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Trixie was vastly mistreated, the writers have no respect for her


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Why does Trixie get stepped on after she lived through years of humiliation, why does glimmer get everything she never had on a silver platter.

Why is Trixie treated with such disrespect by the writers, why did they flandeize her and take away the little bit of courage she had. Specialmuffin glimmer had to restrain her with magic because of how hysterical and stupid they made Trixie, and they didn't even give her one magic spell to her name.

let’s go over Trixie's appearances and mentions:

She’s a magician whose white lie during a show turns on her thanks to some idiot kids, loses her only possessions and runs out of town humiliated.
Is humiliated in the local tabloid
Comes back with a mind-affecting talisman, reveals her property was vandalized, she was humiliated wherever she went, worked hard labour to make ends meet, and is ultimately proven to be a powerless fool without the talisman
Comes back, makes a friend, her animosity towards Twilight gets the better of her, and then tries to kill herself
Goes on an adventure with her new friend, is constantly taunted as being useless, and ultimately is only useful as a diversion, getting captured
Is shown, again, to be inept at "real magic", and completely useless without Starlight around
Is shown to be inept at stage magic, so is now in canon utterly useless
Is shown to have a father just as inept as her that doesn’t even know he has a daughter, implying her childhood was crap as well
Her every appearance in the show is to use her to make other character’s look better. I guess that wouldn’t be a problem in most shows, except she’s one of the very few characters in this show that at points is actually relatable as a "real person that could actually exist". For anyone that’s a fan of her for such reasons, that may even identify with her for any number of reasons, and not just waifu-ism nonsense, it’s kinda crap that her every new appearance just makes her look worse or makes her reality more depressing.

It really is at the point where it’d be better for her to just be a background character with no lines; as soon as she’s treated as a character that exists, she’s just the buttmonkey.

Also, it’d take some real skill to turn "Ha ha, she’s the bastard daughter of a complete loser!" into something that’s somehow her fault.

I’m not arguing boast busters again, I’ll just paste this here.

"The episode was a mess. One of the earlier interviews with Thiesen on EqD, and I believe a reddit AMA, had him say that the original script / layout had to be hacked down and it stuck with him over how much overtime they had to do to make the episode make sense.

In the end, they still messed up; they accelerated the initial reason for "conflict" so fast/poorly that they made 3 of the M6 look like petty hecklers and gave valid reasons for Trixie to act out on them. They were front row audience of a free show and were making a fuss about it from second zero, before any callouts; nobody that isn’t a jerkass does something like, but the M6 were made to act that way so Trixie would start her challenges. At that point they’re hecklers, and as anyone that’s seen standup comedy knows, hecklers get humiliated and used to entertain the rest of the audience; of course, making the M6 feel bad is a mortal sin for most of the fandom, as we all know from the way people flipped over Gilda making Fluttershy cry.

The merit of how she treated the challenges is contestable, but as far as I’m concerned was fair given the circumstances; AJ made a point of being so much better and used some rope tricks, Trixie used rope tricks on her and put her down a peg; RD got aggressive and used her flight to control the weather, Trixie used magic to control the weather and give her a shock (the same terrible shock, mind you, that Dash uses to "terrorize" innocent bystanders in Nightmare Night, so hush you with any claims she was assaulted); RY called out her style and looks and trashed Trixie’s stage to make herself look better with magic, Trixie user her magic to trash Rarity’s mane to have her look worse. She was challenged with shows of rope use, weather control, and object transformation, and she proved she was better at those things, put some hecklers in their place, and got cheers from the public. If this had been a M6 character putting on the show in front of a hostile audience, we’d be expected to cheer for them; but it’s not, the show’s always had a clear double standard when dealing with what the M6 can do and what other characters can do.

Trixie messed up by lying about a fantastical event only idiot children or yokels would take seriously in the one town populated by idiot children and yokels that lied on the border of The Forbidden Forest; but the aesop didn’t deal with lies or boasting. RD, AJ, and RY messed up by heckling a performer during their act and having as big of an as her; but the aesop didn’t deal with not harassing artists or biting down your tongue over pride. The wonderdolts and Spike messed up by taking the show too seriously, putting their idols on mile-high pedestals, and fighting over them; but the aesop wasn’t about the dangers of fanboyism. In the end the aesop as about how you should feel OK to prove you’re good at something if you think you’re good at something; it was all about Twilight. And the aftermath was Trixie losing her home, her possesions, her job, and her pride, the wonderdolts getting prized with moustaches, Twilight becoming the town hero and Best Pony That Ever Lived, again, and some random pony having to retile their roof.

Oh, and showing that Dash was more than willing to physically beat up Trixie. But let’s just ignore that part lest we spark a debate on all of Dash’s deep faults and how we’re expected to see them as charming character traits…"

Trixie is a parody of what she used to be. She’s a loud, brash idiot who never learns from her mistakes.

She’s not like when she first appeared. When her confident, overbearing attitude was just a front to hide her vulnerability. Like take a look at most of the episodes she’s in with Glimmer. Even the ones where she learns her lesson so to speak (the episode where she shoots herself out of a cannon and the one with Starlight’s bottled up anger) she still acts like an immature brat. It annoys me to no end how little respect they have for her as a character. She’s essentially a walking punchline in FiM

Trixie had her magic and her magic show and that was it, they took that away and smashed her pride because lol Twilight is a million times more magical lol look at how special she is. Episode lesson: Its okay to show off talent when appropriate, even though thats exactly what Trixie did. It took this long in the shows life before she gets one friend, and its constantly belittled and made fun of, they put her with a unicorn a million times better than her on top of everything.

Then they have the audacity to say Trixie can't do real magic and her stuff was all fake illusions when every spell she did was real, and she can do multiple spells the episode spells out Trixie was talented with magic and built her career with it

Instead of cranking out an even bigger mary sue, why not write Twilight and Trixie as magical rivals on the opposite end, Twilight focusing on the strengths of friendship, while Trixie is focused on herself. All of this crap could have been avoided had they done this. No princess destiny crap, no absurd magic that breaks everything, no Glimmer or that Ronald McDonald looking character. The biggest problems with the show would be gone and we could have ended up with a friendly rivalry that meant something instead of a pink mary sue copy that goes against everything the show is meant to be.

Twilight has no lasting consequences for her actions. She never had to live through hardships from her mistakes, she always had support from day one. Glimmer and Twilight are forgiven and supported for their flaws, Trixie gets dragged through crap for hers.

Twilight has magic so absurdly powerful that it not only renders Trixie's magic useless along her special talent, when every character has something that makes them special, all of the characters are useless. The story needs some contrived way to get rid of her supermagic because it seems like every writer that has worked on this show is creatively bankrupt.

Trixie went from a talented magical mare to being ripped from her pride and tormented for her mistake, then turned into the shows new butt monkey with her used as a prop to make the new specialmuffin twilight, who has everything she never had on a silver platter, look even better. 

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I think the current writers have done a decent job adding some fantastic nuance to her character since her reappearance in Season Six. Her relationship with Starlight is one of the greater new additions in the last few years. 

Her initial appearances didn't do her any narrative favors since she was purposely presented to be in the wrong, regardless of how the audience took it, which means .... bad writing. But that was some time ago. ;)


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Trixie is highly intelligent, but she "was" kind of a sleezebag... Dash couldnt beat up Trix, she would be easily outclassed as her and AJ were with mild usage of magic... She expresses her bravery that transcends her cowardly exterior, when launching herself into the mouth of a manticore, when allowing herself to face the changelings head on with no real idea of what they would do... sure compared to DISCORD, and my personal favorite Starlight, she is just a girl with a bag of tricks, but just like in Rainbow Rocks, how she competes to get to the finals and has it stripped from her, the same way she worked her butt off to obtain the amulet to come back to ponyville... Twilight didnt "slay" an Ursa, she tamed it, lord knows without her tactical knowledge her magical capabilities didnt overshadow her wit... Trixie didnt expect them to bring an Ursa back, and when they did she had no clue how to react... you would have to be insane to provoke one... She is NO Tempest, she wouldnt have stood face to face with an Ursa facing that type of trauma... Trixies traumas are social, she is ousted and made to be the butt of the joke, Look at her expression in the original EG as the Mane cast run to confront Sunset... Trixie is not A PART of things, Starlight making her a huge part of her life is a very important thing to me, No Second Prances, gives me goosebumps its so good... Trixie has the grit of an Earth Pony(even worked down to prove so), but she was coward looking in the mirror as a disgraced Unicorn, and doesnt know how to assume her identity...


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2 minutes ago, GeekySonic said:

Jesus Christ who tf hurt you 

The show did by stepping on a character I care about.

Trixie nearly killed herself because the princess of friendship tried separating the two by bringing old, bad feelings back into this, and would rather have tea with Celestia than support Trixie trying to better her life while she was happy to forgive Glimmer for all the worse things she did. Twilight is supposed to be an example of this show.

Compare the lives of Trixie to Twilight. Twilight was handed so many wonderful and beautiful things like a happy family, royal caretakers, wealth, a goddess pony to look over her, and there is always someone there for her, to support or forgive her for mistakes, a free home where she sits around doing what she likes. Trixie had her magic and her magic show and thats it, and it was completely destroyed. Now we learn she didn’t even have a dad and her magic is all fake apparently, and she nearly killed herself.

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Sorry. But your OP was too long to follow that some people likely would lose interest. I couldn't even read it all the way through myself without thinking "please get to the point". Here's some advice: Try to keep your 1st post on a topic short and simple. It will save a lot of headache.

As for Trixie herself, I think she's just fine. She did after all pull a fast one on the evil Changelings in the hive with stage magic. Turning her bag of tricks into a big help for our heroes.

Edited by Wholly Windcharger


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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This show isn’t about friendship and love unless you were the chosen one, like Twilight and glimmer. All glim had to do was put her head down in shame and everyone came to hug her. Where was that for Trixie, where was her love and redemption, and her happiness. Why does glimmer get away with all the horrible stuff shes done while Trixie had to wait years for just one friend.

Just now, Wholly Windcharger said:

Sorry. But your OP was too long to follow that some people likely would lose interest I couldn't even read it all the way through. Here's some advice: Try to keep your 1st post on a topic short and simple. 

As for Trixie herself, I think she's just fine. She did after all pull a fast one on the evil Changelings in the hive with stage magic. Turning her bag of tricks into a big help for our heroes.

Trixie never used fake stage effects, she used real spells and the writers took that away to make her do lame card tricks now.  Trixie lied about how powerful she was, not that her magic was fake.


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That's stage Magic. 

And what I was trying to say is keep your opening post short and to the point. You'll get more people to read your post. Please keep that in mind.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Just now, Torques said:

This show isn’t about friendship and love unless you were the chosen one, like Twilight and glimmer. All glim had to do was put her head down in shame and everyone came to hug her. Where was that for Trixie, where was her love and redemption, and her happiness. Why does glimmer get away with all the horrible stuff shes done while Trixie had to wait years for just one friend.

Trixie never used fake stage effects, she used real spells and the writers took that away to make her do lame card tricks now.  Trixie lied about how powerful she was, not that her magic was fake.


exactly, Trixie has REAL abilities, and real magic, they "nerfed" her character and tried to make her the "this is your comic relief character" when really, she is superior to many in terms of self conviction, but thats just it "self" conviction, they want the kids to feel better by saying "trixie told a lie, so she is a lie" when really Trixie was just outcrafted, and hats off to Zecora, and hats off to Twi for having the magical know how and looking into things the way she did, Trixie just isnt the insignificant low life she is made out to be, and they try to hammer in nail home by having Twilight refute Starlights CHOSEN friendship... Trixie is awesome, and I love her to death, and I love her and Starlights friendship most of all.

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Just now, Wholly Windcharger said:

That's stage Magic. 

And what I was trying to say is keep your opening post short and to the point. You'll get more people to read your post. Please keep that in mind.

Those were all flat out real spells, not stage effects, not illusions, they were REAL magic, Trixie does REAL magic tricks. 

Edited by Torques
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Just now, Wholly Windcharger said:

That's stage Magic. 

And what I was trying to say is keep your opening post short and to the point. You'll get more people to read your post. Please keep that in mind.

they arent illusions, they are really things she can do, that bolt wouldnt feel to good to a pony, but its rendered useless against an Ursa, being able to use magic, and dictate its physical properties Is MORE than stage magic, they reduced her to a stage magician in lue of her dishonest ways... when really she can do more than a lot of Unicorns can, and has the determination of an Earth Pony, not all Unicorns are Twilights and Starlights, they work their profession, Trixie went to a gifted school, likely because it to hard work to become who she is, not because she WAS BORN with OP abilities...

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Just now, Wholly Windcharger said:

I never said all that! Leave me alone.

Yes you did. You implied they were all fake stage effects. This stupid fandom headcanon the writers adopted.

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I've seen a similar situation involving Quint from Mega Man II (Game Boy): In canon, he's an anticlimactic pushover whose only attack is a joke to avoid (and having no life bar, he suddenly gives up and escapes for no reason). As for fans treating him better than canon does, he's the titular protagonist of Quint's Revenge, a far superior re-imagining of said Game Boy game.

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I apologize if any are offended by the points made about Trixie, the deal is, she is held down and reduced a little bit, and her mentality is kind of "geared" around the construction of what her ideal identity should be... when really, she is a strong willed, proud pony, that made a big mistake and didnt know much about friendship... you saw her reaction to losing Starlight as a friend from Twilights distrusting interjection, I am glad they have her "re-learning magic" xD (my god) anyways, I hope they choose to do more with Trixie in the future, look at her and really take the time to say, "Trixie has been through a lot, we kind of mistreated her character, she has shown bravery, and she deserves to at the very least have the same type of magic she was initially intended to use...

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I think OP is the one who doesn't respect what Trixie is as a character.

Yes, Boast Busters shows a different Trixie, one with success on her shows and her tour because of a lie. That has not been shown again, but what it did show is a pony who doesn't give up, who keeps going no matter what and who tries to be a great showmare.

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16 minutes ago, DonMaguz said:

I think OP is the one who doesn't respect what Trixie is as a character.

Yes, Boast Busters shows a different Trixie, one with success on her shows and her tour because of a lie. That has not been shown again, but what it did show is a pony who doesn't give up, who keeps going no matter what and who tries to be a great showmare.

Just because she lied about "slaying an Ursa Major" doesnt mean that is negates the effects of her magic... that is kind of what they have insinuated... If someone tells a lie, it saps their abilities and permanently destroys their credibility? They "reinvented" her character, in the eyes of some... not just developed... it... development isnt making someone weaker through misconception or alteration of perception of a character, its strengthening qualities....

Edited by Aquaflame
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The show is so utterly disrespectful to her, how dare they make her a flailing idiot that needs to be restrained by glimmer with magic, how dare they not give her one spell to her name and mock her for being useless and fake. How dare they drive her to suicide while Twilight sips tea with Celestia. 

I can't stand this it makes me so angry. Just smash Trixie with another cart lolololo I hate this show.

Edited by Torques
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Imagine what humiliating thing Trixie will go through next. What will it take before the fans get angry, will they have to humiliate her in some disgusting and horrible way, while she needs to be saved by starlight in the end to teach some dumb lesson.

Edited by Torques
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I'm pretty sure she can still do those things its just that she's either not needed to or not been in a position too.

The changeling hive was negating all magic so even discord couldn't do anything when he got close. Otherwise where are those spells going to do any good? Summoning a storm cloud, messing up a mane do, telekinesis, maniplating rainbows. None of the situations she's gotten into in her episodes would have been helped by any of those spells. As for her learning to transmute and teleport so what those aren't exactly common amongst unicorns. Rarity has shown telekinesis, some light manipulation both traits all unicorns have and an ability to find gems that's it the entire extent of her magical reportoire so Trixie's already ahead of one of the mane 6. Sunburst has plenty of knowledge but no real magical ability, most other unicorns normally only show telekinesis all of which put Trixie ahead in terms of her ability to use spells.

Twilight's first uses of teleportation didn't end well either exhausting her or frying her and spike. It wasn't till episode 15 of the first season that she started transmuting things and then it was only temporary reverting as soon as SPIKE got distracted as the subject of her spell whereas Trixies tea cups seem to be permanent.

Then of course there's the comics where she's shown to have a successful show and even be assisting police so I wouldn't say her character's been depicted that badly.

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I don’t see any point in trying to debate this, it doesn’t seem like it would be well received. But I will say this; I didn’t like Trixie until TWaBA. There was nothing redeeming about her character, she was an arrogant stereotype that people liked because of how shameless she was in her arrogance. Even in NSP, she still wasn’t redeemed because the entire ordeal, and her friendship, was still all about her, and what she could get out of it.

It wasn’t until she helped Starlight save a bunch of people she didn’t even like that there was even a hint that she had any further depth to her character, and it wasn’t until then that she truly began to grow as a character. Before, she was a small character with only a handful of emotions and plans that we as the audience always knew would fail. She’s become so much more than that now, and it bothers me that people would rebel against this just because she didn’t end up matching their idealized headcanons

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Just now, ShootingStar159 said:


I don’t see any point in trying to debate this, it doesn’t seem like it would be well received. But I will say this; I didn’t like Trixie until TWaBA. There was nothing redeeming about her character, she was an arrogant stereotype that people liked because of how shameless she was in her arrogance. Even in NSP, she still wasn’t redeemed because the entire ordeal, and her friendship, was still all about her, and what she could get out of it.

It wasn’t until she helped Starlight save a bunch of people she didn’t even like that there was even a hint that she had any further depth to her character, and it wasn’t until then that she truly began to grow as a character. Before, she was a small character with only a handful of emotions and plans that we as the audience always knew would fail. She’s become so much more than that now, and it bothers me that people would rebel against this just because she didn’t end up matching their idealized headcanons

No further depth? The fact that she lost her pride and dignity completely, but still had the strength to try rebooting her career. That she wasn't just some one dimensional revenge obsessed fool, and that she has a ton of potential in a show like this. The fans saw how wrongfully she was treated in comparison to Twilight's perfect life and became a big part of the show because of how popular she became. Trixie wasn't wrong, the show was.

People fawn over Twilight and her copy characters Sunset and Starlight when they have about as much depth as a square.

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i think she's portrayed just fine,yes she was totally wronged many occasions but that's what happens in real life too,as for her magic,just don't try to compare it to starlight's and twilight's as they are the exceptions to the rule,most unicorns have only tiny amounts and for specific things related to their tallent,as stated in the first episode.Trixie's tallent isn't magic itself like them,its stage performing and i see no problem with her utilizing non real-magic tricks aswel(its even in her name).in the end,
to top that she hasn't studies magic like the other two,she improves drasticaly after some simple pointers from Starlight(the teacup thing),i hope she'll gets more of those
in the changeling hive,no one could use real magic,even discord was just a distraction who got captured so we can't really hold it against her
to wrap things up,i really like how she is portrayed more real than most,and the way she deals with the unfair judging world around her by presenting herself with an over-the-top image to try and stay above instead of crying in a corner,

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1 minute ago, Lord Valtasar said:

i think she's portrayed just fine,yes she was totally wronged many occasions but that's what happens in real life too,as for her magic,just don't try to compare it to starlight's and twilight's as they are the exceptions to the rule,most unicorns have only tiny amounts and for specific things related to their tallent,as stated in the first episode.Trixie's tallent isn't magic itself like them,its stage performing and i see no problem with her utilizing non real-magic tricks aswel(its even in her name).in the end,
to top that she hasn't studies magic like the other two,she improves drasticaly after some simple pointers from Starlight(the teacup thing),i hope she'll gets more of those
in the changeling hive,no one could use real magic,even discord was just a distraction who got captured so we can't really hold it against her
to wrap things up,i really like how she is portrayed more real than most,and the way she deals with the unfair judging world around her by presenting herself with an over-the-top image to try and stay above instead of crying in a corner,

Exactly look at her explanation of why she wants to be recorded as "The great and powerful" in the yearbook when bonding with Sunset in forgotten memories.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Valtasar said:

i think she's portrayed just fine,yes she was totally wronged many occasions but that's what happens in real life too,as for her magic,just don't try to compare it to starlight's and twilight's as they are the exceptions to the rule,most unicorns have only tiny amounts and for specific things related to their tallent,as stated in the first episode.Trixie's tallent isn't magic itself like them,its stage performing and i see no problem with her utilizing non real-magic tricks aswel(its even in her name).in the end,
to top that she hasn't studies magic like the other two,she improves drasticaly after some simple pointers from Starlight(the teacup thing),i hope she'll gets more of those
in the changeling hive,no one could use real magic,even discord was just a distraction who got captured so we can't really hold it against her
to wrap things up,i really like how she is portrayed more real than most,and the way she deals with the unfair judging world around her by presenting herself with an over-the-top image to try and stay above instead of crying in a corner,

See every time I provide examples of Trixie doing real magic tricks, every time I point out Twilight and Starlight's absurd talent and fortune, its ignored. Twilight shouldn't have the magic of a thousand little ponies, and Trixie deserved better than to have her magical purpose ripped away and laughed at.

Every time I point out the blatant double standards and mistreatment, the vast unfairness of it all, its ignored.

Edited by Torques
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