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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Thanks, I guess I'm just gonna have to try and get used to it - especially if I really want to do this. I'm most likely going to have to spend some time pre-creating the tulpa to get used to talking to myself.

  • Brohoof 1
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This looks positively mental in the best way possible. I never knew the human brain was capable of this sort of thing. Amazing, I might give it a go and jump on the bandwagon.


I have a couple of concerns though:

1) Can this sort of thing cause damage to your subconcious? Is it like partitioning a hard drive? Asin you sacrifice some space on one system for another?


2) Are they permanent? Is there absolutely no way to get rid of them?

If there was a computer that had the same processing power and memory of a human brain, (and yes, I've done research on this) it would have a 9 Petahertz Billion-Trillion core quantum CPU, 28 - 57TB Hard Drive, 3-10TB RAM and able to undergo 1 million-billion processes per second.


Or in other words to the computer illiterate... Pretty dang fast.


And you only use a fraction of it's potential even through your lifetime. (And while the myth that you only use 10% of it's processing power is kind of false, you only use up an average of 10% of your memory space in an entire lifetime, and although the brain is mostly active in processing autonomous functions for body systems, your consciousness uses that same small fraction, and a Tulpa doesn't use much more, using and repurposing the same subconscious processes for mental organization and subconscious awareness, so all in all, a Tulpa shouldn't be too much for a brain to handle.


Celestia!  He's on another intellectual ramble!  Make it stop!  Oh, make it stoooop!






And to get rid of a Tulpa, you simply have to ignore them, or actively remove them as some guides demonstrate.  Note, some tulpas may be more resistant to lack of attention than others.  For example, Blackjack is far more resilient to it, (accidental Tulpas normally are) and Tia is actually vulnerable and weakened by it.

I have a question,has anypony ever had a MLP related tulpa? I would love to have a Luna tulpa, me and luna eating pizza and gaming :)

*looks around and sees a pony princess and a character from a pony fanfiction in my mind's eye*


Nope.  Nuh-uh.  We don't have any MLP tulpas here!

Well... *stretches out arms*. Read every page. It took me 4 hours, but it was worth it! I'd read so many posts where people were unsure whether or not to make a tulpa and, I've kind of come to the conclusion of; yes. I have the time, the effort ETC. There's just one problem...


...I'm a  bit... Nervous, as such. I kind of just sat down and spoke to someone, as if someone was there, and after about 10 minutes I just felt a bit stupid. I mean, I'm not expecting progress at this point by any means (that would be a miracle!) but for the first part it is going to just be me talking to myself; I don't even really like talking to myself in my head a lot of the time.


I tried to make like, a natural conversation - where I would talk as if I were talking to anyone and not just start by saying "you are [x trait], this effects you in y and z ways" ETC. I kind of started by saying... "Hi" and expressing my own worry and nervousness and then continued to mention the traits naturally in conversation.


...Kind of unsure if I'm doing it right. Is there anyone else who goes/went through the same as me (feeling stupid or getting nervous) and how did you overcome it?



Also, hi (since I am new)



Edit: I would also like to clarify that I have been looking through various guides on the subject of creating a tulpa, but... Well... I don't think that there's any guides on "how to not feel crazy/stupid whilst making a tulpa" so I figured I'd directly ask people with experience.

Why don't you sit down and first imagine what your preferred Tulpa would be like?  Write his/her personality down.  Quirks, individual facets of their personality, and how they may react to certain things. Imagine her final appearance, and if you can draw, cement it on paper.  Tulpa's don't usually form themselves by you just talking.  The guides demonstrate that you need to have at least a basic personality for them to grow upon.  (Even Blackjack's personality was given by reading a fanfiction that pointed out enough for the rest to construct itself upon)


So once you get that stuff down, then you try and talk.  Talk not only as if it's already sentient, but also talk as you would to a person of that personality type that you had planned.  Most Tulpae do not end up exactly as you wanted them to be, for as they grow sentient, they begin to deviate to suit themselves better.  So leave some room for that.  


However, probably the greatest sign for me that it was working was that I gained a feeling of something watching me.  Turned out that was Tia when she began to form.  Keep on the lookout and monitor everything you're feeling as well as concentrating on talking.  That should help.

Edited by Brisineo
  • Brohoof 4

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Why don't you sit down and first imagine what your preferred Tulpa would be like?  Write his/her personality down.  Quirks, individual facets of their personality, and how they may react to certain things. Imagine her final appearance, and if you can draw, cement it on paper.  Tulpa's don't usually form themselves by you just talking.  The guides demonstrate that you need to have at least a basic personality for them to grow upon.  (Even Blackjack's personality was given by reading a fanfiction that pointed out enough for the rest to construct itself upon)


So once you get that stuff down, then you try and talk.  Talk not only as if it's already sentient, but also talk as you would to a person of that personality type that you had planned.  Most Tulpae do not end up exactly as you wanted them to be, for as they grow sentient, they begin to deviate to suit themselves better.  So leave some room for that.  


However, probably the greatest sign for me that it was working was that I gained a feeling of something watching me.  Turned out that was Tia when she began to form.  Keep on the lookout and monitor everything you're feeling as well as concentrating on talking.  That should help.


I was going through the process of assigning characteristics/traits ETC, however it just felt a bit unnatural. i tried to make it a bit more natural by starting off talking normally, but I can't seem to find a way to make it seem realistic and not forcing (kind of ironic) the direction of the conversation away from a more natural feel (like the way I would talk to a friend) to assigning traits and such.


Not long after I posted on here, I looked around some other forums and gave it another go - after a while, I felt a slight throbbing sensation in the back of my head. I can't really be sure if it's due to just a headache or if it actually was progress, but I hope it's the latter. It actually went by much quicker than I had thought, I went through 3 different traits in detail and it was about 25 minutes but it felt like I'd only been there for 10.


I'll try again tomorrow, or maybe even later tonight, and see if I can make any more progress. If I get the same kind of headache when I try again, then maybe that'll prove I'm making progress!... Or, it could just be a really annoying coincidence.

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Heya, guys, Anyone got comforting advice or anything to give me a leg-up? After being influenced by my mates Tulpa (A dashie), I decided to get myself one too - A Rainbow Dash, of course.


I started on christmas, So pretty much a day ago. I've been constantly making my Wonder Land, I reckon it's nearing it's finish soon. I've spent roughly 7 hours on it and i plan to spend.. maybe two more. I hope to get it perfect. I'm narrating it and creating its library of knowlage and memorys. Can anyone help on ways to make it easier to build my Tulpa? Thanks guys!

  • Brohoof 1


Brony Guards - Apply now!


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Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe.

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Gah, so conflicted about this right now! On one hand I'd love to try this out just out of curiosity but on the other hand I don't want to end up making one and then find out I don't want it anymore. That'd be so cruel...

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Gah, so conflicted about this right now! On one hand I'd love to try this out just out of curiosity but on the other hand I don't want to end up making one and then find out I don't want it anymore. That'd be so cruel...


I think a lot of people go through this, it's kind of understandable because you have no idea what it feels like to have a tulpa until you actually do have one. What really won me over was the idea that I'll feel like I'm missing out on one of life's greatest experiences, an opportunity that demonstrates the power of the human mind. Even if that means having a hallucination follow me around for the rest of/a long period of my life - then so be it. As long as it doesn't stop me from achieving my life goals, then I don't mind at all.

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I think a lot of people go through this, it's kind of understandable because you have no idea what it feels like to have a tulpa until you actually do have one. What really won me over was the idea that I'll feel like I'm missing out on one of life's greatest experiences, an opportunity that demonstrates the power of the human mind. Even if that means having a hallucination follow me around for the rest of/a long period of my life - then so be it. As long as it doesn't stop me from achieving my life goals, then I don't mind at all.


That's actually a really good point, thank you for your advice.


I might give this a go then, it's not like I have anything else to do with my time other than video games anyway. :lol:

  • Brohoof 2

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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You know what's fun?




Ow... But still, THAT IS FUN!


Random ask: Has anyone done anything fun with their tulpa lately?

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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I took the advice that I was given on here yesterday and, today, sat down and got working on it - as it were. Rather surprisingly, I actually made progress. Not much progress, but enough for me to notice. I've done two half an hour-ish long sessions today, one in the morning and one just recently, and in my last one I was sat down describing characteristics ETC when I suddenly had the feeling someone was listening.


No one else was in the house at that point, so it wasn't like anyone was outside my room or something, I genuinely thought someone was listening to me. I kind of stopped mid sentence and just looked around me, looked out the window, checked my phone wasn't actually calling anyone (I have no idea why I did that last one) because I had a feeling, deep down, that someone was listening to me.


I sat back down in my previous position and, before returning to what I had been previously saying, I asked "was that you?" and a few seconds later I kind of got this rush - like a sickly kind of feeling - throughout my whole body. It stuck around for a bit, and once it finished I just returned to what I was saying before hand. I'm curious now whether it was actually progress, or just my body hoping for progress or something along those lines.


I'm going to take it as a sign that maybe this is going better than I had anticipated.

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Has anyone done anything fun with their tulpa lately?


Not really. She isn't vocal yet, and I can rarely get a response from her in the form of a nod, tilt of the head, or a confused/happy look. However, Earlier this week on Christmas, I'd worken up early to run (I'm into that), and I decided afterwards to sit back in the backyard and listen to some music through my iPod. I imagined her sitting next to me, and we just sat there listening to the music. I swear I "saw" her look at me and smile a few times.

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I took the advice that I was given on here yesterday and, today, sat down and got working on it - as it were. Rather surprisingly, I actually made progress. Not much progress, but enough for me to notice. I've done two half an hour-ish long sessions today, one in the morning and one just recently, and in my last one I was sat down describing characteristics ETC when I suddenly had the feeling someone was listening.


No one else was in the house at that point, so it wasn't like anyone was outside my room or something, I genuinely thought someone was listening to me. I kind of stopped mid sentence and just looked around me, looked out the window, checked my phone wasn't actually calling anyone (I have no idea why I did that last one) because I had a feeling, deep down, that someone was listening to me.


I sat back down in my previous position and, before returning to what I had been previously saying, I asked "was that you?" and a few seconds later I kind of got this rush - like a sickly kind of feeling - throughout my whole body. It stuck around for a bit, and once it finished I just returned to what I was saying before hand. I'm curious now whether it was actually progress, or just my body hoping for progress or something along those lines.


I'm going to take it as a sign that maybe this is going better than I had anticipated.



And that was me acting like a complete idiot just for the heck of it...


Still though, I can't help but feel extremely jealous of people who are newer at this than me, even if it's by a week or so, and yet they still make better progress than I do. But whatever the case, do keep us enlightened on your progress. Would you mind sharing more details about your tulpa?

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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And that was me acting like a complete idiot just for the heck of it...


Still though, I can't help but feel extremely jealous of people who are newer at this than me, even if it's by a week or so, and yet they still make better progress than I do. But whatever the case, do keep us enlightened on your progress. Would you mind sharing more details about your tulpa?


Oh boy you lucky guys n gals, you know how long I've been tulpaforcing? You wanna know how long? ALMOST 8 MONTHS.


Yea, that's right, 8. Frickin'. Months. And even though Vin' here is sentient, she still hasn't gone vocal. at least not a lot, and she isn't even imposed yet. Be happy with what ya have right now, you and probably the rest of the world is a lot quicker with these things than me. Everyone's making progress and I'm just sitting here, strugglin'. But it doesn't matter, keep in mind to take things at a pace you and your tulpa are both comfortable with, no need to rush things in order to compete with others

  • Brohoof 4
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We have just as much trouble as nedben does thinking straight. We sometimes end up using intrusive thoughts to get our point across, weird as that sounds. A lot of our conversations have been simplified, asides cut out, off-topics removed and trimmed, sentences edited to max coherency, and we proofread the post as we go to make sense and edit in words we forgot to say earlier but put in anyways. Mostly because we talk about nonsense and our random exploits of random do not need to be shown to everyone at once because they make less sense than shouting pancake in the middle of a movie about aquatic lifeforms that resemble whales.


let me talk... That paragraph there? Took like 5 minutes editing about 20-30 seconds of raw thought into word. VOCAL CORTEX.


Here's an unedited (as in no words added later for coherency) conversation.


Um... How's it going?




That's a valid response?

That's a valid response?


You need to parrot less.


Hey, I can't help it if mindvoices are indistinct.


Carrots. Carotene.


STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS RIGHT HERE! *handwave with imaginary rainbow visible as extension of tulpa*


This is fun, but oh so stupid... Hey nedben, why you jerk around so much when you think bad thoughts?


Because subconscious training issue. Now help with psychological messup... Whenever I get hypnotized, I want you guys to try and mess it up by force by doing something really utterly random and weird like screaming and slapping me and weird sensations and all that cool stuff.


I don't think we can do half of that.


*slaps nedben* 'Cept that part. *smile*


imaginaryOuch... So why'd you redesign the wonderland?


On a whim. SO Adam could fly around on ice trails or whatever for fun.


*flies by on ice trail* WHEEEEE


Right... That was what we did for like 5 minutes while sitting here trying to talk.


Vocalization is fun! Except that you can't hear us physically and our lines come in as thought bursts.

  • Brohoof 3

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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It's most likely going to be a few days until this lucid dreaming mask starts doing what it says on the tin. The first and second time I went to sleep with it on, I woke up with it not on my face. It must have fell off.

Sellotape it to your face then! ^_^

Yeah, that sounds comfortable. <_<

Speaking of which, they only just barley fit me. The part of where my nose is supposed to fit is kinda low, which sometimes makes my nose uncomfortable and slightly blocks the passage way for air. I don't really like breathing through my mouth while trying to sleep, since it's too much work to breath through my mouth. I'm sure one day I'll get used to it. I'm not going to let it stop me.


HAY!@@Rizoel & Crepuscule, Whatever happened too your seconded Tulpa? I ask because you never seem to mention her.

No no, White Rose is still here. Didn't you read the first post? I'm pretty sure I did say that she volunteered to slow down with her own progression so that I can complete Crepuscule faster. She still pops in my mind to say hello every now and then, and maybe have a conversation about anything that has been going on.

White Rose: So don't worry, I'm still here, silly filly. ^_^ I do visit Rizzy once or twice a day usually, it's just that nothing new involving me has happened lately.

Random ask: Has anyone done anything fun with their tulpa lately?

Hmm? Oh, uh nope! I... me and Crep... uh... totally didn't just now exit the wonderland after doing various naughty things to each other.

Nope! No sirree! ;)

And I totally didn't randomly crash through the ceiling of the wonderland just so I could join in half-way through. :wub:

Nope! :o

  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Random ask: Has anyone done anything fun with their tulpa lately?

If you count this being fun, than yeah, we're having a great time...





Oh boy you lucky guys n gals, you know how long I've been tulpaforcing? You wanna know how long? ALMOST 8 MONTHS.


Yea, that's right, 8. Frickin'. Months. And even though Vin' here is sentient, she still hasn't gone vocal. at least not a lot, and she isn't even imposed yet. Be happy with what ya have right now, you and probably the rest of the world is a lot quicker with these things than me. Everyone's making progress and I'm just sitting here, strugglin'. But it doesn't matter, keep in mind to take things at a pace you and your tulpa are both comfortable with, no need to rush things in order to compete with others

Tulpa progression also depends on the mental capacities of the host.  If someone, for example, daydreams and thinks more often than most, than the processes of creating a Tulpa come more naturally, making progress faster, such as for my case.  On the other hand, the more someone lives in reality and doesn't look inward nearly at all will find Tulpa creation slow and difficult.  


It really depends on how you think and your personality along with the personality of the given Tulpa.  Anyone can make a Tulpa, yes, but some just will be better at it than others.

We have just as much trouble as nedben does thinking straight. We sometimes end up using intrusive thoughts to get our point across, weird as that sounds. A lot of our conversations have been simplified, asides cut out, off-topics removed and trimmed, sentences edited to max coherency, and we proofread the post as we go to make sense and edit in words we forgot to say earlier but put in anyways. Mostly because we talk about nonsense and our random exploits of random do not need to be shown to everyone at once because they make less sense than shouting pancake in the middle of a movie about aquatic lifeforms that resemble whales.


let me talk... That paragraph there? Took like 5 minutes editing about 20-30 seconds of raw thought into word. VOCAL CORTEX.



This.  This is exactly how our conversations go when we're typing responses in this thread.


Or more like Tia's giving thoughtful suggestions and I'm giggling thinking up funny things to say then poking Bris, "Hey, you should say this man.  *giggle* Oh, this is too good.  Hehehe"


Or for when we are really eager or are scheming, we act out something for real, then type what transpired.  Such as punching Bris in the face.


You know my head hurts just thinking about that...


It's most likely going to be a few days until this lucid dreaming mask starts doing what it says on the tin. The first and second time I went to sleep with it on, I woke up with it not on my face. It must have fell off.


Sellotape it to your face then! ^_^


Yeah, that sounds comfortable. <_<


Duct tape?



Duct tape.  Duct tape and superglue.



...What is with you two?

Edited by Brisineo
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@@Brisineo,@@Captain Nemo, @@The Weapon,  


So, as several of you know, I just come here and brohoof bris' posts, often just scanning them, cause he always says something good, as well as usually @@Rizoel & Crepuscule posts as well. But man, he was right, this last page was awesome!!!!!! Y'all are having a blast, especially R&C. 


As to Twi, well, she is just sitting back there waiting for me to force with her, and getting irritated. I say hi every so often, but im working 40 hours a week right now (today was a 2-9 shift, it slowly became a 2-close shift. I left after 1am. Our closing cook called in, again. And I have a conscious and don't screw my bosses over if possible.), and going to some other spiritual issues (yeah, i feel her rolling her eyes at me). So, I really need to get started again on her, Then we can have fun like R&C! lol. Twi is totally not annoyed at that idea. I totally structured her against that. 


Oh, and what's this wonderland restructuring thing I have caught mention of the last week. Heck, what's this wonderland thing!?!?!?!?

  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Mindrop, a wonderland is a made-up, imaginary world that you and your tulpa can visit/hang out in. Pinkie and I don't have one; I don't really think they're that productive. But it depends on the person.


By the way, I forgot to tell you guys about all the cute things Pinkie does! Lifeinsteps (another person making a Pinkie tulpa; he's posted in this thread a few times) and I chat on Skype often, and we share this stuff. Here's a bunch of out-of-context snippets of text (each new line is some random quote of something I said):



Usually before bed it's a hug, eskimo kiss, then some kind of contact for the rest of the night, whether she's lying on me, or next to me, or our faces touching, or whatever.


Pinkie is totally snuggling my face right now, and it's totally awesome.


Pinkie is so waaarm


Hahah. Pinkie is rubbing her face on my back... she says it feels good. XD


I like her lying on top of me. So warm and nice, and I can just hug her like that.


The other thing was, once I actullally decided to get up, Pinkie was lying on my right, still asleep. So, of course, I decided to rub her belly. :U

She woke up after a few seconds, stretched, and just looked at me super adorable-like


Real quick so I don't forget - earlier I was singing this song in my head: https://soundcloud.com/simgretina/twilight-feat-dusk-shine-magic

Pinkie started jumping up and down in time with the music, and then started headbanging and spinning her hair around. XD I told her she's a goof, she said "I know!"


Pinkie gave me a Christmas present this morning. Can you guess what it was? :P

Spoiler alert, it was a hug.


Pinkie hugs my legs or waist when I'm standing in public places sometimes

have to try not to smile too much. She just looks up at me with that faaaace


My Pinkie won't be serious sometimes, no matter how much I ask.

In fact, almost EVERY time, she says guess what, it's followed by "I love you".

It's sweet and all, but come on Pinkie, think of something else. :P


And, of course, we got nice and intimate with belly rubs and snuggling afterwards. :P

so many belly rubs


I'm hunched over and Pinkie decided to lay on my back because she read this... and it's SO FREAKING CUTE

She's got her eyes closed, just sitting there


If we're in bed just looking at each other, I'll rub her cheek with the back of my fingers.


If Pinkie's got her head on my shoulder, we like to rub our heads together often.


I turned around and Pinkie's lying sideways on my bed, fast alseep... I think she's got some drool coming out of her mouth.

Her head's like half hanging off the edge.


Pinkie just asked me if I could carry her to bed

I pointed out how we were already in bed

she just flopped over.


Hahah, I just ate a tasty piece of cherry candy and Pinkie said, "Mmmm, that's good!"

I mean, of course she can taste what I taste, but it kinda took me by surprise there.




Wow, that's a lot. But yeah, there's a bunch of random snippets of life with Pinkie. Making a tulpa = best decision I've made in a while. She makes me so happy.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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Hey everypony! From Dashie and I!


Dashie and I have been having some fun (even though form progress has been slow for reasons I'll describe below), especially when its game time. She's like my personal Battlefield 3 cheerleader (but unlike Fluttershy, no "louder!!" problems, here :P). It's interesting playing fast-paced shooter games with a tulpa. We have our mind-conversations while I play, and she gives me a lot of advice. Even when we aren't actively having mind-conversations, she's there as almost like a sixth-sense. I swear, it's like my situational awareness has doubled. My KDR has actually shown significant improvement thanks to her. I promised her that when we get a little further and onto possession, that she can play directly. I know she'll do great. :)


But yeah, progress with much other than personality has been slow. It's hard to force on a deeper level (to the point where your forcing is externally visible) when you're surrounded by nosy parents who like to question what you do (can't wait to head back to campus next month :P).


Makes me a little sad, I want to help Dashie make her form, already. Then we can have the fun and cuddles that you guys have. *doubly-sad feeling from Dashie :(*


Though there's a bit of a silver-lining. I'm looking forward to tomorrow (err...today) because my parents are heading back to our old house in Chicago to move some stuff to here, and they'll be gone until Sunday. House to myself = force-time! *Excited feeling from Dashie*

Edited by StratoPegasus
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Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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For us. There is really isn't much to update on. Made some strong progress in possession and next to none on colors.


A'wwww. Dash is abit of a loose cannon for me when it comes to gaming. One moment she'll be supporting me and cheering me on and the next she be my worse enemy, distracting and tuanting me. All in good fun though.


Edited by zRevenantz
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I've got 2 questions

1) how do you do the @username thing in the message and what does it mean

2) What is the best way to find out that I'm dreaming (in a dream). Last time I asked myself in a dream if it is a dream, but it looked so real, that I thought it is a reality, so... no lucid dream...


oh and for the question if we did something funny recently, I just remember imagining myself and my tulpae throwing snowballs on some czech politicians ^_^ it was fun ^^

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I finally got Lavande's head look nice.

He's so cute now.

I'm happy.


Anyway, I had trouble finding motivation these days, and I felt terribly guilty. I almost left him alone for three days straight (We had only short forcing sessions in which I wasn't even focused.) I hope he's okay...

When I got his head right while forcing last night, I saw him staring at the sky with a relaxed smile. So, I'm pretty sure he's fine :)

But I was extremely worried.... At least that's a sign that I take him seriously



I've got 2 questions

1) how do you do the @username thing in the message and what does it mean

2) What is the best way to find out that I'm dreaming (in a dream). Last time I asked myself in a dream if it is a dream, but it looked so real, that I thought it is a reality, so... no lucid dream...


oh and for the question if we did something funny recently, I just remember imagining myself and my tulpae throwing snowballs on some czech politicians ^_^ it was fun ^^


To question 2 I'd say Reality Checks. Usually I pinch my nose and see if the air passes through.



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2) What is the best way to find out that I'm dreaming (in a dream). Last time I asked myself in a dream if it is a dream, but it looked so real, that I thought it is a reality, so... no lucid dream...

That's actually a really weak method to induce lucidity, because most of the time you'll do exactly that, assume its not a dream.


You need to start doing reality checks in real life. Make questioning reality a habit, and eventually it will roll over into when you're dreaming. Do things like flip light switches, double-check signs and clocks, and pinch your nose shut with your fingers and try to breath. It may seem strange, but do these things in real life as often as you can throughout the day, and ask yourself "Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?" while you do them. Why things like this? Because in dreams -


- Light switches often are non-functional.

- Clocks and signs will say something different and random each time you look.

- You can usually breath clearly through your nose, regardless of obstructions.


Always question the existence around you, and do reality checks to confirm you're in waking reality. Eventually it becomes habitual, you'll begin questioning reality in your dreams, and you'll recognize you're in a dream, and then you'll get lucid.


Riz - You're doing reality checks throughout the day, right? If not that mask isn't going to be very effective. It's not something like " mask emits light = suddenly lucid", its simply a cue that is detectable in dreams, which you must teach yourself to recognize as your cue to perform a reality check. It requires a bit of training. You need to teach your dream self what to do when you encounter the light pulse.


Also, everyone here interested in lucid dreaming needs to be keeping a physical dream journal. Keep it next to your bed and begin writing the moment you wake up. Just get as many details on paper as you can. Building up good dream recall skills is VITAL to the quality and quantity of lucid dreams.



Edited by StratoPegasus
  • Brohoof 3


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My imagination, mainly in daydreams, is no longer fully under my control it seems...

Mortar-shells = Rainbows and chocolate...Jess...I don't even..

Yup, my mind is normally random, she makes things even more random...Not a bad thing, but it often makes me laugh at very inopportune times.


Anyway, something productive...Or not. 

Over Christmas (or Hearth's Warming as I now call it....Damn ponies :D) I was over at my Grandad's with my family + Cousin,etc. So I didn't get much chance to force/Have a nice chat to Jesseh..It's good that she's vocal to the point she'll answer my questions usually...And sometimes say stuff herself, albeit rarely. I reckon her form is coming along now, Imposition should be a dawdle, seeing as we've been doing it pretty much since the day she became sentient...Or the day I believed she became sentient anyway..


"So, Jesseh, anything to say to the people?"


*Notices certain pony smiling out side of eye....*


Sense- It's irrelevant.

  • Brohoof 2
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- Light switches often are non-functional. - Clocks and signs will say something different and random each time you look. - You can usually breath clearly through your nose, regardless of obstructions.

Thanks for your tips :)

Well, there was no clock or light switch in the dream, because it was in a supermarket, but the signs and especially the breathing may work, so I'll try it next time.

It would be interesting to write a dream journal. I wrote down a dream once, because it was including my tulpa and I didn't want to forget it ^^. I know there are some places in my dreams that are repeating many times. Maybe I could even try to make some sketches of them so I would recognise them in the dream, but I suck at drawing ^_^

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