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Top 3 characters you don't want to see in the show again


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Which characters annoy you the most, from the ones that have already been featured in one or more of the episodes? And why? And how do you rate the chances that you won't have to see them again, if the show goes on for a seventh season?

This is my top 3, the opinions are my own...


3. Babs Seed. The Manehatten accent isn't credible, and she doesn't add anything interesting to the show. I think she might come back briefly for one episode but luckily not more.
2. Flurry Heart. There aren't many episodes that I won't watch again, but the season 6 premiere might be one of them. Why would you want to have babies in the show? They just do uncontrolled stuff that other people have to clean up. Couldn't they just shown how cute it is and then move on? How much of a story can you get out of a baby unless it just wrecks stuff? Apparently - not much. Unfortunately, FH will probably the center of attention again, and soon.
1. The baby Cakes. For the same reason as the one above, times two, literally. Not even Pinkie could save that episode. I think we've seen the last of them, storybearingwise at least.

Reading what I wrote, I must really hate children. (Except I don't, at least not once they wipe themselves and they can say stuff!)

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1) Zephyr Breeze

2) Zephyr Breeze

3) Zephyr Breeze


Evidently, I don't want to see Zephyr Breeze ever again


I mean, I'm sick of the Flim Flam Bros, and there are tons of characters returning, both in the show and Equestria Girls, that I really didn't want to see again(seriously? Trenderhoof and Suri Polomare get another appearance and we still haven't gotten to see Lightning Dust again?)


But I'd still gladly take them over the shitstain that is Zephyr Breeze

Edited by Megas
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Can I say starlight glimmer? Because I REALLY want to say starlight glimmer.


1) Zephyr Breeze

2) Zephyr Breeze

3) Zephyr Breeze


Evidently, I don't want to see Zephyr Breeze ever again


I mean, I'm sick of the Flim Flam Bros, and there are tons of characters returning, both in the show and Equestria Girls, that I really didn't want to see again(seriously? Trenderhoof and Suri Polomare get another appearance and we still haven't gotten to see Lightning Dust again?)


But I'd still gladly take them over the shitstain that is Zephyr Breeze


agreed about flim and flam. They really have gotten stale IMO, and I would 100% welcome viva las pegasus being their send off episode.

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That's another thing, I think it would work well as a final episode for them too, since it wrapped them up as "kind of evil, but not THAT evil"

I think the term you're seeking is "the lesser of two evils". Well, my top characters I don't wanna see again are:

1-Goldie Delicuous: seriously, this is my least favorite character in the show. I have bad experiences with hoarders, and their dirty houses full of junk. I got disgusted, AND THEY DIDN'T HAD TONS OF CAT WASTES EVERYWHERE

2-The jaks: Unlike many who hates them for their overall self entitlement, I see them as an alegory-parody of the bronies who rants constantly and demand their own liking to the show. Az such, they serve no further purpose

3-Maud: as cool (and hot :bedeyes:) she is, I think she's showing up alot since her introduction. I think they need to give her a rest for a while


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I can't recall all that many characters in this show who I've disliked enough that I wouldn't be open to another appearance if it kept the character interesting. There are a few characters who I don't connect with, but even they I can imagine enjoying in future episodes, especially after Maud Pie went from inspiring indifference in me to being one of my favourite characters in the entire show. 


With that said:

  1. Trouble Shoes - As a character, he's mostly fine, if a little dour. He doesn't annoy me on his own. But he brings with him certain implications from his episode's interpretation about cutie marks which I pretty strongly dislike. I don't care for the idea that one can simply get a cutie mark without having any real idea what it means, and I especially don't care for the idea of a "bad luck cutie mark" being something which is even remotely feasible. If he appeared without any of that baggage, though, I'd be fine. It's unlikely we'll ever see him again. 
  2. People are gonna crucify me for this, but I'm not a particularly big fan of Moondancer. I suspect I'd like her just fine if she had another speaking appearance, but I struggled to find her apparent motivations in "Amending Fences" particularly sympathetic or understandable. I'd need either a somewhat different, post-friendship version of the character or a more respectful take on her introversion in order to like her in a second appearance. She's a fan favourite, so I expect her to return somewhere down the line. 
  3. The  Mane-iac is easily the show's least compelling villain, a hammy comic-book stereotype with cliched powers and a bland, uninteresting personality. Good thing she only exists in an in-universe comic book. I doubt she'll ever appear again. 

I also have trouble taking interest in Trixie and Gilda in a dramatic context, but I find those characters entertaining as comic relief and as an antagonist, respectively, and would enjoy further comic relief appearances. Meanwhile, there's a good handful of characters, most significantly Rara and Ember, who I find have largely uninteresting personalities and nothing which compels me to want them back, but who I also found serviceable in their own settings and think would become more entertaining in subsequent appearances. 

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1. Zephyr Breeze: A completely unlikable steretype that has zero redeeming qualities. Never want to see him again.


2. The Wonderbolts. Considering their behavior as of late and Newbie Dash being the final straw for me, I honestly wouldn't care if they never showed up again. I know they will despite that.


3. Starlight Glimmer. A character that has a stupid backstory, is insanely overpowered and at this point, not exactly friendly or well developed, yet she will be the main star of the finale. Meh.

  • Brohoof 3



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1. Shining Armor: Just…. fuck him.

2. Zephyr Breeze: If I were Fluttershy and I had a brother like this, I'd kill myself.

3. Spoiled Rich: She's a bitch for the sake of being a bitch. And her face is butt ugly.


                                               No questions asked.

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1) Sunset Shimmer

2) Snips

3) That one dragon, the evil one, forgot his name


1) Flurry Heart

2) Flurry Heart

3) GET RID OF THAT DEVIL FLURRY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :=:  :=:  :=:  :=:

Edited by Babyyoshi309
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most significantly Rara and Ember, who I find have largely uninteresting personalities and nothing which compels me to want them back

You're right, of course. But how about Rara's singing? I for one would not min to hear more of her songs :)

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1. Shining Armor: Just…. fuck him.

2. Zephyr Breeze: If I were Fluttershy and I had a brother like this, I'd kill myself.

3. Spoiled Rich: She's a bitch for the sake of being a bitch. And her face is butt ugly.

>killing yourself

>NOT killing zephyr himself

Top pleb tier

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1. Diamond Dogs. I guess this is free already if we think these characters have personalities which they do not. That is part of the problem and them being painfully unfunny and dum is other.


2. Little Strongheart and the chief what his name was. Now again more than one but the issue is the same, I feel some other "Indian/cowboy" episode could be poorly handled and taking them somewhere else probably would not be much better. And it is not like their personalities were that unique. But I would like to see them as backround kind characters however, they could have showed up when Tirek took everyone's magic or watching one of the rodeo shows or Buckball or something (they could have had even their own team).


3. Spoiled Rich. She was just annoying. But she can be in background too like she was in Applejack's Day Of. Unless "Impossibly Rich" turns out to be a real person and we get some Rich family drama which would be amazing.

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1. Spoiled Rich. True to her name, she's the spoiled brat Diamond Tiara could never be even at her worst. By this point, all the hate that people had for DT has been transfered to her mother, and with good reason. 


2. Lightning Dust. I cheered when this psychopath got kicked out of the Wonderbolts, even though she would fit in just fine given the Wonderbolts are apparently filled with uncaring jerks who constantly throw one another under the bus.


3. The Yaks. In the real world, these guys would have caused a international incident given how they brazenly destroyed property, potentially injured ponies and generally threw a temper tantrum.

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After the annoying amount of ship tease between Lyra and Bon Bon only for them to be confirmed not to be a couple, and the stereotypical flamboyant Steven Magnet confirmed gay, I really don't want to see these characters again. Outside of that, I don't want to see former villains return out of fear of a Starlight Glimmer quality Reformation.


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There are no such character i hate so much that i want erase them from existence. There are a lot of asshole characters that should be erased from existence but no, I want them come back, too many nice characters is dull and boring. Assholes come to balance the world and create more stories, the world where everyone is nice all the time is just a day-dreaming, i dont want to meet those assholes in real life, but i want to see them in Fiction World.  :orly:


Let go to the top 3...


Breaburn. That guy is so dull, he can be erased.  :dry:

Flurry Heart. That baby is a Eldritch Abomination, banish her with stakes and holy water.  :pinkie:

That Fat pony in Canterlot Boutique. Another Eldritch Abomination, burn it, burn it, please, burn it.  :angry:

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After the annoying amount of ship tease between Lyra and Bon Bon only for them to be confirmed not to be a couple, and the stereotypical flamboyant Steven Magnet confirmed gay, I really don't want to see these characters again. Outside of that, I don't want to see former villains return out of fear of a Starlight Glimmer quality Reformation.

When was Steven Magnet confirmed as gay?

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Conflict in the crystal empire, yet again. Same as with magically chaotic babies.

Regardless of subject, the key is new ideas. Something I didn't experience during this season opening, for the most part. Cadence, shining armor and the newborn don't convey originality.

Even the simplest idea can be made interesting, when exploring new horizons. Yet you repeat yourself once again.

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Can I say starlight glimmer? Because I REALLY want to say starlight glimmer.



agreed about flim and flam. They really have gotten stale IMO, and I would 100% welcome viva las pegasus being their send off episode.

I agree about Flim and Flam, but Glim Glam is AWESOME! How how how how how (quoting Pinkie Pie, Main Attraction)could you not like her??!?!?!?

 Zepher Breeze is just ODD.

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Wow, alot of people don't wanna see Babs! Aren't any of you concerned about the Manehattan CMCs, or how Babs got her cutie mark, or what her cutie mark means?


Anyways the list of characters I wouldn't wanna see again:


1. Prince Blueblood

2. Zesty Gormand

3. Svengallop

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I agree about Flim and Flam, but Glim Glam is AWESOME! How how how how how (quoting Pinkie Pie, Main Attraction)could you not like her??!?!?!?

 Zepher Breeze is just ODD.

How could I dislike Starlight glimmer? :P

I think there's been many, MANY threads posted on the subject of parts of the fandom not liking her XD


hell, that's like 50% of 4chan's threads right now :P

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Prince Blueblood--almost certainly never going to be seen again (except maybe in a cameo).

Trenderhoof--probably not going to be seen again, although it's slightly more likely.

Garble--by far the most likely of the three, since the Dragon Lands are probably going to appear in the finale.

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