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My OC- Color Song

Color Song

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The color balance is a wee bit off (I don't have perfectly balanced lights in the house for taking photos) so I'll retake this tomorrow in the sunlight, but I was curious to see what everypony thought of my personal style and my OC ponysona herself tonight before I updated the picture.

Before I let you skip to the picture though, a few notes first: 1) I do everything by hand. This is painted. 2) I realize it's a bit busy, but that's kind of me, :wacko: . 3) The cutie mark is based on my original research (and what I think is my life's purpose).

Ok, GO!  ^_^ 

Oh, and I hope this goes without saying, but I own all rights to this character and the images therein. If you want to use it in any way, shape, or form, you must get my express written permission to do so. Thanks!post-40205-0-02686900-1483155894_thumb.jpg

Updated picture! See the difference shooting in daylight makes?

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Thank you all! I'm honored, but I'm still not sure there is enough interest in my personal style to open a shop. Hmm...how many more shall I do before we know for sure if I should offer my services for OC ponies and the like, do you think? 3 more? 6 more? a dozen? <3

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Thank you all! I'm honored, but I'm still not sure there is enough interest in my personal style to open a shop. Hmm...how many more shall I do before we know for sure if I should offer my services for OC ponies and the like, do you think? 3 more? 6 more? a dozen? <3

3. I like your style, its amazing! 

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3. I like your style, its amazing! 

3 it is! Thanks, Nightmare Star! <3


1. Earth pony

2. Pegasus

3. Unicorn, or since my ponysona is a unicorn, should I do a cyrstal pony?

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I need this to be available in my attachments for my signature- you are welcome to ignore this post. Hahaha.


BAH. I can't get it to work. Meep. Stupid signature, lol. I am NOT going to use a third party site for picture uploading. There should be a way to do it directly from my computer's memory. lol

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I need this to be available in my attachments for my signature- you are welcome to ignore this post. Hahaha.




attachicon.gifrarity copy.jpg



BAH. I can't get it to work. Meep. Stupid signature, lol. I am NOT going to use a third party site for picture uploading. There should be a way to do it directly from my computer's memory. lol

Third party, you say?

I used to just use deviantart.

Not the best thing to use, but it works :V


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Third party, you say?

I used to just use deviantart.

Not the best thing to use, but it works :V


Yeah, but I have too many professional contacts and works up there. I can't flood my account with things I need for signatures and what not, hehe.

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Yeah, but I have too many professional contacts and works up there. I can't flood my account with things I need for signatures and what not, hehe.

That's why you designate it as 'scraps' so they don't see it unless they specifically go looking for it lol

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That's why you designate it as 'scraps' so they don't see it unless they specifically go looking for it lol

It's worth a try! Thanks! <3!!!

So much for that. It said I am unable to use that extension in this community. Bah.


This is not a user-friendly platform.... *sigh* Can anypony help me? lol

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Have you tried using DropBox?
There's a few other filehosting programs out there, but I'm not familiar with them.
I find DropBox pretty useful, but I dunno if it'll work on here, like you said though, worth a shot.



I really like your OC, she's pretty :)

*cough* should see their dA page *cough*

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