these potions do...

What to do with herbs though, nopony knows. Zebras are another story.

Skills Screen
There's where you choose how smart you want to be... :icwudt:

Oooor how mean you want to be. :love:

Don't question Fluttershy's skills or she'll send a bear to hug you. ;) 

Equipment Screen
Everything empty, huh? Well, they don't tend to wear clothes all the time... :icwudt: 

Hoof or mouth? That is the question.

And these go... somewhere...

...but always better to have these, than not, right?

Status Screen
Where everything is explained.
This one is outdated and now unused; the new design is visible at the top.

Surely the new one looks better.
I hope the rest of remakes will turn out as good as this one-- or better. :P 

Battle System
Now that one is completely irrelevant, trust me.
It even looks pretty bad, but no need to worry, I'll completely redo it.

Good times though....




1KHxxtz.pngNote: Everything may change along with development progress.

Each pony will have a Primary Set of Skills and Passives, some of them will also have a Secondary Set.

List of Skill Categories: 


[ICON] Name of Category | Set | What resources the category focuses on



xB5NqKr.pngPassives | Special | ---

Each pony will be able to bring 8 skills in total to battle, so either an active or a passive skill can be equipped in these slots. Equipping Passives will simply raise pony's parameters or add special features like additional projectiles when attacking etc. at cost of a skill slot. A well thought combination of these skills can give decent results. Everypony will have Passives.


Now let's talk about unique skill sets for each pony. 


garEslj.pngMagic | Primary | MP/EP

Twilight will have various spells, starting from simple telekinesis that will deal light damage by throwing various objects -> through magic projectiles that will deal magical damage ->  to powerful Area of Effect Spells, that at high MP and EP cost, will bring some destruction to the battle field.



4hSWQwB.png Skills | Primary | EP

Rainbow Dash will be able to use her wings to perform various tricks to deal more physical damage.


iTSDNVN.png Weather | Secondary | MP/EP

Rainbow Dash will also be able to control weather to deal elemental damage as well as Area of Effect.



8RDIZv9.png Partying | Primary | MP/EP

Pinkie Pie will always find an occasion to throw a party and battling with enemies is not an excuse for her!

She and her Party Cannon will show enemies how to party by dealing physical or magical damage. Blow up everything and party on!


xEWogfk.png Songs | Secondary | MP/EP

Besides partying, Pinkie Pie also loves to sing! As she sings songs during their adventure, she will learn to sing them in battle as well to raise parameters of ponies and more!



bXxnwqj.pngSkills | Primary | EP

Applejack is a strong farmer and she will show who has the power by dealing high physical damage or using her lasso to stun enemies.

jhfgohY.pngYEEHAWs | Secondary | MP/EP

Applejack is an active pony and she will be showing her energy by motivating her friends and raising their strengths.



DcqjGPO.pngMagic | Primary | MP/EP

Rarity loves shiny gems. Besides using them for her creations, she also uses them as a weapon by dealing physical or elemental damage. Get ready for rains of shiny projectiles. FABULOUS!
She can also use the bigger gems to defend her friends.



XdVSL7R.pngAnimals | Primary | MP/EP

Let's be honest, Fluttershy wouldn't even harm a fly and even if a situation requires that, she will have troubles with defending herself. However, her beloved animals will cover her! She will be able to call various animals to deal physical or magical damage. Calling a bear will cause some troubles to enemies!


HiicWaH.pngSupport | Secondary | MP

Nopony is as kind and caring as Fluttershy. She will do her best to help her friends in need by recovering their strength and protecting them.





  Reveal hidden contents

► LAST UPDATED: 20.08.2017

U6xT9bz.png @Rikifive [ Main Developer ]
LPIBlQO.png @InklingBear Voluntary Music Composer ]
LPIBlQO.png @C. Thunder Dash Voluntary Music Composer ]
p12oW6H.png BlissAuthority [proofreading - English]
p12oW6H.png @Overlord0909 [bughunting]
p12oW6H.png @Totally Lyra [bughunting]
p12oW6H.png @OmegaBeamOfficial [bughunting]
p12oW6H.png @Altmile [bughunting]
p12oW6H.png @Compeador [bughunting]

-sign-ups currently closed-

Opening recruitment for new volunteers will be announced


XMFwCux.png My Little Pony - The Game (v. -----)

uk.png Not available. Estimated Release Date unknown.
pl.png Niedostępne. Przewidziana data wydania jest nieznana.

wooooooww nice i want to download it! why i can´t download it? it's still not ready? i wanna play it :D  sounds fun

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You're doing an amazing job, but I have to ask:  do you plan to have the equippable items be like a paper-doll system, so that you can see the ponies wearing them?

I'm hoping I can have a system like that in my game long-term, but I know it'll take years to get that far!

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37 minutes ago, Outnick<3 said:

wooooooww nice i want to download it! why i can´t download it? it's still not ready? i wanna play it :D  sounds fun

Yes, that's because it's not ready yet. :( But thank you; I hope we'll get there someday. :) 


26 minutes ago, HereComesTom said:

You're doing an amazing job, but I have to ask:  do you plan to have the equippable items be like a paper-doll system, so that you can see the ponies wearing them?

I'm hoping I can have a system like that in my game long-term, but I know it'll take years to get that far!

That's a good question. I've been wondering on that one for a long time. To be honest, I think I just don't have enough experience in game development to decide, because it's pretty hard for me to imagine that system. I mean, while I totally could implement this, I'm not aware how much work it would require. Ponies are different, so I imagine I'd bump into some difficulties sooner or later -- or perhaps my imagination makes it seem harder that it actually is. Either way, it's tons of extra work for a cosmetic feature, so for now I'll focus on making the game finally playable. I may consider implementing that system in the future. Sure at that point it will require reprogramming things (sprites;animations), but it's nothing new for me. I keep reprogramming things over and over again anyway, constantly improving something. :derp: I need to see how many animations would be there first.

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On 5/20/2018 at 9:05 AM, Rikifive said:

Yes, that's because it's not ready yet. :( But thank you; I hope we'll get there someday. :) 


That's a good question. I've been wondering on that one for a long time. To be honest, I think I just don't have enough experience in game development to decide, because it's pretty hard for me to imagine that system. I mean, while I totally could implement this, I'm not aware how much work it would require. Ponies are different, so I imagine I'd bump into some difficulties sooner or later -- or perhaps my imagination makes it seem harder that it actually is. Either way, it's tons of extra work for a cosmetic feature, so for now I'll focus on making the game finally playable. I may consider implementing that system in the future. Sure at that point it will require reprogramming things (sprites;animations), but it's nothing new for me. I keep reprogramming things over and over again anyway, constantly improving something. :derp: I need to see how many animations would be there first.

I suppose it depends on how you'd implement it; if you angled everything so that it made sense to draw the head overtop of the body, and if you had a system where there was one visible item on the head and one on the body, then it'd probably be easy:  the order of operations would be:  draw pony body > draw body-item > draw pony head > draw pony head-item.

That's assuming the head-item would always make sense to be drawn on top of the head:  a necklace might not work because half the necklace would be behind the head and half in front of it, but most hats would hold up to this.

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Yep, exactly.


2 hours ago, HereComesTom said:

That's assuming the head-item would always make sense to be drawn on top of the head:  a necklace might not work because half the necklace would be behind the head and half in front of it, but most hats would hold up to this.


That's one of the things I had in mind when saying, that I could bump into difficulties. :derp:
For necklaces.. I think I'd have to design its look separately for each pony, due to their different manes and stuff.


Either way, it's all doable, but I'd have to cover all frames (sometimes all ponies) for every single item - so that's why I'd like to see how many animations would be there in total. 

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OHHHH things are happening!

I know you get this a lot but, very nice job on everything you've done thus far. I know I offered to help with programming a fair bit ago, but it's looking like you don't really need it XD. Seriously tho, if you ever need help feel free to ask


Cheers, and keep up the good work!

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A lot maybe not :P Either way every single comment is appreciated, so there is never enough of that. :derp: Thank you very much! :)

Heh, there are some things that I don't know, but I learn as I go. :P Sometimes I need someone to point me the right direction though, especially when it comes to make something in the most optimized way, as it's hard to tell that by yourself, because there are pretty much endless possibilities. Nevertheless, when it comes to code, it needs to be something I understand, so that's why I prefer to learn and make it on my own. Though if you wouldn't mind some questions from time to time, it would always be nice to have that one more opinion/idea. :)


Thank you once again! :)

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So Riki, when will a playable demo be available to the public?

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8 hours ago, Key Sharkz said:

So Riki, when will a playable demo be available to the public?

Not anytime soon I'm afraid. :sunny:
There are still tons and tons of things to do and my job doesn't let me work on it as much as I used to at the beginning. Because of that and the upcoming end of 4th generation, I started to worry, that I'll never manage to get it far, that everypony will leave before I'll be able to proudly present it to the public. For that reason I temporarily paused this project and started a new, smaller one, which I think will come to 'life' much sooner. It's a 2D ponified platformer shooter that, as the others keep mentioning, is similar to "Megaman" and "Cave Story". I've got most of the gameplay mechanics done by far, and it's already more than I have in this RPG.

So I guess there are some good and some bad news... The thing is, that I'd love to release 'anything' before it will be too late. What kind of game developer am I if the only things I share are images and gifs. :adorkable:

Once I'll feel fulfilled, I'll come back and continue step by step.

It all kinda bothers me, I'll be doing my best.. Sorry if this answer is disappointing. I'm kinda disappointed myself too.

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you are actuall right to worry.but there are great people here with great talents.so...no matter where we live,no one can succeed if we do not help each other. 

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On 7/7/2018 at 9:11 PM, Rikifive said:

Not anytime soon I'm afraid. :sunny:
There are still tons and tons of things to do and my job doesn't let me work on it as much as I used to at the beginning. Because of that and the upcoming end of 4th generation, I started to worry, that I'll never manage to get it far, that everypony will leave before I'll be able to proudly present it to the public. For that reason I temporarily paused this project and started a new, smaller one, which I think will come to 'life' much sooner. It's a 2D ponified platformer shooter that, as the others keep mentioning, is similar to "Megaman" and "Cave Story". I've got most of the gameplay mechanics done by far, and it's already more than I have in this RPG.

So I guess there are some good and some bad news... The thing is, that I'd love to release 'anything' before it will be too late. What kind of game developer am I if the only things I share are images and gifs. :adorkable:

Once I'll feel fulfilled, I'll come back and continue step by step.

It all kinda bothers me, I'll be doing my best.. Sorry if this answer is disappointing. I'm kinda disappointed myself too.

Hey, that is part of the industry, you know? Sometimes you work on a game for so long and the fanbase moves on before you can release it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

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On 7/8/2018 at 8:02 AM, Shadow Nightwing said:

This is pretty impressive!


Thank you! :)

6 hours ago, emma_22 said:

you are actuall right to worry.but there are great people here with great talents.so...no matter where we live,no one can succeed if we do not help each other. 

If not job... Perhaps you all could play at least the first parts of the game by now. :rarity:

6 hours ago, Thorgir the Mighty said:

Is this for IOS? I must know!

To my knowledge, it should work on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu. It could be released on many other platforms as well, including IOS, but these would require additional licences, that are not cheap. :please:

6 hours ago, Key Sharkz said:

Hey, that is part of the industry, you know? Sometimes you work on a game for so long and the fanbase moves on before you can release it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Nevertheless I want to try to be in time, if not with this, then with something else. Then I'll be working on things 'peacefully'. :P

We'll see how it goes. :fluttershy:

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18 minutes ago, Thorgir the Mighty said:

Dang it!                       

Yeah sorry about that. Personally I would be interested in releasing a mobile version of the game, but heh...

3 minutes ago, AJ2489 said:

This looks awesome!!!

Thank you! :squee:

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Don't worry too much about G-4 ending before you're done with this; this fandom probably won't die that quickly.  I, for one, plan to keep working on Weather Factory Meltdown for as long as it takes, partly because I've thought of plenty of non-MLP-related things I can do with the engine one WFM is done, and partly because I know it's got the potential to be awesome :)

I know I'll sure stick around to see the final product.  But I don't expect I'll be the only one who does, not by a long shot!

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