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Literally Snails

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@Literally Snails

Draco clicked his tongue and he began to walk forward. "Oi Jade!" Draco yelled out. "Seems you can't handle this fight eh?" Draco asked as he walked forward one step at the time. He knew he was no match for Rokata. But this? Pathetic. "Come on Rokata let's go," he stated as he walked towards Rokata. Fires of determination in his one eye.




  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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4 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

"I used to be a pony, Jade, I'd say that gives me the right perspective to judge them, and there's something missing from you. Something you used to have..." Rokata gave Jade time to stand herself up. "You aren't even fighting for yourself!" Rokata disappeared, and Jade briefly couldn't tell where he was because it felt like he was all around her. He reappeared behind her, standing on one knee, still dwarfing her in height.

He grabbed the back of her head and forced it into the dirt. "Are you really gonna watch all these people die?"

"You're an absolute dumbass, Rokata."

Copper's voice echoed throughout the arena, with authority and clarity.  He stood on his hind hooves as he continued speaking, defiantly even.  "You used to be a pony, yes, but look at yourself now.  You've become nothing but a puppet to a corporate entity who isn't even as powerful as you are!  All this shows out of you is that you're the weakest pony in this ENTIRE stadium!"  He put a heavy emphasis on "Entire" just to make sure Rokata heard.  "You're far, FAR weaker than even the spectators in this crowd, and no matter how much power you flex, you cannot deny the truth.  You've become a side-show, a gimmick, a mockery of who you were.  You were taken advantage of because of your own stupidity... and I bet that you will be left for DEAD as soon as Rail gets his way.  Is that what you want?"

He let the words hang for a long period of time, just to see how Rokata would react.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@DwhitetheGamer @Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @reader8363 @dragon4111

Dynamo blinked as Jade disappeared suddenly as she dashed. He couldn't tell where she was, but he could soon see as he watched Rokata throw up his claw to block. The claw from the spectral dragon was enough to send Rokata off balance. "That didn't look like it did much, but that must mean the difference in strength is being equal." He assumed as Rokata was sent back a few feet. As Jade vanished once more in preparation for another attack, Dynamo looked over to Copper, who seemed to be focused on the fight. Although, it seemed he was lost in thought. He frowned and wondered if something was wrong. Given that his friend had instantly sighed. "Hey, bro? Are you okay?" He would ask, before his ears perked at the sound of an impact.

He quickly turned back to see Jade had landed a kick to Rokata's stomach. All the while, an explosive force that had destroyed the concrete barrier behind Rokata. The gamer pony began to grow concerned as the damage Rokata had received had begun to heal instantly. "Even with that kind of power, he's still able to heal that easily. I just wonder if there's a limit on how much damage he can heal. If there's a way for Jade to deal enough damage that can't be healed, then she's got this." He muttered to himself, but it was loud enough for his team to hear him. He flinched at the sharp cracking sound as Jade was sent back from some invisible force.

As another attacked landed by his captain, Dynamo gasped slightly in fear as Rokata took the attack like it was nothing. It was as if he didn't even flinch or try to dodge. 'Is the difference in strength still too much? What does this guy have? Infinite strength?' He thought, his jaw dropping slightly in disbelief. Even when Jade tried to get back up, he could only watch as Rokata somehow knocked her back down. "Jade..." He whispered in concern, slowly gritting his teeth as he heard Rokata had mocked Tricis. The gamer pony could only fall to his knees both from fatigue and from Rokata's energy. He looked around to see the audience were slowly going into unconsciousness. It didn't help that Topaz's announcement was confirming what he was witnessing. 

As Rokata threw Jade into the dirt, Dynamo watched as Draco and Copper had tried to stand against Rokata. He knew he was no match for the towering Pegasus, but he knew he had to help his captain. "Are you sure you're not talking about yourself, Rokata? You wasted in reaching those same heights because you willingly gave up that humanity. You accepted the power of a yokai to gain this kind of power. It's not even yours and yet...you took the easy way out. A sort of shortcut to strength so nobody can stand again you. That's not what true strength is." Dynamo closed his eyes to concentrate as he summoned his key shaped blade, once more. He had gained some magic back, but he knew his power wouldn't last. "What makes you have any right to judge us when you, yourself, were or still are a pony? What made you want to even accept the power of a yokai so willingly in the first place?" He would ask, before looking towards his captain. "Come on, Jade! You can do this! That can't be it, can it!? I don't know if it's still fear that's holding you back, but remember what I said before? Plus, he's wrong about one thing. You aren't fighting for yourself. You're fighting for Tricis, for your team, for your teammates and for your friends. That's something you have and something that Rokata doesn't. Something he probably never will have, or even understands. Don't give up like this, Jade."

  • Brohoof 1
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11 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Next to the members of Team Crimos, Tatterhoof clenched his chest and lurched forward in his seat. Others around them were doing the same. Many members of the audience were already unconscious, unable to withstand the demonic presence that filled the ring, slowly draining their lives.

"It's like my innersides are moving around and my head is drowning in air!" Cumulus complained.

"Most of the audience is even too weak to leave their seats and the ring is falling around us..." Topaz announced. She was leaning against one of the dividing walls between the ring and the stands that was still intact, holding her mic close. "I don't know how much more of this I can take but I'll... try to officiate."

"I used to be a pony, Jade, I'd say that gives me the right perspective to judge them, and there's something missing from you. Something you used to have..." Rokata gave Jade time to stand herself up. "You aren't even fighting for yourself!" Rokata disappeared, and Jade briefly couldn't tell where he was because it felt like he was all around her. He reappeared behind her, standing on one knee, still dwarfing her in height.

He grabbed the back of her head and forced it into the dirt. "Are you really gonna watch all these people die?"

Jade groaned as she stood up, shaking herself off. The split-second of confusion was all Rokata needed to slam her head into the dirt. She could still see the stands, and whoever was left slumping in their seats. Like something was hurting them inside.

Then it clicked.

He's draining everyone's life essence. He's going to kill everyone here if I don't...

Something about that sparked something in her.

10 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

Draco clicked his tongue and he began to walk forward. "Oi Jade!" Draco yelled out. "Seems you can't handle this fight eh?" Draco asked as he walked forward one step at the time. He knew he was no match for Rokata. But this? Pathetic. "Come on Rokata let's go," he stated as he walked towards Rokata. Fires of determination in his one eye.

"Back away. Now."

1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"Come on, Jade! You can do this! That can't be it, can it!? I don't know if it's still fear that's holding you back, but remember what I said before? Plus, he's wrong about one thing. You aren't fighting for yourself. You're fighting for Tricis, for your team, for your teammates and for your friends. That's something you have and something that Rokata doesn't. Something he probably never will have, or even understands. Don't give up like this, Jade."

Images flashed in her head. Master Xiang. Her teammates. Everypony she met in this place.

Tricis. The thought of her laying in her bed. The thought of her watching from above as she just let Rokata win.


The draconic image around Jade disfigured, turning into a simple ball of fire that engulfed Rokata's hand. Even he would feel a seering pain from that much energy. He would then feel Jade pushing herself up.

"You're right. I'm not fighting for myself. I'm fighting for my team. My teachers. Everypony you have wronged."

She swung around once she had enough room to free herself. The fire dragon took shape again and its claws grabbed Rokata's wrist. He could feel his bones starting to crumble. He could see that her pupils were gone, eyes totally glowing red.

"And they're all going to watch as I take your black soul. I will stand over your body and all your murder and betrayal will lead to nothing."



Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On 4/17/2020 at 10:14 PM, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails

Draco clicked his tongue and he began to walk forward. "Oi Jade!" Draco yelled out. "Seems you can't handle this fight eh?" Draco asked as he walked forward one step at the time. He knew he was no match for Rokata. But this? Pathetic. "Come on Rokata let's go," he stated as he walked towards Rokata. Fires of determination in his one eye.

16 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

"Back away. Now."

After Jade warned Draco to back away, Rokata flexed both his wrists and shot Draco back with three unseen projectiles. Whatever that attack was, he could only do it in this demon form, and it was nearly impossible to dodge.

"Yes, I suggest you all stay away." Rokata said, he looked at the other members of Team Lotus, and at some of the audience members who seemed ready to storm the ring to try and take him down. "Jade and I can get temperamental in the heat of battle."

Rokata lowered his claw. On second thought, he regretted pushing Draco back. If the merc chose to attack him again, Rokata would have a use for him. Though the idea was a bit distasteful, even for him.

23 hours ago, DwhitetheGamer said:

"You're an absolute dumbass, Rokata."

Copper's voice echoed throughout the arena, with authority and clarity.  He stood on his hind hooves as he continued speaking, defiantly even.  "You used to be a pony, yes, but look at yourself now.  You've become nothing but a puppet to a corporate entity who isn't even as powerful as you are!  All this shows out of you is that you're the weakest pony in this ENTIRE stadium!"  He put a heavy emphasis on "Entire" just to make sure Rokata heard.  "You're far, FAR weaker than even the spectators in this crowd, and no matter how much power you flex, you cannot deny the truth.  You've become a side-show, a gimmick, a mockery of who you were.  You were taken advantage of because of your own stupidity... and I bet that you will be left for DEAD as soon as Rail gets his way.  Is that what you want?"

He let the words hang for a long period of time, just to see how Rokata would react.

Rail was the one to react to Copper's words instead of Rokata, and he seemed almost flattered. "Take a look at these two fighters right now and ask yourself if I could manipulate them if I tried," Rail said. "I've laid my cards down, it's true, but Rokata is playing with his own hand and I assure you, he's doing exactly what he wants." He took the last cigarette out of his pack and lit it, looking back at Jade and Rokata. "Besides, in this playing field, they're both smarter than each of us."

18 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

He quickly turned back to see Jade had landed a kick to Rokata's stomach. All the while, an explosive force that had destroyed the concrete barrier behind Rokata. The gamer pony began to grow concerned as the damage Rokata had received had begun to heal instantly. "Even with that kind of power, he's still able to heal that easily. I just wonder if there's a limit on how much damage he can heal. If there's a way for Jade to deal enough damage that can't be healed, then she's got this."

"But she would have to deal that damage all at once if she wants to counteract his healing," Quill elaborated, "And by my projections, she can't do that."

"Geez, don't sound too confident in her. You'll jinx the whole thing," Shining Armor said. His words were sarcastic, but his tone betrayed a hint of nervousness.

18 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As Rokata threw Jade into the dirt, Dynamo watched as Draco and Copper had tried to stand against Rokata. He knew he was no match for the towering Pegasus, but he knew he had to help his captain. "Are you sure you're not talking about yourself, Rokata? You wasted in reaching those same heights because you willingly gave up that humanity. You accepted the power of a yokai to gain this kind of power. It's not even yours and yet...you took the easy way out. A sort of shortcut to strength so nobody can stand again you. That's not what true strength is." Dynamo closed his eyes to concentrate as he summoned his key shaped blade, once more. He had gained some magic back, but he knew his power wouldn't last. "What makes you have any right to judge us when you, yourself, were or still are a pony? What made you want to even accept the power of a yokai so willingly in the first place?" He would ask, before looking towards his captain. "Come on, Jade! You can do this! That can't be it, can it!? I don't know if it's still fear that's holding you back, but remember what I said before? Plus, he's wrong about one thing. You aren't fighting for yourself. You're fighting for Tricis, for your team, for your teammates and for your friends. That's something you have and something that Rokata doesn't. Something he probably never will have, or even understands. Don't give up like this, Jade."



Rokata cocked his head at the sound of Dynamo's voice. He'd forgotten about that one for a moment. Remembering the idea he had with Draco, he realized that Dynamo would be an even better candidate. Dynamo summoned his blade, and Rokata realized that he was also ready to charge him to save Jade like Draco. Either of them would do. That blade could barely slice through butter, let alone my hide, but he could be of use.

13 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

The draconic image around Jade disfigured, turning into a simple ball of fire that engulfed Rokata's hand. Even he would feel a seering pain from that much energy. He would then feel Jade pushing herself up.

"You're right. I'm not fighting for myself. I'm fighting for my team. My teachers. Everypony you have wronged."

Rokata turned back to Jade to see the flames grab his wrist, helping her free herself.

"AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE FAILING! YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MY ADVICE!" Rokata shouted in turn His hand shook, trying to keep his grip on the back of her neck through the searing pain.

17 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

She swung around once she had enough room to free herself. The fire dragon took shape again and its claws grabbed Rokata's wrist. He could feel his bones starting to crumble. He could see that her pupils were gone, eyes totally glowing red.

"And they're all going to watch as I take your black soul. I will stand over your body and all your murder and betrayal will lead to nothing."

Rokata let go of the back of her head and clenched his fist. With a flex of his muscles and a primal howl, he was able to break the magical restraint on his wrist, but not before Jade was able to free herself. When it was removed, everyone could see his broken forearm as the bone fragments pulled themselves back into place.

He distanced himself from here and spread into a wide battle stance with a smile on his face. "We'll just see about that, won't we?"

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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7 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"But she would have to deal that damage all at once if she wants to counteract his healing," Quill elaborated, "And by my projections, she can't do that."

"Geez, don't sound too confident in her. You'll jinx the whole thing," Shining Armor said. His words were sarcastic, but his tone betrayed a hint of nervousness.

Rokata cocked his head at the sound of Dynamo's voice. He'd forgotten about that one for a moment. Remembering the idea he had with Draco, he realized that Dynamo would be an even better candidate. Dynamo summoned his blade, and Rokata realized that he was also ready to charge him to save Jade like Draco. Either of them would do. That blade could barely slice through butter, let alone my hide, but he could be of use.

Rokata turned back to Jade to see the flames grab his wrist, helping her free herself.

"AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE FAILING! YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MY ADVICE!" Rokata shouted in turn His hand shook, trying to keep his grip on the back of her neck through the searing pain.

Rokata let go of the back of her head and clenched his fist. With a flex of his muscles and a primal howl, he was able to break the magical restraint on his wrist, but not before Jade was able to free herself. When it was removed, everyone could see his broken forearm as the bone fragments pulled themselves back into place.

He distanced himself from here and spread into a wide battle stance with a smile on his face. "We'll just see about that, won't we?"

Dynamo glanced at Quill and Shining Armor as they exchanged thoughts on the fight. "It's not trying to not be confident or to jinx anyone. It's more about looking at the reality of what's happening right now. If anything, she could probably deal damage all at once so Rokata isn't able to heal. The only problem is how is Jade going to do that? Only she has the answer to that." He responded, trying to give his two cents of the situation. He gulped in worry as he saw Rokata turning his attention towards the gamer pony. He didn't know why, but he couldn't explain the expression that was on Rokata's face. 

He watched as the draconic figure turned into a giant ball of flames. He was glad that what he had said had gotten through to her, while she tried fighting back. However, he was shocked to see Rokata fighting through the pain as he distanced himself. Dynamo couldn't help in shivering in fear as Rokata's broken forearm was instantly reformed. "Yeah...that's not something you see everyday. That's just disturbing." He shook his head as he tried to get what he saw out of his mind.

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@Dynamo Pad@Literally Snails

Draco took those three head on and ordered Dynamo "Stand down now only one of us needs to die you have much more to live for". He slid back quite a few a ways. But he pressed on. "You know I had hoped you would have won this without my intervention," Draco said sadly towards as he came speeding at Rokata. "Come ooon beast here I am," Draco said as he  send some of his remaining energy into this one strike. "Make it good because unlike Jade there I'm not holding back this Angel's Mercy!" Draco stated as he sent an attack at Rokata's midsection a hard punch with his only front hoof. Upon the wind there was a whisper to his team ' I offer thee this silent sacrifice'




  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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1 minute ago, dragon4111 said:

@Dynamo Pad@Literally Snails

Draco took those three head on and ordered Dynamo "Stand down now only one of us needs to die you have much more to live for". He slid back quite a few a ways. But he pressed on. "You know I had hoped you would have won this without my intervention," Draco said sadly towards as he came speeding at Rokata. "Come ooon beast here I am," Draco said as he  send some of his remaining energy into this one strike. "Make it good because unlike Jade there I'm not holding back this Angel's Mercy!" Draco stated as he sent an attack at Rokata's midsection a hard punch with his only front hoof. Upon the wind there was a whisper to his team ' I offer thee this silent sacrifice'


Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Draco calling out to him. "Do you think I don't know that? With everything going on, I had no choice, but to draw my weapon. Just in the off chance I have to defend myself or my team." He narrowed his eyes slightly, while giving Draco a deadpanned expression. He considered him a friend, but he knew Draco was being way too reckless. His words failed him as he saw his pegasus teammate press onward. "Draco, no!" He almost lost his grip of his key shaped blade in his magical grasp. He only had about a quarter of magic regained, but he didn't have enough strength to teleport to save him.

  • Brohoof 2
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5 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata let go of the back of her head and clenched his fist. With a flex of his muscles and a primal howl, he was able to break the magical restraint on his wrist, but not before Jade was able to free herself. When it was removed, everyone could see his broken forearm as the bone fragments pulled themselves back into place.

He distanced himself from here and spread into a wide battle stance with a smile on his face. "We'll just see about that, won't we?"

"Yes, we--"

Jade vanished again, blinding speed leaving her invisible to the naked eye. The next thing Rokata would feel is a sudden, seering pain in the chest, enough to at least fracture ribs.


She unleashed an onslaught of explosive strikes, pulses of pure energy striking Rokata in every possible area. Like a very violent fly looking to destroy his skeleton.

At one point, Jade drew her sword, and the dragon drew its own at the same time. A blazing dao filled the air arond the arena, and it swung toward Rokata with enough force to cleave bone.

"I wonder if you'll heal from this."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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12 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

"Yes, we--"

Jade vanished again, blinding speed leaving her invisible to the naked eye. The next thing Rokata would feel is a sudden, seering pain in the chest, enough to at least fracture ribs.


She unleashed an onslaught of explosive strikes, pulses of pure energy striking Rokata in every possible area. Like a very violent fly looking to destroy his skeleton.

18 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

@Dynamo Pad@Literally Snails

Draco took those three head on and ordered Dynamo "Stand down now. Only one of us needs to die. You have much more to live for," He slid back quite a few a ways. But he pressed on. "You know I had hoped you would have won this without my intervention," Draco said sadly towards as he came speeding at Rokata.

Blocked the first two strikes from Jade, and as he pushed the broadside of her blade with the second strike, he was able to throw her momentum off long enough to turn his attention to Draco, who was slowly advancing. Jade swung at him again, continuing her flurry, but this time, Rokata didn't block. Her blade hit the thick hide on his shoulder, clanging against the gnarled horns that covered his flesh like spiked armor. Chips of bone flew off, singed by the flaming aura, but her strikes weren't even drawing blood. She swung again, hitting him in the back, this time drawing a thin spray of purple blood. Her strikes weren't slowing him down, however, and he started walking toward Draco while he did the same. "Maybe this one will offer what I need." He said as Jade struck him across the chest, once again failing to pierce his hide. It was like he was covered in flexible titanium.

Jade was helpless still, but how could that be? She'd done everything he asked. She'd done everything Tricis asked. This wasn't how this story was supposed to go. Now was the time that her sudden power-up would save the day- prove the bad guy wrong. How could it still not be enough?

12 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

At one point, Jade drew her sword, and the dragon drew its own at the same time. A blazing dao filled the air arond the arena, and it swung toward Rokata with enough force to cleave bone.

"I wonder if you'll heal from this."

That last strike was enough to get Rokata's attention, if only for a moment. He pushed himself closer to Jade so that her real blade would hit him before that of the spectral dragon, and he held out his left claw with an open palm. The blade hit his hand and he gripped it tight, blood trickling down his wrist. When he stopped her blade, the dragon was held in place as well. He squeezed the blade and looked Jade in the eyes.

"You can't reach your own power. Not by yourself. Or maybe you are this weak," He said. He pulled her blade down, either disarming her or forcing her off balance. Then he pushed her away with an elbow to the chest. "In this game, when you fail to become as strong as you need to, you lose the luxury of getting what you want." It sounded like something Tricis had told her, but his tone was cruel and sinister.

18 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

"Come ooon beast here I am," Draco said as he  send some of his remaining energy into this one strike. "Make it good because unlike Jade there I'm not holding back this Angel's Mercy!" Draco stated as he sent an attack at Rokata's midsection a hard punch with his only front hoof. Upon the wind there was a whisper to his team ' I offer thee this silent sacrifice'

"DRACO STOP!" Dai cried, she stepped away from the safety of the group and ran at Draco with Dynamo, but they were both too late to stop his charge.

With Jade pushed away, Rokata was free to deal with Draco just in time for him to start his charge. He widened his stance, getting a strong base like a bull ready to charge. In the moment before Draco hit him, Rokata punched the earth beneath them, shooting up a small dust storm on a shockwave of explosive energy.



The sound of the impact followed. there was a roar from Rokata and the sound of a blade piercing flesh. The dust cleared as quickly as it appeared, and Rokata was  still standing with a deep, blackened gash across his chest. His right arm was raised in the air with the digits of his claw pulled together into a single point, stuck deep into Draco's chest, who was impaled on Rokata's claw. The digits sunk in deep bellow his ribcage, just shy of poking out through the other side.

"How tragic," Rokata said. He knelt with Draco still on his claw and let him gently slide off onto the ground. His wound began to heal. "None of you could even stop me. I wonder how that feels."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Once the bleeding stopped and she could see, Rose got up, still clutching her side  in time to see Draco slide off Rokata's digits. A small part of her was screaming to run over there, and another small part was to get everyone out, but she swallowed both of the parts and walked towards an unbroken piece of wall to get some rest, she was still out of magic to do anything, but mending small scrape that coated her body. Jade was doing good, but she would go all out now.

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8 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Blocked the first two strikes from Jade, and as he pushed the broadside of her blade with the second strike, he was able to throw her momentum off long enough to turn his attention to Draco, who was slowly advancing. Jade swung at him again, continuing her flurry, but this time, Rokata didn't block. Her blade hit the thick hide on his shoulder, clanging against the gnarled horns that covered his flesh like spiked armor. Chips of bone flew off, singed by the flaming aura, but her strikes weren't even drawing blood. She swung again, hitting him in the back, this time drawing a thin spray of purple blood. Her strikes weren't slowing him down, however, and he started walking toward Draco while he did the same. "Maybe this one will offer what I need." He said as Jade struck him across the chest, once again failing to pierce his hide. It was like he was covered in flexible titanium.

Jade was helpless still, but how could that be? She'd done everything he asked. She'd done everything Tricis asked. This wasn't how this story was supposed to go. Now was the time that her sudden power-up would save the day- prove the bad guy wrong. How could it still not be enough?

That last strike was enough to get Rokata's attention, if only for a moment. He pushed himself closer to Jade so that her real blade would hit him before that of the spectral dragon, and he held out his left claw with an open palm. The blade hit his hand and he gripped it tight, blood trickling down his wrist. When he stopped her blade, the dragon was held in place as well. He squeezed the blade and looked Jade in the eyes.

"You can't reach your own power. Not by yourself. Or maybe you are this weak," He said. He pulled her blade down, either disarming her or forcing her off balance. Then he pushed her away with an elbow to the chest. "In this game, when you fail to become as strong as you need to, you lose the luxury of getting what you want." It sounded like something Tricis had told her, but his tone was cruel and sinister.

Jade was pushed away by the shunt, but swiftly recovered. She racked her brain for ideas, but nothing stood ot. She didn't understand; she was doing everything right, wasn't she? She completed Tricis's training, she'd tapped into her own inner strength. Rokata should be cleaved in half by now, yet here he stood, still mocking her.

What else did she have left?

8 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

The sound of the impact followed. there was a roar from Rokata and the sound of a blade piercing flesh. The dust cleared as quickly as it appeared, and Rokata was  still standing with a deep, blackened gash across his chest. His right arm was raised in the air with the digits of his claw pulled together into a single point, stuck deep into Draco's chest, who was impaled on Rokata's claw. The digits sunk in deep bellow his ribcage, just shy of poking out through the other side.

"How tragic," Rokata said. He knelt with Draco still on his claw and let him gently slide off onto the ground. His wound began to heal. "None of you could even stop me. I wonder how that feels."

Her heart stopped when she saw Rokata's raised claws, Draco impailed on them, limp and lifeless.

No. No no no. No no no no no no no no no no no.

Images flashed in her brain. Tricis in her bed. Bodies laying defeated in Rokata's wake as this monster stamped across the world. Her home laying in ruins and everyone she ever knew slaughtered.

A single tear hissed into steam on her cheek. She stopped thinking. She couldn't think anymore. She was too angry.

The next thing she knew, she was right in Rokata's face, wildly swinging lefts and rights square in his jaw and screaming with a primal fury nopony had ever seen from her. No techniques, no strategy, no rhyme or reason. Just raw, emotional aggression.

Was it working? Did Rokata even feel it? She didn't care. The apathy from this monster, his mocking her no matter how hard she tried, his callous slaughtering of innocents. Everything she had seen in this infernal place. All of her trying to keep herself together, and she had finally had too much.

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 2


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Literally Snails @Unicorncob @Dynamo Pad @reader8363

11 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

"How tragic," Rokata said. He knelt with Draco still on his claw and let him gently slide off onto the ground. His wound began to heal. "None of you could even stop me. I wonder how that feels."

That was the final straw.

From Rokata looking too insanely overpowered, to Draco losing his life to said monster, and now Jade has finally lost her mind... it was now or never.

He had no other option but to turn into a Super Pony.

(This is how he transformed into the form I'm going to explain below this link.)

He remembered hearing stories of generations of Super Ponies, there only being one in each generation, fighting to protect something they cherished.  He also remembered a group of ponies in this generation doing everything they could to become one, but they had no idea on how to do it.  Copper, here, has realized the key to form.


Anger at Rail for setting up this pointless tournament, anger at Rokata for killing innocent lives, and now anger at Jade, for completely losing control of herself.  All of that, was the result of an ear-piercing scream that literally shook the heavens, and that no one, not even Jade, could ignore.

If they looked back, they would see a panting Copper Strikes, but his usual blue fur wasn't there, instead it was pure yellow, and his mane was spiked up.  "Jade... don't be like Rokata." he simply said.

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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On 4/20/2020 at 6:50 AM, Unicorncob said:

Her heart stopped when she saw Rokata's raised claws, Draco impailed on them, limp and lifeless.

No. No no no. No no no no no no no no no no no.

Images flashed in her brain. Tricis in her bed. Bodies laying defeated in Rokata's wake as this monster stamped across the world. Her home laying in ruins and everyone she ever knew slaughtered.

A single tear hissed into steam on her cheek. She stopped thinking. She couldn't think anymore. She was too angry.

@Dynamo Pad @Canteen_the_unstable @reader8363 @dragon4111

"Isn't that anticlimactic?" Rokata asked. His tone was one of mocking condescension. Despite the respect he'd shown for the dead in previous fights, he seemed to be a totally different person. Draco was laying at his feet, looking to be totally lifeless. Rokata was a professional killer, and if he wanted to pierce Draco's vital organs with an attack like that, he could. He didn't. Draco's heart was still beating, but his breath was so shallow, he appeared dead. "You were just getting to know each other, and now he's dead. He couldn't even break my skin with the last attack of his life."

Rokata pulled his left foot back and kicked Draco's body, sending it tumbling away with a brutal bluntness to the way his body spun and twisted on the ground.

"You monster!" Dai cried.

"At least you were there this time. Isn't this how your other teammate died? And Tricis? All without you even being there to help them? You can't defend the things you love. By choosing weakness, you've chosen a life of loss and pain." A smile crept across his face. The beak of his mouth couldn't articulate, but the flesh surrounding his cheeks curled back to show his teeth. "But you wont have to live with that for much longer."

Rail let out a chuckle and tilted his head down to take another drag of his last cigarette. For him, things seemed to fall right into place, exactly as he'd planned.

Rokata stepped closer to Jade, watching the change in her eyes with a curious demeanor. He looked at Copper Strikes briefly, seeing that he might be the next to attack him, then he turned back to Jade. "Are you understanding me now? Or do I have to kill another one of y-"

On 4/20/2020 at 6:50 AM, Unicorncob said:

The next thing she knew, she was right in Rokata's face, wildly swinging lefts and rights square in his jaw and screaming with a primal fury nopony had ever seen from her. No techniques, no strategy, no rhyme or reason. Just raw, emotional aggression.

Was it working? Did Rokata even feel it? She didn't care. The apathy from this monster, his mocking her no matter how hard she tried, his callous slaughtering of innocents. Everything she had seen in this infernal place. All of her trying to keep herself together, and she had finally had too much.



Rokata staggered back at Jade's presence when she appeared before him in the blink of an eye. He threw his arms up in an X formation to block as her blade came crashing at his chest. His footing was firm, but she was able to knock him back! He skid along the dirt from the explosive force of the blast, forcing him away from the others and back to the center of the ring.

Blood poured from his arms, and the gashes were so deep that it was slow to heal. He bent his knees and jumped back, breaking the momentum of the pushback before Jade could attack him again. While in the air, he uncrossed his arms and shot out a burst of purple energy where Jade was standing. Where the strike impacted the ground, it would create an explosion strong enough to bathe the stadium in white and deepen the crater in the ground.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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5 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata staggered back at Jade's presence when she appeared before him in the blink of an eye. He threw his arms up in an X formation to block as her blade came crashing at his chest. His footing was firm, but she was able to knock him back! He skid along the dirt from the explosive force of the blast, forcing him away from the others and back to the center of the ring.

Blood poured from his arms, and the gashes were so deep that it was slow to heal. He bent his knees and jumped back, breaking the momentum of the pushback before Jade could attack him again. While in the air, he uncrossed his arms and shot out a burst of purple energy where Jade was standing. Where the strike impacted the ground, it would create an explosion strong enough to bathe the stadium in white and deepen the crater in the ground.

Jade vanished again as the blast fired, and when the white flash finally faded, she was nowhere to be seen.

He would then feel a sharp blast of pain on the back of his head as Jade's strike came down on his skull. If he were to turn and look at her, he would see the lack of irises and pupils in her eyes, just red sclera of pure anger.

She grabbed one of Rokata's horns and pulled, like she was trying to tear it right off his skull. She wanted to pierce his black heart with it. That was the only plan she had.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Literally Snails@Dynamo Pad

Draco felt those digits enter his chest the moment his own attack. Yep oh and then he felt that damnable kick that sent him out of the destroyed ring.  Well he would need to pretend to be dead for now until he was out of sight. Shallow breaths, deception at it's finest.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @reader8363 

Even as she kept on attacking, Dynamo watched as Rokata was unaffected by Jade's attacks.  As he listened to Rokata's words, Dynamo shivered slightly in fear. It was as if the gamer pony was hearing something that Tricis would say. Dynamo's eyes soon widened as Draco had kept pushing onward. Only to see his teammate be struck by Rokata. "D-Dra..." His work caught in his throat as he couldn't believe what was happening. First they lost Frostflame, then potentially Tricis and now they lost another teammate? He knew he and Draco didn't get off on the right hoof, but he had hoped they could change things in the future. The gamer pony soon looked over to Jade, who seemed to have been feeling the exact same fear and worry. Even though he couldn't tell. Just the look in her eyes was all he needed to be told. He was surprised as she attacked in a wild flurry of strikes. He didn't know if her attacks were out of desperation or pure rage, but he could only hope that she could turn this fight around.

On 4/20/2020 at 11:15 AM, DwhitetheGamer said:

@Literally Snails @Unicorncob @Dynamo Pad @reader8363

That was the final straw.

From Rokata looking too insanely overpowered, to Draco losing his life to said monster, and now Jade has finally lost her mind... it was now or never.

He had no other option but to turn into a Super Pony.

(This is how he transformed into the form I'm going to explain below this link.)

He remembered hearing stories of generations of Super Ponies, there only being one in each generation, fighting to protect something they cherished.  He also remembered a group of ponies in this generation doing everything they could to become one, but they had no idea on how to do it.  Copper, here, has realized the key to form.


Anger at Rail for setting up this pointless tournament, anger at Rokata for killing innocent lives, and now anger at Jade, for completely losing control of herself.  All of that, was the result of an ear-piercing scream that literally shook the heavens, and that no one, not even Jade, could ignore.

If they looked back, they would see a panting Copper Strikes, but his usual blue fur wasn't there, instead it was pure yellow, and his mane was spiked up.  "Jade... don't be like Rokata." he simply said.

Dynamo raised his eyebrows as he could feel a sense of energy was surging. He glanced behind him to see Copper, who looked to have transformed. His mane had spiked up and his blue fur turned into a bright golden yellow. "C-Copper? What in sweet Celestia happened to you? You look...different." He wasn't sure why, but Copper's appearance seemed familiar to him. He wasn't sure if Copper had heard him as he was giving Jade his own form of advice.

11 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

@Dynamo Pad @Canteen_the_unstable @reader8363 @dragon4111

"Isn't that anticlimactic?" Rokata asked. His tone was one of mocking condescension. Despite the respect he'd shown for the dead in previous fights, he seemed to be a totally different person. Draco was laying at his feet, looking to be totally lifeless. Rokata was a professional killer, and if he wanted to pierce Draco's vital organs with an attack like that, he could. He didn't. Draco's heart was still beating, but his breath was so shallow, he appeared dead. "You were just getting to know each other, and now he's dead. He couldn't even break my skin with the last attack of his life."

Rokata pulled his left foot back and kicked Draco's body, sending it tumbling away with a brutal bluntness to the way his body spun and twisted on the ground.

"You monster!" Dai cried.

"At least you were there this time. Isn't this how your other teammate died? And Tricis? All without you even being there to help them? You can't defend the things you love. By choosing weakness, you've chosen a life of loss and pain." A smile crept across his face. The beak of his mouth couldn't articulate, but the flesh surrounding his cheeks curled back to show his teeth. "But you wont have to live with that for much longer."

Rail let out a chuckle and tilted his head down to take another drag of his last cigarette. For him, things seemed to fall right into place, exactly as he'd planned.

Rokata stepped closer to Jade, watching the change in her eyes with a curious demeanor. He looked at Copper Strikes briefly, seeing that he might be the next to attack him, then he turned back to Jade. "Are you understanding me now? Or do I have to kill another one of y-"

Rokata staggered back at Jade's presence when she appeared before him in the blink of an eye. He threw his arms up in an X formation to block as her blade came crashing at his chest. His footing was firm, but she was able to knock him back! He skid along the dirt from the explosive force of the blast, forcing him away from the others and back to the center of the ring.

Blood poured from his arms, and the gashes were so deep that it was slow to heal. He bent his knees and jumped back, breaking the momentum of the pushback before Jade could attack him again. While in the air, he uncrossed his arms and shot out a burst of purple energy where Jade was standing. Where the strike impacted the ground, it would create an explosion strong enough to bathe the stadium in white and deepen the crater in the ground.

1 hour ago, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails@Dynamo Pad

Draco felt those digits enter his chest the moment his own attack. Yep oh and then he felt that damnable kick that sent him out of the destroyed ring.  Well he would need to pretend to be dead for now until he was out of sight. Shallow breaths, deception at it's finest.


As Rokata tossed Draco away, Dynamo looked back as he quickly ran towards his thrown teammate. "DRACO!" He finally managed to find his voice, before rushing over to his location.  He picked up his fallen friend as he coated his hooves with a healing spell to try and help the pegasus. "Hey, Dai! Please, I need your help! I can't heal him on my own. I don't have enough magic." He would say, slowly beginning to panic as his healing spell wasn't working. His breath soon hitched in his throat as he noticed that Draco was still with them. However, it looked like he was trying to pretend in being gone to help Jade. He knew he had to help in being convincing on Draco's idea. "Stay with us, D-Draco. Come, on. Draco. Just...s-stay with us." He trembled slightly as he couldn't sense Draco's energy. In reality, he knew he had to pretend, but he had to make sure he could keep Draco stabilized.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Literally Snails@DwhitetheGamer@Unicorncob@Dynamo Pad

Draco just laid there pretending to be dead.Good thing he accelerated the healing process. Because that hurt like hell. But he knew he would live. After all Rokata was a professional assassin he would know where to attack. But damn did it hurt. Oh well.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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On 4/21/2020 at 12:48 PM, Unicorncob said:

Jade vanished again as the blast fired, and when the white flash finally faded, she was nowhere to be seen.

He would then feel a sharp blast of pain on the back of his head as Jade's strike came down on his skull. If he were to turn and look at her, he would see the lack of irises and pupils in her eyes, just red sclera of pure anger.

She grabbed one of Rokata's horns and pulled, like she was trying to tear it right off his skull. She wanted to pierce his black heart with it. That was the only plan she had.

Rokata lowered his hoof and shifted his eyes across the rubble, unable to detect her until it was too late. He staggered forward from the strike on the back of his head and quickly turned around to sweep her away with his right elbow. She grabbed his horn before he hit her, but she was send flying back a few feet from the blow. Her hoof ended up leaving a deep scratch in his horn, cutting right through the fortified bone.

Rokata turned around and squared off to Jade. With a look of surprise, he tapped his horn, feeling the fissure Jade created. Then his expression twisted to a deep smile. Another new sensation. Was that fear? I haven't felt it in so long. At last I'm in a fight that I truly don't know the outcome of.

On 4/30/2020 at 11:37 PM, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails@DwhitetheGamer@Unicorncob@Dynamo Pad

Draco just laid there pretending to be dead.Good thing he accelerated the healing process. Because that hurt like hell. But he knew he would live. After all Rokata was a professional assassin he would know where to attack. But damn did it hurt. Oh well.

@Dynamo Pad 

Dai knelt at Draco's side next to Dynamo. She placed a hoof on his back and used the other to support him. "Draco, you need to fight this!" She shouted before her expression suddenly changed to something of confusion and she brought her snout closer to him. "That's odd. He has a steady pulse..." She said under her breath.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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6 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata lowered his hoof and shifted his eyes across the rubble, unable to detect her until it was too late. He staggered forward from the strike on the back of his head and quickly turned around to sweep her away with his right elbow. She grabbed his horn before he hit her, but she was send flying back a few feet from the blow. Her hoof ended up leaving a deep scratch in his horn, cutting right through the fortified bone.

Rokata turned around and squared off to Jade. With a look of surprise, he tapped his horn, feeling the fissure Jade created. Then his expression twisted to a deep smile. Another new sensation. Was that fear? I haven't felt it in so long. At last I'm in a fight that I truly don't know the outcome of.

Jade stared Rokata down, noting the deep gash she made in his horn. Good, she did some damage.

I've never felt like this before. Hurting Rokata so badly... why does it feel so right?

I thought you could use an extra edge to help you along. You did some real damage to his horn.

Indeed, I thought he would have healed it by now... unless...?

Her blank eyes widened slightly.

It seems you've realised the same. Let's hope it to be true, then.

She sped toward Rokata again, this time varying her strikes. Kicks aimed at his jaw and joints, chops attempting to snap limb, strikes aimed at his horns once more.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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6 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata lowered his hoof and shifted his eyes across the rubble, unable to detect her until it was too late. He staggered forward from the strike on the back of his head and quickly turned around to sweep her away with his right elbow. She grabbed his horn before he hit her, but she was send flying back a few feet from the blow. Her hoof ended up leaving a deep scratch in his horn, cutting right through the fortified bone.

Rokata turned around and squared off to Jade. With a look of surprise, he tapped his horn, feeling the fissure Jade created. Then his expression twisted to a deep smile. Another new sensation. Was that fear? I haven't felt it in so long. At last I'm in a fight that I truly don't know the outcome of.

Dynamo could only watch on as the battle commenced once more. He was having trouble in detecting Jade's presence. Almost as if she had gotten a surge of power all of a sudden. If he was at full strength and had his magic back, he still couldn't tell if he could track her movements. Even as she was sent back by Rokata, it looked as if his captain had dealt some serious damage on his horns. He grimaced slightly at the deep, twisted smile, but it seemed as if Jade was still in control. "It looks like we don't have anything more to worry about. Seems as if Jade was able to awaken her true, inner strength that was passed down by Tricis. Maybe now we can try and really hold onto hope this time. Although, it's still far from over and both Jade and Rokata know this." 

6 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Dai knelt at Draco's side next to Dynamo. She placed a hoof on his back and used the other to support him. "Draco, you need to fight this!" She shouted before her expression suddenly changed to something of confusion and she brought her snout closer to him. "That's odd. He has a steady pulse..." She said under her breath.

Dynamo soon turned to hear a voice, who happened to be Dai. She quickly made her way over to him and Draco as she tried to help support Draco. He took notice of the expression she gave as she brought her snout closer to the pegasus. He glanced to the side to make sure that Jade and Rokata were still fighting, before leaning nonchalantly and closely to Dai's ear. "You're not wrong that he has a pulse. Rokata seemed to have missed in order to make it look like he eliminated Draco. It was probably the only way necessary in order to awaken Jade's strength. Just make sure to keep up the act. We don't want Jade to lose what strength she has now." He whispered, before placing leaning back and placing a hoof upon her shoulder. It was a sort of silent way of saying he was sorry. He didn't know her well, but it seemed as if she cared a lot about Draco.

16 minutes ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade stared Rokata down, noting the deep gash she made in his horn. Good, she did some damage.

I've never felt like this before. Hurting Rokata so badly... why does it feel so right?

I thought you could use an extra edge to help you along. You did some real damage to his horn.

Indeed, I thought he would have healed it by now... unless...?

Her blank eyes widened slightly.

It seems you've realised the same. Let's hope it to be true, then.

She sped toward Rokata again, this time varying her strikes. Kicks aimed at his jaw and joints, chops attempting to snap limb, strikes aimed at his horns once more.

The gamer pony had thought he could see a shift in Jade's eyes. Almost as if she liked the idea of hurting Rokata. "Oh, no." He muttered softly, but it was enough for Dai to hear him. "This is bad. Jade looks to have gained the advantage, but it looks like she's losing to herself. Since she's gained this power. She now knows the kind of feeling that Rokata has attained when gaining his yokai. Tricis did say that the two of them were similar to each other, but opposites, as well. Right now, Jade is trying to stay true to who she is. Just like I did when having to face Selene, while not succumbing to hatred and darkness." He sighed, standing up and getting in front of Draco and Dai. All the while, holding his key shaped blade near him if things went wrong. "Celestia bless her. At this point, all we can do right now is pray."

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/8/2020 at 11:14 AM, Unicorncob said:

Jade stared Rokata down, noting the deep gash she made in his horn. Good, she did some damage.

I've never felt like this before. Hurting Rokata so badly... why does it feel so right?

I thought you could use an extra edge to help you along. You did some real damage to his horn.

Indeed, I thought he would have healed it by now... unless...?

Her blank eyes widened slightly.

It seems you've realised the same. Let's hope it to be true, then.

She sped toward Rokata again, this time varying her strikes. Kicks aimed at his jaw and joints, chops attempting to snap limb, strikes aimed at his horns once more.

Rokata was ready for her speed this time. She was back to her old tricks, or lack there of, attacking straight to the front. He sprang back, leaving a small cloud of  dust where he'd been standing. Jade could pursue him with her flurry of blows, but with his retreat she didn't have the proper footing to make a strong blow. Her punches were creating shockwaves of explosive power, similar to Rokata's own punches from earlier in the fight.

When Rokata landed, he leaned back and sent a fist at Jade's chest just as she punched at him, giving them a chance to see who could hit harder, or take a worse hit.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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12 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata was ready for her speed this time. She was back to her old tricks, or lack there of, attacking straight to the front. He sprang back, leaving a small cloud of  dust where he'd been standing. Jade could pursue him with her flurry of blows, but with his retreat she didn't have the proper footing to make a strong blow. Her punches were creating shockwaves of explosive power, similar to Rokata's own punches from earlier in the fight.

When Rokata landed, he leaned back and sent a fist at Jade's chest just as she punched at him, giving them a chance to see who could hit harder, or take a worse hit.

Jade's hoof collided with Rokata's hoof, their explosive impacts combining to create a shock wave sending the airborne pegasus hurtling back a few yards.

You know he's expecting you to attack from the front, yes?

Yes, I'm counting on it.

She sped back toward Rokata, zigzagging to make her movements more spontaneous but still possible to track. Just as she was meters away and reeling back for another straightforward punch, she seemed to vanish to the naked eye as she suddenly sped up.

She 'reappeared' in the air behind him and aimed a diving kick straight for his spinal cord.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On 6/6/2020 at 9:12 AM, Unicorncob said:

Jade's hoof collided with Rokata's hoof, their explosive impacts combining to create a shock wave sending the airborne pegasus hurtling back a few yards.

You know he's expecting you to attack from the front, yes?

Yes, I'm counting on it.

She sped back toward Rokata, zigzagging to make her movements more spontaneous but still possible to track. Just as she was meters away and reeling back for another straightforward punch, she seemed to vanish to the naked eye as she suddenly sped up.

She 'reappeared' in the air behind him and aimed a diving kick straight for his spinal cord.

Rokata was only fast enough to track Jade's movements. He traced  her running along his side, positioning herself behind him on stable footing, ready to strike at his back. He needed to turn and block the strike with his shoulder, but even with his previously-overwhelming speed, he only had enough time to hault his backward momentum before she struck him in the back, creating a ringing thud like a flat surface falling into still water. This was the first time in this fight, the first time in longer than Rokata could remember, that he'd been struck by an opponent he was trying to block. He didn't want to be hit, yet he couldn't stop it.

Rokata reeled forward  and quickly turned to Jade while purple blood ran down his back. He straightened his posture, creating a loud *POP* as his spine settled back in place. He huffed and shook his head, recovering from the worst of the damage, then he curled his right hand into a fist, his whitened knuckles swirling with a purple and red aura. "When I first met you on the first day of the tournament, a strike like this would have killed you." He claimed. "But now, I'm predicting you'll be able to block it." It sounded like he was issuing a challenge, encouraging her not to dodge.

The demon stepped forward, firmly planting his right hoof  in the ground while swinging his fist at Jade's chest.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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11 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

Rokata was only fast enough to track Jade's movements. He traced  her running along his side, positioning herself behind him on stable footing, ready to strike at his back. He needed to turn and block the strike with his shoulder, but even with his previously-overwhelming speed, he only had enough time to hault his backward momentum before she struck him in the back, creating a ringing thud like a flat surface falling into still water. This was the first time in this fight, the first time in longer than Rokata could remember, that he'd been struck by an opponent he was trying to block. He didn't want to be hit, yet he couldn't stop it.

Rokata reeled forward  and quickly turned to Jade while purple blood ran down his back. He straightened his posture, creating a loud *POP* as his spine settled back in place. He huffed and shook his head, recovering from the worst of the damage, then he curled his right hand into a fist, his whitened knuckles swirling with a purple and red aura. "When I first met you on the first day of the tournament, a strike like this would have killed you." He claimed. "But now, I'm predicting you'll be able to block it." It sounded like he was issuing a challenge, encouraging her not to dodge.

The demon stepped forward, firmly planting his right hoof  in the ground while swinging his fist at Jade's chest.

Jade watched as Rokata raised his fist, and crossed her hooves over her face to block it. A wall of fiery energy built up in front of her.

You're certain this is not a trap?

If he wants me to impress him so badly, so be it. Besides, I want him to exhaust his options.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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