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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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This is an odd question, but it'll help me so much if I could get an answer.

I already have ideas that might work, but I'd like an answer from anyone....Or anything, physical, mental, mytho - anything.


Basically, I cut and I'm wondering whether a Tulpa can tell me why when she becomes vocal+


I need to know why I do it so I can stop....I've tried but I always end up doing it without thinking..


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Oh, and is it possible for my Tulpa to help me with those thing once she splits?

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Basically, I cut and I'm wondering whether a Tulpa can tell me why when she becomes vocal+


She can indeed help you with this sort of thing. In fact, when I have problems, Amy comes to me and starts telling me what I'm doing wrong! Especially when I'm feeling down or depressed. There was a point in my life when I hated myself and wished I could die. I very rarely get that way now, and if I do, Amy is there to tell me how ridiculous I'm being! She simply won't let me entertain those thoughts! :D


Speaking of which...


Even though this sounds like an awesome idea and have even considered creating one myself, but i think this might start to question my sanity, the sub conscious is a very dangerous part of you, think of all those weird dreams you have, well that is you pure unrefined you working while you sleep, during the day your sub conscious can think about any thing and you obviously wouldnt know about it, creating a tulpa would bring out these thoughts and opinions.


This can be dangerous, once creating a tulpa i would imagine you could controll it for a short time before these occurenses would happen, but you will find your tulpa edging you closer to doing stuff you wouldnt do. i'm not saying it will do this i'm saying there is a chance it outlets your inner "crazy" or bad thoughts. this is all in my opinion btw.


While in theory that makes sense, in practice, that really isn't true at all. As someone who is obsessive compulsive, who naturally has trouble controlling random and disturbing thoughts, I can tell you that accessing the subconscious has no worsening effect on that. In fact, that sort of thing doesn't come from the subconscious at all, in my personal experience. Crazy thoughts are like "mind static," and they basically just invade your conscious mind like interference in a radio or television signal.


My experience with a tulpa has actually helped stop those thoughts from coming into my mind. For a while, I had issues with mentally picturing terrible things happening to her, but we worked through it together. Eventually we learned that those visions don't actually affect her at all, as it feels like a separate part of the brain is producing them. So she's always safe from harm. In fact, she helped to identify where they were coming from, and now she is always there to act as a guard against them! I have fewer OCD thoughts now that she's there.


So at first, having a tulpa did bring out some cobwebs in my mind, but she was soon able to help me clear them out! If you have issues hidden in there, it's better to try and resolve them instead of leaving them buried forever. If you leave them untouched and dormant, they may wake up and bite you when you least expect it...


We may know very little about the brain... but we do know that it can adapt and "rewire" its pathways as needed. The brain's functionality is not set in stone. ;)

Edited by Questio and Amy
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So, I've been watching this thread for a couple of weeks now. Read the whole thing, read some guides, threads on 4chan, threads on tulpa.info, and so on and so forth. Problem is, I got conflicting information (Plus, I think I forgot a fair chunk of it). Granted, a lot of this varies from person to person. So, just a couple of questions, get your opinions.


1. My tulpa is going to be Applejack. Or rather, using AJ as a base. I'm aware she will likely deviate, I am fine with that, and I will ensure I make this clear to her. Any issues y'all see with that? I know some of ya have tulpas based on existing characters, did ya have any problems?


2. Just how big/detailed do you suggest I make the wonderland? I have a fairly detailed, small house planned, with a large (But at this point vague) fantasy world around it. Or would ya recommend not using one altogether?


3. Any suggestions on improving concentration? Did Fede's tones do any good for one of ya? Perhaps listening to some ambient music might help?


4. Traits. What exactly do I need to say about 'em? I'm gonna work on personality first, so this is a bit more important at the moment.


5. How 'bout voice? I'm kind of at a total loss there. Some say you have to parrot a bit, others advise strongly against that.


I'll worry 'bout form and imposition when I get there. I'm hoping working on personality and voice first will allow her to provide input on her form (And name, if she wants a different one). Y'know, so I don't try to force somethin' she doesn't want on her. Or maybe that's just not how it works, I'll re-read some things.


Oh, and before I forget:

*lustful tulpa*

... Egads. I'd be more than a bit... Uncomfortable if AJ turns out like that. I mean, I'll love her to pieces, but... I ain't so sure 'bout all that... :blush:
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She can indeed help you with this sort of thing. In fact, when I have problems, Amy comes to me and starts telling me what I'm doing wrong! Especially when I'm feeling down or depressed. There was a point in my life when I hated myself and wished I could die. I very rarely get that way now, and if I do, Amy is there to tell me how ridiculous I'm being! She simply won't let me entertain those thoughts! :D

For a while, I had issues with mentally picturing terrible things happening to her, but we worked through it together. Eventually we learned that those visions don't actually affect her at all, as it feels like a separate part of the brain is producing them. So she's always safe from harm. In fact, she helped to identify where they were coming from, and now she is always there to act as a guard against them! I have fewer OCD thoughts now that she's there.

Wow when I was reading your post I felt like I was reading about myself (those 2 quoted parts). I also had the problem with picturing terrible things happening to my tulpa in the beginning, but we aslo knew that it cannot harm her and we fought against those things together and after some time those things were gone :) Edited by Gekoncze
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So, I've been watching this thread for a couple of weeks now. Read the whole thing, read some guides, threads on 4chan, threads on tulpa.info, and so on and so forth. Problem is, I got conflicting information (Plus, I think I forgot a fair chunk of it). Granted, a lot of this varies from person to person. So, just a couple of questions, get your opinions.


1. My tulpa is going to be Applejack. Or rather, using AJ as a base. I'm aware she will likely deviate, I am fine with that, and I will ensure I make this clear to her. Any issues y'all see with that? I know some of ya have tulpas based on existing characters, did ya have any problems?


2. Just how big/detailed do you suggest I make the wonderland? I have a fairly detailed, small house planned, with a large (But at this point vague) fantasy world around it. Or would ya recommend not using one altogether?


3. Any suggestions on improving concentration? Did Fede's tones do any good for one of ya? Perhaps listening to some ambient music might help?


4. Traits. What exactly do I need to say about 'em? I'm gonna work on personality first, so this is a bit more important at the moment.


5. How 'bout voice? I'm kind of at a total loss there. Some say you have to parrot a bit, others advise strongly against that.


I'll worry 'bout form and imposition when I get there. I'm hoping working on personality and voice first will allow her to provide input on her form (And name, if she wants a different one). Y'know, so I don't try to force somethin' she doesn't want on her. Or maybe that's just not how it works, I'll re-read some things.


Oh, and before I forget:


... Egads. I'd be more than a bit... Uncomfortable if AJ turns out like that. I mean, I'll love her to pieces, but... I ain't so sure 'bout all that... :blush:


1: Tha's perfectly fine. I have Twilight Sparkle, she is an Alicorn version and know she is not supposed to be the character. That's what matters.


2: Not sure on this, I have not started imposing, and never meet up in a fantasy land in my head when forcing.


3: I use


4: Yes, most important! Mine are



1. Trustworthy

2. Loyal

3. Helpful

4. Friendly

5. Courteous

6. Kind

7. Obedient

8. Cheerful

9. Thrift

10. Brave

11. Clean

12. Reverent

13. aspiring, ambitious, motivated

14. enthusiastic

15. interested

16. Optimistic

17. systematic

18. Curious

19. self-confident

20. determined

21. Disciplined

22. Intelligent

*The bold are the Scout Law. As an Eagle Scout, it is the very basis of my being.




I chose to make a companion, but someone who can help sheer up my problem areas so that together, we can excel to a whole new level! I have constantly told this to Twi so she knows.


5: Don't Parrot as much as possible. You might do it naturally a bit, but wait and after 15 or so hours just start expecting a response. I have no voice in mind, and what I have heard from Twi, I like!


And good move on the last one. Get the personality down, then the harder part, the imposing.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Does anyone randomly sing or hum a tune to their tulpa? If I find myself short on things to think to her about, I'll start making up random songs in my head... Although I'm not really sure how much she'd be taking in since it's so early for me, but I couldn't see how it'd hurt. I mean, my voice sounds pretty good in my head. :lol:

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@@blackopp1, I decided Against my OC for one reason. Shadow Flare is exactly me, Ponified. I dont want another me. The world could not handle another me, even inside my own head. ^_^


My OC isn't me, though (obviously, it's a female for one...), so the way I see it I'll think about it. Like I said, it does get lonely. Also, when I first read this post, this came to mind: http://www.fimfictio...My-Little-Pony/ (I'd read this a while back. See any similarities?). The other positive of making the pony your OC is that they're entirely your creation (I've read some people saying that making a tulpa of a canon character, like Fluttershy for example, can be difficult and cause it to think it has to "live up" to it, which causes problems.). This might be the most jinxing statement ever, but what could possibly go wrong?

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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My OC isn't me, though (obviously, it's a female for one...), so the way I see it I'll think about it. Like I said, it does get lonely. Also, when I first read this post, this came to mind: http://www.fimfictio...My-Little-Pony/ (I'd read this a while back. See any similarities?). The other positive of making the pony your OC is that they're entirely your creation (I've read some people saying that making a tulpa of a canon character, like Fluttershy for example, can be difficult and cause it to think it has to "live up" to it, which causes problems.). This might be the most jinxing statement ever, but what could possibly go wrong?


Yes, if your not careful, you can give your tulpa a personality issue because it can't live up to your expectations. That stands across the board, for everything, just character personalities is the biggest problem people try.


Basically, to avoid that, I just state she is based off Twi in Name only, and her form is based off twi as well, and then highly modified by me. She is not Twilight Sparkle. That's basically all you have to do, plus believe it.


Your OC probably would be fun to do, but don't expect your tulpa to be exactly like your OC. Your Tulpa will be different. You view your OC one way, so it could easily cause the same problem as trying to make cannon fluttershy.


Good Luck!


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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For all the lovely people here who have reached the point of imposition and have a pony/cartoon-like tulpa, how might one view them imposed on the environment? Would the tulpa look like a flat 2D image with a shadow (like some of the pony-in-real-life pictures that have been made), or like a cel-shaded 3D image (like this http://gamingnewsdai...-characters.jpg)? And is it difficult to accustom oneself to the surreal, mismatched appearance of such a tulpa? I'm sure this can all be sorted out with enough time, patience and effort, but it really makes me curious to know!

Edited by StingeMuffin
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For all the lovely people here who have reached the point of imposition and have a pony/cartoon-like tulpa, how might one view them imposed on the environment? Would the tulpa look like a flat 2D image with a shadow (like some of the pony-in-real-life pictures that have been made), or like a cel-shaded 3D image (like this http://gamingnewsdai...-characters.jpg)? And is it difficult to accustom oneself to the surreal, mismatched appearance of such a tulpa? I'm sure this can all be sorted out with enough time, patience and effort, but it really makes me curious to know!


Actually, you can have them look however you want. Since you are the one doing the imposing.


My Tulpa should look as real as can be, like you or I, in full 3D. (She is only a basic, weird, ghostly-outline at the moment.)

My signature broke


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Actually, you can have them look however you want. Since you are the one doing the imposing.


My Tulpa should look as real as can be, like you or I, in full 3D. (She is only a basic, weird, ghostly-outline at the moment.)


I realize that they can look however you'd like; I think I'm having a difficult time trying to imagine a 2D object in a 3D environment, one that you should be able to view from every angle despite it keeping its flat shape.


I should probably stop confusing myself and just do whatever comes naturally when the time comes to finalize my tulpa's form. That, and get some sleep before I start debating whether that rhyme was intentional or not.

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Yes, if your not careful, you can give your tulpa a personality issue because it can't live up to your expectations. That stands across the board, for everything, just character personalities is the biggest problem people try.


Basically, to avoid that, I just state she is based off Twi in Name only, and her form is based off twi as well, and then highly modified by me. She is not Twilight Sparkle. That's basically all you have to do, plus believe it.


Your OC probably would be fun to do, but don't expect your tulpa to be exactly like your OC. Your Tulpa will be different. You view your OC one way, so it could easily cause the same problem as trying to make cannon fluttershy.


Good Luck!


Good advice, and thanks! Now all I have to do is figure out how to make a tulpa in the first place...yeah, that might be a good place to start. Any advice on that?

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Good advice, and thanks! Now all I have to do is figure out how to make a tulpa in the first place...yeah, that might be a good place to start. Any advice on that?




That's the best place to start. And realize, you have to feel it out a lot. You have to make it work for you. Just because people do it one way, does not mean it will work for you.

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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as of this post, it's fall break for me. i've tallied up 215 hours to tulpa force in total, over the break. i need tips. all of them. nao. especially from bris.(since he's mister super fast progress)


EDIT: Yes, i have read all the guides.

Edited by princess baconlestia
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@@princess baconlestia, KUDO'S on the long hours. I am still at like 20. I would Mention, PM or quote @@Brisineo, so he knows you need help. His activity is little here for a few reasons he may or may not want to explain.


You're mistaken.(my fault) I meant that i will have that amount of time to tulpaforce. and thanks for showing me where bris's profile is. I was looking for it.


I feel like im narrating to thin air sometimes. i feel like dashie isn't there.


Also, I was thinking of reading fallout equestria to my tulpa. is it too violent?

Edited by princess baconlestia
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You're mistaken.(my fault) I meant that i will have that amount of time to tulpaforce. and thanks for showing me where bris's profile is. I was looking for it.


Oh, hahahahaha. Well, that would be something I would do obviously. But glad you have his profile, him and I go way back! He is one smart cookie. And you know who has cookies, The dark side! LOL
  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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So, in the case of Pinkamena (My tulpa, name based, also form/looks based except for cutie mark), is it bad if I give her like half of the personality of Pinkie and half are different? Especially if I assure her that she can be whoever she wishes to be, as long as she isn't just plain detrimental.


I am on my 4th day of slow tulpaforcing btw. Mostly it's just talking to her whenever I remember to, sometimes I discuss the subject in the view of what would she think of it likely, and what part of her could cause her reaction to be like this, etc.

Opinions on style?

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Howdy folks. Me again. So, I haven't had a chance to sit down and have a proper session, but I decided I'd try to narrate while I'm at work. I say 'try' because I have difficulty splitting my concentration. Still, I babbled away (mentally) last night to AJ. And I swear, at one point, I heard a voice. It wasn't mine, and I'm near 100% certain I wasn't parroting, because I was mid-sentence when it happened. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what she said. Too quiet, and I talked over her by accident. Still, it made me happy. I don't think she spoke again, but maybe I just didn't hear her.


Just thought I'd share. I'll try to slow down my thinking so she has a better chance to be heard. And maybe it seems a bit too soon for y'all but... I just know I heard her say something! What do you think?

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So, in the case of Pinkamena (My tulpa, name based, also form/looks based except for cutie mark), is it bad if I give her like half of the personality of Pinkie and half are different? Especially if I assure her that she can be whoever she wishes to be, as long as she isn't just plain detrimental.


I am on my 4th day of slow tulpaforcing btw. Mostly it's just talking to her whenever I remember to, sometimes I discuss the subject in the view of what would she think of it likely, and what part of her could cause her reaction to be like this, etc.

Opinions on style?


Sounds good to me! And as long as she knows she is not supposed to live up to any character, person, etc. you will be fine.


Howdy folks. Me again. So, I haven't had a chance to sit down and have a proper session, but I decided I'd try to narrate while I'm at work. I say 'try' because I have difficulty splitting my concentration. Still, I babbled away (mentally) last night to AJ. And I swear, at one point, I heard a voice. It wasn't mine, and I'm near 100% certain I wasn't parroting, because I was mid-sentence when it happened. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what she said. Too quiet, and I talked over her by accident. Still, it made me happy. I don't think she spoke again, but maybe I just didn't hear her.


Just thought I'd share. I'll try to slow down my thinking so she has a better chance to be heard. And maybe it seems a bit too soon for y'all but... I just know I heard her say something! What do you think?


Nice. Some people are more adept at it. I got an early response, around hour 14, because I had believed and dream it for a month before starting to force.


I need to sit down and do a proper forcing session tonight. I have time.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Wow this thread has grown. I remember back when it was just a little baby foal thread. Sadly, I don't have much to report on my own personal progress. I kind of got wrapped up in school. Good luck to all who are managing to stick to it though.

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I'm noticing that the more I think to my tulpa, the more often I catch myself almost saying her name aloud when I meant to say some other name (like calling one of my dogs). Maybe the idea of having a tulpa to think or talk to is slowly rooting itself into my brain?

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that feel when you're listening to isochronic tones, you think you hear your tulpa, but then your sub concious realizes it the iso tone. I had no clue if my tulpa wasn't talking to me, until i realized that it was just a really soft voice in the song. i thought i made progress too. :(

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Hey, I found a few things that you guys might want to look up.


For those of you that are into meditation and all that jazz,

a meditation technique that some people from the tulpa forums recommend trying out if you want to get better at visualization.


And here's a guide I've read that seems to be quite helpful to me. I've decided to try and follow some of what this guide says, as I feel more comfortable doing this rather than just pounding personality traits into my tulpa's mind and hope that they stick. But remember, what may work for me, may not work for you guys. So I'll link you all again to a list of guides from the tulpa forums.


In other news, Crepuscule and I are doing fine so far. She has gotten quite less lewd since she first started talking. She's still a little cheeky, but her friendliness factor certainly hasn't dropped any, which is cool, I guess.


I got a feeling this new guide I'm using will be better than just doing personality like normal. (The guide I'm using is the same one I linked to you guys, this one. The only reason I'm using this way is because I fail at the ability to do personality the 'normal' way.)

Edited by Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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So after a huge absence from here I think even though nothing is set on stone that she talked :D

I was forcing and talking to her and I was talking about how hard it some time to concetrate causeI have srtay thoughts every minutes or so like one moment I am seeing her and talkand suddenly my mind goes somewhere else and then I have to go back to her yada yada and suddenly as I was one side talking she said "So it hard for you communicate" and I answered *Yea it kinda difi...wait a minute did you just talk ?" The thing that make me think it her is because it was so sudden I was solo talkign then that and then I imiditly answered like it it was a normal conversation not like when you talk to yourself kind of thing. Still I am not 100% sure but well I will just believe it her for the mentality of it :D


Edit: I now have that pressure a the back of my head a little above the neck :D

Edited by Trixies #1 Assistant Leoc
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~In construction~ 

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