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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Mine is named after Gernia from Yu-Gi-Oh! It's not a great card, but I love the name and the design of the monster. It may seem hideous, but I find it to be a beautiful kind of hideous.



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My favorite game of all time is World of Warcraft. I have spent an unhealthy amount of time playing it. It's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.


I've adventured through all of the game's race's starting zones, and the one that interested me the most was the Death Knight's. I've gone through it at least a dozen times on different characters because of how fascinating the lore and quests are. One of the characters in this questline is named Baron Rivendare. I first encountered him in Stratholme (before the Wrath of the Lich King expansion), where you slay him for a quest to save what is essentially a hostage. Then, he is resurrected by the Lich King and helps your newly created Death Knight along his/her path of doom.


After the opening zone, he retreats to Naxxramas and becomes one of the new "Four Horsemen". I was drawn to his character because of his design, and his pure insanity. He is lethally committed to the Lich King and will stop at nothing to achieve his sinister goals. He's awesome.








This was even the first avatar I used on the forums after switching my name to "Rivendare" a few days after joining:



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My name I'd obviously from my OC, but he's sort of more than just that. When I first got into roleplaying, I played on wow as a younger character named rellenor, and I met so many people that I cherished deeply through it. And maybe that sense and love of friendship was why mlp resonated with me so much. I mean the show sort of reminds me of those days where my time was spent in a magical land making friends and even learning about losing friends. And also making that character, rell, opened up my creativeness too. I owe a lot of who I am today to wow and rell.


So there was a while between I started watching mlp and when I stopoed roleplaying on mmos and junk. But when my brother introduced me to it, a little bit of rell came back to me. So when I joined the site I decided that my name would have to do with rell in some way. So I got stumped and decided to work him into an oc. Bright and bastion came up in different names in a name generator so I put them together and that was my name.



Both of us have names with deep roots in wow huh? Lol. I knew we would be friends!

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So, my username is skbl17. At first glance, it seems like a random string of letters and numbers, but there's an actual meaning behind it. To see it, we have to break down "skbl17" into two parts.


skbl17 = skbl + 17


The skbl is short for "school bus lover" (if you want to know why it's then not "scbl" instead of "skbl", it has to do with Gmail.) When I was younger, I was a school bus enthusiast. I was fascinated by these giant yellow vehicles that are given the monumental task of getting millions of students to and from school every day. You could say that I became a bit obsessed; I had several school bus models, owned a red notebook full of school bus drawings, and could name almost every brand of school bus (IC, Thomas, AmTran, Ward, Blue Bird, etc.) and could even tell what year they were from just by looking at the exterior and listening to the engine note. I'm not like that anymore, but I can't deny the fact that I was an enthusiast. Looking back on those days, I will admit that it was an odd phase of my life, but it was just as much a part of me as black hair and glasses.


The 17 is much simpler. That's how old I was when I created this account and my "skbl17" accounts on all related websites.

Edited by skbl17
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I was oft told the pen is mightier than the sword. I always got annoyed at that. 


"Yeah, say that when the blade is to your throat." I thought. The phrase sounded so condescending. It was always uttered by people who would never stand for anything. To those speakers, danger was always something far away and they preferred it that way. Not to say I wished violence and strife to be visited upon me, but if such does, I'm not going to throw my hands up in surrender and let red tape save me after the aggressor has made me a victim.


Later in life, I discovered a work called The Book of Five Rings written by Samurai and greatest swordsman to have ever lived, Miyamoto Musashi. My favorite quote from that work is,


"The pen and sword, in equal accord."


That made so much more sense to me! If the pen represented art, communication, expression and the sword represented physical action then it was my belief one needed both. Strength without direction is destruction, but knowledge without strength is impotence.


Swords are made out of steel so I took the phrase and turned it into my username and ponysona name.


Steel Accord.  :)

Edited by Steel Accord
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If I remember correctly, I was tuning in to the live chat on Everfree's show "Saturday Night Songs" with Michelle Creber, and I eventually went with a username. Rainbow Dash mentioned a place called "Baltimare" in Season 2 ("It's About Time"), so I made it a demonym and joined the chat. Final Draft even chose a question of mine to ask Michelle which was super cool.  :yay:  He seemed to assume I was from Baltimore, though. heh

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Isn't there already a topic about this?


When I was younger (~10), I was playing a French video game called "Blobzone" (it doesn't exist anymore) where you had to raise a blob. The currency of the game was the "Blobule", I just added a "l" to make a pun with "blob" and "bulle" (bubble in French).
I've always used that username on the Internet, even though I don't really like it anymore.

Edited by Blobulle
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Bradley's my internet identity. And Lord's my title in my group of friends, awarded to me after some true heroics(shenanigans) where I almost lost my life to save the other!(Took the blame for something horrendously stupid we did). And so, I deemed fit to be named Lord Bradley, Lord of Mysteries.(Mystery is no longer in my username, but I'll explain anyway. I've basically had a Question mark as my "Emblem" for a long time in pretty much everything, and most of the people I know have started to associate me with it. Fun.)

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@,  @@KrazyDashie


I merged a couple threads into this one that were also dealing with username origins/meanings.  Please remember to do a search for existing threads before posting one of your own.  Thanks!

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@, @@KrazyDashie,


I merged a couple threads into this one that were also dealing with username origins/meanings. Please remember to do a search for existing threads before posting one of your own. Thanks!

I don't think I recall making a thread about a username. O.o
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Because Commander Shepard (from the game "Mass Effect") is the biggest badass in gaming.

No one pushes him around and tells him what to do and he won't hesitate to kick ass when the time comes to do so.

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It is a mixture of my name with my two last names. [Puerto Ricans have two last names; the first last name is of the father's, and the last last name is from the mother's.]


Na[talia] + Me[first last name] + R [first letter of my last name] + ia [last two letters of Natalia.] = Nameria

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