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least favorite thing about your sex/gender


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On 6/1/2017 at 1:20 PM, Jaspers said:

To me the biggest inconvenience is probably having breasts. They're distracting and feel weird when I'm lying on my stomach which is bothersome since lying like that helps with feeling more symmetrical.

Also that some people expect me to put way too much effort into how I look while I prefer to have a more casual look. Wearing make-up is also a norm many people seem to follow so it makes me a bit ashamed that I'm not into it.

Hey, I'm female and don't wear makeup at all. Cause like you, I'm not at all into it. I don't even fix or brush my hair hardly ever xD. But you shouldn't let what others do influence you in that way. You are you, and you don't have to look like every other girl with 50 pounds of makeup and a "perfect face." You do whatever you feel like doing. I bet you look beautiful just the way you are! :fluttershy:

On 6/3/2017 at 5:05 AM, Trixie Feri said:

The often need to shave facial hair can be a bit annoying, but otherwise i am fine with it :P

And the... uh... that, when randomly rises. That is really annoying sometimes. (i know i am just a teen, but geesh)

dude that post made me laugh :lol: And I shouldn't be laughing...sorry lol

On 6/6/2017 at 4:36 AM, StormBlaze said:

female here, and its the hair removal I hate the most -_- and the being judged because certain areas arent smooth. screw today's society. 

Also at the moment in this day and age, Tomboy is dead. Im a tomboy, but in media its considered lesbian or trans. =/ im not though. im a straight natural girl who enjoys being boyish. 

Same here :yay:

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I wish I didn't grow facial hair at all. So darn annoying having to shave all the time or it gets itchy! Why do you think my Ponysonas have no beards?!

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I'm a guy, and I hate:

  • Body hair. I don't mind shaving my facial hair, but why does hair have to grow there? And there? And seemingly everywhere on my body? It's really annoying.
  • Expectations about what guys are supposed to be like. I'll be whoever I want to be.
  • Expectations about what girls are supposed to be like, because I can't touch whatever society has deemed as "girly".
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  • 1 month later...

Stereotypes rubbish. Being a guy if you slap or hit a girl for being b****, or they slap or hit or hurt you, you're in big trouble. That annoyed me alot. Also there  a stereotypes is that if you cry or get hurt and say you're hurt you not a man.

Proud British Brony

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As males, it's generally known that we live shorter lives due to various health issues that females don't have as bad.

Oh and having to protect our privates is up there on the list.

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I can't really think of anything at the moment.

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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As someone who is assigned male at birth, but on the intersex spectrum (more on that in a bit) and bi-gender, I have to say that even when I'm in guy-mode, I hate the fact that I'm supposed to be this muscle-bound Neanderthal that goes around leering & hooting at anything that's the opposite sex and/or is completely obsessed with sports (and the pointless sports team rivalry drama that goes with it) as well as over-powered, fuel inefficient automobiles, etc.  I'm not into any of that crap, and ever since I finally came out, I'm SO done with even pretending to care or otherwise fit in with that general loutish expectation.

I also agree 120% with everyone who said about facial hair:  I'm fairly fortunate due to my being genetically/hormonally intersex (depending on whether my apparent lack of testosterone compared to the male norm is a result of low production due to being XXY or my body's mild insensitivity to it), so I can only grow a scruffy goatee along the lines of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, but I still HATE it, and it is the biggest driver of my gender dysphoria when I'm in girl-mode, mainly due to having dark hair so that I can still see a bit of a "5 o'clock shadow" no matter how close I shave. :okiedokieloki:  As a matter of fact, one of the few transition surgeries I'm 100% going to do whenever I can afford it is to undergo electrolysis facial hair removal & never have to deal with it ever again! 

Now on to the other side of things: 

On 6/2/2017 at 2:29 PM, RuthPainter99 said:

Monthly periods and unwanted body hair. 

This!  Again, despite being assigned male at birth, I've determined through research fairly recently that I either have Klienfelter's syndrome, which is having XXY chromosomes instead of XX or XY OR I have Mild Androgen Insensitivity Disorder (I'd need some expensive medical tests to determine which), but they both have almost identical symptoms, including appearing to be "normal" males at birth but developing a more feminine build later in life, typical female body hair pattern, relative lack of facial hair, and a few other things I'm not going to go into here.   In my case (and I've found, a number of other cases of people with either of the above conditions who identify as transgender), one of the additional symptoms is that I, for lack of a better term, have a period:  No bleeding (for obvious reasons), but I do have some bloating & during my "time of the month" (the week around a New Moon), I turn into a moody, easily-triggered  emotional train-wreak, and I even searched back at least 12 years to forums that I used to frequent and found that in every case where I'd been either temp-banned or given warnings was during That Time Of The Month...  And I agree with those who were assigned female at birth:  It really, really sucks, even without the additional suckage of having cramps & bleeding. :(

And even when I'm in guy mode, I also dislike even having my female-typical body hair, and I constantly shave/wax to get rid of it, so yay. :yay:


Edited by DJ_Bonebraker
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There's really nothing about being female in particular that bothers me. Sure there's body hair, but if I was a guy I would have to shave too. Sure there are societal expectations/stereotypes, but if I was a guy I would have to deal with those too.

So... I'm not sure. 

And yeah periods suck, so I take pills in order not to have them anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't like talking about my gender, I perfer to let it stay a mystery, you know?

So instead, I'll give an example of a negative trait in both genders (in my opinion at least). Keep in mind that these are both large generalizations.

Males: Their lack of finesse, style or elegance. Many of them just go around grunting for sex and attention like a dog grunts for a squeaky toy.

Females: Their habit to massively exaggerate emotional situations and to make a big song and a dance about a problem which, at the end of the day, is minuscule.

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That would have to be periods lmao. I’m lucky I only get mine once every 3 months because of my birth control. It’s great but then the 3 months come to an end and I cry cause it sucks.

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As a man it´s strange to like colored ponys that sings beautiful songs. People daily around me would turn their backs at me if they know.

I don´t understand why men should be hunters and warriors instead of soft and care full for other beings and people.

You can´t be nice with all people around you, but if they annoys you... ignore them and canter away.

On 2017-09-28 at 10:32 AM, Twilight Kyle said:

Hmm, that's hard for me to say, maybe the fact that i'm horny all the time.

Ahhaha... As time goes by that will go away more or less.... it´s ok for your age I think :)

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The fact that being emotional is not seen as manly by some people. I have a lot of issues that make me get emotional sometimes, and I especially don't like the preconceived notion that men aren't supposed to cry or get upset ever, that they're supposed to be tough all the time.

Everyone's a little bit different.

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I hate being the one in the relationship that pays for everything despite being broke. My gf expects me to pay for everything even though her family is richer than mine. Also, as a university student I hate this crap where men are viewed as rapists. 

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21 hours ago, pegapony said:

As a man it´s strange to like colored ponys that sings beautiful songs. People daily around me would turn their backs at me if they know.

I don´t understand why men should be hunters and warriors instead of soft and care full for other beings and people.

You can´t be nice with all people around you, but if they annoys you... ignore them and canter away.

Ahhaha... As time goes by that will go away more or less.... it´s ok for your age I think :)

I'm 27.

Oh yeah and I hate having to shave all the time, I can't stand facial hair.

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1 hour ago, Twilight Kyle said:

I'm 27.

Oh yeah and I hate having to shave all the time, I can't stand facial hair.

Yes I Know... and I´m older and married. That´s why I prefer FIM to get out of the boredom ....( Joking )


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On 9/28/2017 at 1:45 PM, Harper said:

Well considering I am a MTF Trans person then my birth gender sucks for... well not being the right one! :D But nah, I dislike having to shave all the time, having a male skeletal structure etc. I dont really care about gender roles and im not mega feminine or anything, it just felt right to transition, I don't see any ''benefit'' in it other than being truer to myself :P 

yeah I feel ya sister
i'd try waxing, if you hate how fast your hair grows back

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6 hours ago, Harper said:

It's stronger obviously but it's bad if you would prefer to look more feminine :)

I could never be brave enough to do waxing! At the moment I just do a full over shave every 4 - 5 days, with the stuff I use its done in about 10 mins. Hopefully the more HRT kicks in is that apparently it can massively reduce or even stop body hair growth (in the areas males tend to see more growth like back, chest, arms, legs) etc. If you have a pain free waxing method let me know! :P 

sugaring is pretty painless since it comes off the skin easier, i'd say any waxing beats potential razor burn and the amount you pay for shaving products though

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Trying to pee with an erection? It's impossible.

Other than that, I am comfortable being a man.

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On 4.10.2017 at 8:30 PM, Royce said:

Trying to pee with an erection? It's impossible.

Hon hon hon! I laugh at the scrub, who have no ability to take a piss with an eager Junior!

I would recommend sitting down if you're having problems. :P

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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