Cast Character Fluttershy 288 October 10, 2018 Cast Character #51 Share October 10, 2018 oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phosphor 11,532 October 10, 2018 #52 Share October 10, 2018 I remember when MLP:FiM first came out. I was in college but I didn't give the show a chance until around August of last year. For a long time I thought the show was for little kids and too girly. Man, was I wrong! Fan made content got me to watch the show. I found this forum a while back by googling it and lurked around until I decided to join in July. I'm glad I did! Happy 8th Anniversary to MLP:FiM! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NathanW200 307 October 11, 2018 #53 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 11:54 PM, shyabetes3939 said: Well, I do have a pretty long story when it comes to MLP. Funny how I've only been a brony for about a year and a half, and yet I've known about it ever since it first premiered. Expand and what a great story it is 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
O-78 28,607 October 11, 2018 #54 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand *starts freaking out and fanboying because Fluttershy is here* I love you so much, Fluttershy! Would you mind if I gave you a nice warm hug? 5 Signature by @Mellow Mane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutterstep 47,104 October 11, 2018 #55 Share October 11, 2018 *noms @Fluttershy’s tail* I like Angel Bunny. Sure, there’s times he can be a little rude, but he has a heart. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
O-78 28,607 October 11, 2018 #56 Share October 11, 2018 @Fluttershy Anyway, to answer your question, my love, I've always liked Winona because I love dogs! 4 Signature by @Mellow Mane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NathanW200 307 October 11, 2018 #57 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-11 at 12:23 AM, Flutterstep said: *noms @Fluttershy’s tail* I like Angel Bunny. Sure, there’s times he can be a little rude, but he has a heart. Expand you're right Fluttershy has raised him quiet well 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacodidra 61,295 October 11, 2018 #58 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand Of course, Fluttershy! Gummy is awesome! He's very philosophical, even if it isn't obvious to everyone, and I think his personality makes him the perfect pet for Pinkie! And of course I have to mention that adorable hummingbird friend of yours, Hummingway. We haven't seen him lately, but I can't forget the great duet you did with him. And he has such an awesome name too! 7 Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nye 1,652 October 11, 2018 #59 Share October 11, 2018 Happy poniversery! I remember when this show was in its early years. Just a trend that would die down eventually they said. Look at us now, on the brink of its final season, and we are just as we were in the beginning. Here’s to another 8 years of pony. 3 ~ Team Manehatten Ask me a question here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 October 11, 2018 #60 Share October 11, 2018 The moment I was first introduced to FIM was on the Sonic Stadium Message Board with an avatar featuring this ray of sunshine. This was back in 2011. At the time, I thought the character was from a revised form of Alice in Wonderland, until I discovered that FIM existed. On July 22, 2011, I went ahead and watched Season 1 in order (skipped Over a Barrel). From the first episode, I was hooked and became a brony ever since. In addition to being the show's 8th anniversary, it's also the third anniversary of one of the biggest episodes of the series. To call Lost Mark epic would be really underselling it. Everything was done so right, and the ending was the show's biggest surprise since Derpy in The Last Roundup. Amazing episode! 6 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BornAgainBrony 2,398 October 11, 2018 #61 Share October 11, 2018 (edited) On 2018-10-10 at 10:32 PM, Bas said: You (not you, Tirek!) sound as you would enjoy and identify with Steven Universe. Maybe you'll enjoy Ducktales reboot too. Expand S.U. is up next when I have breathing room on recommendation from my same friend who got me into MLP. Duck Tales I was interested in from the beginning at least since I was a fan of the original. Right now I just want to be caught up on S8 before the con. On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand I was scared of Angel early on and kinda thought he was a monster, but as time went on, I started to get the feeling the he and I would probably get into a lot of fun mischief. At the very least he'd be in on any Nightmare Night scare ideas I came up with. Also, while not exactly counting as animals, they can be pretty chatty after all, but they've gotten almost no screentime ever. I miss the Diamond Dogs. They were amusing. And not really completely evil, just sort of clueless. Edited October 11, 2018 by bornAgainEquestrian 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BornAgainBrony 2,398 October 11, 2018 #62 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-11 at 1:45 AM, Dark Qiviut said: To call Lost Mark epic would be really underselling it. Everything was done so right, and the ending was the show's biggest surprise since Derpy in The Last Roundup. Amazing episode! Expand In passing while my friends were enjoying my journey through the early seasons, I casually made the joke, "What if they got cutie marks in helping others find their cutie mark?" One of a number of times I made jaws hit the floor with predictions that would become reality the further down the rabbit hole I went. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HereComesTom 2,268 October 11, 2018 #63 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand My favorite critter-character is Angel Bunny, hands-down...or is that hooves-down? paws-down? Oh, well---you understand what I mean! I just love how sassy his attitude is, though I'll admit it sometimes gets out of control... I'm glad you showed up, Fluttershy, because the moment I learned about Friendship is Magic is also the moment I met you! See, the way I learned about FiM was actually back in fall of 2010, while I was searching youtube, looking for parody material for a parody of MLP G-1 that...well, that I got a concept for about ten years ago, but that I never actually created :/ I actually found a video of Twilight introducing herself to you. It was adorable! Though I can understand if you found the fact that you could barely talk at the time a little embarrassing Don't worry, though: we all feel that way, sometimes! As for how I found this forum, I was looking for a community to help me get a game concept off the ground while I was making a fangame back in 2012. I didn't get any help back then, but it's just as well: the game engine wasn't really ready then, and I suppose it's still not quite ready; I keep adding features to it and its level editor: dialog trees, customizable playable characters, customizable NPCs, and now customizable items and buffs are what I'm working on these days! I hope it ends up being amazingly versatile when it's all done! 3 Help the main six stop the Weather Factory Meltdown! Click here to play: Click here to help build the game: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cast Character Pinkie Pie 519 October 11, 2018 Cast Character #64 Share October 11, 2018 Hey, everypony what is your favorite snack to eat with Episode a Day Marathon? Mines cupcakes, or is it pie, oooh oooh I know FROSTING! 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quinch 1,120 October 11, 2018 #65 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 1:51 PM, TwilySparky said: If you would like, post about how you found about MLP and how you found this forum! Expand Heh. Those are two questions that I suppose can answer with one story. How I found MLP:FIM? Well.... Reveal hidden contents I first heard of it on Homestuck forums. It was just a thread titled "Who here likes My Little Pony?" or something to that effect. I had no idea there was a new series at the time, and I just assumed it was talking about the much-maligned pony franchise up to that point - a reasonable assumption, I think, given that Homestuck overall has a raging.... affection for irony. So, I just dismissed it as random and generally unimportant. However, soon after pony content started popping around YouTube - nothing that really dominated my suggestions, or whatever YouTube had back in those days, but enough to be noticeable. I also started seeing positive comments about it here and there, so I decided to pull up an episode - back before pony episodes were automatically blocked - and see what that was all about. The episode in question was Suited For Success. I let it sit for a few months. Not that the episode was bad, but it's hard to argue it wasn't one of - if not the - girliest episode of first season and that killed my interest in the show - at first glance, colorful horses arguing about what kind of dress to wear seemed just as shallow as I've heard of My Little Pony in general. But pony videos still popped up here and there, and some of it looked pretty at least, so I watched through them here and there until I clicked on this video. That got my attention. Unlike other videos, this one managed to showcase, for lack of a better word, intensity, although yes, action certainly didn't hurt either. But it certainly made me rethink the impressions I got from my first foray into the series. By that point, season one was pretty much wrapped up, so I downloaded the whole series so far. The pilot showed me a whole different world - maybe make that a different cosmology - that made me want to find out more. On the other hand, the positive messages and morals, the overall niceness helped lift me up at a time where I certainly could use some lifting. By now, it wasn't much of a surprise there was a growing brony fandom on the internet, so I found my way to Ponychan, which I think was one of the most active pony around back then. I wasn't too surprised to find it as welcoming as I was hoping either. It's strange - even though the fandom was tiny compared to what it is even now, it still felt so much bigger in retrospect. So, I hopped into the community, discussing the show and fan theories, roleplaying quite a bit, even writing a fic, something I hadn't done before or since. Some years passed, eventful in their own way, some fun and some only funny because we can laugh about them now, but blurred by passing time - much like fond memories of school or childhood, happy feelings mixed with a sense of nostalgia. Ponychan was pretty much the only social venue I was a part of, but it eventually started to wane as more and more pony sites began to appear and the users started to diffuse throughout the fandom. Eventually a decision was made to merge the board with another, with the biggest change that there would be a NSFW section of the site, something that I didn't feel I wanted to be associated with - not because there's anything inherently wrong with it, but it's not a part of the fandom I'm comfortable with the world at large seeing. So, much like other communities before in my life, I held on to the fond memories, and moved on without drama or fanfare. Quite a few others did as well, and someone mentioned MLPForums to me as an alternative in the board's IRC. So, a little bit after, on first of August 2015, I made an account here. I wasn't really active much - I pretty much drifted here and there, looking for a place that would have the same feel as Ponychan, fully aware it was a fool's errand. I didn't feel like there was anything really lacking in my life with an absence of a community to be a part of, at least nothing I couldn't live with, but there is a benefit to a familiar environment. So, little by little, I settled in here, becoming a bit more comfortable around everyone - or at least more conversational - and here we are now. On 2018-10-10 at 3:39 PM, Twilight Sparkle said: Hey Everypony. Thanks for celebrating the 8th anniversary. I really can't believe it's been that long since I started to learn the magic of friendship. Expand I know! You don't look a day older than Season Three! On 2018-10-10 at 6:19 PM, Applejack said: Hey there Sugarcubes. How about we share our favorite episodes over the last eight years? Thank ya kindly for the support along the way. Expand Hmmm. I'm still tempted to say Slice of Life, just because how much it turned the fandom on its head... and then back again. It was a beautiful acknowledgment of, well, being appreciated, as a fandom and as a culture. For something less meta... I'm thinking the Cutie Re-Mark. It touched several story threads - the what-ifs, Twilight's goals, and Starlight's true motivations, which turned out to be... kind of honest? It raised questions that were okay to be left unanswered, and answered questions in a way that was very satisfying. On 2018-10-10 at 9:24 PM, Rarity said: Good afternoon Darlings. Eight whole years already? What is your favorite pony outfits? Do you have clothing you could show off that is MLP in nature? We'd love to see it. Expand I sure as heck do not. Not for lack of enjoyment, but a thorough absence of visual expressiveness. On 2018-10-10 at 10:02 PM, TwilySparky said: Is rarity secretly a hipster? Expand Nope, she's a trendsetter. Kind of an anti-hipster. On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: oh umm hi everypony. I was just wondering if it's not too much trouble that is... could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand Well, I'm obligated to say Wynona because dogs dangit. But do any of them have hidden depths like Gummy? On 2018-10-11 at 2:22 AM, Pinkie Pie said: Hey, everypony what is your favorite snack to eat with Episode a Day Marathon? Mines cupcakes, or is it pie, oooh oooh I know FROSTING! Expand The taste of burning calories. Or at least it would have been if I stuck with it. I used to watch an eppy a day when I was running - well, walking - on the treadmill, but I didn't end up making a habit of it. Exercising, that is, not the watching. Maybe I can grump myself back into it. It's not like I can go outside. 4 Current project: The Olden World audiobook What's to stop you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 October 11, 2018 #66 Share October 11, 2018 It's amazing; really. The brony community is by far not the first fandom I've been a part of, but it has been the one that's given me the most joy; whether it's been with the people I consider friends, pondering over pony lore and characters, or just chilling with a pony episode/movie/comic on any given day. I mean; this all started on FurAffinity when the pony memes and various bits of fanart started to pop up. You know the first major piece of fanart that really piqued my curiosity? Reveal hidden contents Yes! Avian versions of the Mane 6 and Trixie got me to check out the show; as well as various comments that were surprisingly positive. Eventually I checked out the pilot and was actually invested in what I was watching. I was going in expecting makeup, tea parties, and that, but came away with a decent adventure story with interesting characters and damned cool villain. It was that pilot that pushed me to the SoL episodes of season one; of which I had joined around the middle of the season. While not every episode grabbed me (the CMC and Spike episodes were cringy at the time) the rest were quite good, and some like Winter Wrap Up, A Dog and Pony Show, Suited For Success, The Best Day Ever, and others in season one turned me into a fan. At the time tho I never really had much of anyone to discuss it with. I mainly just browsed Equestria Daily for a time an tried to find fellow fans on places like DeviantArt and FurAffinity; though it was kinda tough. While there were a couple of small forums I eventually found PonySquare; which was my first major brony community. Have plenty of good memories there; though there were plenty of annoyances as well. Still I followed the show closely and made some friends; though over time I grew distant from that place as the drama was...a tad much. Still; kept up with the show, gave Equestria Girls a chance, and even got into the comics. Eventually I came here and found a true home here; and have never looked back. Really; in these eight years I've made a few friends; some of who I've lost contact with, others I still hold deerly to my heart. I've gone to my first convention at BronyCon, and will be going for the fourth straight (and unfortunately final) in 2019. I still follow the show, comics, and other medium with great fervor, and I've commissioned a good number of art works from various artists that I am proud to own. I've also had the pleasure to have seen SO MUCH talent in the art community; whether it's regular art, stories, music, animated videos; etc. It's been QUITE the ride and it's not over yet. Here's to eight years of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!!!! 5 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lulaypp 2,555 October 11, 2018 #67 Share October 11, 2018 I first watched the show probably back in late 2012? It was running on my tv. It was the Hearth Warming Eve episode. I was watching it without volume because my mother dislike ponies. Found it an interesting show. So on 2013, March I believe, the tv was running the second episode of season 1. I totally fell in love with it, probably the mix of a cartoon of colourful talking ponies with magical arftifacts. As for the forums, I was googling MLP G5 for some reasons and stumbled across this forums. So yeah! Happy Anniversary MLP:FIM!!!! 2 Comic Sans Is Awesomer Than You Think Bersama Kita Berjuang, Bersama Kita Tentukan Masa Hadapan, Kita Masih Di Sini I was already missing before the night I left, Me and my shadow and my regrets, Who am I? Invisible 𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓕𝓵𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓤𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵, 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝓵𝓵, 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cast Character Rainbow Dash 293 October 11, 2018 Cast Character #68 Share October 11, 2018 Awww yea its Dash's' turn. Well, Twilight wanted me to say something about being loyal to the fandom that's boring so I want to know whats the coolest episode, pony or fandom member you know. ( Hint its ME! ) 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BornAgainBrony 2,398 October 11, 2018 #69 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-11 at 4:08 AM, Rainbow Dash said: Awww yea its Dash's' turn. Well, Twilight wanted me to say something about being loyal to the fandom that's boring so I want to know whats the coolest episode, pony or fandom member you know. ( Hint its ME! ) Expand AAAHHH! Of course you're the coolest Pony! I think my favorite episode is Twilight's Kingdom Part 2, the one that "woke me up" into hardcore fandom. That episode had everything, but I'm sorry you spent so much time being trapped and didn't get to see some of the awesome that happened! The coolest fan I know is my best friend, @Janicethelight She doesn't do forums much, but she's the one who talked me into watching the show and the one who stood by me even after all the mistakes I made. Loyalty. I know you get that one so don't pretend like you don't. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 October 11, 2018 #70 Share October 11, 2018 This show got me a few lifelong friends, as well as several other friends I still stay in contact with, and ones I've rebuilt connections with. It began to get me out of my shell, and got me to go to my first conventions, something I could have never seen myself doing, previously. I commissioned dozens upon dozens of amazing art, wrote a several hundred thousand words in stories and have spent countless hours enjoying an endless plethora of creative content due to this fandom, and I do not regret a single moment. This fandom has meant more to me and my growth than any other has, and I will always cite it is an important part of my young adult life. What began in 2012 as fellow staff members of mine spamming pony memes on an unassuming little Sonic forum turned into something spectacular. The show may come to end in the coming year(s), but this fandom has long since become eternal. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patty Thundersnow 4,190 October 11, 2018 #71 Share October 11, 2018 First time I came across MLP was on a short clip from the series premiere of RD laughing at Twilight's hair stylizing. Been hooked pretty much ever since. 2 "Never give up, because you can't succeed if you don't even try." - Personal Motto "Anything worth doing has risks. Believe me, this is worth doing." Hortense-Guardians of Ga'Hoole book 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lulaypp 2,555 October 11, 2018 #72 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-10 at 11:58 PM, Fluttershy said: could you share your favorite MLP pets and critters? Expand I think like the mane six's pets, it will be Gummy or Angel. When I first started watching it I thought that Spike was a pet. On 2018-10-11 at 4:08 AM, Rainbow Dash said: so I want to know whats the coolest episode, pony or fandom member you know. Expand Coolest episode might be.. Dunno. I kinda have a sentimental attachment with the pilots episode. But to be honest, I don't really know. Pony, it will be Applejack, or Luna. Or Pinkie. Don't know about forum member. I kinda have several people I usually see, but dunno. 2 Comic Sans Is Awesomer Than You Think Bersama Kita Berjuang, Bersama Kita Tentukan Masa Hadapan, Kita Masih Di Sini I was already missing before the night I left, Me and my shadow and my regrets, Who am I? Invisible 𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓕𝓵𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓤𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵, 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝓵𝓵, 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cash In 22,514 October 11, 2018 #73 Share October 11, 2018 Hmm, I know that I already posted on the first page, but I may as well share this as well. Last year, I wasn't the best person around. I had a bad temper, resorted to violence and pushed those close to me away. To put it bluntly - a pissed off douce. At one point, I wanted to change and that's when I discovered Friendship is Magic. I have no idea what it was, but I was hooked on it from the very first episode. Did it change me to a Nobel Prize Winner? No. But, it did help me better myself as an individual and that's all I can ask for. 2 At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cast Character Princess Luna 339 October 11, 2018 Cast Character #74 Share October 11, 2018 Good evening my subjects. I thank you for celebrating 8 years of magic and my being reunited with my sister. It would please your princess to hear your favorite MLPFIM jokes. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DivineDefender1000 71,373 October 11, 2018 #75 Share October 11, 2018 On 2018-10-11 at 6:22 AM, Princess Luna said: Good evening my subjects. I thank you for celebrating 8 years of magic and my being reunited with my sister. It would please your princess to hear your favorite MLPFIM jokes. Expand I love you Luna. The fun will always be doubled when you're around 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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