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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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It's no problem. I actually enjoy helping people out :3


It depends on you. If you are going to fall asleep, then don't do it. If you might just zone out once or twice, I see no harm in it.


Yes. It is bad to fall asleep. It will bring your tulpa into your dream, and the dream will influence your tulpa one way or another. Bringing them into a dream isn't bad if you are controlling your dream. (Lucid dreaming)


Oh crap, that is really not good. Even though i rarely have dreams, i would rather not take any chances.

Thanks alot for helping me out guys/girls, this is a really different experience than what i am normally used to doing.

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It's no problem. I actually enjoy helping people out :3


It depends on you. If you are going to fall asleep, then don't do it. If you might just zone out once or twice, I see no harm in it.


Yes. It is bad to fall asleep. It will bring your tulpa into your dream, and the dream will influence your tulpa one way or another. Bringing them into a dream isn't bad if you are controlling your dream. (Lucid dreaming)


Actually, I have to correct you a bit.


I know that plenty of people on the tulpa forums have talked about falling asleep while forcing, but there has never been any evidence ever to suggest that falling asleep while forcing can have a negative affect on your tulpa(e).


I have done it quite a few times myself, never has either of my tulpae gotten angry or upset at me for falling asleep while in the wonderland.


But that might just be me; there is every possibility for you guys that it might have an effect on them if you do fall asleep. But again, I've never actually heard anyone on the tulpa forums say that falling asleep while tulpaforcing has an affect on their tulpa.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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For you guys that have pony tulpae, how large are they, and in what style? I originally planned my tulpa's head to come up to my waist, but the more I think about an mlp style pony of that size, the more I feel like one would appear too large for their proportions. If my tulpa were to have the proportions of a normal mlp pony, then I imagine she would be about half-way up my thigh at her tallest. Any taller than that and I can't help but see her features being thinner and more elongated like an alicorn. I guess I'm just trying to get some ideas set in stone so that I can work on my tulpa's form without second guessing myself every session. :)

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Okay, so its not really that bad if i go to sleep while forcing?

Because the last time i did, i can't tell if i went to sleep or just got really deep into it.

I am planning on working on personality tonight, im really excited :D

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Actually, I have to correct you a bit.


I know that plenty of people on the tulpa forums have talked about falling asleep while forcing, but there has never been any evidence ever to suggest that falling asleep while forcing can have a negative affect on your tulpa(e).


I have done it quite a few times myself, never has either of my tulpae gotten angry or upset at me for falling asleep while in the wonderland.


But that might just be me; there is every possibility for you guys that it might have an effect on them if you do fall asleep. But again, I've never actually heard anyone on the tulpa forums say that falling asleep while tulpaforcing has an affect on their tulpa.


It happened to me and affteted my tulpa. Not in a necessarily bad way. It just changed her coat color to yellow. So nothing harmful. But it does affect your tulpa if it brings it in with you. Maybe it doesnt happen every time? Idk

Signature? Naw. Thats too mane stream.

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I was about to write that I didn't have a dream with any of my tulpas, but I've had one (about one or two days ago), but it was really short. She is okay, nothing has changed. I have never thought about sleeping during tulpaforcing before - I just fall asleep and have those dreams where I am writing some school exam on which I didn't learn :P. Maybe in the very early stages it may affect your tulpae, but I have no experience with it.

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I read a few pages, I didn't go through everyone because I know I wouldn't do or try to do something like this in a thousand years so a good chunk of it-such as guides to doing it-seemed to be more out of what I need to know.


So, basically. An imaginary friend, not there. Technically sentient, know how you feel and is a part of your psyche I don't see no harm from this, the only way I could imagine a self made imaginary friend being harmful is your are already mentally unwell or experience chemical or traumatic change whilst having it. The worse way this could be dangerous I think is if you have a habit of feeling guilty/remorseful and need to be punished or self loathing at points-thus anything you make will normally a have dark undertones relating to those strong emotions and thought process-


This seem to be a bit of thing, I've heard about this Tulpae community in a good couple of places, some unrelated to My Little Pony at all. I...personally don't see the appeal although generally messing with the mind has a thrill to it all that we can't deny. I can get why people think this is dangerous though because doing any sort of mental man handling entails a large section of risk. The brain is a pretty delicate organ, especially when in the hand of the holder.



I would never do this because I suffer with some stuff and there a good chance any sort of experimentation I take would end up getting mixed in the pool of my mental mishaps, that the last thing I need in my life but...reading it..sort of makes me nostalgic...It reminds me a little of how I thought of things and personified aspects of my personality. Ended up talking in conversation in the end when I thought instead of thinking normally at all times, but then again I NEVER slept peacefully and was haunted by nightmares so its a good chance that was caused by my delirious state...that or it was just pre-programmed reactions to keep myself entertained as a kid when day dreaming in class, most likely a mixture of both.



You know what would be cool. A thread specifically for people to draw their tulpaes and do art trades and all that jazz. The thread got a lot of replies and still strong, so the community in the MLPforums is obviously there.

  • Brohoof 1

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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That was....Upsetting.

Over the past few days I have made it clear to Dashie about her love of flying and how precious her wings are to her.

Anyway I was looking around deviant art earlier, when I stumbled onto a picture were Rainbow survived the events of cupcakes but at the cost of her wings.

Looking at this, I felt a ping of emotions that were not mine at the back of my mind, what felt like sadness/crying and anger.

I think by the time Dashie is done, she is gonna hate pinkie pie


Edit: On another note, she seems to dislike the idea of two tulpas having sex -_-

Edited by zRevenantz
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Actually, I have to correct you a bit.


I know that plenty of people on the tulpa forums have talked about falling asleep while forcing, but there has never been any evidence ever to suggest that falling asleep while forcing can have a negative affect on your tulpa(e).


I have done it quite a few times myself, never has either of my tulpae gotten angry or upset at me for falling asleep while in the wonderland.


But that might just be me; there is every possibility for you guys that it might have an effect on them if you do fall asleep. But again, I've never actually heard anyone on the tulpa forums say that falling asleep while tulpaforcing has an affect on their tulpa.


Well, I don't know... Recently a dream gave me another Tulpa, nearly fully complete. So it's not something to underestimate... (However, the integrity of your current Tulpas shouldn't be a real problem to face should that happen. In fact, Tia told me many times that with focus, due to her subconscious connection, she could possibly control the dreams herself.)


By the way, Blackjack is strangely already fully sentient and near the level Tia is already. Personality is already set from PH... Deviations self-awareness and independence from the original character is also apparent. Dang, I never asked for this... Anyways, want to say hello BJ?


So this is, like, a terminal but with flashy graphics, right?


Yeah. (And admittedly a bit crappier) I'm typing your words so you can speak.


Say hi.


Yeah... Um... Hello? Everypony? Are you sure that people can hear me through this thing?

For you guys that have pony tulpae, how large are they, and in what style? I originally planned my tulpa's head to come up to my waist, but the more I think about an mlp style pony of that size, the more I feel like one would appear too large for their proportions. If my tulpa were to have the proportions of a normal mlp pony, then I imagine she would be about half-way up my thigh at her tallest. Any taller than that and I can't help but see her features being thinner and more elongated like an alicorn. I guess I'm just trying to get some ideas set in stone so that I can work on my tulpa's form without second guessing myself every session. :)


My Tia's about 6' tall, not counting mane, ears, or horn, 3'6" from chest to flank, not counting tail. Just did measurements myself. (Visualized in a cartoonish, but three-dimensional style)

Blackjack is a little under 3' tall... With horn. Hey! And 2'3" from chest to flank

Edited by Brisineo
  • Brohoof 4

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Amazing... You got a full-fledged tulpa out of already having one and having a dream? Interesting.


Seriously, if there's no scientific name for the tulpa phenomenon thing where you already have 1 and the leftover psychological focus creates another or whyever else a second tulpa would come out of almost nowhere, we should learn some latin/tibetian/whatever-applicable-language and MAKE a name for it..


What may or may not have been a thought from my tulpa: Hey! I wanna say hi!


That JUST happened, by the way. I AM making progress! :D



Edited by The Weapon
  • Brohoof 3

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Amazing... You got a full-fledged tulpa out of already having one and having a dream? Interesting. Seriously, if there's no scientific name for the tulpa phenomenon thing where you already have 1 and the leftover psychological focus creates another or whyever else a second tulpa would come out of almost nowhere, we should learn some latin/tibetian/whatever-applicable-language and MAKE a name for it..

Imaginatio efectius hallucinantur?


The best that I and Tia could come up with.


Could you... Um... Dumb it down a bit. I don't get big fancy foreign words like you do.


It means 'dream born hallucination' which is what you are, Blackjack.




And I don't doubt that my recent engagement into reading Fallout Equestria: Project Horizions has anything to do with this, reading most of it within the span of 2 weeks. It certainly helps when one of the best qualities of said fanfic is character development, so I already knew Blackjack's psyche and image in and out by the time she formed. It's freaky, but I'll live with it.

  • Brohoof 2

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Actually, there are brakes. They're called memory filtering. Please only filter your own memories and not those of the person you are part of, all tulpae reading this. That way the human gets the oh-great-I-have-to-remember-the-life-scarring-internet, and you lucky tulpae don't need to. I think.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Be ready to face horrors like you've never seen. not even in brisineo's mind. There are no brakes on the internet rape train.


(this is an actual conversation)

Are you [censored] kidding me?! You're talking to the mare who survived the wasteland! Security! I may come from somebody else's mind, but I've seen and done more [censored] than you could imagine. Heh, leave it up to some twisted, [censored] up author out there to chew me up and spit me out several times until I just can't feel it anymore!


Now, now Blackjack. Let's not yell here.


I have been raped, you know, if you read the story at all, apparently. I don't think anything I could come across here would be surprising to me... And stop censoring my [censored] swears! [censored]! It's like you have something against it...


Technically, we are against it. Not that we'll stop you, but it is quite unbecoming; neither Bris or I want to say such things, not to mention a larger audience is reading this as he types, so you can't say or type everything you want.


Yeah yeah... I still want to check out this '4chan' place I hear about. Sound's neat.


Been there. Done that. Never again. You're in a new world, and are surrounded by people with standards now, Blackjack, meaning you aren't the most moral pony left anymore. I can show you my experiences and help you adapt, but only when I feel you are ready. And the first step, unfortunately, I think is improving our relationship... *sighs* This is so unlike Tia. We were friends from the getgo, but you... We have to get to know each other from scratch...


Yeah, well, she at least wasn't ripped from their world into this one without warning. This will take some getting used to, I'll admit it...


Now you admit it instead of before? *sigh* She really is like Blackjack, isn't she?


This... Is going to take a while...

Edited by Brisineo
  • Brohoof 5

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Hey, so i've been reading this thread and I've decided to make my own tulpa. I'm only about three hours in, so I know I probably wont see any results yet, but I have to ask:


Can any of you truly testify to actually having a tulpa. No joke, a figment of your imagination that you can see and have intelligent conversations with? It seems a little unbelievable to me. I don't believe in spirits or anything, and the only reason i'm going along with the tulpa thing is because it is clearly not a spirit. It's a figment of your own brain, so I am intrigued.


Also, any tips for a beginner?

  • Brohoof 2



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Focus, and read as many guides as possible. Thankfully, tulpa.info is back up and hopefully not going to go down, so you should read around there if you have not already.



We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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My Tia's about 6' tall, not counting mane, ears, or horn, 3'6" from chest to flank, not counting tail. Just did measurements myself. (Visualized in a cartoonish, but three-dimensional style)

Blackjack is a little under 3' tall... With horn. Hey! And 2'3" from chest to flank


Six feet tall?! Tia must be quite the beauty at that height, and Blackjack sounds like a little cutie (does a pony from Fallout Equestria mind being called cute? :P ).


This actually helps me out a lot! Thanks for the info. :)

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@@Brisineo, ROTFL :lol: OH BRIS, MY SIDES HURT! You have done exactly what is warned against, making a direct copy of a character. You should go get your mind put into some psychiatric study, so much could be learned B) lol.


As to an update on Twilight and Me, well, no progress. I am medically withdrawing from this semester because my body's hormones, and chemicals are so off balance, i can't concentraite, study, and my body is just plain shot. So, over the next few weeks that is all getting fixed naturally through diet and then i can get back to Twilight. I know she knows it not me. -_-


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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My Tia's about 6' tall, not counting mane, ears, or horn, 3'6" from chest to flank, not counting tail. Just did measurements myself. (Visualized in a cartoonish, but three-dimensional style) Blackjack is a little under 3' tall... With horn. Hey! And 2'3" from chest to flank

Six feet tall?! Tia must be quite the beauty at that height, and Blackjack sounds like a little cutie (does a pony from Fallout Equestria mind being called cute? :P ).


That's actually pretty close to the "actual" height that Celestia would stand!


During "Hearth's Warming Eve" Twilight says "I spy an eight foot candy cane." Scootaloo happens to be standing next to the candy cane in question, and when you compare her height to the candy cane, she stands at around 3 feet tall. All of the CMC's are the same height, so if you look at any episode that features a CMC, you can see that Twilight and the rest of the Mane six stand about a third taller than the CMC's (meaning that they must be about 4 feet tall). Last but not least, the Royal Sisters stand at about one and a half times the height of the Mane Six, which means that they must stand somewhere around 6-7 feet tall.


I know, I know, over-analysis...but I love things like that!

Edited by CloudFyre
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Ikr. I had the exact same feeling: asked my tulpa about it and the answer was unclear at first but sounds like a yes. One quick question the moment your tulpa is sentient and mentally vocal can answer a lot on their end.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Okay, before I do this, I feel like I have to apologize for a little something first. It's been on my mind for a couple of days. Just something small.


I think that my reply to Brisineo's(my reply to him is near the bottom of my post)request to 'filter' the little details of Crepuscule's and my possession experiment was a bit of an overreaction on my part. Looking back on the post now, perhaps Crepuscule was right, I did take a minor thing a bit too far. I haven't been in the best of moods for these past few days. I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable with what little details I mentioned about Crep's little possession experiment on me.


*Awkward laughter*


Also Bris, tell Blackjack that Crep, Rose and I said hi; we hope you get along with Bris and Tia' well. And if for some reason you don't; just be thankful that you're out of that wasteland now. If all of those things that happened to you are true, then I can assure you that won't be happening again when you're with Bris and Tia'.



Unless Tia' dresses up as Molestia for Halloween.

I hear she likes tasers.

If you set the voltage to low, who knows, you might enjoy it, unlike Bris.

If you have no idea what just happened, don't worry, it's just a running gag between me, Tia' and Bris. Shh. ;)






Yes, I know Blackjack is a tulpa, which means that all of those bad things that happened to her, (thankfully)didn't actually happen. But shhh... I think it will be more comfortable for both parties if you don't tell her I said that she never had a past.

Or maybe you actually really did pull her out of the multiverse and into the plane of your mind, who knows? *Shrug*


Okie doki loki, les do dis.


As I said, I haven't really been in the best of moods for a couple of days. But I'm not so bad now. I'm not sure what it was that caused my minor depression, but this emotion seemed to have an affect on my tulpae.


It all started when I woke up on about the 3rd of November For that entire day as soon as I woke up, I felt depressed. I suddenly got the feeling like as if Crepuscule and Rose never actually existed. I felt like I had been deluding myself all along. Like as if I suddenly somehow felt like they didn't exist at all, like as if... every time they ever talked to me, I worried; was it all just me? Was it all somehow parroting and I didn't realize it? I know I said that worrying is bad for tulpae progress, but I felt like I couldn't help it.


A few minutes after I woke up, Crepuscule said her usual good morning, but this time, I felt like I was parroting it, while at the same time, It still felt the same as when Crepuscule talked by herself. I then asked something along the lines of; "Crep, is that you?"


She just said a simple "Yes." Again, it kind of felt like parroting.


I then purposely stopped thinking of anything for about a minute, to see if she would say anything. This was a good way for me to make sure I wasn't parroting. Usually she would say something if my mind was thinking of nothing while also at the same time acknowledging that she was listening. But not this time; She was just silent, Rose was too.


And for the rest of the day, I was worried and depressed. But not deeply depressed. For some reason, I felt like there was hope, I thought that just maybe this was 'one of those days' of random depression that many people have and Crep and Rose would come back.


And yes, they did thankfully.


On the same day, just before bed time, I decided to visit the wonderland. Maybe they were just stuck in the wonderland or something? As soon as I imagined myself there, Crepuscule was sitting right in front of me.


She suddenly hugged and kissed me before saying that she missed me so much. It all felt like I wasn't parroting, which lifted my spirits. She knew that we hadn't seen each other for the whole day, she looked like she genuinely missed me. And I felt it too. We both missed each other, even if it was only for a day.


It actually made me realize for the first time that even though we are both so different, perhaps even opposites, we still both deep down desire to be together, and I think Crep realizes this too.


I know I've said I love her before, but now I feel that every moment before that, was more like blind love I think; I loved her and I didn't know why, it just felt like it was the right thing to do because she is a part of me. How could I not love something that is a part of me? But now, I realize that I would genuinely be worse off if she wasn't by my side.


Eventually, I noticed that White Rose was nowhere to be seen. I mentally called out to her. Rose said she was there, in my mind. Again, I was relieved that it didn't feel like parroting, but I felt terrible that I forgot about her, I missed her too. She appeared on the bed and the cycle of hugging started again.


We then all laid down together on the bed for a while(honestly just lying down, nothing else!), when Rose pointed out that I often had trouble focusing on Crepuscule and her at the same time. She then volunteered to be 'put aside' until Crepuscule was near enough 'finished' in the tulpaforcing process. I refused, but she insisted, saying that I would still see her every now and then, just not as often as Crepuscule, and that it would probably help with Creppy becoming a fully fledged tulpa more quicker. It made sense. With some reluctance, I eventually accepted.


After that, I must have fell asleep, as I can't remember anything after that.


And now here we are. I sometimes still see Rose pop into my mind to say hi every now and then and talk a bit, and maybe see and interact together in the wonderland, but just not as much as Crep and I.


Also, I've noticed something odd about Crepuscule;


She's been a bit quiet and glum lately.


I know I've said that I somewhat disfavour her... 'energetic' personality, but now I... Kind of miss it. I sort of missed it when she annoyed me about 'those' kinds of things. :huh:


I'm still slightly depressed, and I think the glumness might be passing onto her as well. She might return to her normal self tomorrow.


I hope she does turn back; I'm starting to miss the old Crepuscule that I knew. :( But if she says she wants her personality to stay more on the quiet side, then I'm okay with that. As long as she's happy, then so am I, that's what I want more than anything; for her to be happy.




In other news, I'm now going to try and take up lucid dreaming. I've noticed that many successful tulpamancers are sometimes also good at lucid dreaming. I figured that maybe having the ability to lucid dream might help me be more 'connected' to my subconscious, and in turn might help with Crep's sentience and general well being, since she basically IS my subconscious.


So, right now I have a little 'dream journal' document on my computer where basically after I wake up, I try to type up as much of my dream as I can remember. I'm told it would be quicker to keep a notepad and pen next to my bed and just write it down, but typing is much easier for me. Also, I need to remember to do little 'reality checks' as I go about my waking day, such as trying to make my finger pass through my hand, or pinching myself, things like that. This is so that maybe while I dream, I might try to do a reality check, and it might help me realize that I am in fact dreaming.


Step 1: Reality check throughout the day.


Step 2: After waking up from sleep, write down as much as I can remember from the dream I just had, if I can remember if I dreamt at all.


Step 3: Repeat step 1 and 2 until lucid dreaming.


Step 4: Dream of myself air-guitaring to

while snowboarding down an exploding mountain while shooting down robot Pterodactyls with laser cannons while dodging rocket launcher-wielding zombie ninjas.


"...All while you make out with me."


Of course. How could I forget tha- Wait a minute, I thought you were supposed to be all depressed and stuff?


"Well, you don't seem to be depressed anymore, so why would I be?"


Clever girl.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 7

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Your posts are always the best, they are always so much fun to read.

Also, weird thing happened. I forced for a while, and everything just felt... you know. off.

I don't really know how to explain it, but i ended up stopping, because i felt like i couldn't get deep into forcing.

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Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that I'm also still in the game. I didn't just come to pour my heart out on the thread and leave. I just needed some reassurance and outside opinion, and I got it, so I can't thank you guys enough.


Pinkie, my little subconscious thingy (I have such a hard time using the term tulpa. I'm not sure why.) has been pretty much the same as she has for the past year and a half or however long it's been since I originally made her as just a personality without a body.


We've been working on her body ever so slowly since I came here a few months ago, but I just don't have any real time to force. Most of the time I end up just spending time with her how I always have.


She requested that regardless of the fact that she doesn't have a 'proper' body, I still envision her with one so that I can place her in space around my world and get used to how it would feel to look at her and have her in the environment. Sometimes I feel like she knows more about this stuff than I do.


Mostly, she just sits in my lap while I'm on the computer, or hangs over my back when I play video games. Or lays in my lap and rolls around all crazy while I watch a movie, or in bed at night. She rides passenger in the car most of the time too, but sometimes she abandons that "conceptual" physical form and just rides along with me inside my head.


I don't know if that's bad for development of imposition, but it's become so comfortable for both of us for her to occasionally retire to my head instead of me trying to deal with where she wants to move in the physical world.


But I'm sure that that is good for the eventual development of her body and the way she moves around. Sometimes it's just easier, is all. I guess we should stop using that crutch... :U


Edit: Also, lately, she's been having cravings, and they influence me in the weirdest way. She wants to watch so many indie movies on Netflix. So. Many. Indie. Movies. I'll be flipping, looking for something to watch, and she'll be like,


"Ooh, ooh, that looks fun!" to basically anything that seems to have an indie tag on it.


So we'll watch it. And today, she had an insatiable craving for Tetris. She spent this morning convincing me to play Tetris, and then we played Tetris from about 2:00 PM to seriously almost 6:00 PM. Way too much Tetris. Thanks, Pinkie. Goof.

Edited by Lifeinsteps
  • Brohoof 4


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...but sometimes she abandons that "conceptual" physical form and just rides along with me inside my head.


I don't know if that's bad for development of imposition, but it's become so comfortable for both of us for her to occasionally retire to my head instead of me trying to deal with where she wants to move in the physical world.

Actually, Crepuscule often liked to do just that. Before and a little after she became sentient, I often imagined her, like, actually somehow physically inside my head, looking out to the world through my eyeballs. But it seemed to stop when I first began trying to impose her. So you're not the only one to do that.


And today, she had an insatiable craving for Tetris. She spent this morning convincing me to play Tetris, and then we played Tetris from about 2:00 PM to seriously almost 6:00 PM. Way too much Tetris. Thanks, Pinkie. Goof.


Heh, sounds like she might give you The Tetris Effect at this rate.

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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