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music Favourite vocaloid and vocaloid song?


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Who is your favourite vocaloid, and what's your favourite vocaloid song? For me, it would have to be fan-favourite Miku! Those cute twintails just melt my heart.


Luka and IA are pretty great vocaloids too. As for the song, it would have to be Yume yume. 


  • Brohoof 1
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My favorite is Gumi. I like her voice, and in some songs it's hard to tell that it's a vocaloid and not a real human singing. I like Miku and Luka too.

As for my favorite song, I can't pick just one. I like the whole Evillious Chronicles, and many songs by different vocaloids, so I'd just post something off the top of my head:




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I'm not super into vocaloid stuff at all, but I do appreciate Miku as an adorable character. Also these two songs. First is one that I stumbled across and instantly added to my jam playlist. Second is a meme.






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I’m not a fan much of the vocaloid but I heard some to know which one are considered as my favorite. I like Oliver, since most of his song are creepy/mysterious and old folklorey. This is my favorite song from him

its actually about a serial killer, Albert Fish and I think this song is pretty creative and gives this strange vibe. When you played forward the song, it takes on Albert’s view. When you played it in backward, it takes on the victims’ view.  The ending quoted  Albert’s actual letter about his last victim, Grace before he was caught. 

The rest, I personally prefer the older songs from them like in 2012s since it more Victorian and classy, like “Alice human sacrifice”. Now, not so much. It’s annoying.

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Miku's my favourite by far, but Luka's pretty good too, and for a time I was into v flower as well. Honestly I don't listen to any others all that much, I'm more of a straight-up Hatsune Miku fan than I am of Vocaloid as a whole, haha.

It's hard to pick any one song, but Kodoku by AVTechNO! is an absolute classic for me. It's the very first Vocaloid song I ever listened to, and the one that got me into Hatsune Miku many years ago. ^^ Also coincidentally "kodoku" translates to "loneliness" (according to Google), which is basically the story of my life.




Unhappy Refrain by Wowaka is a close second though, as I'm finding it to be pretty relatable at the moment.




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I'm only slowly getting into Vocaloid so my taste is kind of entry level, lol. These are my favourites, first song is the first one I hears a few years back, second song is fricking goooood





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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/22/2019 at 7:18 PM, Odyssey said:

second song is fricking goooood



That's because Mitchie M is a genius in tuning. Ai Dee is definitely a wonderful tune to listen to. I recommend his latest Cutie Angels as well, it's just as great.


It's really hard to come up with my favourites.

Design wise: IA

Projected fan personality like: Megurine Luka

Music like: Hatsune Miku


But I know perfectly well which song is my favourite...

This is my go-to stress relief. Whenever I feel angry, helpless, lost. Whatever. I listen to this. And it just helps me calm down and gather my thoughts. It has a miraclous influence on the state of my mind.

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Miku definitely. She has a tonne of songs I love, but my favourite is probably Odds & Ends. Can't wait to see her again live in Toronto.

That said, I've been listening to Una a lot recently as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Hatsune Miku all the way. The whole concept of vocaloids is amazing though and i appreciate them all. As for songs, there are just too many to choose favorites. There are way too many amazing vocaloid producers to name too, but some of my favorites off the top of my head are:




Mitchie M



Clean Tears




And too many more.

This is one of my favorite songs lately:


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