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1 minute ago, Treeglow Flicker said:

If we were to attach a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat and then drop them both from a height, they shall land with the tip of the cat's tail touching the ground. Both cat and toast would then proceed to spin using the tail tip as an axis.

Now, see, there you are attempting to ascribe predictable outcomes to a situation involving a cat. What would ACTUALLY happen is that you drop the cat, wait to see how it lands, and find it inexplicably curled up on top of your keyboard.

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4 hours ago, Tropical Melody said:

There's a sound outside like someone sharpening an axe. Should I be worried?

Only if you are a tree.

Or want to be a tree


  • Brohoof 1

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the future past is pastel :)

but the spirit of hearthwarming presents is Pinkie (and Twi does the voice and everything :D )

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On 1/13/2020 at 6:44 PM, CypherHoof said:

Only if you are a tree.

It's still going on and I still have no idea what it is! :mlp_yeehaa:

Two doors the other way they've been having scaffolding erected so get the odd clang of scaffold poles, but it's not that (wrong direction for a start)




REDWINGS HORSE SANCTUARY  www.redwings.org.uk

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17 minutes ago, Tropical Melody said:

It's still going on and I still have no idea what it is! :mlp_yeehaa:

Two doors the other way they've been having scaffolding erected so get the odd clang of scaffold poles, but it's not that (wrong direction for a start)

To be fair, when you are tightening the clamps on scaffi, it *does* sound a lot like an axe being sharpened, because the hollow poles give more of a ringing noise than (say) tightening a wheel nut would.

ᚾᛖᚹ ᛚᚢᚾᚨ ᚱᛖᛈᚢᛒᛚᛁᚴ - ᚦᛖ ᚠᚢᚾ ᚺᚨᚦ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛞᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛞ


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Yes I thought similar, so I went out into the conservatory to hear better and it's definitely coming from the opposite direction. My best guess it's like a circular saw or planer heard from a distance.




REDWINGS HORSE SANCTUARY  www.redwings.org.uk

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23 minutes ago, Tropical Melody said:

Yes I thought similar, so I went out into the conservatory to hear better and it's definitely coming from the opposite direction. My best guess it's like a circular saw or planer heard from a distance.

Or the sound is being reflected off a wall in that direction. Had that mess up my attempts to locate things before now.

ᚾᛖᚹ ᛚᚢᚾᚨ ᚱᛖᛈᚢᛒᛚᛁᚴ - ᚦᛖ ᚠᚢᚾ ᚺᚨᚦ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛞᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛞ


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Start a conversation with retired, geriatric, spider-monkeys today! Starting at the get-low-low-low price of $Banana.TedDanson, we can guarantee absolutely nothing, but if you sign up for the rewards card, you'll get a free coffee every month when Larry makes a cup of coffee, leaves it on the front desk, and completely forgets about it because he's 89 years old. Have allergies? Diabetes? Dirty USB cords? That's okay, we'll call a hair dresser to make silly-faces at your dog. Spider-Monkey Buddies! If they can't fling poo, then why not share a couch?


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Yeah, if your idea of 'fun' is being blinded by the light; racked up like a deuce, another runner in the night.

Give me 80's-tastic neon ANY day.




... except Thursdays; I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

  • Brohoof 1

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4 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


It appears Charlie Brown has reached his breaking point. 

It's lucy and that place-kick gambit... gets him every time.

  • Brohoof 1

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Ok, listen to me, you need to get all the james gunn crosses so that you unlock that beautiful templar armor and show it to everybody, thus becoming the templar leader to start a second crusade which will escalate into WWIII. If not, we're in trouble. 

  • Brohoof 1
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