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private Everfree Dark Tournament RP

Literally Snails

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Unfortunately, Copper caught the left hoof, and there was no screaming from him now.  He instead had a smirk on his face as his green aura changed into a red aura.  "Nice try," he said.  After Defiant dropped like a rock Copper bounced away for a bit, and was heard heavily panting, coughing up a bit of blood.  This fight took more out of him than he realized, but now he had to wait for it to be officially done.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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21 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade followed Cumulus's voice and saw him diving right for her from above. She tried swooping past him and attempted a downward kick once she was above. If it landed, she could possibly grant herself some time to deal with Tatterhoof.

 The ringmaster in question caused her to squint as the cave suddenly lit up. Her sight was still blurring in and out, but she could definitely tell where her opponents were.

Cumulus turned around in midair while Jade was focusing on the light. Her downward kick connected with his chest, but with all the power he was generating with his flame armor, it didn't hurt him as much. He retaliated with a kick to her chest as the ringleader drew a glowing hoop in the air with the tip of his cane and sent it flying at Jade.

3 hours ago, DwhitetheGamer said:

When the drilling attack connected, it made Copper slide back a couple feet, leaving a bruise that covered the cut.  It hurt, but not as much as one would expect.


"Finally, some blood!" Topaz announced. "These two fighters have been zipping around and taking pot shots so far. Could we finally be getting into it?"

3 hours ago, Arid_Blitz said:

The moment his hoof stopped, the sonic boom he created was sucked through the ring be fore exploding outwards from his hoof sending it into the wall of the stadium. As it hit the wall it exploded sending chunks and audience members flying "What do yo u think?"


Topaz had her ears covered by her hooves, "Cover your ears!" She recommended just before the sonic boom cracked through the stadium. She stood up straight when it was over and looked at the aftermath of what happened to the ring. "Well, there's the kind of audience participation you get front row seats for."

3 hours ago, DwhitetheGamer said:

Unfortunately, Copper caught the left hoof, and there was no screaming from him now.  He instead had a smirk on his face as his green aura changed into a red aura.  "Nice try," he said.  After Defiant dropped like a rock Copper bounced away for a bit, and was heard heavily panting, coughing up a bit of blood.  This fight took more out of him than he realized, but now he had to wait for it to be officially done.


@reader8363 @Dynamo Pad
"Unbelievable! Copper is like fighting a brick wall, though I suppose those sonic kicks would have taken down a brick wall, huh? What is this pony made of?" She walked to Defiant who was laying on the ground. "Defiant is down, so naturally I'll start a ten count!"

"One! ... Two!"

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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14 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Cumulus turned around in midair while Jade was focusing on the light. Her downward kick connected with his chest, but with all the power he was generating with his flame armor, it didn't hurt him as much. He retaliated with a kick to her chest as the ringleader drew a glowing hoop in the air with the tip of his cane and sent it flying at Jade.

Jade grunted as the kick connected, making her double over. She looked up in time to see Tatterhoof drawing a hoop with his cane.

She looked at her sword and drew it, swinging it toward the hoop. If she could get the tip inside the hoop, she could try to swing it around and hurl it back toward him or Cumulus. If it worked, she could give herself time to focus on one target.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On 3/18/2019 at 9:09 PM, Literally Snails said:

"It may have made sense to him, but that doesn't mean we're in a good situation without him. When we fight Rokata..." Shining Armor stopped and narrowed his eyes, "If we fight Rokata, we can never truly be ready. It may be necessary to-" Shining Armor stopped himself dead in his tracks and looked at Dynamo. "No, you're right. We'll win for sure now, thanks to him."

Dynamo sighed as he knew Shining Armor had brought up a good point. "I guess one can never be ready for anything. You have to make due with what you have and see what you are capable of." He nodded in agreement, but wondered what Shining Armor was about to say. He knew that it would be best to ask him about that question at a later time. For now, he nods to his team owner and looked back towards the fight. "We have to win. I just know that we'll get there. It's because I won't let Snow's sacrifice be in vain. Not now and not ever." He placed a hoof over his heart and he made a silent vow to win this for Snow.

@DwhitetheGamer @Arid_Blitz

As the fight continued, it looked as if Copper and Defiant were trading hits back and forth. All the while, avoiding each other and trying to outwit the other. As he heard about Defiant increasing the power of his speed, the color in Dynamo's face drained slightly. "H-He wasn't going full strength?" He watched as Defiant had begun to fly faster and faster, while being difficult to pinpoint. 'This guy wasn't kidding from last night at dinner. Even with one wing, he's able to move faster than the speed of sound.' He thought, looking to Copper, who was tanking the hits. "Come on, Copper. You need to turn this around." He muttered to himself, before noticing that Copper was beginning to glow with different colored aura's. To him, it looked like Copper had become faster, yet at times he seemed to take the hits like he was made of steel. "Wait a minute. That stance and that form. That all seems familiar." He began to think as he wondered why it looked similar. His eyes widened as he slowly shook his head. "There's no way. There's a way to master even that kind of style?" He didn't dare say what the style was, but he would be sure to ask Copper. If his oldest friend could make it through this round.

As the fight was drawing to a close, Dynamo watched as Defiant went to 100% full power. The gaming unicorn had to cover his ears as he heard the sonic boom. He furrowed his eyebrows, while seeing the destructive power unfold. "If he takes too many hits of that, then Copper is as good as out." He looked on to the blue earth pony, while his eyes widened as Copper revealed Defiant's weakness. He looked over to the Pegasus to see that he was having trouble keeping his footing. "Why didn't I think of that? With every attack, then he becomes weaker. His energy drains faster the more he increases his power." He grinned slightly, while cupping a hoof around his muzzle. "Just keep hanging in there, Copper! If you can withstand the attacks, then you'll win!" He called out, hoping that his friend can survive the onslaught.

He winced slightly as he saw Copper taking attack after attack. It was painful to watch his friend get hurt, but he knew what they all were getting themselves into. What caught Dynamo by surprise was the fact that Copper had smiled. He remember being told of the job Copper had taken up. He soon saw that he was always serious, while having no emotion in his voice. It was almost a stark contrast to his usual self. Seeing him smile made Dynamo realize that he was enjoying the fight. He couldn't, but smile as he knew Copper had found himself a true rival. The blue unicorn watched as Copper had caught the last strike and bounced away, while seeing Defiant had dropped to the ground. He closed his eyes to sense Defiant's magic and sighed. 'It looks like he used up most of his magic. Plus, with what he went through, he has to be done for this match.' He thought, looking over to Copper, who was looked just as exhausted. "Just hold on, buddy. You almost got the win." He muttered, while trying not get his hopes up.

  • Brohoof 2
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@Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

As the count began Defiant began to dream in his unconscious state. The war he was in, how he came to lose his wing, the pain from all of the hardship after the lost of his wing. He wasnt done..this fight was nothing. His body began to stir as he was still out, bones cracking as blood dripped from his chin. Stumbling back to the ground his body rose again before it was upright standing on all four hooves. His eyes was still closed his face turned to Copper "NOT YET...IT ISNT OVER YET!" he shouted at Copper. His eyes were still closed, body shaking from pain. "I wont go down..Not again."

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11 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:

@Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

As the count began Defiant began to dream in his unconscious state. The war he was in, how he came to lose his wing, the pain from all of the hardship after the lost of his wing. He wasnt done..this fight was nothing. His body began to stir as he was still out, bones cracking as blood dripped from his chin. Stumbling back to the ground his body rose again before it was upright standing on all four hooves. His eyes was still closed his face turned to Copper "NOT YET...IT ISNT OVER YET!" he shouted at Copper. His eyes were still closed, body shaking from pain. "I wont go down..Not again."

As the countdown continued, Dynamo watched in slight shock as Defiant was struggling to stand. 'T-That's not possible. His energy is practically almost gone.' He frowned as he could see the state Defiant was in. Both sides were unable to continue, but they couldn't give up. "I'm guessing this is based from their professions. Training and struggling from harsh training. Even after all of this, Defiant's just standing with his willpower." He says, remembering how he tried to continue in his first match. Even though he had run out of energy in the process. "I guess this shouldn't be surprising." He sighed, before continuing. "This is the semi finals. So, a complete turnaround, fighting the impossible odds stacked against you, or even struggling to the bitter end. Now we're seeing how nobody can afford to lose now." He gritted his teeth as he looked to his oldest friend. "You can do this, Copper. I believe in you and I always will. Don't give up, bro." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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21 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:

As the count began Defiant began to dream in his unconscious state. The war he was in, how he came to lose his wing, the pain from all of the hardship after the lost of his wing. He wasnt done..this fight was nothing. His body began to stir as he was still out, bones cracking as blood dripped from his chin. Stumbling back to the ground his body rose again before it was upright standing on all four hooves. His eyes was still closed his face turned to Copper "NOT YET...IT ISNT OVER YET!" he shouted at Copper. His eyes were still closed, body shaking from pain. "I wont go down..Not again."

"I admire your determination," Copper said to Defiant as he stood up fully.  What little energy he regained was enough, along with some of the energy he had left, for one final strike.  It didn't have to be overly hard or fancy, it just needed to work.  "Your willpower is impressive, however you have lost this battle.  You have little to no energy to continue fighting.  You're only standing out of sheer determination.  Just give up.  There are some fights you cannot take full control of.  I had just told you my strategy to beat you, and you chose to ignore the flashing red light that I have all but given you.  Look at you now, battered, tired, and barely able to stand.  If you continue this fight, I will only need one punch to knock you out, despite how injured I am."

After that sentence, he realized he almost stepped on one of the obstacles from the previous fight.  "...Huh, I forgot these were here," he said, then looked over at Defiant's general area to see if there were any obstacles in his way.

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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1 hour ago, Arid_Blitz said:

@Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

As the count began Defiant began to dream in his unconscious state. The war he was in, how he came to lose his wing, the pain from all of the hardship after the lost of his wing. He wasnt done..this fight was nothing. His body began to stir as he was still out, bones cracking as blood dripped from his chin. Stumbling back to the ground his body rose again before it was upright standing on all four hooves. His eyes was still closed his face turned to Copper "NOT YET...IT ISNT OVER YET!" he shouted at Copper. His eyes were still closed, body shaking from pain. "I wont go down..Not again."

"Three!" Topaz kept counting until Defiant was on his feet. "It looks like Defiant is back up after three counts! This fight is still underway!"

9 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade grunted as the kick connected, making her double over. She looked up in time to see Tatterhoof drawing a hoop with his cane.

She looked at her sword and drew it, swinging it toward the hoop. If she could get the tip inside the hoop, she could try to swing it around and hurl it back toward him or Cumulus. If it worked, she could give herself time to focus on one target.

With the hoops shape, hooking the inside with her blade was easy enough. The only challenge was avoiding hitting her self with it when she redirected it. The hoop curled around her blade and bent when she slung it upward at Cumulus.

Cumulus was hovering beside her and crossed his legs in front of himself defensively. The hoop wrapped around him and the orange flames turned green while he struggled to endure the pain. He unfolded his legs and grunted angrily, and the green flames around him exploded and dispersed, suddenly being replaced with a brand new layer of orange flames.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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2 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"Three!" Topaz kept counting until Defiant was on his feet. "It looks like Defiant is back up after three counts! This fight is still underway!"


Copper looked at Topaz for a moment before looking back at Defiant.  He sighed, then casually walked over to his opponent.  He had a strong feeling that this pony wouldn't have any reaction time, so once he came close enough, he aimed a half-hearted and weak axe kick to Defiant's head, and if successful, he would casually head back to where he was originally at when Defiant first passed out.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Defiant wasnt even reacting to Copper as he had been yelling it was to his flashbacks. The moment the kick came at him he didnt even react. The moment the hoof hit even half heartedly it was more then enough to drop him again. His body beginning to Twitch and restarting to get back up like it was on autopilot

Looking at Defiant Canteen sipped his drink "Whelp, better go down there and make sure they know he is out. Cant have them killing him for his stubborness that transcends through unconsciousness." Taking a deep inhale from his inhaler he began to hop off the stadium, using fans as steps to head down to the ring. He did a loud Whistle to Topaz as he got to the Arena, jumping up into the ring he waved at Topaz as he was now leaning on Defiant who was once again back to his hooves "Hey no more need to count or continue, Defiant is out." he said bonking Defiant on the head softly "No one is home, this is just his stubbornness to never fall in any battle...I call it his stubbornness that transcends time. Anyways seeing that the head huncho Arid is out, and Viridi isnt here I am now acting captain. He conceeds he has lost. Now I'mma go put him outside the ring You get a temporary statue out there and we move on to my match."

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28 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:


Defiant wasnt even reacting to Copper as he had been yelling it was to his flashbacks. The moment the kick came at him he didnt even react. The moment the hoof hit even half heartedly it was more then enough to drop him again. His body beginning to Twitch and restarting to get back up like it was on autopilot

Looking at Defiant Canteen sipped his drink "Whelp, better go down there and make sure they know he is out. Cant have them killing him for his stubborness that transcends through unconsciousness." Taking a deep inhale from his inhaler he began to hop off the stadium, using fans as steps to head down to the ring. He did a loud Whistle to Topaz as he got to the Arena, jumping up into the ring he waved at Topaz as he was now leaning on Defiant who was once again back to his hooves "Hey no more need to count or continue, Defiant is out." he said bonking Defiant on the head softly "No one is home, this is just his stubbornness to never fall in any battle...I call it his stubbornness that transcends time. Anyways seeing that the head huncho Arid is out, and Viridi isnt here I am now acting captain. He conceeds he has lost. Now I'mma go put him outside the ring You get a temporary statue out there and we move on to my match."


Topaz started another ten count, "One! ... Two! ... Thr-" But she suddenly stopped when Defiant got back up again. "And Defiant is up again! Guess the name isn't just for show."

Topaz stopped and listened to Canteen's explanation. She blinked at him and walked closer to Defiant. "I'm really not supposed to let you get on the ring but..." She waved a hoof in front of Defiant, then pressed on his nose to test if he would respond. "...Yes and I suppose a ten count would be kind of ridiculous at this point." She admitted before turning to the crowd and proclaiming, "The winner by knock out is Copper!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@Arid_Blitz @Dynamo Pad @Literally Snails

Copper sighed with some content and bowed respectfully at Defiant and Canteen, keeping his eyes at them to show respect to them.  Then he casually made his way off the arena, picking up his Sonic pole and cloak in the process.  After putting his cloak on he went to Dynamo and wrapped him in a hug.  "How did I do, buddy?" he asked.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@DwhitetheGamer @Dynamo Pad

Seeing the bow Canteen pushed Defiant into a bow as he just tilted hm self ways smiling at Copper "Hey good fight." he said before picking up Defiant walking him over he set him outside the ring "There we go." he rearranged Defiant to be sitting, one front hoof out. Canteen put the flag he had from earlier into his hoof to make him look like he was cheering. Coming back to the middle he set his saddlebags on the tiles "HEY DYNAMO I'LL BE READY IN A SECOND."

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33 minutes ago, DwhitetheGamer said:

@Arid_Blitz @Dynamo Pad @Literally Snails

Copper sighed with some content and bowed respectfully at Defiant and Canteen, keeping his eyes at them to show respect to them.  Then he casually made his way off the arena, picking up his Sonic pole and cloak in the process.  After putting his cloak on he went to Dynamo and wrapped him in a hug.  "How did I do, buddy?" he asked.

As the match was decided, Dynamo sighed in relief as he heard that Copper had won. "That was way too close for comfort. I'm happy to see that Copper had won and is okay, but I didn't think Defiant would go so far." He says, watching his friend bow respectfully to Canteen and Defiant. "It really goes to show that team Crimos is no laughing matter." He smiles as Copper had returned and gave him a hug. "You were awesome, Copper. I can't believe you were able to tank some of those attacks." He returned the hug, but was careful to not hurt Copper. He pulled back from the hug, before raising an eyebrow. "You have to explain how you did that? All those auras and changes in powers. How did you learn to use the Minado Arts? I thought that was a video game only technique."

22 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:

@DwhitetheGamer @Dynamo Pad

Seeing the bow Canteen pushed Defiant into a bow as he just tilted hm self ways smiling at Copper "Hey good fight." he said before picking up Defiant walking him over he set him outside the ring "There we go." he rearranged Defiant to be sitting, one front hoof out. Canteen put the flag he had from earlier into his hoof to make him look like he was cheering. Coming back to the middle he set his saddlebags on the tiles "HEY DYNAMO I'LL BE READY IN A SECOND."

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Canteen's voice was calling out to him. He looked over to see the dark gray stallion, who had put Defiant into a sitting position, while holding the flag for their team. He smiled slightly and almost chuckled as he could see Defiant cheering when he woke up. "Okay and I'll be there in a second too, Canteen!" He called out with a nod, before looking back to Copper. "I guess it's my turn to step into the ring. I don't know what will happen at this point. After witnessing all of these fights, I can tell this won't be easy. Canteen isn't an ordinary pony, that's for sure. Those gems he uses with his inhaler makes him stronger. However, I might be able to level the playing field." He says, placing a hoof into his jacket and bringing out the gem Melio had given him. "What do you think, Copper?" He asks, not realizing that Shining Armor might have overhead about the gem. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Copper could not help but smile brightly at the fact that he was complimented by his old friend.  "Thank you so much, Dynamo," he said.  "I'm so glad you think of me that way."

Then he raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Monado arts.  "Oh, so that's what they were called, huh?" he asked, then laughed.  "Well, I may or may not have taken a page from your book of gamer magic and learned my own Monado arts."  He grinned.

Then he blinked and covered the gem(He did not take it from Dynamo) so that nobody could see it.  "Do what you must," he whispered.  "I suggest using it only when necessary, though I do have a slight feeling that it's a fake."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

Canteen stood in the ring as he took out pairs of horns he gathered earlier in the tournament. Having tied the two dragon ones into a makeshift gauntlet along with the unicorn horns. Putting them on his front hooves he had a pair on each, standing up on his hind legs he began to throw fast punches in the air showing off the new item "These count right Topaz? They are natural..the unicorns and dragons from earlier were nice enough to donate them."

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7 minutes ago, DwhitetheGamer said:

@Dynamo Pad

Copper could not help but smile brightly at the fact that he was complimented by his old friend.  "Thank you so much, Dynamo," he said.  "I'm so glad you think of me that way."

Then he raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Monado arts.  "Oh, so that's what they were called, huh?" he asked, then laughed.  "Well, I may or may not have taken a page from your book of gamer magic and learned my own Monado arts."  He grinned.

Then he blinked and covered the gem(not taking it from Dynamo) so that nobody could see it.  "Do what you must," he whispered.  "I suggest using it only when necessary, though I do have a slight feeling that it's a fake."

Dynamo couldn't help, but smile and shake his head at his old friend. "You're welcome and of course, Copper. You're my best friend and I worry about you. I know you can take care of yourself, but I still worry at times. After...you know." He says, remembering what happened to Snow. "I can't afford to lose you, Jade, Rose or the others. You guys mean a lot to me."

At the mention of the techniques Copper learned, Dynamo chuckled with a grin. "So, they are somewhat similar to the Minado arts, but they are different and original? That's pretty interesting. I guess I gave you a good impression when it involved my gaming legacy." He was caught off guard as Copper quickly covered the gem in his hoof. He narrowed his eyes and nodded at the advice. "I guess you're right. I wasn't able to analyze the gem, so I can't tell what will happen." He took a deep breath and sighed. "Although, knowing Canteen? He'll use the gem, but I have to be prepared. That gem makes him see his opponents move slowly, so I have to either outsmart him, or fight faster than he can." He says, shaking his head at the possibility of the gem being a fake. "I think this gem is real. Melio was kind enough to give me a gem. He may be on a team like Crimos, but I can see that he's a kind pony. He was in the ring the other day and he didn't want to fight. I can guess that he was trying to help, in his own way."

1 minute ago, Arid_Blitz said:

@Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

Canteen stood in the ring as he took out pairs of horns he gathered earlier in the tournament. Having tied the two dragon ones into a makeshift gauntlet along with the unicorn horns. Putting them on his front hooves he had a pair on each, standing up on his hind legs he began to throw fast punches in the air showing off the new item "These count right Topaz? They are natural..the unicorns and dragons from earlier were nice enough to donate them."

He glanced from his friend over to Canteen, who had placed a makeshift gauntlet of dragon and unicorn horns on his front hooves. "You've got to be kidding me." He nervously gulped at what Canteen had done. 'So, he's using claw like gauntlets as a weapon? Is that even allowed? So, that's why he wanted to try and take my horn.' He thought as he began walking over to the ring. "I guess I'll have to do something about those gauntlets too. At any rate, I guess I"m up. Wish me luck, my friend." He says to Copper, before making his way onto the ring and walking towards the center.

  • Brohoof 1
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15 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

With the hoops shape, hooking the inside with her blade was easy enough. The only challenge was avoiding hitting her self with it when she redirected it. The hoop curled around her blade and bent when she slung it upward at Cumulus.

Cumulus was hovering beside her and crossed his legs in front of himself defensively. The hoop wrapped around him and the orange flames turned green while he struggled to endure the pain. He unfolded his legs and grunted angrily, and the green flames around him exploded and dispersed, suddenly being replaced with a brand new layer of orange flames.

Jade narrowed her eyes as the flames around Cumulus changed colour. This apparition was tougher than the last two, it seemed.

She kept shifting her gaze between him and Tatterhoof, waiting for one of them to make a move.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On 3/21/2019 at 9:46 PM, Arid_Blitz said:

@Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

Canteen stood in the ring as he took out pairs of horns he gathered earlier in the tournament. Having tied the two dragon ones into a makeshift gauntlet along with the unicorn horns. Putting them on his front hooves he had a pair on each, standing up on his hind legs he began to throw fast punches in the air showing off the new item "These count right Topaz? They are natural..the unicorns and dragons from earlier were nice enough to donate them."

@Dynamo Pad
"Sure! no problem at all!" Topaz said to Canteen, watching the two fighters square up against one another in the center of the ring. "Alright fighters, are you ready?" She paused for a moment in case one of them actually wanted to answer the hypothetical. "Match three and Team Lotus is up by two. Dynamo Pad versus Canteen. Begin!"

@dragon4111 @reader8363
Shining Armor turned to Rose on his left. "Looks like you'll be up next unless this fight goes really well for us. Stay sharp."


On 3/22/2019 at 10:56 AM, Unicorncob said:

Jade narrowed her eyes as the flames around Cumulus changed colour. This apparition was tougher than the last two, it seemed.

She kept shifting her gaze between him and Tatterhoof, waiting for one of them to make a move.

Cumulus grinned at her and chuckled playfully. "Right then! One made special for you!" He kicked his front legs out and pressed his hooves together, spitting out a torrent of flames directly at Jade. Behind her, Tatterhoof slammed his cane on the ground, creating an energy barrier behind her to keep her from backing away.

Edited by Literally Snails
  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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27 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

@Dynamo Pad
"Sure! no problem at all!" Topaz said to Canteen, watching the two fighters square up against one another in the center of the ring. "Alright fighters, are you ready?" She paused for a moment in case one of them actually wanted to answer the hypothetical. "Match three and Team Lotus is up by two. Dynamo Pad versus Canteen. Begin!"

@DwhitetheGamer @Arid_Blitz

As Dynamo reached the center of the ring, he rolled his eyes as Topaz had allowed Canteen to use the claw gauntlets. 'Of course she a gauntlet like that would be allowed. This just made this whole fight even more difficult. However, I had to deal with worse situations that this.' He thought, remembering the previous round against both the Chemist and Patchwork. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, before exhaling slowly. He soon opened and narrowed his eyes, dropping into a stance to show that he was ready. "It looks like it's time for us to fight this out, Canteen. Even if we are friends, enemies, or even rivals. I still hope we can have a great fight, no matter what." He smiled softly as he began to hop in place and began to warm up. It was almost as if he was dancing, but he knew he would be in for an intense fight. He dropped back into his stance, while the smile disappeared into a frown once more. As Topaz announced that the match had begun, Dynamo stood in the same exact spot. He wanted to fire a laser spell to see how Canteen would react. However, he knew that was predictable, as well as the fact that he wanted to save his magic. 'I don't know how he'll be fighting, but he's quick to move on his hooves. I need to be careful.' He thought, remembering how he was being chased the day before. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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isnt snow dead o3o @Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad

Looking at Dynamo he smiled at him waving "Dynamo good you made it. I was worried you might of ran off. Anyways I would of made you a set of these but, you have magic." he said pointing at the horn on Dynamo's head "So I thought to myself I need an equalizer and horns are magical so horn gauntlets." he began to chuckle before seeing Dynamo get into a fighting stance, hearing how the fight was now started. He just sat there messing with his gauntlets "Well?" he slowly stood up to his hooves he tilted his head some "Dont tell me I have to start this...Fine." he began to trot over towards Canteen without a care in the world "Here I come."

As he got in front of Dynamo he reached out a hoof  "Yes let us have a fun fight, no holding grudges when you lose though." his hoof stopped by Dynamo's nose and gave it a honk "Ok I threw the first hit show me what you got."

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Just now, Arid_Blitz said:

isnt snow dead o3o @Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad

Looking at Dynamo he smiled at him waving "Dynamo good you made it. I was worried you might of ran off. Anyways I would of made you a set of these but, you have magic." he said pointing at the horn on Dynamo's head "So I thought to myself I need an equalizer and horns are magical so horn gauntlets." he began to chuckle before seeing Dynamo get into a fighting stance, hearing how the fight was now started. He just sat there messing with his gauntlets "Well?" he slowly stood up to his hooves he tilted his head some "Dont tell me I have to start this...Fine." he began to trot over towards Canteen without a care in the world "Here I come."

As he got in front of Dynamo he reached out a hoof  "Yes let us have a fun fight, no holding grudges when you lose though." his hoof stopped by Dynamo's nose and gave it a honk "Ok I threw the first hit show me what you got."

Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling towards Canteen's remark. "I admit that it feels scary having to face you. However, I can't let my team down, so I can't back away from this." He says, giving the dark gray earth pony a deadpanned expression. "Gee, thanks for the help." He says, before his face turned neutral once more. "Although, I guess that makes sense. Maybe there is still magic in the horns. Hence, why you would have magic based gauntlets. Pretty interesting if you ask me. Although, I would be okay if the gauntlet didn't have the unicorn horns." He shuddered slightly, while still feeling a little queasy on the whole idea.

He stayed put as he wouldn't be goaded by Canteen's words. He tried to get a read on his opponent as Canteen began to trot around the ring. It was like Canteen didn't have a care in the world, but it was more than that. He suddenly blinked as Canteen had appeared right in front of his face. A breath hitched in his throat as Canteen's gauntlet hoof was inches from his face. 'H-How did he do that? Did he use the inhaler before the fight?' He gritted his teeth as he felt Canteen was fighting unfairly. However, this was a tournament and other teams had never fought fairly. He blinked in surprise as the dark gray earth pony had honked his nose. His front hoof went up to his nose as he felt Canteen had honked his nose like a clown's nose. His nose wasn't hurt or broken, but it was random nonetheless. "I guess you did get the first hit. I guess that means I'll have to show you what I can do." He took a step forward, while trying to throw in some quick jabs to Canteen. All the while, making sure not to get hit by his gauntlets. 

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@Dynamo Pad

After honking Dynamo's nose he began to tilt his head as Dynamo looked a bit uneasy "Aww dont worry I am sure you will will give me a proper thrashing." as the jabs began to come in he began to dodge around them. As they kept coming Cantee finally got a jab into his face followed by another. Stumbling back starting to fall backwards. As he did he put both his front hooves down twisting his lower body around he aimed to latch his hindlegs onto an extended Hoof of Dynamo's. If he succeeded he would push off the ground to roll forward and aim to launch Dynamo across the ring with a throw

A few things were going through his mind -If Dynamo was to use magic it would put up a challenge to him. Would need to keep him unable to cast.- as well -Wonder what I'll eat tonight? Buffet was good I can go there, invite Copper and Dynamo...maybe if Defiant is still out I can set him up on a chair and feed him. Melio will for sure come.-

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Dynamo was beginning to become frustrated as his attacks weren't connecting, but he tried to make sure in staying calm. If he got angry, then he knew he would make careless mistakes. He was caught off guard as he felt Canteen had threw a jab to his face. He could tell that Canteen was strong and great at making quick hits. What he didn't expect was for the jabs to not hurt that much. 'Is he just messing around, or is he just testing the waters?' He made a couple of zigzags to confuse the earth pony, before throwing a strong right hook. He gasped as he overextended the punch as Canteen had twisted around him. "Uh-oh!" He tried to move out of the way, but he knew that Canteen had the gaming unicorn right where he wanted him. He felt Canteen had placed a grip on his hoof as he tried to get out of his grasp. Unfortunately, Dynamo was stuck and was at the mercy of his opponent.

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"Oh hey, it worked...anyways." he said keeping the tight grip with his hind legs "So I heard you like Pony Kombat, here is my Impression of Mare Blade." he said before using his upper strength, rolling forward like he was finishing a cartwheel release Dynamo to try and send Dynamo flying through the air towards the outside of the ring "Oh Hey Dynamo, Might be a bad time but, Do you and Copper want to go to the buffet again?" He said as if all went according to plan he can safely land back on his hooves As he thought more -Maybe he should bring his deck..Melio was still wanting to tag against them.- as well -Come to think of it, Wonder if they have new trays out tonight...I want tacos again.- before he started to close his eyes some saying aloud "Damn did I leave the stove on? Not back at Crimos, I dont even own one there. Inside the hotel." looking at Dynamo now with a smile "Dont you just hate it when you cant remember something?"

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