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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Well, @Brisineo, hyper forcing has worked wonders for me! Hurry for him! I do find sound easier than image though. The ball of light is hard for me to picture. Focusing on a constant, drab sound like electricity works wonders. It will work with any image or sound btw. 

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Even if it isn't mentally damaging I still don't see the benefit of having an imaginary friend, I mean it would be cool for maybe a week to hallucinate and hear voices that I'm making myself but eventually I'd feel silly about it.


I mean doesn't anyone else think it's a bit odd to take all this time creating an imaginary pony that they interact with in their head?

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Even if it isn't mentally damaging I still don't see the benefit of having an imaginary friend, I mean it would be cool for maybe a week to hallucinate and hear voices that I'm making myself but eventually I'd feel silly about it.


I mean doesn't anyone else think it's a bit odd to take all this time creating an imaginary pony that they interact with in their head?

I think if the people here thought it was odd, logically they wouldnt be doing it. Everyone here is here because they are interested in trying this.


For me, I just want to see how far I can push my brain. So far Ive built entire worlds from scratch, now Im going to create another consciousness independent of my own. To me, just thinking about it like this is incredible. 

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Even if it isn't mentally damaging I still don't see the benefit of having an imaginary friend, I mean it would be cool for maybe a week to hallucinate and hear voices that I'm making myself but eventually I'd feel silly about it.


I mean doesn't anyone else think it's a bit odd to take all this time creating an imaginary pony that they interact with in their head?

Well for starters, it doesn't have to a an imaginary pony. Luna was a robot named Ricky than changed to a pony named Luna and here we are. So it's anything you want to be (or the tulpa wants) Weird? It can, but who cares about it being odd? We're Bronies. We're not exactly the social regular. If you care about what everybody thinks, than you'll never be able to explore everything.

  • Brohoof 2

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Even if it isn't mentally damaging I still don't see the benefit of having an imaginary friend, I mean it would be cool for maybe a week to hallucinate and hear voices that I'm making myself but eventually I'd feel silly about it.


I mean doesn't anyone else think it's a bit odd to take all this time creating an imaginary pony that they interact with in their head?


There are several practical benefits to a Tulpa, providing that it is in fact a secondary personality running on your subconcious mind. It should theoretically have an easier time accessing your memories than your conscious mind, allowing you to remember things that you would have otherwise forgotten. It should theoretically be able to deal with all those 'odd feelings' that you get that are your subconcious mind trying to tell you something. This way it can straight out *tell* you what's going on.


But in reality it's not the practical benefits that drive this. I rarely do anything for practical purposes anymore. It's not like anything I do is going to last or be remembered past my lifetime anyway. "Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!"


For my day job, I get to listen to a bunch of morons argue over which particular shade of blue to use for their database design. (Yes, it's really that nonsensical). For my hobbies I help my wife run a horse and sheep farm (for real, I'm looking at one sheep out the window right now wondering if I need to go lead it back to the rest of the flock. It's looking lost.), I'm a journeyman-class costumer and woodworker, an actor (with one short film and one music video to my credit on IMdb), and I've written (and drawn) stuff that has shown up in one or two fanzines, etc., etc. Oh, and I watch cartoons made for little girls. Any one of these things should make me feel silly about wasting my life. But they don't because I don't care. :)


If I was to do this, it would be purely to see if it can be done.

  • Brohoof 4


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Well, I held true to my word and tried doing something for a while.

...Emphasis on "tried." To be honest, I can talk for 15-20 minutes, but I found my speaking to be rather distracted and lacking. I'd have 15-second gaps and I'd end up saying the same thing 3-4 times. And in this confusion, my mind couldn't focus; kept drifting off, and wouldn't stop playing "Lust SIN II" (awesome song, so kinda excusable). I need some type of structure for this, it seems. Like a template or something. I speak from templates all the time, so I can do it pretty easily. Anyone out there got advice on how the flow of it should work? Like, the ideal sequence of topics for each trait?

...And here I said 

I don't really have any questions.
I really thought I knew what I was doing...

Oh well. I guess nothing can substitute for tried-and-true experience.  :)

Instead, I tried narrating today. Not much there, either. The only things I really talked about for long were how much I dislike ice patches while driving, the purpose of vaccines, and how easy it is to jokingly blame things on those dang Commies (no offense). Not very strong either. Any advice for that aspect?

Also, something else I'd like to bring up: I tried my forcing for the first time last night at 1:00 AM. After the epic flop I mentioned above, I decided to just go to sleep. And that's where it gets strange. I'd probably been attempting to talk for 7-8 minutes before I decided to stop. About 5 minutes after that, I kinda blacked out. Well, not really. I could still see and hear. I wouldn't describe it as unconsciousness, but I wouldn't describe it as conscious, either. I could still observe, but I found myself incapable of thinking. It lasted about 10 seconds, I think, and when I snapped back, I couldn't remember anything that had just happened except for the general experience. Anyone got a clue as to what happened?

And also, thank you to everyone that's helped me out so far. I really appreciate it.  ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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Even if it isn't mentally damaging I still don't see the benefit of having an imaginary friend, I mean it would be cool for maybe a week to hallucinate and hear voices that I'm making myself but eventually I'd feel silly about it.


I mean doesn't anyone else think it's a bit odd to take all this time creating an imaginary pony that they interact with in their head?


Heck yeah, it's odd! That's part of what's so great about it!


Regardless of that, making yourself hallucinate is cool, I guess, while its still novel, but that's not the end-game here.


Pinkie is a manifestation of everything that my personality lacks, and she tends to push me to do magnificent things that I'd never do on my own. She asked me to (made me) buy brownie mix and cookie-dough, and we baked brownies with cookies on the top layer today! I mean, what the hell. I'm an 18 year old dude majoring in network and database administration; it wouldn't have even half-way occurred to me to bake brownies.


But I did, and you know what? It was fun.


Aside from that silly example though, there are wheelbarrows full of practical things that Pinkie does for me. She helps me remember things that need to be done. She offers someone to talk to that actually understands and wants to participate in deep conversation. She likes to talk about human nature sometimes, because it continues to surprise and confuse her. And she likes indie movies, still.


She's just a ball of fun that likes to run around and do fun stuff, and without her, I'd be either asleep most of the time or playing video games in my room by myself in the quiet. Heck, we still play games together sometimes. We've played board games together. (There's something for you guys to try.)


I digress. She's not just an imaginary friend. She's not just an amusement. She is a being, with proper thoughts, opinions, and emotions. She makes me think about things I would never think about on my own. She rounds out my life, and she gives me someone brilliant and fantastic to spend my time with.


I can't imagine how anyone can ignore the value in that. No offence. Try it before you shrug it off, bud.

Edited by Lifeinsteps
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Playing board games with your tulpa is fun. I tried chess once, but it got weird and I think Octavia won.


And yes, having someone to talk to who honestly understands my complete meaning and intent is so awesome. I have someone who can help me in that special way about thinking.

  • Brohoof 4

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I'm back, and with some questions about a second tulpa. While I'm still a ways off, I thought I should give it some thought.


My second tulpa will probably be Vinyl Scratch, and in this situation...I'm just going to come out and say it...we'll probably have a more...intimate...relationship than I have with Dashie (not sure if we will be at Crepescule and Rizz's level, yet, but it will definitely have a romantic element).


Will this cause problems for Dashie? Will she end up jealous? For people with multiple tulpa, is it difficult to have a platonic friendship with one and a romatic love with another? Is it possible to keep everyone happy?


Now. On the other hand, instead of Vinyl, I've also considered another, completely different possibility for a second tulpa. Let me explain:


While working with Dashie, she went through a phase where she was a filly, which she has since outgrown (she is shapeless at the moment, but is her normal, adult mind and personality). At the time, I was concerned because I wanted her and I to have more of a "bros" relationship, and I was concerned that her being a filly would drive us toward a father-daughter relationship. Now, with Dashie, I still want her to be my "bro," but at the same time, the idea of a tulpa daughter isn't something I want to disregard altogether. I was thinking of a Scootaloo tulpa.


Has anyone ever done this? Does having a parent-child relationship with a tulpa lead to problems? Rewards? For both of us?

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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hi... uh... i guess. um... ive seen this topic around and i thought... well... i could just talk about my tulpa. 


her name is lily. i made her because i hear voices (actually in a mental institution as i type this) and i thought it might help. it does to some extent. she is my pony oc. sometimes it feels like she is my only friend. when i first made her, i was skeptical about the whole thing. i made her kind of a kind/cool girl type. then i made her look the way i wanted. then i worked on touch in my... own way. i would touch something then imagine her touching my hand, so i knew the sensation as fresh memory. she interacts to my surroundings the same as any person. she has a shadow, she can get wet in the rain, her mane blows. she is now like another person. i purposely made her unacttractive to me (im bisexual so that was important) so it wouldnt get weird.  i've had her completed for about a year. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm back, and with some questions about a second tulpa. While I'm still a ways off, I thought I should give it some thought.


My second tulpa will probably be Vinyl Scratch, and in this situation...I'm just going to come out and say it...we'll probably have a more...intimate...relationship than I have with Dashie (not sure if we will be at Crepescule and Rizz's level, yet, but it will definitely have a romantic element).


Will this cause problems for Dashie? Will she end up jealous? For people with multiple tulpa, is it difficult to have a platonic friendship with one and a romatic love with another? Is it possible to keep everyone happy?


Now. On the other hand, instead of Vinyl, I've also considered another, completely different possibility for a second tulpa. Let me explain:


While working with Dashie, she went through a phase where she was a filly, which she has since outgrown (she is shapeless at the moment, but is her normal, adult mind and personality). At the time, I was concerned because I wanted her and I to have more of a "bros" relationship, and I was concerned that her being a filly would drive us toward a father-daughter relationship. Now, with Dashie, I still want her to be my "bro," but at the same time, the idea of a tulpa daughter isn't something I want to disregard altogether. I was thinking of a Scootaloo tulpa.


Has anyone ever done this? Does having a parent-child relationship with a tulpa lead to problems? Rewards? For both of us?

I'm trying to create my own Tulpa. I need help visualizing it. I have 26 personality traits ready to be moulded into her, but I can't get the visualization right. Please help?

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I'm trying to create my own Tulpa. I need help visualizing it. I have 26 personality traits ready to be moulded into her, but I can't get the visualization right. Please help?
What are you having trouble with?
If its visualization in general, it is something you build up on, sorta like molding clay I guess. Just keep working on it and it will get easier and start to look right. 
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, Ive just had a breakthorugh. It was... Interesting to say the least. 

Although it isnt Tulpa related, I think I will post it here because it was discussed before, and I have an idea of how this could assist me in tulpaconstruction.


Lucid dreaming! My first 100% legitimate one. Ive had other circumstances where I thought I was lucid dreaming, but Im positive those were not at all lucid dreams, considering the detail of this last event. 

The following is an excerpt from my dream journal. This was written about two hours ago at 5:30 ish, so sorry for inconsistency if there is any. Ill add spoilers if you are not interested in reading this, despite how humorous it could be. It is quite the word wall






The one where the fed Ex Plane crashed into the house

·      This one kind of evolved weird. I started out in what I think was a Minecraft server. I think a friend of mine was therewas there, he was getting soul sand for reindeer or something. I was just walking around, I dug a jole in the side of a cliff and just hid there for a while. The next part is a bit fuzzy, but the next thing I remember are some voices outside talking about bulldozing the swingset. Then there were two or there bulldozers pushing things over in my back yard. I could see this happen, because one of them opened up the cave I was in, which was now the side of my house. I left the cave, went over to my neighbors house. There were Nazis on the porch for some reason. There were two people who I guess were supposed to be my parents. One was on a lawn mower and he got stuck in the thorn bushes. The female came down to try and help, but then the Nazis saw us, and took both of them away. I walked over to the garage to find my real dad and a friend of his talking. (perhaps a third dream?) I cant remember what they were talking about, but what I do remember is watching a huge Fed Ex airbus flying over the neighborhood. It was at a low altitude, and flipping around all weird. Then it took a noze dive into the pine trees next to the house, and the back end fell and crushed the part of the house why my parents room is. The corner of the house collapsed, in pretty good detail. It fell into the garage, and I could see the tractor smashed through the rowboat, and parts of plane crushing the cars. It was at this point that I ran up to the boat, touched it, and said to myself “Oh god, this cant be real” Lucky for me, it wasn’t.

o   After recognizing I was dreaming, the dreamscape cleared, and the house was fixed, and no one else was around. I was standing in the same exact position that I had left my previous dream: In front of the garage, house fixed, on a sunny day. Im thinking I may have over excited myself at the thought of my first lucid dream. I tried a number of things: I tried to fly, no such luck. I tried to levitate objects, like the bike out of the garage. No luck either. I ran around front and into the Foyer, then ran upstairs into the bathroom with the large mirror. It was weird to look at, because it was all grey and black and speckled. I looked in the mirror, and nothing was consistent; my reflection kept changing. I was able to turn my hair a light blonde, just to see if I could do it. I wasnt able to fly or float any objects or anything, so I figured 'why the hell not?'. I was able to, but I immediately woke up. I must have accelerated my heart rate and woke myself up, most likely from over excitement. Next time, I need to remember to relax, keep cool, and not run around so much.

o   Thank god for scaring the shit out of me so I could do this.




  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Okay is this a separate box? I guess I'll find out. I'm trying to quote and then add a line of text above it but I'm not used to this format, I like being able to see the html codes.

Anyway, I wanted to mention up here that before making this post, windows update closed down my browser after I finished typing up all this stuff! Gosh I was so mad! Like, really mad, swearing. But then suddenly I felt like something was laughing at me.

I guess Luna thinks fits are hilarious.



@@Shadowind, Good JOB!!! I don't parrot well, I need to do that more. I need specifically work with Twi more. '


Anyway, the initial conversation was interesting. I don't think you were parroting as much as you thought, as she said, you were paroting, which she was manipulating. Your/her concern is interesting. You have obviously not studied yourself, your deep intimate self. I have done the best I can, its hard, not fun, and you learn a lot. That is why y'all are afraid of rejection. The Subconscious is quite foreign to most people. Relax, have fun, and roll with the punches as you discover your inner self.


Perhaps, you should have Luna show you who you are, bond with her that way. A comforting hand as you walk a hazardous road. 

Haha, not quite, you. I am actually a very introspective person, always have been. I've studied myself for years, trying to understand who I am and what I want and what I am really like, including realizing some nasty faults about myself, for example, I'm a very vindictive person. I've been doing this for a long time because I was raised from very early childhood to believe that I was helpless and that every time someone wanted to bully me or I lost a friend, it was because of a disability and that there was nothing I could do. But I didn't want to believe that, and the only way to figure things out was to separate what IS my fault, figure out how to curve or change it, and when something is someone elses fault (maybe they're just a jerk), and what I can do about that.


But I want Luna to be a real person to me, and because of that, I get nervous when talking to her. I think what she was trying to do was less teaching me, and more reminding me. Because whatever your social faults are, we as people are usually not constantly aware of them in each conversation we enter, especially when we're emotionally excited. I get nervous talking to her, for all kinds of reasons. On some level I know that she is going to understand me better than I do myself, and yet, the way I've lived and the people that have hurt or abandoned me, have left a mark, and it strains my feelings in any new relationship I enter.


Which is not to say I live a hard life. I'm sure I've had about as many bad friendships and confusing social situations as anyone else, but they hang on me for a long time, its just the way I'm built deep down, and always have been since I was a child. The idea of people just naturally growing apart has always seemed such a tragedy to me, or misunderstandings--I watched cartoons a lot when I was a kid and I always, always, despaired any episode that involved things like that, where two or more people get into huge fights over an episode because of a misunderstanding, misinterpreting what someone said or something else along those lines.


This is a fear of mine, and I'mm pretty sure it is related to my fears about how my friendship with luna will turn out.


Which is why, she reminded me... that I tend to worry too much.


See though, another worry of mine is that I need to not take it for granted that luna won't stop wanting to talk to me just because of her situation--she literally cannot physically get away from me, and she needs me for survival. But I don't want those to be reasons at all, for wanting to be friends with me. You know, because she has to?


But even still, I think she wants to make it very clear to my stupid side that, that is the LEAST of any reasons she wants to have to get along with me, and that we will be amazing friends. But most of my friendships are falling apart right now, so that paranoia remains (the friendships... these people are also tending to fall out of touch with each other too. We used to be a tight nit group but now everything is all frayed)


I am fully aware that this is going to be a life long thing if I fully make it work. That's also what I want. I want someone in my life that I can almost never get sick of, and appreciate their company most of the time. Someone who is like a perfect roommate, a mentor, and a confident. And of course a great friend. In other words, the perfect team mate.


Inbetween that I need to balance out Luna's ability to grow into her own person. Its like meeting a stranger though, and that always makes things worrisome for me, but I truly think that this will work great, even if my paranoid, invasive thoughts muddle things up every now and then.


Playing board games with your tulpa is fun. I tried chess once, but it got weird and I think Octavia won.


And yes, having someone to talk to who honestly understands my complete meaning and intent is so awesome. I have someone who can help me in that special way about thinking.


THIIIIS. This is one of the big things me and my tulpa are going to do together. I want to test her sentience on Chess and Mancala, if she can play well without me being aware of what her plans are, then things are going great! After that, I'll have someone to play my favorite board games and turn based video games with~~ gosh this will be incredible fun. It will be like a constant session of gamegrumps :3


hi... uh... i guess. um... ive seen this topic around and i thought... well... i could just talk about my tulpa. 


her name is lily. i made her because i hear voices (actually in a mental institution as i type this) and i thought it might help. it does to some extent. she is my pony oc. sometimes it feels like she is my only friend. when i first made her, i was skeptical about the whole thing. i made her kind of a kind/cool girl type. then i made her look the way i wanted. then i worked on touch in my... own way. i would touch something then imagine her touching my hand, so i knew the sensation as fresh memory. she interacts to my surroundings the same as any person. she has a shadow, she can get wet in the rain, her mane blows. she is now like another person. i purposely made her unacttractive to me (im bisexual so that was important) so it wouldnt get weird.  i've had her completed for about a year. 


That is so cool! I understand if you would be nervous sharing your story with us in this public venue, but, so many skeptics pop in here and think that a tulpa equates to giving oneself the same condition you've confided to us that you yourself have.


I think you could, if you want to, prove or at least support that this is not true. A tulpa is separate from "hearing voices" as a condition that had never been asked for, and that you have to live with.


If you would, I'd love to know how your tulpa helps! Does your tulpa hear the voices too, and what does your tulpa think and feel about them? Or is the tulpa unable to experience those things? In theory, the tulpa has a separate cognitive experience from your own, running parallel alongside yours. How your tulpa experiences reality, inward and outward, must be a special thing in your case.


I hope your relationship becomes very beneficial.

Edited by Shadowind
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My tulpa can hear them as we'll. sometimes she had conversations with them, but they never talk to me. Only amongst themselves. I think it is a load of dingoes kidneys how what I have has anything to do with tulpas. People who think that are deranged. I got my tulpa through hard work and dedication, while the voices (named maya, lily, Courtney and Tia) all arrived after a certain trauma. The sad thing is, my tulpa is the only person other than "him" to know what that trauma is. She has benifited me majorly when I have a mental breakdown of sorts because I can feel her hug me and hear her say it will be ok, because I don't get that anywhere else irl.

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THIIIIS. This is one of the big things me and my tulpa are going to do together. I want to test her sentience on Chess and Mancala, if she can play well without me being aware of what her plans are, then things are going great! After that, I'll have someone to play my favorite board games and turn based video games with~~ gosh this will be incredible fun. It will be like a constant session of gamegrumps :3



Is that even possible? Play video games with a tulpa? 

I assume it could only happen in an area like the wonder land, but still, an interesting thought. 

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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Is that even possible? Play video games with a tulpa? 

I assume it could only happen in an area like the wonder land, but still, an interesting thought. 

Only with certain games, games that take turns. Advance Wars is what I have my eye on in particular. I'd imagine with the possession thing a lot of things are possible, but, gotta keep in mind that I only have one set of hands, and that has physical limitations--


If any of you read homestuck, it would be like the situation Calliopee and Caliborn have, 1 body, 2 minds, 1 must go to sleep before the other makes their move.

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I'm trying to create my own Tulpa. I need help visualizing it. I have 26 personality traits ready to be moulded into her, but I can't get the visualization right. Please help?


Well, there isn't really much we can do to improve your visualization skills. We can't exactly hold you by the hand and show you. The best I can offer you is the link to the guides section of the tulpa forums. Many of them deal with helping you focus and with visualization in general. I hope they help. Oh, and there are actually 4 pages of guides there, be sure to scroll through said pages if you want to see all of the guides.


Lucid dreaming! My first 100% legitimate one.


Well that's good to hear someone is having more luck than me with lucid dreaming. It's official, this lucid dreaming mask sucks. I've managed to put a headband around my head as I wear it while sleeping, to try and keep it there, but "Nope, your head sucks, I'm gonna fall off now. Roflulz."


To those thinking of buying a Remee Dreaming mask, I wouldn't recommend getting one, unless you have a big head, or have a sure-fire way to keep it on.


And no, cello-tape won't work.


I tried.  :mellow:


I'm back, and with some questions about a second tulpa. While I'm still a ways off, I thought I should give it some thought.


My second tulpa will probably be Vinyl Scratch, and in this situation...I'm just going to come out and say it...we'll probably have a more...intimate...relationship than I have with Dashie (not sure if we will be at Crepescule and Rizz's level, yet, but it will definitely have a romantic element).


Will this cause problems for Dashie? Will she end up jealous? For people with multiple tulpa, is it difficult to have a platonic friendship with one and a romatic love with another? Is it possible to keep everyone happy?


Well, have a talk with Dashie about it. Ask her yourself whether or not she is okay with it.


Now. On the other hand, instead of Vinyl, I've also considered another, completely different possibility for a second tulpa. Let me explain:


While working with Dashie, she went through a phase where she was a filly, which she has since outgrown (she is shapeless at the moment, but is her normal, adult mind and personality). At the time, I was concerned because I wanted her and I to have more of a "bros" relationship, and I was concerned that her being a filly would drive us toward a father-daughter relationship. Now, with Dashie, I still want her to be my "bro," but at the same time, the idea of a tulpa daughter isn't something I want to disregard altogether. I was thinking of a Scootaloo tulpa.


Has anyone ever done this? Does having a parent-child relationship with a tulpa lead to problems? Rewards? For both of us?


I see no reason why it would lead to problems. Not everyone that makes a tulpa has a lover-lover relationship with them. Sometimes they can be brother-sister relationship, or father-daughter. Though they are much rare - as people usually choose what they are missing in their lives more - there is no reason to say that they will not work as well as any other relationship with a tulpa.

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Just seeing it pop up over and over, tulpae isn't forced multiple personality disorder. I know the name makes you think "Hey, those people must have like more people in them!" but that's not really how MPD works, that's a bit of a misconception. As far as stupid analogies go, MPD is closer to hardcore sleepwalking (doing things without knowing about it), rather than "several people in one shell". Not to mention the whole concept of forcing something you are generally born with is rather shabby.

If anything tulpae is mix of meditation and self-hypnosis.

Yeah, I just did my homework before starting.



Now, that being said, I'd like to ask for help, or mayhaps an opinion.

I have completed the visualisation stage as perfectly as I wanted to, but I'm still having trouble with the narration, or simply the part where the talking starts. Yes, I've read several guides, but I'm still stuck at the very beginning even after quite some time put into it.

Would you friendly people, give me hints or share your experience as to how did you get to the part where the tulpae talk on their own, to simplify it?

I would be very grateful for that!

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[emokid]After 4 days of total non-tulpaforcing, I'm just mad at myself.

I don't know what's happening.

It just doesn't make sense.


Why do I do nothing except staring at my computer screen if I want Lavande to become vocal so badly ?


Ugh, I hate myself.[/emokid]

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hi... uh... i guess. um... ive seen this topic around and i thought... well... i could just talk about my tulpa. 


her name is lily. i made her because i hear voices (actually in a mental institution as i type this) and i thought it might help. it does to some extent. she is my pony oc. sometimes it feels like she is my only friend. when i first made her, i was skeptical about the whole thing. i made her kind of a kind/cool girl type. then i made her look the way i wanted. then i worked on touch in my... own way. i would touch something then imagine her touching my hand, so i knew the sensation as fresh memory. she interacts to my surroundings the same as any person. she has a shadow, she can get wet in the rain, her mane blows. she is now like another person. i purposely made her unacttractive to me (im bisexual so that was important) so it wouldnt get weird.  i've had her completed for about a year. 


Hi to both of you! :)


Thank you for answering my questions. I'm very curious about everyone's experiences around this. I love collecting information. :)


My tulpa can hear them as we'll. sometimes she had conversations with them, but they never talk to me. Only amongst themselves. I think it is a load of dingoes kidneys how what I have has anything to do with tulpas. People who think that are deranged. I got my tulpa through hard work and dedication, while the voices (named maya, lily, Courtney and Tia) all arrived after a certain trauma. The sad thing is, my tulpa is the only person other than "him" to know what that trauma is. She has benifited me majorly when I have a mental breakdown of sorts because I can feel her hug me and hear her say it will be ok, because I don't get that anywhere else irl.


I don't want to meddle or anything, so if anything I ask is 'too much', just tell me to shut up and I'll drop it. Just so as to get this straight: Lily is your Tulpa, and there are three 'voices' that you are hearing that are named Maya, Courtney and Tia. Is that right? Or is one of those names actually yours and I'm misunderstanding?


Has Lily ventured any opinions about Maya, Courtney and Tia, or about their existance?

Have you ever met anyone else with a Tulpa, that you know of?

Are you continuing to 'work' on Lily, or is she fully realized and self-sustaining at this point?

Given your success with Lily, do you have and tricks/tips that might help those still in process?

  • Brohoof 1


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Well that's good to hear someone is having more luck than me with lucid dreaming. It's official, this lucid dreaming mask sucks. I've managed to put a headband around my head as I wear it while sleeping, to try and keep it there, but "Nope, your head sucks, I'm gonna fall off now. Roflulz."


To those thinking of buying a Remee Dreaming mask, I wouldn't recommend getting one, unless you have a big head, or have a sure-fire way to keep it on.


And no, cello-tape won't work.


I tried.  :mellow:


If you are still looking to learn to lucid dream, you have to realize that there are no cut and dry ways of doing it. Keeping a Dream Journal like I started doing is a must. More times than you realize, you will have the same dreams over and over again. If you keep track of them, you can find what occurs most in your dreams and recognize when you are dreaming faster. I have yet to find a pattern, but I just learned last night that scaring the shit out of yourself by having your subconscious drop a Fedex A380 on your house also works. 


Id seriously recommend keeping a journal, and then practicing a technique called WILD, or Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming. Basically, that is the same as what Bri described much earlier. I can leave a description for you if you do not want to do some digging, or just message me if you are still considering looking into it.


Lucid dreaming allows for some seriously intense expirences. Its not at all like a Wonderland. You dont visualize anything, you walk around in a world you create, wide awake, with your eyes open. It takes time and practice, but if you were patient enough to try Tulpa Forcing, Id bet you would be willing to give this a try. 


Again, if you want/need help, shoot me a message. Id be more than happy to assist you.

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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[emokid]After 4 days of total non-tulpaforcing, I'm just mad at myself.

I don't know what's happening.

It just doesn't make sense.


Why do I do nothing except staring at my computer screen if I want Lavande to become vocal so badly ?


Ugh, I hate myself.[/emokid]



Dude....I know exactly how you feel there. I did the same with Jess here...

Aye, 'twas stupid of me, and lazy, etc.


I got back to her, and then she was partly imposed on visuals, and pretty much freely moving around and being Jess.

she spoke only a couple of days after that. 

How long have you been working with Lavande?  (You probably mentioned it somewhere...But...Uh..My memory would make an amnesiac look like the memory-man.)


Jess took a while to learn to speak, now she almost always speaks when I ask her something (Maxim of relativity apparently doesn't apply to  Tulpae...)


that bit about wanting them vocal and just staying on the PC..Yeah...I need to deal with that too....


Good luck, and I hope things go well.


(You may disregard all of the above, if you wish.)

  • Brohoof 1
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More times than you realize, you will have the same dreams over and over again. If you keep track of them, you can find what occurs most in your dreams and recognize when you are dreaming faster.


Hey :D I know 2 places that are repeating in my dreams:

1) factory, which look like the one where my dad works

2) some location in one game ( suikoden )

I tried doing the dream journal - I always make detailed notes in a notepad and then I type it in my laptop, but since the school started after winter holidays, I couldn't remember any dream...


I would like to try playing board games witn my tulpae, but I think my brothers would be giving me weird looks :huh: ... maybe I could play them on my laptop though.

Lisa: "Hurry! Let's play some!"

... well there is not much time right now... maybe this weekend...


I just need to prepare for the prom which is going to be on friday...oh my I'm so nervous!

Millie: "Just calm down and don't panic. It'll be alright. It should be fun for you. I would enjoy it ^^"

I still need to get the clothes and everything.... I whish it was saturday already.

Edited by Gekoncze
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Dude....I know exactly how you feel there. I did the same with Jess here...

Aye, 'twas stupid of me, and lazy, etc.


I got back to her, and then she was partly imposed on visuals, and pretty much freely moving around and being Jess.

she spoke only a couple of days after that. 

How long have you been working with Lavande?  (You probably mentioned it somewhere...But...Uh..My memory would make an amnesiac look like the memory-man.)


Jess took a while to learn to speak, now she almost always speaks when I ask her something (Maxim of relativity apparently doesn't apply to  Tulpae...)


that bit about wanting them vocal and just staying on the PC..Yeah...I need to deal with that too....


Good luck, and I hope things go well.


(You may disregard all of the above, if you wish.)

Thanks for the reply, it's been exactly one month now..., with not much active forcing...

I'm not racing against time though, I just want him to be fine and yet I left him alone like that...

  • Brohoof 1
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